The Orphanage

"The girl without hands..." He repeated the name to himself," Mew. Okay then. Shake me to my roots," he said as if like a challenge to scare the living crap out of himself.
( xD Have fun reading!)

This wasn't a very scary story,but he just smiled and started telling it."Then I shall begin..."

"A miller fell into poverty, until finally he had nothing but a mill and an apple tree which stood behind it. One day he was approached by an old man when he had traveled into the forest to fetch wood. The old man promised that he would make the miller rich if he was promised whatever is standing behind the mill. Believing that only the apple tree was behind the mill, the miller made the deal. The old man said he would return in three years to retrieve what belonged to him, leaving the miller. When the miller arrived home, he found empty chests and boxes filled with gold and riches. But the miller could not remain happy about his wealth and riches because his wife told him that the old man was the devil and that he had been promised their daughter. The miller’s daughter was a beautiful and pious girl, and she lived three years without sin and worshipping God. When the time was up, she washed herself clean. The devil arrived early that morning, but he could not approach her. He spoke angrily to the miller, “Keep water away from her, so she cannot wash herself any more. Otherwise I have no power over her.” The miller was frightened and did what he was told. But she had wept into her hands and they were entirely clean when the devil arrived the next morning. He could not approach her, and he spoke angrily to the miller, demanding that he chop off her hands to gain power over her. The miller was horrified by the devil’s request, but the devil demanded he chop off her hands or the miller will take her place. The miller obeyed and the daughter understood, offering her hands to her father to chop them off. The devil came a third time, but she had wept so long and so much on the stumps that they were entirely clean. Then he had to give up, for he had lost all claim to her.The miller’s daughter could not stay even though her father offered to take care of her, living in splendor for the rest of her life. She traveled from home, her arms tied to her back, setting forth at sunrise. She came to a royal garden, seeing trees full of beautiful fruit but she could get inside because of the surrounding water. She kneeled and prayed, crying out to God. Suddenly an angel appeared, drying the moat so that she could walk through. She entered the garden, and the angel went with her. She stepped up to a fruit tree with beautiful pears, eating a single pear from it with her mouth to satisfy her hunger and no more. The gardener saw it, but the angel frightened him and he believed that the girl was a spirit. The king who owned the garden came the next morning, counting the fruit and noticing the missing pear. He asked the gardener what had happened. The gardener told the king about the angel and the spirit, hearing this the king decided to stay with the gardener to keep watch that night. After it was dark, the king entered the garden with a priest, who was meant to communicate with the spirit. All three sat down and kept watch. At midnight, the girl crept out of the brush, stepped up to the tree, and ate off a pear with her mouth. The priest spoke to her, and she admitted that she was merely a human. The king took her home with him to his royal castle, had silver hands made for her, and took her as his wife. After a year, the king had to journey to the battlefield, leaving the young queen in the care of his mother. She gave birth to a beautiful son, and the old mother quickly wrote this in a letter, giving the joyful new to the king. However, the messenger stopped on his journey and the devil came to him. He still wanted to harm the pious queen who was once the pious daughter of the miller, forging the letter and replacing it with a message that said the child was deformed. When the king read the message, he was frightened and saddened, but he wrote to tell his mother to take good care of his queen until he returned. But the messenger stopped, falling asleep and weary, and the devil replaced that message with another that stated the queen and the child should be killed. The old mother was terrified by the letter, but every time she wrote to confirm the king’s wishes, the devil interfered. The devil went so far as to ask for the tongue and the eyes of the queen for proof of her death. She killed a doe instead, cutting the eyes and tongue out for proof. The old mother told the queen about her correspondence with the king, sending her out into the world so that she and her child could survive. The queen left with weeping eyes, coming to a forest and praying to God. An angel appeared, leading her to a house where anyone can live for free. A snow-white virgin came from the house, welcoming the queen to her home. She stayed in this house for seven years and by the grace of God her hands grew back.The king finally came back home from the battlefield, wanting nothing more than to see his wife and child. His mother confronted him about the demands, showing him the proof of the eyes and the tongue. Grief stricken, the king wept and upon seeing his tears, the old mother told him the truth about his wife and child surviving. Then the king traveled for nearly seven years, searching far and wide for his wife. Finally he came to the forest, finding the house where anyone can live free. The king was reunited with his wife and child, living happily until their blessed end."He said as if reading from a book,with no mess ups he simply told the tale as it was.

He sighed after he was done."And of course such a happy ending....rather her just die and see what the king would have done..."He would have rewrote the stories with happy ending,but as the story teller he must read as it is written no matter how annoying it gets. That was an oath he took for the one that raised him,and he wasn't going to break it.
( I have just lost ten years of my life xD )

Throughout the entire story, Spades leaned in. He even stopped washing and looked up in awe. When the story was over, he gave Blu a clap that lasted for a long while. He bit his lip," Geez, Blu..." Spades said," That... was the only best and only story I have EVER heard." He smiled and stood up, motioning to Blu and reverting back to normal," Hey Blu. Let's get ready for the games!" He grinned. This would be very, very fun.
Blu sighed and smiled,it was getting to be that time.He had to find the others,and he was sure they were still in the same spot as before unless something exciting happened.He stood up and the chair melted into the ground as he walked towards the way out."Come on then."then he remembered Spades hasn't met any of the others,well there was a first for everything."I have some people that would love to meet you."

( xD hahahaha did you really read it all?)
Blu chuckled as he left waiting for Spades."There...Friends of mine you could say,just as interesting as you are."They left the room and the white one,Blu shut both doors as they left to make sure they were completely shut."though I've known them a lot longer then I've known you,of course."

(Alright!Night! X3)
When the girl left, Chess ran back into the house. She wasn't good with others her age, exhibit "a" being the fact that she almost ki-- Injured a fellow orphan. How many years had it been, and she still wasn't used to the immortality that came with coming across this home? She shook her head, as if she could physically make herself stop thinking of what just happened. None-the-less, she decided if it would be best if she were to take a walk to cool her mind. She hummed a little tune as she wondered aimlessly throughout the halls. Every once in a while she saw one of the younger children, she'd wave to them, or hug them, depending on the child. She had become very good at helping take care of the young children. Knew which ones were shy, others that were rambunctious and loud.

Chess' eyes lit a bit, remembering that she had to do some of the little ones' laundry. She quickly looked at a clock, but decided to wait till the morning, she didn't want to be doing laundry when the games started it could... End badly for her. Yet eventually, after all this walking, she found a chair in the hallway. She sat on it and brought her knees to her chest, pulling out her botany book again, and beginning to read as to pass the time before the games started.
Azeel sat at the top of an old tree and watched the house from a distance. He was surprised when he had found it, since he had been wandering around the woods for a good week or two, but it didn't feel right to him. Lots of anger was coming from the house, but also a lot of joy at the moment. He sighed and looked at the setting sun, then dropped down from the tree and walked towards the huge building. 'Don't want to stay another night in a tree or whatever,' he thought as he walked across a yard like area. Azeel stopped about ten feet from the house, debating weather or not to go in and trying to block the emotions that were flowing freely from the house.
Niro face palmed at his brother's stupidity, though it couldnt really be helped, he was young. Running to catch up with his brother, protective instincts took over when catching sight of Seiko. Niro gripped hold of his brothers hand and pulled Mori behind himself, glaring his deep oak eyes at the girl. This was a new place, out in the middle of the woods, didnt that seem the least bit suspiscious to him?!

(Sorry For short reply...)
Winter sighed. Seiko had found them first. She was much too cheerful to start a fight with them, but what could she do? She couldn't just jump out and walk away, no, that would seem creepy and weird, but she had to move soon. Night was coming, and she had to get ready. She was in third place last time, which had never happened before! Maybe she could finally make it to first tonight, but she will never had a chance if she couldn't get up. Winter laid on her stomach and started to army crawl towards the door. Maybe she could just climb up a tree and jump to the roof then shimmy into her bedroom.

She was kneeling on the ground reaching for the door when her stomach let out a horrendous growl. Jumping up and blushing like crazy, she threw the door open and darted out of the room.
"You're quite the charmer, aren't you, Mister Blu? Having friends this way and that~" Spades sang cheerfully was he continued following.
"There are only two,just people i've met that are interesting and must think the same of me."Blu walked back down the hall,with his book in his hand hanging down by his side while the other was stuffed in his pocket.He walked with a calm,slow pace as he hummed a tone he had stuck in his head.His usual smile crossed his face as he just stared on to where he was walking,but inside he felt irritated and angry for some reason.
"So who are these people?" Spades asked, not sure how he would react toward newer people. Would they like hom? What if he was different? Spades shoved these questions in the back of his head and continued on, but without speaking another word.
Chersier heard footsteps coming down the hall, she was torn for a moment, whether to continue reading or look up. She fidgeted for a moment, then put her book on her lap and looked down the hallway. She saw two other orphans, both boys, walking down. She recognized one, Blu, she had seen him around enough to know his name. But the other one, she had never even seen a glimpse of him before. He had dark hair and something... Feline, about him.

With almost all thoughts of what happened earlier vanished, she shoved her book in her bag and stood up to greet them, and she was her usual confident, yet dainty, self. "Hello, Blu!" She called out, then looked at his companion, "Who's your friend? Is he... New?" She asked. They hadn't gotten many new children lately, and it was always great to meet other people. Who knows, maybe he would enjoy playing with the smaller children, because after all, the children were almost always on her mind.
"It's a secret,but i'll tell you one thing about each of them."Blu 's expression didn't change as he continued."one's a bit insane...well maybe more then just insane.,"he chuckled."and his name is almost exactly like yours,just one letter difference."Blu said out loud to himself since he just realized that there names really were close to the same."The other's a bit on the quiet side but makes up for his words in strength."

He then looked over at Chersie,not saying anything though.
|| lol xD ||

Chersier stopped in her tracks, maybe today wasn't her best day... But she approached them again, "A-ah, sorry, I must have been too quiet, I'm sorry." She apologized, she paused for a moment, regretting what she said. Maybe he ignored her because he wasn't in the mood to talk to her, she didn't want to upset him, but she couldn't just stop talking... She gulped then gave a nervous smile, "Are you showing your friend around?" She asked, then looked at the other boy, trying to not feel too uncomfortable with the whole situation. "My name's Chersier, but you can call me, Chess." She said, making a little motion with her hands in an almost 'ta-da' manner.
Blu could have sworn he'd seen this girl,but he's never actually talked to her face to face.Normally he'd do so if he didn't find the one interesting just from looks,though he should know never to judge a book by it's cover.He smiled as he nodded to her question,though he still didn't say a word.
Chess beamed, no longer afraid that she was annoying them. She clapped her hands together and smile, "That's great!" She exclaimed, thinking of something she could make small talk out of. She was so used to talking to little kids, and with them, talking was easy. Someone her own age though...? Not quite. Oh! I got it! She thought, "You're the one with the books all the time, right? Maybe you could read to the smaller children one day, I think they would love to hear a story!" She explained, her head tilting just the slightest sideways to get a better look at his face as she spoke. Even if he replied no, she figured at least she would get to know someone better. And not nearly gouge their eyes out...
Blu nodded again and decided to speak this time."I would love to."Is all he said,not planing on saying anymore.This one was strange,in a slight good way but still strange.He wondered what her story was,though of course he'd find out weather she said it or not. His smile now seemed off as he started thinking more of what he was thinking of before that irritated just kept lingering in the back of his mind and he couldn't help but think of it when his mind wandered.
Spades figited, being fairly new to people. He looked away sheepishly," Spades Cheshire. Been here all my life... Have you ever heard of the cat trapped in the basement that yowls all night? Yeah, that's me," he pointed two thumbs at himself, hoping so dearfully to make a good inpression.
Chess was delighted that Blu was willing to read, he had so many more stories than she did, probably more interesting, too! He seemed to be drifting off, so she figured it was best not to bother him. She thought about how the kids would enjoy the reading, she could set something up like when she was younger. She'd have to find an area carpet and a chair or two, though... It shouldn't be too hard, she thought. She was snapped out of the pleasant daydream when she heard the other boy speak, Spades. Chess' face dropped in worry, her maternal being kicking into over drive, "That was you?​" She asked, rhetorically, "Oh no, you poor thing, are you okay?" She immediately lifted his hand, checking his arms, like she would when she found out the children had walked through poison oak. She frowned as she looked at his wrists, they seemed a bit raw. So he really was chained up... ​She thought
Blu had chuckled at her reaction,he hadn't seen 'worry' from anyone here to anyone else.It was ether them go crazy and kill each other or there were mellow and just got along.That's what Shades told him anyway,he couldn't really tell when that one lied or was telling the truth so he was always unsure of what he said. He shrugged the thought off as he watched the two in front of him,now interested in the little chat.
", I guess..." He mumbled. Spades quickly pulled his hands away from Chess, feeling a little strange. He realized what he had done," Ah, sorry, that was rude of me. Yes, i'm that cat," he tried to make it sound the best he could, but it was quite diffucult. This Chess girl was very nice. It would be so fun to play the night games with her... Spades held his hands up defensively," Oh, it's alright, you don't have to worry about me. I'm just a little housecat, that's all! That's all.." Spades had said the last part quietly, as if he were to echo himself. He was still tired and sleepy from Blu's story, so Spades was on his 'mellow' side. He smiled politely. In a few hours he would taste the warm, lovely crimson blood of anyone... Anyone would suit him fine.

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