The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper looked at the book and then up at Valandil as if remembering something. "Thank you" she states and her eyes follow his stick looking at his drawing.
Valindil then started to draw a roof on top of what looked like a normal house. He drew the door and windows. Next he added the garden. Then without really paying attention he drew 4 figures in front of the house. Then as he realized what he was drawing a memory came back into his mind. He was running from something. He turned around to see a large fire. He was gripping a small hand which turned out to be his little brother. The fire surged and destroyed what looked like a house with a garden out front. He then took the stick and started to swipe at the ground angrily until there was nothing left but scratch marks.
Juniper frowned watching him destroying his drawing "stop stop stop" she begs softly she grabs at the stick trying to stop it from scratching out the drawing. Her voice a little louder "stop" she repeats not sure what else to say. What he was doing wasn't violent or hurting anything, but for some reason it scared her.
Valandil looked up at Juniper, his eyes wide and his face showing a scared expression. He was actually got scared when she grabbed the sick in his hand. He then threw the stick on the ground and focused on breathing. His expression went back to the way it normally was. He then looked up and said "Uh, um, sorry. I don't know what came over me." he said hoping that she had not picked up on his frightened emotion before.
Juniper looks at the fire feeling like she as invading his privacy by looking at him while he was upset. "Are you scared?" she whispers trying to change the subject.
Had she noticed his face? He quickly asked "Scared of what?" as he put both hands close to the fire trying to warm them up.
He relaxes a bit and says "Oh. I'm only scared of the fact that I know practically nothing about them. I can't help but wonder what they are like though.
"Stories? What stories." Now that he thought about it. He had heard some of the other elves back at the orphanage talk about some Dark Elves. He couldn't remember why though.
"About how the Dark Elves they snatch little elves from their sleep if they don't eat their vegetables." she smiles remembering all the times she would hide under the covers afraid to go asleep because she didn't want to eat her vegetables.
"At the orphanage, our headmaster told not to believe stories like that. I always thought that King Calaer knew more about it then we would ever be told. He did briefly think about all the times he had not eaten his vegetables though.
Juniper shrugs "I don't think anyone remembers the dark elves. I mean they are still elves aren't they? Maybe they aren't that different."
"Yea. But then again, if they were a little more like us they would be closer. Sometimes I wonder how far their village is from here."
"I would think so." He then takes a book out of a bag at his side a looks inside for a moment. "Hmm just like I thought. This book is a log of the different species in the world. For dark elves, it just says "Relatives to the race of light elves."
Juniper looks at the book "How come you brought so many books?" she asks "aren't they heavy?" She looks at her bag wondering if the book that he gave her would fit.
Valandil laughed to himself for a moment before smiling and saying "I like to read. In fact most of what I learned for martial arts was through books. I managed to bring some but not all.
"You didn't practice against anybody?" she asks not sure what to think of the statement. She looks at the book he gave her "I don't think I'll be able to learn from a book."
"We'll I do remember practicing with my brother a couple times. They never ended really well though. Also I use my own kind of style.
"Actually he did." Valandil jerked his head toward a tent. "His name is Axel." (Tamura controls Axel, and I know him in RL but he's never on so I kinda didn't know how to respond lol)
"For me, he can be a bit irritating sometimes. But really is a good brother. You can't choose family, especially when they are all you have left."

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