~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~

Probably not too chuffed xD However, they'd be all for making that camera of his a little more useful, along the lines of Lukasz's violin...

I'm going to reply with another big post tomorrow and will include Heidi's responces in that :)
@Iallcsz - Not sure if your character would be able to walk on a dislocated ankle. Badly sprained sure but not so much dislocation....
cojemo said:
Daxter walked most of the trek without saying anything more, mostly just listening to everything that was being said. He was already exhausted from all the walking and constant switch-and-carrying of the girl, so he struggled to keep his mind focused. Still, he managed to ascertain that time was... well, different here. It wasn't something that exactly mattered to him though, as with the mindset he was going with only the immediate details that concerned him were important.
After what must've been hours Daxter let out a sigh of relief as they arrived at what must've been Tsagardia. There was some woman with unusually colored hair, though he didn't much pay attention to or completely follow the conversation she was having with their guides. One thing caused his ears to perk up though, making him look over to Leon. So the old man was some related to this whole mess, and apparently was pretty strong. That thought carried with it the idea that maybe it wasn't Leon's fault after all, one that left Daxter with a feeling of guilt. Maybe he shouldn't have been so harsh on his friend, but everything had been so hectic that he clung to the first thing to blame. He wanted to apologize, but his pride stopped him from doing so. Whatever the case, this old man was on the top of Daxter's list to inquire about, as he was the one that had brought him into this whole mess into the first place.

Inside the town there was more talk, except this time he was COMPLETELY lost. Most of the words were complete gibberish, and whatever semblance of understanding he had flew out the window. As they moved on and followed Heidi, he thought about inquiring his question at that time, and would've if he hadn't seen Ariana, obviously coping very poorly with the whole situation. He felt a moments hesitation, then moved over closer to Leon and began handing Cammy over to him. "Sorry pal, but can you handle this girl for the rest of the way? I've got some things to do." He gave a quick smile as he finished exchanging the cargo, and after a big sigh of relief made his way over to and fell in line with Ari. he was never very good at dealing with emotionally charged people, so there were a few moments of him saying nothing before he spoke up. "Hey, everything okay over here? You feeling better?" The answer to both of his questions were pretty obvious, but he asked anyways with a tone of concern. He couldn't think of anything else, so that would have to do.
Actually, Camellia's already off of their backs. She got off in the middle of the initial hand-off from Leon to Daxter, so she pretty much never ended up on Dax's back xD (Yeah, she's actually awake :P )
I'll get up a post whenever there's a reason for Camellia's actions to actually be described for them to be known xD
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That's fine, as long as you're keeping up :)

@cojemo : Seeing as you're yet to edit out the Cammy stuff from your post, Imma just ignore that part for now.

I'm lacking in time tonight, but I've also thought of a better way of handling this part so the plot post will be shorter than what I was originally planning!

Starting Friday, I'm going to be extremely busy for just over a week. We've got a big sixth form party this Friday (hopefully ours isn't gatecrashed by warring supernatural factions :') ), then I have a few coursework things to touch up over the weekend. Next week is our school musical, which is going to take up every evening barring Friday, so I won't have much time to post. And then I'm up with a friend looking around a Uni on Saturdayso won't be able to post at all. Thus I'm trying to get a lot of the bulkier stuff out of the way before then and hoping to get to a stage that's less regimented in terms of I-post-plot, people-react. So we'll see how we do. After that's done, I'm off school for a week so will have tons of time for posting. Just a word of warning, then, that not a lot might happen here next week!
Sounds good SkyGinge! Good luck with the party and the Musical! @Iallcsz I will be working on my post now. :D

P.S. Make sure you tell us all about it if there is a supernatural attack. ;)
@Kiyoko Tomoe : Well, we'll see xD We're coming up to two events where everybody will certainly have stuff to react to, so that should do for that week. If I get time to sort out certain lore pages, I might be able to get the message out to people like @SpoiledAmbrosia before the anticipated point too so that they can hop in, though any newcomers will have a slightly differennt role to ours...

@DamagedGlasses : If by 'awesome' you mean chaotic tales of my school-friend's drunken exploits then I probably will come back with stories xD If not, I should get some inspiration from it. Going through a great period of muse at the moment - even started work on my first ever poem today, so hopeful that creative energy won't be sapped by 'mastering the house' too much (hope somebody gets that reference otherwise I'll look like a poopyhead)

Just reminding you guys to post today or early tomorrow if you can as I want to get the lore stuff out of the way as soon as I can :)

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