The Orphanage

Winter's eyes twitched. All that screaming, why couldn't screaming be beautiful? Like the flowing notes from a piano, ah, yes, she planned to play later, soon, she couldn't stand to listen to that screaming any longer. Stepping outside of the rotting house, she looked for some children playing outside, which didn't take long. She saw the girl, one of the youngest, Momo. Her brown hair was in it's usually bouncing pigtails as she ran in a circle with another boy.

"Momo!" Winter called, putting on her most warm smile. Momo looked over and gleamed, skipping over to Winter.

"Hi Winter!" She said, looking up with her wide childish eyes.

"Hey, do you want candy?" asked Winter, crouching down to Momo's height.

Momo gasped, "Do you have some!?!?!"

"No..." Winter said, making Momo frown, "but if we go ask Keira, maybe she'll buy some for us." Momo smiled once again. Winter took her hand and set out to find Keira or Matthew.

Why won't they stop arguing?! Winter thought as she was pulled by Momo.
Blu followed him and when Spades said to show him his favorite spot,he was stumped.What was his favorite spot?Did he have one?Blu scratched his head trying to think of one place he loved,"Umm...Favorite spot..."He then snapped his fingers as he remembered the place he loved very much."I know."He smiled as he walked on,waving Spades to follow."Come on,you might like it."
"Yes! Yes! Shows Spades your favorite spot!" He was thrilled and followed Blu like a duckling. His eleven foot lethal chains floated almost nonweighted behind him, and Spades had almost a squeak in his voice. Before leaving, Spades had that wicked grin on his face. He took the key and threw it into the air. At the split second, Spades sent one of his chains at it and sliced it in half. He purred contomptly as the shattered twin pieces fell to the ground and muttered darkly," There. Spades will never be locked. Never again..."
Blu continued to walk through a dark hallway until he got to the right door,it was made of dark brown wood and on it was a red,messy painted skull and "Do Not Enter" painted under it.He looked back at Spades to see if he hadn't lost him,his smile grew as he held his book close to his chest."here we are.My favorite spot,most people don't know of it and i'd like it to stay that way,if you wouldn't find."he placed his index finger over his lips and winked at Spades,hoping he got the message through.
Spades nodded a quick response, very thankful for this guy that let him put. Besides, Spades owed him, might as well do him a favor. It was quite uncomfortable to go through a such a narrow hall way with such large clothes and chains, but Spades paid it little mind. His ear twitched as he saw the do not enter symbol, making him feel weird by simply entering a room that said not to. Spades nodded again curtly,"Proceed, then,"
he brought his finger away from his lips and grabbed the handle of the door,turning and pushing it open as he walked in.It was a small white room with two more doors in the opposite side of where they just came in from.The left door was dark red and had a devil's wing painted on it,it was cracked and had many scratches all over it.The right door was blue with a angel wing drawn on it with what looked to be chalk,it was decorated with designs carved into it that circled around the wing.Blu had stepped aside as he shut the door when he let Spades in,he turned to him and smiled.His smile had grown slightly dark with an evil twist to it."Pick one,which ever you like best."
"Che. That's easy," Spades purred darkly and pointed to the dark red door and smiled slightly wicked," Who do you take me for, Blu?" He said. He grabbed his longest chain, one with black poison and spun it around," We are immortal, Blu. Don't take things lightly," Spades said with a grunt. His insane side was waking up, ready for sone thrill.
Blu saw that coming from when they first started heading here,"Well then,welcome to my...Chamber."He said as he walked over and grabbed the door handle of the dark door,he pushed it open and it looked as if it went outside to dark woods,but in these wood it was clear to see even with the thick fog covering the ground.Bodys hung from the tree branches by ropes,some in parts,as others were caught in traps of all kinds.Bear traps,snare traps,any you could think of were just lying around covered in blood since most of them were already sprung.Blu walked in and once again waited for Spades to enter.This was his dark side,the one most never say.He just loved setting people free in here and seeing how they die,those fools always go for the easy bait.He chuckled to himself as he remembered the last one he set in here,poor boy caught in a split.He was hanging in two pieces,ripped apart from stepping in to hang traps that were lying right beside each other.
Spades perked up, his ears fully straight and tail high. "My, my! Mister Blu!" He purred very loudly," You've got quite a playground, yes?" He couldn't help the bloodthristy excitement boiling inside him. This just couldn't be true. He had everything. Everything! He looked at Blu with admiration," Mister Blu, I'm seeing you in a new light! Spades simply ADORES your little playground!" He called any place he enjoyed his 'playground' which is where he had the most fun. Spades spun around, like a child in a candy store," Spades wants to see all the traps! All the traps!" He laughed hysterically. Blu had revived his inner monster, and he was enjoying every moment of it," Spades wants to try out the toys!" He cheered, showing his sharp dagger-like teeth.
Blu loved Spades reaction,"You can go anywhere you want,and come back here when you want to know that you've seen it.Just make sure never to be followed,this is a secret after all."He walked on into the woods as he looked around."It's been a while since blood has been spilt here...I should find someone new soon,but it's hard to now a days..."He sighed,a bit disappointed."i bring the people who have pathetic stories here or ones that lie about there stories...If your story isn't full proof then there is no reason to continue on living it."He smiled and he slightly pushed a head of a little girl that was hanging out of the way.When he did a small stuffed lion covered with blood stains fell from the tree,he caught it in his hand and looked at it."Poor child,never knew what hit her."He giggled as he tossed the toy to Spades.
Spades caught the lion in his mouth, throwing it up in the air lazily. He caught it with his hands and looked at it. Cute. He'd never dare tell anyone about his secret love, but he shoved the animal deep in his back pocket. "Mister Blu, after Spades plays you have to tell your story, okay?" He asked and licked his lips. This playground seemed so fun to play on. "Maybe we could go hunt for children later, yes?" He snickered," Let children play in the playground! PLAYGROUND! GYAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He was thriled. Spades saluted his new friend and went to explore Blu's playground. He had seen many traps and wanted to test them all.

Spades had gone through almost an hour, setting off traps and seeing how fast he can get away from them. Since Spades couldn't die, injuries weren't ever on his mind. Through the hour, he had lost a few limbs and such, but they quickly regenerated. His personal favorite were the ones with spike. Oh how he loved the spikes!
Blu simply watched Spades with a smile,he liked this one like the other two he had met.All so interesting,each with different stories to tell but all with one similar thing.He chuckled as he snapped his fingers and a chair appeared as he leaned back to sit,he was the mad hatter in his own little wonderland and he loved it.Of course that was one of his favorite story,though "Alice" was one of the unnecessary characters to him.He tend to cut her out of the picture most of the time,literally.But this boy in front of him reminded him of one of his favorite characters,even Spades' name resembled the character a bit. He watched Spades play around and getting hurt but never seemed to effect him,another interesting thing about this character that Blu wanted to know more about.He pulled up his book and flipped it open to what seemed to be a random page to others,but Blu knew where he had flipped without even looking.He looked down at the pages and began to read,looking up every now and then to see what Spades was up to.
Niro Approached the strange new building. He had been in these woods for as years now and never noticed it. His eyes narrowed in ultimate suspicion, though thinking of the well-being of his brother, he made the quick descision to try and see if they could find refuge in here. If only it was for a few days, anything would put Niro's mind at ease to have Mori under a roof and possably with some food. Twisted around, and letting his large trench coat tails fly in the wind, he caught sight of his brother had obviously been following him. Niro's arm lifted and locked into place, pointing in the direction of the house, as if giving the order 'Lets go, we are staying here'.
Chess looked at this girl, a bewildered and feral look in her eye. Did that girl just... She did. "Mint, mint, mint..." Chess mumbled to herself, barely audible. "I don't trust... Trust you..." Ice took over her body while her shoulders slumped, her eyes glided to the knife, horrified, she dropped it. Her lips quivered but she couldn't find words, she just snatched the knife back up and threw it in her bag, "I'm so sorry... I lost it..." She couldn't say she hated when she snapped, but she never felt good after it, either. The pleasure she took in causing pain one moment, frightens her the next, that she could revel in it so much. She looked at the girl, and then at the boy, when her eyes met his, she looked down, ashamed of what she had (nearly) just done. "I'm so sorry... I... I could do your chores for a week... I..."
Mori nodded up at Niro with an innocent smile, and started walking ahead of him. Unlike his older brother, Mori held no sense of suspicion towards the large building. He simply strolled right on in, without a second though. "Hello~?!" He called out. He walked farther into the orphanage, not waiting for an answer.

((Sorry my first reply is so short; you're not giving me much to go on, Broken Blacklist! xD ))

1. ALL humans under the age of 18 are immortal the second they arrive at the Orphanage, regardless of if they are a character being played by someone or not.

2. Don't kill each other during the day. The nights are specifically set aside for fighting which results in killing. I don't care if your characters fight a bit during the day - it'd potentially make the "game" more interesting - but please refrain from mortal injury.

3. Your characters cannot regenerate unless they have a mutation that says otherwise. You can only heal when morning comes around.))

Keira sighed as the screaming started. Some of it, she knew, was from the cat in the back room, some of it was playful and coming from the younger children playing around the corner, and some of it was unidentifiable. The couple was determined to stay put for as long as possible - or at least until they got bored - and tune out the racket that was more likely than not just going to escalate. It was hard work, but the duo managed to ignore the commotion that their housemates were making, for a while anyway.

After a few more minutes of lazing about, Keira turned her head sideways, looking up at Matt through thick eyelashes. "What do you think they're doing? It kinda sounds like someone's dying," she noted offhandedly, not too serious about her proclamation, but not entirely sure it wasn't true, either. She felt more than saw Matt shrug and she snorted, unimpressed by his answer. "I think I'm going to go make sure they really aren't torturing someone so early in the day. It's too pretty out for manslaughter right now; they should enjoy the day while it's here," she rambled as she disentangled herself from Matt's arms and crawled off his lap.

"I think I'll stay here, if you don't mind. I don't want to get involved," Matt murmured as he watched Keira stand. He handed her the messenger bag that was laying by his side once she was fully upright.

"Thanks," she chirped as Matt handed her the bag. "Yeah, you can stay here. I'll probably be back in a little while, anyway," she added and waved her goodbye before turning around and marching off to where she thought the little kids were. It was best to check up on them first to make sure no one was popping eyeballs out of their sockets or pulling out teeth. There wouldn't be anything fun left to do during the evening hours otherwise.
((Aghhh I deleted my last post, people were posting too quickly xD time to rewrite!!))

Winter had had it with Momo, and was now sitting alone on the porch. She could only take so much hearing about Momo's favorite color, favorite type of weather, and how she scraped her knee while playing with Thomas. WInter had tried to teach her practical things in life, like how to defend herself against the horrible infection, mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. After a while she just couldn't take it anymore.

Winter was now about to go to sleep on the porch when she heard something strange. She go up to look around, until she saw it. Two figures, boys, were coming closer to the orphanage. Winter had the urge to get her axe, Mr. Death, but she wanted to see the action go down if they were actually enemies. She followed them inside the house, hid, and watched.

Spades had his fun, and it was almost nighttime. He was so excited to begin his first 'game'. Being locked up was truely boring, and he hadn't get to have any fun. Tired, Spades had begun to grow mellow once again and padded over to Blu, who was rrading a book," What're you reading?" He asked, interested in what his new friend does. He swished his tail and tried to see what Blu was looking at.
Blu didn't look up at him this time."Have you ever heard of The Brother's Grimm?'He asked as he smiled,flipping the page of his book.The writing was nice and easy to read,there were also drawings sketched out on almost every page some took the whole page while others were small and sat in the corner.Blu had worked very hard on his book,though it still wasn't complete for there were blank pages at the end and quite a few of them.
Smiling at Chess, she took a step out of the middle. "There, I'll let you two settle that!" Seiko left the room and back into the front room to see a person entering. "Why hello~" She smiled at the boy. 'Another person to play with!' She thought excitedly. "How are you?" She stepped up to the boy and examined his features and expression.
The boy smiled brightly at the new face. "I'm good!" He stated proudly. "My name's Mori! What's yours?" He asked, getting right down to business. The girl in front of him seemed nice, so he saw no reason to be cautious around her. All around, he was already comfortable with this new environment. Despite the eeriness looming around every corner, it still seemed rather cozy. He could already see himself staying in this place with his brother for a long time.
"No, what's that? Haven't of such a thing since... forever," Spades bitterly implied that he'd been locked up all this time, but kept it I.side. "But what is it?" He asked, swooshing his tail.
"Not what,But who.They are my favorite authors,they're stories are more...grimm then others."He smiled as he continued reading along as he spoke,The Grimm Brothers also had the most stories he's ever heard of.So far his count was up to 400 but he didn't know if they had more out there somewhere.He only kept his favorites in the book though.
Spades plopped on the ground and glared at Blu," Then read me one," he said as an order. He felt like a child at storytime, and Spades wanted to hear a story. He looked at Blu's reaction and repeated," I'd like to hear these... grimm stories," he lifted a hand and licked it like a cat would clean itself, and blinked his crimson eyes.
Blu smiled,"How about this one,"He shut his book and placed it in his lap,looking at Spades as he leaned back in his chair."The Girl without hands.It's slightly long,but good."He didn't mind this story,though it didn't take a place in his book since it wasn't one that topped most of the ones he's heard.And it was understandable that Spades hadn't heard of them,he had been stuck in that cage very long it seems.

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