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"..And they loved with a love that was more..."
Below is a way for your Fellow RPers to know where you are at the beginning of the RP:

Present Day (Human Realm) :

Present Day (Otherworld Realm) :

Present Day (Equal Grounds) :


Present Day (Otherworld Realm) :

The air was thick. For a regular human it would probably be hard to breath but Riah wasn't a normal human and hadn't been her whole life yet that was something she didn't find out 'til a few years ago though and as she sat in the abandoned library in the Otherworld realm, she skimmed the letters that were so familiar to her now. The wind blew, allowing the dust that had collected in the building to lift and dance, Riah's hair even slapped her face and she had to put the book down in order to push the black strands of hair out of her face. She sighed, unsure of how long she had been there in the library before she heard voices outside and nearly fell out of her chair as she dove behind one of the shelves. The Otherworld realm was a difficult place to understand and very few people in this realm knew of her appearances here and she wanted to keep it that way; considering who she was. It would be an advantage for someone, that was against trying to mend the rifts, if they were to find her because, as much as she tried to run away from her destiny, she knew she had to bring the other Awakened ones together. Her and Lawrence, as well as his family, were the only ones that she knew of, that knew what was going on with the glamour wall and during her time spent in the Otherworld realm, she had stumbled upon this abandoned library. This library held secrets that she was unsure anyone else knew about, and she hoped it would be the key to helping her find the other Awakened. So as long as she kept hidden and kept others from finding or even destroying this place, she had time to research, that is until school starts...

Present Day (Otherworld Realm) :

Travaron sipped on the pale, golden colored drink as the Beings around him chattered quietly in the bar, their words all jumbling together as they met with his ears and as he sat there, trying to hear everyone's conversation, he finally picked up on something that he had been waiting for all day.
".....I had seen it the other day when I was walking past the athenaeum, just a shimmer I tell you but it was there!" The troll slammed his fists down on the table he was at, toppling the drinks, that were all on the table, onto the floor.
Travaron took this opportunity to 'help' clean the mess as he slithered his way into the conversation, "sorry to intrude but...which athenaeum are you referring to?" He placed the goblets onto the surface of the table and stood up-right, keeping a heavy gaze on the troll and his comrades.
The troll seemed weary at first but after a moment he began to speak, "You believe me little elf do ya?" the insult went over Travaron as he waited for the trolls directions, "its the only construct that stays in the ruin," the troll responded as he took his seat.
Without another word Travaron turned on his heel, went back to the bar, and finished his drink, "keep the change," he told the barkeep as he placed his coin on the counter before leaving the establishment.

Mianigh Mianigh CystalChompound CystalChompound Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
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Present day: Otherworld realm => Human realm

(Human, Goblin)

Tup was hunting fogs outside of some old building that some stupid humans had builded ages ago near of swamp, where she lived. Tup's way to hunt was run to frog and hit with her club to it, she had already two dead frogs tied to her belt. As she runned towards third frog, frog noticed her and started jumping away, towards pond. Tup screamed in gobling and tried to cut to front of frog when suddenly library's garden and frog vanished.

Tup stopped still as she looked around. "Where is frog? Where is garden?" Suddenly there was horrible noise and as Tup looked towards where that noise was coming, huge monster was running towards her! Tup dashed out of it's way only to hear another horrible noise and smaller monster was coming from the way where huge was still running. After Tup again dashed out of reach of monsters and to safety, she got time to collect her breath and then she noticed that she wasn't green. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
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Dennis turned the knob of his front door and pushed it open for the first time in months. The darkness from inside seemed to swallow the sunlight as it swung open on rusted hinges. The unicorn's pale skin seemed almost translucent at this point, the dark circles under his eyes sunk deeply into his skin, but despite his bedraggled state, he was still strangely beautiful. His eyes were a clear, crystal blue, his hair silver and wavy as always no matter how much time passed. In his natural form he was truly a perfect being.

From a neighbor's window their dog started barking, startling Dennis into action. He threw on a thick black overcoat that disguised his body and grabbed a set of keys from his pocket, locking the door to his inner city townhouse behind him.

It was time for the semi-yearly grocery run. As a unicorn, Dennis knew that human markets were dangerous for him. His unnatural appearance often drew the gazes of other shoppers and at times, their unwarranted conversation. Otherworld markets, however, were much more appealing to him. Granted at times the wares they dealt in were a bit strange-- bat wings, newt eyes, frog tongues-- and their origins sometimes seedy-- there is no FDA in the Otherworld-- but overall it was a much preferable and familiar experience to him. He knew his local shopkeeper, Emilia, by name. He had know her parents, grandparents, and their parents as well. Maybe this time he could even barter for a discount from her, though her fiery and stubborn personality convinced him otherwise. Bundled in against the cold, he trudged onward.


Lawrence was lost. At first he had been following Riah into the Otherworld- NOT in a creepy way, just to keep track of her. He had grown up on this side of the portal and knew the ins and outs of the people that lived here, the danger they presented. Still, at one point Riah had ducked between some building and gone down a side street or something and despite his familiarity with the landscape, he was now utterly lost in searching for her. If only he were in the Otherworld, then he could transform and-o... this was the Otherworld! Lawrence's eyes widened, and he grinned as scales started to appear down his arms. The rate of spread increased and his human form expanded, changing until a red dragon about the size a short bus stood on all fours in the middle on the street. Pedestrian Otherworlders stepped around him obliviously as if they saw occurrences like this everyday, which it wouldn't be entirely strange if they did.

Lawrence raised his massive head, snake-like tongue shooting out to taste the air for his classmate's scent. That way. Massive wings shot out, nearly hitting the buildings on either side of the two-lane road and sending a breeze that knocked some people's hats off. Then he flapped, driving himself into the air several meters high above the town before soaring over the streets of the Otherworld towards the historical town library. It was a average enough looking location, almost like one you might find in the human realm despite many of the buildings around it having a touch of realm-like magic to them. Lawrence dived to land on the rooftop, clinging partially to the vines growing on its side and trying not to destroy it with his monstrous weight.

Black claws gripped red roof tiles, sending a few chunks sliding off the side to plummet down to the ground. "Oops," the red dragon grumbled, the base tenor of growl sending a few more tumbling downwards. He'd have to clean that up later. After a few seconds he was in his human form again and fully clothed. Luckily there was a small windowed room at the peak of the roof for him to crawl to. Slowly he climbed towards it then slid into the cramped dusty room through a destroyed and ancient window. The glass was so old that the minute he touched it with his hand it turned into a fine mist rather than cutting him. He struggled to hold his breath and covered his mouth with the front of his red Nike sweatshirt.
"Riah?" he whispered into the dust not expecting a response. Sure enough, there was silence. Then he spotted a hatch and ladder leading down into the less destroyed floors of the library.
"I hope you're really here, *cough*."
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The ears on Riah twitched as she heard the beating of Lawrence's wings in the air, heading her way, and her eyes flitted across the room as if trying to see which direction he was coming from. She was about to head back to her book when she heard it again, the strange noise that made her hide and allowed her eyes to adjust more to the dim lit library. That's when she noticed the goblin a bit hidden amongst the garden before her and she watched her quietly as she chased a frog. Riah knew Lawrence had landed when the building shook a bit and the tiles from the roof began crashing into the ground behind her. The corner of her mouth curved upward, almost in a half smile, as she knew her friend would find her eventually but what she didn't expect was that she would have to disappear from him again. It was less than a minute when the scene played out before her. The seemingly innocent goblin who was chasing her prey in the garden was suddenly gone in a flash and Riah knew she had slipped through the rift. "Shit." The word escaped her lips before she jolted up and ran straight towards the rift, practically jumping through so she could follow the goblin.
As she slipped through, the abandoned library began buzzing with life around her but Riah, not missing a beat, continued on the way that, she assumed, the goblin had gone. People were honking and cursing out their windows as a small child ran across the street, dodging cars left and right, "got ya," she took off after her again. Riah, nearly having a few close calls herself, was able to make it across the street and finally managed to catch up to the goblin, "hey, stop..." she said breathlessly.

He strode across the busy city as he headed for the abandoned library, trying to think how he could miss the rift there. He knew he had search all floors of the building, every crevice possible, but nothing had appeared to him. Travaron looked over his shoulder, hands in his pockets and his weapon strapped to his back, to see if he was being followed as he continued on his way. He could feel adrenaline pumping through his veins and it only got more intense as a dragon flew overhead towards the library. He could see him land on the building, but the dragons alternate form was hard to make out since the building was still so far away. He wondered what exactly a dragon would be doing there and it only made him more curious. Travaron began to quicken his step, not wanting to miss an opportunity again to see the rift and if possible, even go through it himself.
Present day: Human realm
MirMonster13 MirMonster13
(Human, Goblin)

Tup was in full panic mode. What has happened to her? Why her skin is so ugly and what has happened to her face, ears and hair? Then suddenly she heard human talking to her and then she understood, human had done this to her! She picked up her club and started to flailing it towards human yelling. "Huuman turns Tup back! Huuman turns Tup back!"
Riah - Present day: Human realm
She took a few steps back trying to avoid the club, "Wait.. no... listen"
Finding an opening, she grabbed the club and pulled the goblin, who looked like a child now, closer to her, "listen, I didn't do this to you but I can help you understand if you just come with me." Riah wasn't used to her abilities all that much but being a psychic vampire she did her best to calm the goblin down. "I'm not full human, if you would just come back to my place I can explain everything.."

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
Present day: Human realm
MirMonster13 MirMonster13
(Human, Goblin)

Tup yelped when human suddenly pulled her towards human by club. As she stared in human's eyes she started feeling dizzy, she wasn't sure if it was human's doing or if she was just so hungry. But it didn't matter what she was thinking of be reason, as she let go of her club, falled to her side and started snoring.​
Riah - Present day: Human realm
As the goblin fell to the ground, Riah felt she was to blame and perhaps over used her abilities. "Nothing to see here people, move along," she said to the wandering eyes that bore into them as people walked by. Riah picked the goblin up and began carrying her home, wondering if Lawrence would just meet her at her house or at school later. The thought of school made Riah realize it was almost time for classes to start and she tossed the small child over her shoulder before she took off in a full sprint towards home. Knowing the goblin would be dead weight, due to the fact that she's passed out, Riah expected her to be a lot heavier but that was not the case. She carried herself and the goblin up the hill with ease, gradually climbing the hill that would lead to her house. She began to slow her pace once it finally came into view and switched the goblin to her other shoulder, "may not be heavy but you still make me sore," she said as she adjusted the goblin. She reached down with her free hand and grabbed her phone, pressing the button on the side with her thumb so the screen would light up and show the time. The white numbers showed 6:27. "Still got time."
Riah rounded the corner on her left and walked up the steps that lead to her house, placing the phone back in her pocket, only to replace it with keys. She shuffled through them before she came to the key that would unlock her front door, but as she reach to put the key in the lock, the door was pulled open from the other side.
"Jesus! Ri what the hell?!" He sister Sadie almost jumped out of her own skin at the site of her younger sister. "Who's that?"
Riah looked from her sister to the passed out girl on her shoulder, "nobody, where are you going?"
Sadie walked around Riah and began tapping away on her cellphone, already forgetting that Riah was holding a strange child with no shoes. "Gonna catch some 'bucks with the crew, later."
Riah watched her sister descend the steps to their house and disappear around the corner before walking inside. Shutting the door behind her, she took two steps at a time up the stairs that lead to her room and set the goblin down on the bed. She looked at the goblin for a moment and then returned to her regular routine of prepping for the week-day.
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The streets were busy today, but then they always were this early in the morning as people went to work or to get coffee. It was just that Dennis, who was so reclusive in his lifestyle, had never ventured outside often enough to notice the impatience of humans. He stared in wonderment at the cars passing by him on the road, at the pedestrians looking down at their cell phones or talking into them from a distance. He still remembered when people had gotten around by horse and buggy. Things had really changed in this world since he had first stepped through the portal. The overwhelming cacophony of technology, car noises, and city stink had decimated this land, ripping trees from the ground and replacing them with broken sidewalks. It was a real pity that people these days would never see the stars the way he'd seen them only a few decades earlier.

A cluster of cars blared their horns from a four-way stop as a pair of human figures dashed across the road suddenly. They were nearly hit by a Ford pick-up truck and it was only by merit of the driver and the jaywalkers' fast legs that a fatal crash was avoided. What looked like a teenage girl and a munchkin carrying a club confronted one another on the side of the road. Things escalated with the club, though the confrontation didn't last long. Dennis didn't know what to make of the situation playing out before him. It reeked of Otherworld. From years of experience with human facing kinds, he immediately recognized the vampire, the teenage girl. The other one on the other hand... well there were many miniature races in the Otherworld. However, the club narrowed it down to goblin or leprechaun for him. He reached for the words to call out to them, surprising even himself with the forwardness of the action. Maybe it was the extended periods of loneliness catching up to him, maybe it was the excitement and adrenaline of this being the day of his semi-annual trip outside. Either way, his tongue knotted and his voice went hoarse immediately. Instead of saying words or even waving hello, he simply wheezed, his body freezing as the two girls hurried away. Too late now, they were already gone.

With little left to do now that the window of opportunity for interaction was gone, Dennis buried his face behind the front of his over-sized black coat and continued on his way to the Otherworld market. Unlike the jaywalking dimension hoppers, he waited at the crosswalk to get to the other side of the street. The air was starting to warm now that the sun was rising on the horizon. The portal was steps ahead in front of an old human library, just your typical inner city style though a few squares of roof tiles were now missing off the top, oddly enough.


Lawrence heard Riah shout "Shit!" from the bottom floor of the library. Thinking of the dangers that cry might entail, he felt tempted to curse himself. He hurried down the ancient creaky stairs, coughing and sputtering. He'd just tripped down the last few steps when he spotted his friend busting through the front door of the building and running out into the garden. As he stumbled after her through the thick and musty smell of mold, he banged his shins into several toppled bookcases so old they looked like defective refuse from an abandoned IKEA warehouse. He reached the front door and nearly broke it off its hinges getting outside, but as he came into the garden, Riah was already gone.

"Dammit!" Lawrence shouted. He'd have to transform again. Just where could Riah have gotten to in so little time, and where did she think she was going when school was about to start in an hour? Ever since they'd become friends he'd been constantly worrying himself about her. He knew he was on the verge of mothering her, an annoying habit that sometimes he couldn't help. It didn't help that he was constantly mulling over all the ways in which she could get herself into danger all the time. This world was so dangerous and she was so new to it. That wasn't even to mention how vampires were viewed in the society of the Otherworld. If she were ever to be caught alone by unsavory sorts then it could just as well prove a death sentence. The more he thought about it, the more convinced he was that the worst outcome was also the most possible one. Just what could he do to keep her safe other than stalking her. His stupid dragon brain just couldn't think of another way.

Footsteps approached from the street by the library. Lawrence looked up to see the approaching figure of a tall, dark skinned man with silver hair, a dark elf. But a dark elf in this part of town this early in the morning? The dragon's brow furrowed in confusion. Weren't dark elves normally nocturnal? He waited for the Drow to approach then stepped in front of him to block his way.
"Hey, excuse me," he said, trying to be as polite as possible so as not to insult. "Have you seen a young woman with black hair and all black clothes run by? We were supposed to meet, but I think she got bored and left." He smiled to further disguise his lie.
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Riah - Present day: Human realm
The steam wafted out of the bathroom with the cent of peppermint and tree oil lingering on it as Riah walked out, removing the towel that had been intertwined in her hair. She tossed the damp towel into the hamper across the room and walked towards the closet, pushing the double doors to the side to reveal her clothes inside. As she sifted through them, she tossed what she was going to wear onto the chair that sat in the corner of the room and then closed the doors before she began dressing herself. Once clothed, she went back into the bathroom and began brushing out the tangles in her hair before she brushed her teeth and placed her glasses gently on her face. Turning off the light and shutting the door behind her, she exited the bathroom again and looked at the goblin in front of her, "please rest until I get back," she said to her, unsure if the small child could hear her. Riah turned her back to the goblin as she left the room, shutting her door behind her and walked down the stairs again towards the kitchen. "Dad?" she called out. She could smell the fresh brew of coffee her father had made, unsure if he had already left for the day and when she entered the kitchen she received her answer as she saw her father place the bottle back in the cabinet. She watched as he took the spoon out of his cup, mixing the two, very different, liquids together before taking a careful sip of the hot liquid as he turned around to see Riah, a look of surprise on his face. "Hey, I'm about to head out." she said to him, almost mumbling.
"Alright baby girl, I'm off to work, did you want me to drive you?" deep circles were etched under his eyes and there was a haze that Riah recognized all too well.
"Nah, I'm good, I'm just gonna board there," she responded as she grabbed an apple off the table, putting it in her jacket pocket, before turning to head towards the door. "Love you, I'll see you later," she added . Riah grabbed her skate-board, that leaned against the wall by the door, and she left the walls of her home, shutting the door behind her.

Travaron - Present day: Otherworld Realm
He raised a brow, confused by the question that Lawrence asked, he looked around to see if the young man was talking to someone else, but he wasn't. The description of the girl only brought on more curiosity as he took another step further into the library. "I have only just arrived," Travaron responded, looking as innocent as any Dark Elf could. He was trying to keep these descriptions in his mind of the girl, but only recalled seeing the dragon and then it shifting. He had a feeling this one was the dragon he had seen earlier, "you are the only one I have seen here in this area." He stepped carefully, not wanting to trigger the dragon in any way as he spoke, "this girl you speak of.. could she have..." he chose his words carefully, "possibly wandered into the nearby forest or swamp?" His thoughts differed from that which he suggested, for he had a feeling this person, that the young dragon was looking, went through the rift. He wanted to get rid of the dragon as fast as possible, he needed to find the rift but he couldn't do that with him watching. Perhaps he would return later, when their city was quiet and he was alone to look for the rift. "I do hope you find who you're looking for," he added before turning to leave the library.
Sean and Mikoro
Otherwold realm local tavern.

Since becoming a ward of the witch a good fifteen years ago Sean O'Henry hadn't had so much as a minute of time to just unwind and have some time off. So when the mistress herself had tasked him with scouting out a local tavern for information on any possible rifts the gunslinging werewolf had jumped at the opportunity to do it. Of course Mikoro stick in the mud that he was had forced Sean to promise he wouldn't start any bar brawls like he had the last three times he'd taken such a task. Sean personally thought that man had a personal vendetta to keep him from having any fun but Sean had reluctantly agreed. So now Sean was sitting at a shadowy corner sipping a drink whilst occasionally glancing around. Suddenly a troll spoke up incredibly loudly, Sean's ear twitched as he realized the beasty was talking about rifts. The werewolf grinned a bit, it'd be quite a fun time when good old Sean came back to the fortress with information on rifts and the Sergeant Mikoro didn't turn up anything. "The abandoned library, that'll be interesting" Sean said to himself.
Suddenly the door was flung open as an ever familiar face entered the tavern. Mikoro. The blonde familiar looked around and spotted Sean. "Sean, something's come up we've got to go" Mikoro said. Sean threw his head back. "Aww come on Mik, I'm busy... And I've got a lead" Sean whispered the last part.
"Sean, Fyrie's missing" Mikoro interrupted fixing the werewolf with a glare. The gunslinger immediately stood up stock still.
"FYRIE! SHIT! Why didn't you lead with that. Let's go and save that little wild thing" Sean immediately stood up, tossed payment to the barkeep and immediately rushed out the door. Mikoro was right behind him. "The mistress has a few ideas of where she could've gone, a rift is one of them. But she's sent Balin and Hrothgar to check that one" Mikoro told the gunslinger as they both rushed down the street.

Balin and Hrothgar
Otherworld realm, the library
"Are you sure that thing works, this place is kind of a dump"? Balin and Hrothgar had set out immediately once the mistress had been unable to locate Fyrie's presence in the otherworld and they were relying on a prototype device Hrothgar had put together to find some kind of rift. The device looked ridiculous to Balin, it was some sort of rod affixed to a glowing gemstone. The rod was steadily moving side to side and the gem gave off a faint glow as the two beings made their way down an overgrown street.
"Insulting my creation is an insult to me. So watch your mouth missy. Of course it works, I haven't built something that doesn't work in a good hundred years" Hrothgar piped up. There was a major size difference between the two beings what with Balin's tallness and Hrothgar's well dwarfness. The gem suddenly began to glow incredibly bright, Hrothgar stopped and raised an eyebrow. They were in front of an old library.
"This is it? I don't see anything" Balin pointed out.
"We wouldn't if what the mistress said was correct. We look for a shimmer" Hrothgar pointed out to the human sized giant. Balin noted the way the library looked. "Do you think they'll be a problem" Balin said pointing over to the dragon and night elf whom were only a short bit away. The dwarf looked up surprised, he hadn't even noticed those two.
"Oh. Good morning gentlemen, good weather today eh" the dwarf called over to them causing Balin to exhale. Horthgar sucked at small talk and it was so obvious that the dwarf was more interested in looking around for anything that could be identified as a rift.
"Hey" Balin added not bothering to add anything else, giving a lazy wave towards the other two beings.
Mentions: MirMonster13 MirMonster13 Mianigh Mianigh

Human realm, woods.
Fyrie had to say, she was in quite a weird situation. The young phoenix was unaware of where she was in the slightest. She was making her way through a forested area trying to recognize where she was. Fyrie liked to think of herself as being an expert at directions (even though she really wasn't) and always felt embarrassed when she didn't know where she was. The weirdest part was that the mistress hadn't gotten in touch with her yet. In some way that Fyrie was unaware of the witch always seemed to know what her wards were up to and whenever she got lost the witch usually bailed her out or sent one of the others to bail her out.
That made Fyrie wonder what the others were up to and what they'd do if they found her in this sort of situation. Mikoro would probably be understanding, but a little condescending as he always was with her like she was some super childish youngster, which she might be but that didn't make it any better. Sean would be a little more understanding but she knew he'd make some kind of joke at her expense, the gunslinger did that to everyone. Hrothgar would ask if she was alright and all that jazz, while Balin would probably just say 'it's about time' and be done with it. Suddenly Fyrie found herself facing a wall of hair, a growling noise made her look up. It was a bear. "Oh hi" Fyrie said.
The bear didn't say anything back because as we all know bears cannot speak. The bear roared at the girl it towered over. A flicker of flame appeared in Fyrie's hand which caused the animal to back off and run away. "Okay bye, have a good day" Fyrie waved to the animal. A different sort of roar took her attention and Fyrie pushed her head through some bushes and found a road and a town. "Oh this must be town. The fortress is probably nearby" Fyrie said to herself satisfied now that she'd used her amazing sense of direction. She looked around before taking a few steps forward.
Dennis searched the portal with his hands, unsure of its exact location. Rifts to the Otherworld were more felt than seen, what with being invisible and all. His hand brushed through a spot of air that felt cold and different. As he stepped further into the gap of space there was a flex and snap of reality, and when the spots cleared from his eyes the unicorn found himself in Otherworld. There were a few others here as well: a dragon, a dark elf, a giant, and a dwarf. It was curious to see this assortment of creatures all interacting together at once. From his own experience, Otherworlders tended to stick with their own kind. Though having no "kind" of his own, that was simply an observation he had made back when he'd just been a horse.

Swiping a lock of silver hair out from under his glasses, Dennis made to give this strange group a wide berth. He had no plans to engage in social interaction at this time. Better to give the people their space and stick to the shadows as best a silver unicorn can. It wouldn't be too hard to avoid them as he was several meters away standing in some swamp water, swamp water which was now flooding his boots and seeping through the holes in his socks.

Schlick, schlick, gloorp. Dennis waded his way to dry land...


"Yeah, probably..." muttered Lawrence in response to the dark elf's ideas. It was possible that Riah had gone off into the swamps somewhere, but then she had been running, hadn't she? Where had she been running to? As he tried to think hard of a nearby place or person that would've attracted the young vampires attention, two more sets of footsteps began making their way towards the two of them, himself and the dark elf, and also the library. A voice called out to them, a gruff but sturdy voice with an unmistakably Dwarven accent.

"Oh. Good morning gentlemen, good weather today eh?"
"Hello, sir," Lawrence responded politely. "Fairer than usual, bit chilly."

The dwarf was an easy spot. A race of short and sturdy people, they were known for their technical genius. This one was holding some sort of strange gadget in his hands that was beeping and flashing in an Otherworldly sort of way. "What's that you have?" the dragon asked, curious.
As she walked back down the steps from whence she had came earlier with the goblin, Riah kept her head down and began her usual walk towards the high-school. She assumed Lawrence had gotten side-tracked with something else since he hadn't showed up to walk with her so she dropped her board and hopped on to quicken her pace towards the educational building. Thoughts sifted through her head as she realized now that more beings from the Otherworld realm we're 'accidentally' slipping between the rifts. Other than the goblin, Riah was unsure of how many others had slipped through and that made her worry. She could see the building of the abandoned library off in the distance, wanting to go back towards that area and unfortunately she knew she wouldn't be able to go just any time. This was the real world and unlike her shows she'd seen on TV. You couldn't just skip class and have the teachers be like 'ok see you next episode,' no. This was her life and it was all but nonfictional.
Riah was lost in her thoughts and the only sound drowning out her own words in her head we're that of the wheels of her board on the pavement floor. She kept her hands tucked in the front of her pockets as she skated forward towards the school. The school was in the same direction from when she had run into the goblin, by the library, and she rolled her eyes at the regularity of her missions these days. Suddenly, near the forest just to the right of her, a blindingly beautiful, red firey, figure appeared from the greenery in front of her and she practically tackled her to the ground.

Yahhah Yahhah


He wanted to stay, kind of, but not really. Travaron gave a half-hearted wave at the newcomers before leaving the building the way he came, deciding to investigate around there instead. He tried to see if there was a shimmer, anything as he waited nearby to see if the young dragon or the others, who had just showed up, would go anywhere. He wasn't one for conversation, he just wanted results. That is why he came here after all.

Mianigh Mianigh Yahhah Yahhah
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Present day: Human realm- MirMonster13 MirMonster13 's room

("Human talk", "Goblin talk", thoughts)

Tup started to move as she started to wake. Has Tup found dry part of swamp? It's so soft. Then Tup opened her eyes, saw ceiling and was right away fully wake. Tup tried to get up, but only thing she did was found herself looking floor as she dropped from bed. As she get up, she saw her club "There you are Smash!" After picking club up, she started beating walls and doors around room (she didn't reach to windows).

After while she stopped beating as her stomach growled from hunger. "Smash, where is Tup's frogs? Check containers? Okay Tup will!" Tup then headed towards what was just chest of drawers, pulling drawers open and throwing anything inside of them out. After emptying top drawer and not finding her frogs, she get angry and smashed top drawer into pieces.
After her stomach growled again, Tup moved to next furniture that looked something that would contain her frogs and breaking something as she didn't find her frogs.

That continued until only things that were left was anything that was out of Tup's reach, doors and metallic chest. "Frogs must be here Smash! It doesn't have lock... Tup must smash it open with Smash!" And then she started to beating mini fridge with her club. That continued for long time, but it didn't seem to break open, it did, after one hard hit to it's side, stop keeping noise.

After while of beating Tup started to get tired and more hungry, she dropped her club. "Why stupid chest not open!" She reached to fridge's handle and pulled it open, not thinking that it would have been so easy. "OOOHHH! SMASH! TUP DID IT! AND FROGS ARE HERE!" Tup taked frogs out from fridge. "Frogs are cold! Tup must warm them!"

Tup then started collecting wooden furniture pieces and some clothes to middle of room, where she started to make campfire. It took longer time than it had ever before took for her to light fire with two rocks she carried in her pouch, but she did succeed lighting up fire and then she started grill her frogs.​
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Balin and Hrothgar
Otherworld realm, the library.
The grizzled dwarf hopped up obviously surprised. It wasn't often another being asked about his machines and gods be good if someone gave Hrothgar an excuse to talk about an invention of his he'd talk about until someone clapped his mouth shut. Balin was not unaware of this one bit and though she was quite fond of the dwarf she ignored the cascade of words he was about to say by looking around the library and trying to spot any shimmers. Her eyes locked with a silver haired man a good ways away though she made no effort to approach him she raised a hand to wave so as not to be rude though her gaze kept searching the surrounding area. She also noted that the elf went directly into the library just in case it came up soon.
"Well you see this wee doohicky made from a bit of genius engineering. This stone right here is called a Quarcrystal it has a lot of special properties which include being very in tune with the magic that flows through the Otherworld, they're so rare that I'm surprised I could get my hands on one but I am nothin if not resourceful. This rod is really nothing special just a piece of steel which has been enchanted by-" Balin made a loud coughing noise to cut off Hrothgar in the middle of speaking. Mistress Florence didn't like it when they mentioned her to strangers.
"Some magician, and it's made to detect... Other gemstones" Hrothgar made up a lie on the spot the dwarf didn't really want anyone to know that the two of them were looking for rifts because that may open up questions as to why they were doing so and the dwarf didn't want to answer those sorts of questions.

Mentions: Mianigh Mianigh MirMonster13 MirMonster13

Human realm, outside the woods
Fyrie found herself taking a few steps forward and immediately being run over by someone riding on a skateboard. The little phoenix lay on her back for a good few seconds regaining her senses before hopping to her feet as if nothing had happened. Fyrie shook her head from side to side quickly as if shaking water from her ears as she looked up at the slightly taller person. "Oh hello, that hurt a little bit, I'm fine though so it's okay... I think" Fyrie said patting her sides looking for anything that might be hurt.
Fyrie suddenly jumped up stock still. "Oh wait a minute. Would you happen to know what part of town this is"? Fyrie asked realizing that this girl might know where she was.

Mentions: MirMonster13 MirMonster13
Ash - Present Day (Human Realm) :
school.jpg - school

Ash sat on the bench to the right of the gate near the flagpole and sipped on his coffee as he watched the school behind him, fill with the students walking in. He grimaced, the coffee was luke-warm on his tongue and he had to refrain from spitting it out, needing the caffeine to help him wake up. He was exhausted from last night since his family was up, making the wards around their house stronger as to avoid any conflict that was happening with the two realms. He put the butt of his cigarette in his mouth before lighting the other end, breathing in the burned tobacco before letting out a lungful of smoke and he leaned back against the metal bench, rolling his shoulders as if to get the tension out. He felt like an old man already, this body was young but his soul was still tired and the added on stress wasn't helping. The aging of both only made him worry more with the situation at hand. The rifts were here, he just needed to find one before someone began closing them, leaving his chance to enter the Otherworld at a zero.

Riah - Present day: Human realm
Her vision was blurry and her body ached, but Riah still got up and began searching for her glasses, "sorry about that," she mumbled; her hands wandering blindly on the pavement floor to get a feel of the specs. Both the glasses and the board, lay a few feet behind her in the mud. "I hope I didn't damage anything," she squinted upwards at the red figure before her, and that's when she felt it. The energy on this being was more than enough to overwhelm Riah, she had to block this person's aura before it became unbearable. Coughing and coming to a full stand she sighed, "if you help me find my glasses I can try and give you a clear answer as to where you're at.."

Yahhah Yahhah

Travaron - Otherworld Realm :
He kept his senses sharp as he listened in on the conversation. The hesitance in the dwarf's voice allowed him to know that they were hiding something. All at once this library was becoming known and he knew the only thing that could make sense of that, was because the rift was nearby. He couldn't take them on, not by himself, and that was the only issue with being a rogue, he was always alone and he had to depend on only himself to resolve a situation like this. He just had to wait them out and as he did that he kept walking around the building, hoping to just walk through the rift unknowingly, but that was never going to happen, and he was oblivious to that fact.

Mianigh Mianigh Yahhah Yahhah
Human Realm, woods
Fyrie was a tad curious as to the girl seemed to be looking for something on the ground until she said something about glasses, and that she'd be able to tell Fyrie exactly where she was. "You didn't hurt anything" Fyrie reassured before looking around on the ground. "What did your glasses look, OH HEY! Are these them" Fyrie spied a glint in some mud behind them where the girl's skateboard had landed. Fyrie picked them up and offered them to the girl before realizing how dirty they were. "They're a little messy" Fyrie said still offering them. Wondering whether she should clean them or how she would if she should. Hrothgar had always told her that spectacles were objects to be treated with great care which basically meant Fyrie shouldn't touch them because of her habit of lighting herself on fire when she got scared or too excited but she wanted to help.
Mention: MirMonster13 MirMonster13
Riah - Present day: Human realm
She felt herself bubble with frustration as she blindly tried to make out the figure in front of her but then it calmed as soon as she realized this person was trying to help. She didn't have time though, not right now, to deal with another being, but if she did end up skipping school, it's not like her family would really notice. Even if they got a call. "Thank you," she responded as she too her glasses before wiping them down on the hemp of her jacket, "I'm really sorry again by the way. World passes you by when you're on one of these," she chuckled lightly as she picked up her board after she had placed her glasses back in their normal spot. "So, about where you're at, I think we should go back that way," Riah pointed her index finger back the way Fyrie had come. "I'm sure we'll find... what you're looking for." She cocked her head a bit to the side, trying to figure out what exactly Fyrie could be, but she was a t a loss, unsure of all the beings that resided within the Otherworld realm.

Yahhah Yahhah
Present day: Human realm- MirMonster13 MirMonster13 's room

("Human talk", "Goblin talk", thoughts)

Tup finished eating her last frog, only things that she hadn't eated was skull, spine, hip and leg bones. Campfire was still burning and Tup was adding more fuel to keep fire, even after she wasn't anymore using it. "Look Smash Fire is happy! Now how we get out of here?" Tup moved away from her campfire, collected some what looked like more food from metal chest and then started hitting walls and doors with her club again.​
Human Realm, woods
"No problem at all" Fyrie said looking up at the girl. Fyrie had never been a perceptive person, though she'd never cared to be so the fact of figuring out what exactly she was talking to never quite came to mind. Fyrie looked back into the woods and cocked her head to the side in thought. "...But I just came from that way. That doesn't make much sense". Fyrie might not always realize what was going on but she was pretty sure there was nothing but forest back that way, unless Mistress Florence was using some kind of magic trick to make sure Fyrie got lost but that didn't make sense. Fyrie couldn't see the witch doing that.
MirMonster13 MirMonster13
Maid- Present day: Human realm - Riah's house
Estrella was a short, stout woman and her pale-tan complexion glimmered in the morning suns' rays as she turned the key in the lock. As always, she began upstairs and as she headed towards the familiar rooms she could smell something burning. Bits of smoke wafted out from under Riah's door and she carefully made her way towards it. Gripping the cold, metaling nob in her left hand, she twisted and pushed forward. "Ay dios mio!" there was a small child around a fire, " get away from that mija!" the lady shouted as she rushed over to Tup.

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI

Riah - Present day: Human realm
Riah smiled as she dusted off her board once she picked that up, "I'm sure but this," she waved her hand around aimlessly "isn't the place you're supposed to be in," she sighed. The people walked around them, students ran across the street to get to the side the school was on. The building was only a few meters away but she couldn't leave this Otherworld being here. Riah was exhausted already, two in one day? She thought to herself, it's getting closer. "My names Riah," she extended her hand as a gesture for Fyrie to take it and shake it for introduction.

Yahhah Yahhah
Human Realm, outside of the woods.
Fyrie was quite confused at the whole situation. This wasn't the place she was supposed to be in, what did that mean? She looked across the street to what looked like a school, she'd heard of them but she'd never been to one. Mistress Florence had been taking care of her education with a bit of help from Mikoro, she'd always wondered what school was like, but the school didn't keep her attention for long as she turned back to Riah, who introduced herself. Fyrie took the offered hand very enthusiastically as Fyrie was always super excited to meet new people. "It's nice to meet you Riah, my name's Fyrie" Fyrie introduced herself.
MirMonster13 MirMonster13
Human Realm Mianigh Mianigh :

Auguste watches as the masses bustle and walk passing straight through him as he stands in the middle of the side walk. He had been wandering about waiting for one of these creatures to show up in front of him. But he has had no luck for past week so he just decided to pick a spot and stay there. His eyes drag across the road, gazing apathetically at the roar of the metal contraptions these people call cars. He supposes that these horseless carriages are a lot more efficient and faster at getting around but did they have so...dirty. Constantly spouting a black smog that probably smells as bad as it looks going by that on man over there coughing his lungs out as a particularly rusty carriage rattles by trying to paint the air black.

His eyes lock onto a scuffle between a little green...thing with a club and a woman. The green thing is soon put to sleep by the woman making her one of these creatures as well. Auguste steps forward towards the duo, uncaring of the cars barreling through him as he walks across the street towards them. Being a hairsbreadth away from revealing himself to the duo, he stops when he spots an ethereal horn. He sees it attached to a silver haired man in glasses watching the duo just he was. The man looks like he was about to speak up but stops himself and watches the duo walk away. This...this is actually better for him. He would prefer to corner a creature alone than deal with them in group. He doesn’t like his chances if he had to dally with a group of them should things turn south. So invisibly he walks beside the silver haired man and if he wasn’t invisible they would look like acquaintances out to have cup of tea to an outside observer. They stop in front of a library and Auguste tilts his head slightly as he sees the man reach out in from of him. Looking at the spot in the air is a...ripple? Like looking at the air when it gets too hot this piece of air waves about but in an incredibly subtle way. He felt something from this rift, how does he know it’s a rift? A portal. Where does this knowledge come from? But the man confirms his newly acquired knowledge as he disappears into the rift.

Auguste stares at the portal with trepidation but he was already determined to get answers. If he had to step into portal that takes him to god only knows where well then c’est la vie. He walks through and feels the air change and contort around him. It felt strange especially with the added fact that he hasn’t felt a single physical feeling for past two centuries. With the sudden change of environment around him he first notices that he’s in a swamp with a group of creatures gathered several meters away. An odd bunch creatures all different... it really feels like he’s entered a storybook. So very baffling. Auguste cuts of his pondering when he notices his target walking off, giving the group a wide berth. Is he fugitive? Ostracized? Or just shy? Well it doesn’t matter because either way he’ll be alone for him to safely get answers.

The ghost watches the man wade though the waters while he himself passes though it like it was air. Stepping onto dry land which was a about a half a meter above the water he turns back to look at his targets progress. It would be a bit inconvenient for the man to get out as he’d have to climb onto the lip. So spotting an opportunity to introduce himself Auguste materializes as the man reaches the lip holding out a gloved hand for the man to take hold. While it’s tiring he can make himself tangible temporarily though he found trick to only make one part of himself tangible to ease the exhaustion. In this case, his glove.

“Bonjour, Monsieur.” Says a deeply accented voice as a man who looks to have stepped out of a painting holds out his hand. “I have some questions that would I like answered about this place and the crea—the people that reside in it.”
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Present day: Human realm- MirMonster13 MirMonster13 's room => mayhem in neighborhood

("Human talk", "Goblin talk", thoughts)

Tup was adding more fuel to fire when she heard door opening and weirdest language that she hast ever heard and she had heard elven. She turned her head towards door and saw human standing at OPEN DOOR! "FREEDOM!" She yelled, turning around so quickly that she accidentally kicked her campfire and fire spread to nearby clothes. As she runned towards open door, she draw her club and hit hard to human's shin, before running out of room and downstairs.

At downstairs she found herself again stuck, so she started flailing with her club until she hitted class window at living room, that was low enough that she could climb out. When climbing through broken class, she did tear her clothes bit and get small injuries, but Tup didn't care, she was FREE!

At outside, she breathed in and then saw one of smaller monsters that had attacked her before. First she jumped from scare, but then she noticed that it wasn't attacking. "Maybe it's sleeping, Let's kill it Smash!" Tup runned to small monster and started hitting it with her club. She even climbed on it, to hit it's head? Back? Tup wasn't sure, other than it had class too, weird monster.

Tup continued beating of monster until she heard man yelling at her. Huumans keep monsters as pets? Weird huumans. She saw how human lifted weird rock to his ear and started speaking to it. That was too much to Tup and she hit one last time to monster's front eye, before running away.​
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Riah - Present day: Human realm:
She felt the spike of energy as their hands touched.This person was definitely someone who belonged in the Otherworld, that much she was sure about and as she glanced from Fyrie to the school off in the distance, she made a decision that differed from her normal routine. Where's Lawrence when I need him!? She thought to herself as she adjusted her glasses, "I guess we should probably head that way." She began walking towards the forest and was trying to form the words that would help her new friend understand where she was, "I don't think there's a simple way to say this but.." Riah looked over her shoulder to see if Fyrie was following

Yahhah Yahhah Mianigh Mianigh

Ash - Present Day (Human Realm) :
Ash squinted his emerald eyes in the direction the young half-breed was. Blurs to anyone else, he could make her out and saw she had run into someone who appeared just outside the forest, "interesting," he mumbled to himself. Just as he was thinking of them, he was sure this woman, with hair like scarlet hue, was someone from the Otherworld real that his family so often spoke of. He wasn't going to miss out on this chance, not one bit, and as he stood up from the bench to walk towards his possible entry into the Otherworld realm, he flicked the unfinished cigarette into the abyss of the schools' parking lot.

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