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Human Realm

"Oh, I didn't realize there was something wrong" Fyrie said looking away and tapping her fingers together a little nervously. She didn't realize pointing the boy out to Riah would cause such a stir and she hadn't meant to cause any kind of scene. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to make terms so not good"? Fyrie asked her newfound friend. A little bit of movement she spotted from the corner of her eye caused her to turn and notice the boy trying to mouth something. Fyrie wasn't a very good lip reader but she thought he might be trying to say Ash, or maybe Trash. She wasn't sure but it was something that ended in a sh. She also noted that he said something about knowing they've got a secret. Fyrie didn't think she had a secret, except for Lady Florence didn't want her wards to mention her to anyone, but that wasn't Fyrie's maybe he knew something about Riah and that was why she was so mad at him?
MirMonster13 MirMonster13
Present day: Human realm- Outside of house that's on fire => Riah's room
Bel/Chimera Lawrence ( Yahhah Yahhah ?)
MirMonster13 MirMonster13

("Human talk", "Goblin talk", thoughts)

Tup continued crawling away from humans, that were distracted by each other, until it sounded like they were far enough for her get up from ground, swipe worst soot from her eyes and run away.

Tup didn't stop running, until she saw familiar broken window. "Smash, look! It's house where Tup waked." Tup looked briefly around, there wasn't humans on sight, but there was that horrible noise that humans monsters keep. "It felt trap, but Tup feels tired and there was good sleeping place to Tup."

Tup then climbed back inside of broken window, then climbed up of stairs, entered to room where there was still small smell of burned clothes. Tup looked for moment at bed, but then just made small nest from burned clothes and started sleeping on them.​
Riah - Human Realm
It wasn't that difficult of a question for her to answer really, but Riah didn't have an answer that would fully help her cause on the dislike for Ash and the more she dragged on to responding, the more she felt his horrid, witchy eyes burning into the back of her skull. "I've just never liked his type, and the way he carries himself normally around here just," she clenched her fists tightly and her head seemed to sink into her shoulders as the word she wanted to say just came out in body language instead. She didn't want to start off this way though, not with her new-found friend watching her react in such immature ways. So, biting back what past hatred she had for witches and their ties to the dark occults, she closed her eyes for a moment and let out a sigh she had been holding onto for far too long. "His name is Ash and honestly, there is no real reason for me to personally hate him.," Riah straightened back in her chair before she leaned close to Fyrie again to whisper what Ash was, "he's a witch..er warlock I guess would be the better word."

Ash - Human Realm
Ash listened in silently, his ears twitching when he heard the little vampire speak his name and as he watched them silently from his corner of the classroom, he could still see the fire turned to smoke still out in the distance where he was sure Lawrence was now. He wondered what exactly was going on but that was a question for later because he had a feeling that Riah and her new friend's conversation would lead to them, eventually speaking with him. So he waited patiently, watching the teacher speak and write on the board above, words that meant so little to him during this time. Even the other students, aside from the three of them in the back, seemed to be enthralled in their own conversations of the previous days events or what they had going on for the weekend ahead and no wonder every one was so hyped up.. the magic in the air could definitely do that to people who aren't used to it.

Yahhah Yahhah
Human Realm, School
"Oh, okay then" Fyrie said, nodding at the explanation. Did Riah have something against witches? Would her friend be angry if she found out about Fyrie's association with Lady Florence? Fyrie hoped not, she was now very sure she wasn't going to say anything about her loyalty to the witch. "How do you know he's a... Warlock"? Fyrie asked if this was the human realm it was probably really hard to tell. She also turned to Ash not feeling good about just ignoring him. "You were mouthing something before and I didn't quite get it. Riah said your name was Ash, hello". She said greeting the boy not really being tactful as that was a quality Fyrie decidedly lacked.
MirMonster13 MirMonster13

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