The Orphanage

The red haired boy let out a loud"Ha!" as his smile grew."My name's Shades Red,the...well red head i guess."He seemed rather childish at the moment for some reason,maybe it was because of the new people.He had been standing on his hands and knees and now sad back on his butt to where his feet still laid behind him."I've heard you a lot,I wanted to go see what you were but Blu wouldn't let me..."He glared back at Blu while he said the last part.

Blu just crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out at him,seemed even though Shades was older Blu still had the control.

"Anyway,that is Xade,Xade Hunter."He pointed back at the boy standing by Blu who didn't speak much so far."He's the strong one and won't tell me how he got it..."

Xade just sighed,he had already told him so many times yet still can't remember.
"Hehe! A fun game. Well, not everyone enjoys it. It's too violent and...bloody for some people, adults in particular. They always loose, after all," Keira sang and started twirling her scissors around her fingers. The blades made a whistling sound as they cut through the air. "Hurry up, Matt," she mumbled under her breath, feeling the last of her restraints beginning to slip. She wanted him around before she went completely berserk so that she would be able to keep an eye one him. He wasn't weak, but she worried about him nonetheless.

She spun her scissors faster, trying to ward off her irritation and desire for her obsession.

Meanwhile, Matt slept peacefully underneath the tree Keira had left him under. He hadn't moved once from the spot all day, not even when he saw that the sun was setting or when he noticed the boy stop in front of the Orphanage a few feet away. Even when he saw Winter hanging from the gutter, he did not move. Instead, he fell asleep, hoping that Keira wouldn't be to mad at him when he saw her next. He simply had no energy to participate in the game tonight.
"Che. Now you know me," Spades said bitterly. He spoke coldly but let gis chains down, and they fell to the ground with a loud clack! Spades sat there, and looked at Shades. He seemed rather nice enough, and Spades ipened up alittle," Yeah. Blu let me out today. Thanks goodness..." He mymbles the last part, remembering a not so sweet past.
Chess felt a wave of nausea come over her, "E-excuse me..." She murmured, she knew there was a bathroom on this hallway, and she made her way to it. She carefully opened the door, and when she was inside, turned around to lock it so quickly, she stumbled over herself. Her shaky hands reached out to the handles on the sink, she turned the cold one on full blast and splashed her face. "No no... No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" Her voice was a whisper-y yell, her hands against her face. Her tone could have caused children to cower, but it was only loud enough for her to hear. She pounded on the sides of her head, trying to get the voices out, "Out, out, out!" She repeated, her screams hushed and quiet. She sat down on the floor, although, it was more of a stumble, as her chest felt of fire. She writhed on the bathroom floor as she tried to fight it, but eventually, the felt the crack. Her mind let her put it in audible terms as the sound of cracking bones filled her ears. She screamed this time, loud. The sound never ceased to frighten her, the panic she felt, the feeling that death was looming over her, taunting her, pointing his bony finger at her as if to say, 'Never.'

She laid on the floor, just breathing, in and out. In, and out. Feeling the cool rush in, then the heat scurry out. She just stared at the ceiling, a sudden lust for blood and screams that were not her own.
"So he went back there....yet I couldn't....Grrrr."He looked a bit irritated now,if he had found Spades they'd have a blast for sure."Anyway,glad you got out so now we can all play the games!"He yelled raising his hands up in the air,happy again.

Blu then came up and knocked Shades in the back of the head with his book."I thought you didn't want to be late for those?..."He chuckled finally getting pay back of being tackled.

Shades gasped and jumped up on his feet."Crap,we're gonna be late!I wanted to be first!"
Chersier stood up, she seemed eerily calm, a smile plastered on her face. Now who should she go for first? Who seemed the least armed? Who would be the first to piss her off? Who, who, who. Who are you. She felt a giggle ripple through her chest and out her mouth, choosing the victim could sometimes be the most fun part! She shook her body, loosening the joints, making herself look normal. She took a moment, and decided her intentions, she was just there to make some nice friends, she most definitely hadn't snapped yet. With a deep breath, she walked out the door, and returned to where the guys were, "What's going on?" She asked, tilting her head to the side and lifting her shoulder, trying to look as genuinely curious as she could.
Shades eyes had slit like a cat's when he looked at her and a slight growl came from him,he didn't look very happy right now instead he looked more on guard.Blu just sighed as he looked over at Shades,knowing the games had now begun to unfold. And as always he was sure they'd stick together like all the other times since Xade was always unstable in these things,and unstable as in the very bad way.

Xade had slipped behind Blu,somewhat hiding though it never really worked.Even though each of them were at least a year apart from each other they all were close to the same height,in fact the tallest of them all was Blu by not even an inch.Xade and Shades were the same height,at least that's what they figured when they stood back to back one time since it drove Shades nuts.
Azeel looked up and blinked. He had been staring off into space for no particular reason that he could think of. Rubbing the back of his neck, he walked around the house slowly to where he heard voices coming from in the front. When he got there, he looked at the people. Two young boys and an older girl that was very nervous from what Azeel could tell. Standing in the shadows for a moment, he listened in on their conversation until someone said game. "A game?" Azeel stepped out into the open yard, his pale complextion standing out against the darkening sky. "Can I play? I don't mind if it gets violent or whatever. Oh, and my name is Azeel. Azeel Jackson."

((if I don't post after this for a while then I'm sorry. I'm not on during the weekends much.))
Crap. Chess brought her hands to her chest, as if she were shocked her frightened, "I... Is everything okay? D-did I say something...?" She asked, looking at Shades with seemingly worried eyes. In fact, every trace of worry or fright were gone from her, the only thing on her mind is wanting to spill the blood of anyone and everyone who's ever crossed her... But then again, anyone could do fine. Her mind was stuck in a cycle, deceive, disarm, carve, deceive, disarm, carve. It was all she could think about, but she still kept up her front, hiding all of her intentions.
Shades could feel something off about her now,and he also felt off.A large smile crossed his face,the games had begun.And the only one here he didn't take much interest in was this girl,standing her in front of him.The only thing stopping him right now was what he was going to do to her,there was plenty around for him to use so it was very hard to choose.
His blood boiled furiously at this description of the so called game. Adults, they deserve nothing but pain, they should all die. But letting Mori participate in this game was out of the question, what if he got hurt, or worse, died. He gave a disapproving shake to Mori, and narrowed his eyes at Keira, who was seeming rather frustrated with somthing. He grabbed Mori's hand, and nodded to the two girls once more "Im sorry, but may we please explore this house more? I like to know where Im staying" He spoke with a raspy tone and awaited Keira to give him and his brother premission to get their bareings down.
"Mew, Mister Blu," Spades stood up, but almost falling over as if he were drunk," The nighttime games! They're start~ing!" He sang, and revealed his face from under his hair that covered before. His eyes were wild and feral, only a slit that showed his pupils. "Nyehehee..." He giggled gleefully. "The games! The games!" He shrieked, and threw a poison-chain at Blu lazily, barely missing by an inch. "LET'S START THE GAMES!!!" Spades shrieked again, but his voice cracked at the end. Little giggles emitted from him as he threw more poison-chains at Blu, always missing by a bit on purpose. He missed on purpose, just to get the feel of this new crazy sensation.
With Xade still hiding behind him Blu didn't move as Spades had his fun,He just lifted his book up and read out loud."And so,the armies of the dead rose to fight the king and his men,"As he read the hallway behind him began to move as shadows turned solid into the army he had spoken off."with no mercy in mind."He read as one of the shadows had appeared beside Spades and attacked with a spear,though missed only by a hair sliding the spear right passed his by.Blu smiled."Oops,I missed."He giggled as he stared at Spades,wondering what he'd do next as the figures vanished as if just illusions though the one that attacked Spades left a deep mark in the ground.

Xade just stayed behind,not wanting to get involved.
"Mister Blu! Do that again! Again!" Spades cheered, leaping into the air in joy. Licking his lips, Spades laughed, with no sense of fear or pain. He giggled and threw around his poison-chains, then catching one in his mouth, then licking off the black poison from the chain.
Blu figured he'd like the show,though he knew Xade hated when he used them as weapons.So he decided not to,"How can such a simple trick get you so riled up?"He chuckled.Xade looked around Blu to Spades,this one scared him unlike the others he met and Blu had noticed this already.
"Nyaha!" Spades laughed and saw Xade. He went over and looked at the boy," Hello!" His voice cracked again in madness. When he was mellow, he was rather shy, but that was over now. He was insane. And he loved it.
It took a lot more to crack Xade,most of the time he stayed sane even during the games.He ducked back behind Blu when Spades looked at him.Blu had placed his hand on the Xade's head."It's okay Xade."He smiled,looking down at him.Xade had looked up at him and then slowly walked out from behind him."H-hello..."
Chersier smirked, so this is what Blu could do... It would be very interesting to find out how he screamed... But then she frowned, he seemed like the kind who wouldn't scream... A large smile slowly diffused onto her face, then it's a challenge~. She calmed herself down while he was distracted with Spades, but only her outer self, inside she was boiling with all sorts of thoughts. What would poor Blu do without his book? It was a very interesting thought, indeed, she wondered if he would beg for it back like a little baby, or if he would attack her with all his might. She forgot about everyone else in the room, her sights focusing in on Blu. But then, the other boy, she could assume now his name was Xade, ducked behind Blu, she was displeased with this... But then again, the scared were more fun to play with... Her mind had all conflicting thoughts on how to go by this, take out Xade first, or Blu? But what about Spades, he seemed fun to play with. Then there was Shades, she grabbed her head in frustration, unsure of what she should do. Who's blood she wanted first.
((Yo-hey, [MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION]. Since I never mentioned anywhere ever that characters weren't really supposed to use magic, I think it's alright for Blu to use a little magic or whatever it is he's doing, but please define his limits. All of his extra abilities seem to be popping up at random, and none of them were ever mentioned in his character description.))

Keira chuckled and twirled around to face Azeel. "Of course you can play the game with us! We would be delighted to have you join," Keira proclaimed with a musical lilt to her voice. She could feel another imaginary cord snap, and a giggle burst from her lips. Any will she had to wait for Matt had slipped from her mind, and Keira now twirled back around to face the boys. She pointed with her scissors down the hall. "The stairs are down this hall and the bedrooms are on the second floor," she informed Niro in a sing-song voice.

Keira glanced to her left where Azeel stood just outside the doorway and noted - with a degree of delight - that the last rays of sunlight had faded. Another giggle ensued. "I must tell you, though, that the game has just officially begun," she announced with a giddy laugh at the end.

And with that said, Keira caught her scissors mid-rotation and lunged at Niro, aiming to slam both pairs of scissors into either of his arms.
"Are you gonna play in the GAMES?" His voice was half-shattered, a broken record of insanity. Spades appeared from behind Xade. He then did a light chomp on Xade's shoulder, nibbling a bit. He laughed and stood again in his spot before. "Hah!" He snickered and looked at Xade's reaction.
(Yea,thought that'd come up.Blu was the one character I had trouble with since I wanted him to stick with books and have a book as a weapon...that just doesn't seem to work well.And I did say all he needed was his words in the weapon spot.His limit to what he can do is very small since he has to use what he reads in stories,and in most there aren't any major things unless armies which he just used which he also has a limited time and number of how many times he can use this before he passes out on himself.And so far the only thing that i've noticed popping up was this reading thing and the insane room which most here are suppose to be 'insane',that was just a way for me to show that he was without making him completely out of character.)

Xade had jumped away when he was touched,back behind Blu and slightly whispered."I don't want to..."He gripped onto the back of Blu's shirt,and Blu took this as a 'he had enough' sign.Xade wasn't the one to make friends easily all in one time,especially someone like Spades.
Chess may have been mentally unstable at the moment, but that didn't stop her maternal instincts from making the decision for her. Her eyes focused in on Spades, who was harassing the poor boy. She took a few steps towards Spades before pulling out her rope, which she hid behind her back in one hand. She gently put her free hand on Spades' arm, a concerned look in her eye, "Spades... Are you okay?" She asked, letting her hand slide down his arm to his hand. Looking up at him, as if she was honestly concerned for his well being, her eyes big and green and full of care, that hid the insane thoughts running through her mind. I'm going to have to put down the kitty cat~ He can't go around biting people, he can't stay in the shelter. Time to put down~ Time to bleed~ Kitty cat will have all sorts of things on his little arms, catnip catnip~ Nepeta Cataria~
"Ehh? Why not?" Spades snickered and back away a bit, sensing Xade wasn't very comfortable. Spades kept his distance, hoping not to scare the poor fellow. Spades hadn't had proper social education, and he looked over to Shades," Will you participate?" He asked excitedly, quivering his chains happily.

Spades saw Chess," Hm? I'm quite fine thank you," he said politely, trying to keep his voice from breaking anymore.

He saw something different in Chess' eyes. Was it insanity? Spades found this madness in her eyes In his mind, he saw blood dancing. Blood was dancing. Splashing in the illumination on the wicked moon...
Chess kept her hand on his, was he seeing through her intention block? She couldn't let him see anymore then~ She gave his hand a firm squeeze, "Are you sure?" She asked, backing behind just the slightest bit to get a good sight on his other hand. She slowly reached out and grabbed that hand too, "You're hands seem a bit... Shaken." She commented quietly, her eyes lowered, she had the rope in one of her hands, and with a sudden leap of insanity, quickly attempted to tie his hands together, she had a rough time with the final knot, but she pulled it. She had so much, almost too much, experience with typing hands together. The swiftness she could do it in now could have been commendable if she weren't doing it for such malicious intent. "Uh oh, Mr. Kitty Cat..." She sang with a giggle.
"Ah!" He pushed Mori out of the way and lunged to the side himself, barley doging the siccors with a stinging gash down his arm. "What the!? Mori come on!" He jumped to his feet and scooped up his brother, holding him 'princess style'. He sprinted down the hall, his Ebony sycthe making a loud clacking noise as he ran while his blood dripped onto the floor from his wound. Niro stopped once in what seemed to be a deserted room filled with toys and other childish items.

He rested his brother on the ground and unseathed his scythe glaring his eyes at the entrance, "Mori I want you to stay safe, so run whenever you see that girl okay?"

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