The Orphanage

Chess furrowed her brow, wondering if he was really okay, she didn't really mind that he pulled away but... She tried to sneakily eye his wrists from where she was, her eyes immediately pulled up, though, when she heard that he... He was a cat? "E-eh?!" She exclaimed, then looked at him again, she had noticed there was something feline about him, but was so caught up in making sure he was okay, she didn't even notice the tail, and she had thought the ears were just part of his hoodie. "Well, I guess I shouldn't worry for now." She sighed, and pointed to his wrists, "Those should heal up by morning... But if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." She turned her head to Blu, then pointed at him, "You, too!" Her voice rang with a hint of authority, since she wanted to make sure everyone was okay and weren't in foul moods, or having tiffs with one another. She didn't understand why so many of the children were so sour to each other, sure, they all go a little... Crazy on each other at night, but that doesn't mean they couldn't be friends while they were sane!
Spades laughed," Surprised..?" He swished his tail, as though to prove it. He sighed," Well, a downfall is that have terrible vision... almost blind. Only enough to see the important things." Spades blinjed his eyes and smiled in a sophistacated manner," Well, Miss Chess, I will look forward in seeing you in the nightly games, yes? Yes?" He asked eagerly. Spades was so excites for his first game, and he also wanted to meet Blu's two friends. What a lucky day for him! He had been unlocked from that nightmare of a prison, met a friend equally insane as him, and he even met his first... 'female mammal'! He smiled, showing off a row of sharp teeth and repeated," Yes. The nightly games..."
Chess let out a small laugh, he seemed so excited to participate in the game tonight, "Just make sure I don't catch you, first!" She joked. Her own internal clock ticked away, closer and closer to the games, it seemed the closer it got to the games... The more she almost looked forward to it, despite being completely horrified only a few hours back. She was still a bit worried about the 'blind' comment though, she wondered what kind of 'blind' he meant exactly, she pursed her lips, subconsciously pushing up her glasses. Oh! Maybe... Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask, "How... How exactly are you 'almost blind'... Are things blurry? Or... Or is it from damage?" She was a bit nervous asking, since it was something quite personal. She wound her hair through her fingers, examining it closely as she waited for him to respond.
Matt glanced over to his left when he heard footsteps rustling, crunching, and snapping the grass, leaves, and fallen twigs respectively that littered the unkempt yard of the Orphanage. 'A newbie?' he mused, though he wasn't very interested in the answer. He preferred to leave the others alone, even during the night, unless Keira was directly involved in whatever was going on. "Hmph. How unfortunate for you, newbie," he muttered under his breath as he examined the darkening sky. "You've arrived right before the madness takes hold of this place," Matt continued with a bored sigh finishing off his sentence. 'I wonder how long Keira's been gone,' he thought absently before closing his eyes again. She was probably caught up in some weird, troublesome scenario or another that he wouldn't want to get involved in. He decided that when the remaining rays of sunlight finally dispersed he would get up and find her so that she wouldn't be alone for the game.


Keira had finished checking up on most of the younger children. Fortunately, no one had started pulling off limbs or biting off fingers yet, so there was little work for her to do. There were a few kids who she hadn't been able to find, though, and so, after she searched a bit of the woods for any adventurers, she returned to the house hoping to find the remaining children inside. What she found when she got inside the house was not the remaining children, though. Instead, she found a blushing Winter sprinting from the room, two new boys that she hadn't seen before, and Seiko. "My, my. It seems I'm interrupting something here," Keira chirped as she observed the protective way in which the older of the two boys stood before the younger. "Who are our new friends, Seiko?"
He thought for a moment," Hm... I can see color and a faint outline, but that's about it," Spades said, waving his hand infront of him. He then holted up," I-is that bad?!" He almost made a catlike shriek. If this proved to be a disadvantage for him, the games wouldn't be fun at all. Spades reassured," But it's fine. Really. I can smell better anyways," he wiggled his nose jokingly. He hated to depend on others, so Spade tried to get Chess' mind off his vision. He was still cautious. She might use his lack of sight against him. And that wouldn't be very good, would it?
Chess brought her hand to her mouth, resting the joints of her fingers against her lips. "Hmm... I really don't know..." She wasn't very skilled at identifying problems like this, unless they had to do with a plant or animal, of course. After he wiggled his noise, she couldn't help but smile. Chess went for a shot in the dark, took off her glasses and put them on him, "Is this any better?" She asked. Although she had put them on him, she had all intentions of taking them back, whether they worked or not. If they did, she could always take him to the lost and found to find a pair for himself. If not, she frowned, then it was probably due to his eyes being injured, she could tell that much at least. You could never tell what someone's mutations could do to them.
Niro flinched back, he was to busy starring down the suscisious girl to even realize a new person came near. How stupid of him to let down his gaurd so easily. Due to his brotherly instincts, his arms swung back and gripped hold of Mori's, holding it rather tightly as he started to back away. Ther was no reason to act like this, he was being rude. But he didnt trust anyone around his brother, he was the only family he had and nothing in this world would change that present statement.
"Ah... A little..." He mumbled and took them off. He politely gave them back to Chess," Thanks, but I think i'm fine. Blu was going to show me sone friends. Wanna come?" He asked. If they were going someone and left soneone, that would be very rude. Instead of leaving her, they could just bring her along. What harm could an innocent girl like her do? (haha irony!)
|| throw a little irony here, a little there, bippidy boppidy boo, you got a killer sandwich. ||

Chess slid her glasses back on with a slight look of defeat, but she was excited to join in on coming to meet some of Blu's friends. How nice, she thought, that there were even groups of friends here. She wouldn't be so shocked about that among the little kids, but the older ones always seemed to be the crankiest, so it was a nice change in beat. This time, she did her best to give a big smile, "Sure! I would love to!" For a split moment she thought about the games, and then the boy from earlier. She looked at floor, a smile, not bright or happy, but rather... Demonic, spread across her face. Within a moment it was gone, though, and she looked up smiling a healthy normal smile. "There was something on my glasses." She said cheerfully.
Honestly, what's Niro's problem? All the girl had done was say hello, right? Mori smiled at the new face and waved with his free hand. "Hi!!" He shouted a bit louder than necessary. "My name's Mori, and this is my brother Niro! What's your name?"
Winter was sitting on the roof's house gasping for breath. How she'd gotten onto the top, she didn't even know. She had to climb a tree, the jump to her window. She nearly missed! She would've broke her neck and missed out on the nightly games. Then she had to pull herself into her bedroom. Good thing her arms get a lot of workout from all the music she plays and dragging a 20 pound axe. She started to climb out of the window hugging her axe with one arm then she blacked out. Next thing she knew she was hanging upside down from the roof's gutter with her axe at her feet and a blood dripping from her mouth.

Slowly the sun went down and down and today's irritations and embarrassments vanished, as did the sun. The stars and moon shone brightly and beautifully, making the forest look mysterious and tempting, but only one thing laid on Winter's mind.

Time for the nightly games~
Blu had watched them,he wasn't very happy with the fact he had another tag along and this one he didn't know.Though she would work well in his 'playground' Spades called it.Even though he wasn't happy,his smile still showed bright not showing a shred of unhappiness.He held his book tightly in his hand to his side,he tend to do that when he felt uneased or upset.
Spades flew around," Hey Blu! It's almost nighttime! I wanna see your friends!" He said cheerfully. Now that the dark was coming closer, Spades wanted to speed things up so they ouldn't be late for the lovely games.
Chersier smiled, watching the two, this was perhaps the most she's talked in... Quite some time. To hold an actual conversation with someone, and not being afraid what they would say next, or if she's going to embarrass herself or worse. She shrugged her shoulders with a smile and sigh as she sped walked to catch up with them. She was genuinely curious as to what Blu's friends were like. Could they be like the mint girl? How about daffodils, maples, or even lilacs?
Blu pointed to a door right down the hall."They should still be in there if they haven't left for the games yet."He knew Shade wouldn't miss the games for anything,but Xade was a completely different story.So it was hard to tell if they'd still be there or not,even for Blu.
Keira was a little shocked that the younger boy was the one to answer her, having expected the information to come from Seiko. "Hello Mori, my name is Keira," she announced and bowed with an amused smirk tugging at her lips. "I'm so glad the two of you could join us tonight," she purred and gave Seiko a sideways glance. "You see, you've arrived at a very exciting time. We're about to start a game," she continued and her smirk grew into a grin. The grin in and of itself was normal, pleasant even, but the look in Keira's eyes told a different story. A giddy laugh bubbled up in Keira's chest and she released it in one short bark of laughter.

She could feel it. That terribly wonderful warm feeling that spread through her blood like a poison was returning, and Keira felt her desire for destruction rising. 'Kill them,' a voice whispered, the sound seductive and tempting. 'Think of how they'll bleed, Keira. Go for a major artery this time! You know where they are, so go for them! Start slashing at that pale skin with our silver! Do it, do it, DO IT!!' Keira giggled at the voice and sighed contently as she pulled her scissors out of her pockets and into view.

"You're so impatient, my darlings. But I see your point; the blood would flow exquisitely from a fatal cut like that," Keira responded to the voice of her scissors. She looked back up at the two young boys. "Yes, you've come at a very exciting time, indeed," she murmured in a nearly soothing voice. "Hmm, but maybe it's not quite time to play yet. Matt's not here," Keira noted as she looked around the area.
He exhaled softly and moved to the side so they could see his brother and him clearly. He was being obsured with acting like a kid with a new toy or somthing. He gave a repectful nod to both the girls, though kept his mouth shut as he normally did. From that point he would watch his brother, like a father with his son on the playground. He had not reason to these girls, and nor did he want to. He felt is was usless to try and make friends if they were to leave a few days after they over stayed their welcome.

A Game? What tom foolary is this chick talking about? She creeped him out only slightly, whispering to her sicssors and all. But if Mori was to play this game then perhaps he should to, just to make sure his little brother doesnt get lost in a game of hide and seek or somthing of the sort.
It was almost nighttime. Spades seemed lost in thought. Oh how he loved that color. Red. He loved to make it dance. Especially on oyher people. Would they still like him? Red is such a pretty color. He licked his lips viciously, and whipped his tail. His bloodlust kicking overdrive. The poison-chains that wavered behind him seemed restless. Spades wanted blood. Spades was a good kitty... right? Right? Spades was a good, good kitty. Meow. Woof? Or moo? It was definately meow right? Right?! Spades mumbled things under his breath, his eyes wild in pure animalistic blood-driven madness.
Blu had peeked though the door to see if they were still there,letting Spades have his crazy moment.Once he peeked his head in though,he was tackled by a red haired boy that flew out of the room.Blu had landed on his back and the boy sitting on top of him.

"What too you so long!?You know how long i've been waiting!?We're gonna be late!"The boy yelled at Blu and he yanked his head back and forth into the floor,he stopped when he noticed the other two that seemed to be with him."Eh?..."His head slightly tilted to the side as he looked at the two."Who are they?..."

Another head had popped out of the door and stared at Blu."He's mad now...."This one didn't seem to notice the other two and really didn't seem to care.

"I know this now...'Blu replied as he stared up at the one sitting on him,it didnt take him long to push the other off and sit up."Gees."
Spades quickly reverted back with a shy smile. "Hello," was the only thing he could muster up. He then sat on the ground, his long tail and enormous chains wrapping around him protectively. Spades have a little glare as he spoke," Spades Cheshire," he hissed. Today had been long for him, so random mood swings was normal. His chains wrapped around him like a loose coccoon, quivering a bit, and ready to strike.
Chersier's hand hovered over her bag, feeling the slow, creaking crack. It was quick and sharp like last time, but prolonged itself. She looked suspiciously at the red haired boy, "I... I'm Chersier Kyles... Although, the children call me, 'Chess'." She said, hesitant. Words didn't come as easily as they did for the other two, Probably because this person was older. Another, this time seemingly younger, boy came out, which is when Chess began to feel antsy. If they all snapped at the same time, she wasn't enough to fight them off... She swallowed, shaking her head, then gave them a smile, saying nothing else.
The red haired boy paid no attention to the fact that Blu just pushed him off,instead he quickly crept over to Spades.He had gotten not even and inch away from Spades face as he stared him in the eyes,even though he wasn't a cat like the boy in front of him he sure did act like one."Spades?Really?"He had a small smile on his face.

Blu watched Shades and sighed."Well then....That was fast..."He wondered how this would turn out now.The other boy in the room had walked over and picked Blu up with ease and set him down standing,not saying anything.Blu brushed himself off and looked over to him."Why were you two still here?I could have just met you at the games."

The boy shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Spades and Chess now noticing them.
When the other boy took notice of herself and Spades, she straightened up, her back going rigid. She was fighting her body on the fight or flight instinct. Choosing choice three to try and stay calm and interact. She definitely knew though, that she was not going to be the first to snap... Well, not knew, more like she willed it. She wasn't going to go all psycho while they were all sane, it would put her at a significant disadvantage. She took a few deep breaths, then waved to the boy, partnering it with an awkward smile to boot. She brought her hand down in a fluid motion, then nervously brought it back up to tuck her hair behind her ears. All during this, her eyes scanned everywhere, taking in all the details of where they were.
"Y-yeah! So?!" He quivered a bit, his chains stood still, and they were poised for a sudden attack. He had never met someone this... open before. And it felt like a trick. Spade's ears tucked down in recessiveness and let a low hiss rise in his throat. "Spades Cheshire. The cat from the basement," he spat melancholy.
"A game? What kind of game??" Mori asked, intrigued. He'll admit, talking to scissors seemed a bit strange; but then again, maybe he shouldn't be talking. Maybe that was a normal thing, right? He couldn't remember, so he just brushed the thought off his shoulder. It probably wasn't very important, anyway.

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