The Orphanage

"Oh no you don't~" Seiko called to Mori running after him. She wasn't about to let prey get away and she certainly wasn't going to let others get him. Her speed was more enhanced then the young boy's and she quickly caught up. "Why are you running sweetie?~" Grabbing his hand she asked, keeping her tone nice but her eyes were full of blood lust. Her strength keep him from pulling away and she smiled widely.
Alyx was staring darkly out of the grimy window, on ear twitching. She watched someone smiling up at the Orphanage, she hated that face. Her eyes darkened as she thought of this place. The Orphanage. Where everyone was immortal, and no one was natural. She smiled spitefully to herself, and turned away from the window, violet hair whirling. Alyx was going to run away, at first. However, after a while in the building, her mood changed, although she no longer wanted to run away, Alyx still felt a mocking hatred towards the Manor.

Watching the strange new girl run towards the Beast (As Alyx called him), she scrunched up her nose and peered around the corner to see what was going on. The Beast and two others, on seemingly a cat-boy, were in some sort of Combat. Alyx smiles gleefully she liked fighting, so she walked confidently towards them to watch the slaughter. As she came to a halt, she noticed the girl again and smirked at her with pure malice. Her rabbit-like ears twitched and her canines were shockingly sharp. She was having fun.
Mori gasped in surprise when Seiko pulled him back. At first, he tried to pull away, but the girl's grip on him was too tight. The only thing he could think to do now was swing his new sword and hope for the best. He didn't really want to kill her, but he had a feeling that if he didn't, she wouldn't hesitate to do so to him. So, he closed his eyes and turned his head away as he swung the sword at the teenager he almost trusted.
Unlike the young boy, Seiko had training with her swords. She easily blocked the attack with a large smile. Pushing both of the swords aside, she pulled Mori closer with a jerk. "Why would you run?" She lifted her katana and prepared to strike. "The fun is just about to start~" She sliced toward Mori's shoulder from above wanting the glorious red liquid to spew from this young boy.
Spades swiftly leaped up above John and into the trees, snarling at the bloody gash that pulsed in his shoulder. Yes. The adrenaline surge was coming back now. All the blood and gore from earlier came back to him. And he enjoyed every moment of it. "My, my Mister Robot," he purred slyly from the branches," What a lovely toy you have there. Won't you share with me please~?" Spades said with a glimmer in his eyes. Metal scratching post or not, it was alive. And seemed very fun too. Spades leaped down and landed on John's head, tapping the suit lightly," Miaw. I can't let you go around skewering me! That would be a big no-no!" Spades laughed and sat on him like a straddler," Piggyback, Mister! Dance! Dance!" He had a giggle fit. This was way more fun than that murky basement he had been locked up in for so long. " Please entertain me! Even for a little bit~?" He said, tapping the cold metal a few more times.
Mori screamed out in pain as the sword was driven through his shoulder. Tears began falling from his eyes, and he dropped his sword on the ground to try and stop the bleeding with his hand. He wanted to get out of here, now. He didn't like this game; it hurt too much. "Please let me go!!" He shouted through his sobs.
John grabs the thing from his shoulders, and slams it into the ground. He breaks its right arm with his drill, and kicks it into a tree. John charges away from the thing, and towards the barrier he had no idea about. As he charges, he slams into the barrier, bouncing off. He roars his frustration and slams his drill into the barrier, hoping to break it down, but to no avail. He continues to try and break it down.
Watching 'The Beast' with fascination Alyx opened her mouth slightly to show

delicately curved fangs, her ears twitched and she was getting frustrated; why

wasn't he killing the boy! So, pursing her lips and straightening her dark violet

rabbit-ears, she took confident strides towards The Beast. It was a huge metal

contraption, with a drill as a hand. It was wearing a helmet, which was strange.

Alyx tilted her head, staring up at the thing, her black silk top hat was slightly

askew and she straightened it.

She stepped right in front of it, blocking its way "Hey!" she called. She made

sure it could see her, violet hair flying and ears straight.
Spades snarled loudly in pain as he felt his arm cracking. This monster, it was quite fun. He spat out some blood, which was the dark pitch black color. Spades stood up, a wicked grin plastered on his face. His first nightly games and he had already lost so much blood, uet the fun was so much. Wobbly from the sudden impact from the tree, he quickly regained himself. Spades jumped up into a tree, above John the seadiver. Spades saw Alyx, and a catlike purr rose. More toys to play with.

"Haven't seen you here," he said to her, rolling his shoulder until it cracked." Who am I kidding? I just got out!" He slapped his head in a series of giggly laughs. Spades swung his tail and reverted his attention back to the big metal thing. Somehow, it seemed rather immune to normal attacks. Noneyheless, he enjoyed the fun it gave. Spades licked a smudge of blood from his cheek. Unlike normal blood, it was rather bitter, and about a small percent poisonous. Spades liked to mix his blood within a few infectionous herbs, so make a lovely poison to place onto his chains. Spades' eleven-foot vhain wrapped around him loosely, like what a snake would do. Meow. Meow.
Alyx swung her head up to look at the cat- like creature. "I got here 2 weeks ago." she said defiantly "what's ti to you anyway" Alyx glances at his shoulder, covered with blood, she smirked slightly and turned back to the beast "Soo...?" she called.(sorry it was a short one :( )
Seiko smirked at the scream soaking in the sound of his screams. "Now why would I do that?~" She wished that he would fight back but she knew he was only a child. "The fun has only just begun!~" She pulled the sword from his wound and raised it again. She wanted more fear before something got in her way, as the other children alwas do.
Hearing the sickly sound of steel agaisn't flesh, Alxy turned her head sharply towards a girl, holding a sword aloft. It seemed as if she was trying to harm the kitty- er cat-boy. The east was meant to kill him! Why was she doing it! Haing none of it, Alyx threw herself between girl and boy. She opened her eyes, the violet darkning, her rabbit- ears flat on her head "Stop..." she whispered "Leave him" Staring defiantly up at her (she's a bit on the small side :') ) Alyx braced herself for the painfull blast of steel... (( sorry, lots of typos ))
Azeel looked at the Matt kid. He looked chill, relaxed and unfazed about what was going on around him. He was older then Azeel, but only by a few years. Putting the knife he had been holding in his left hand, Azeel held out his right for Matt. "Hello. My name is A-" He stopped and visibly winced, mentally kicking himself for not being able to block whoever's feelings were invading his mind. He took a deep breath in and rolled his shoulder, the place where someone had probably been seriously injured and Azeel had picked up on it, then straightened up and managed a halfhearted smile. "Sorry, someone got hurt. But I'm Azeel. Pleased to meet you."

{sorry for extreme lateness. been horribly sick. it's the first time i've ever gotten sick and it sucks. i have no idea how normal people deal with it.}
(([MENTION=3276]yistae[/MENTION]: With lots of cursing and self-medication. -____- And don't worry 'bout being late; I was off tending to other things, too.))

Matt was surprised that this kid wanted to shake his hand. This place didn't exactly require the politeness of a black tie event, but Matt decided to play along, if only for a moment. He wasn't sure if this kid was one of the super crazies or not, and so he made sure to keep his peripheral vision on the knife the kid had to make sure he wasn't caught up in a surprise attack should the situation get messy.

Matt walked forward a few paces and grasped Azeel's hand in his own. "I'm Matt, but I suppose you already know that," Matt remarked and released Azeel's hand.

((Sorry for the shortness; I didn't really have a lot to say. >_<))
Spades leaped down, landing lightly on his tiptoes and swinging his tail swiftly. "It's the nightly games, Miss Rabbit-bunny," he snarled," It's when the time is MOST FUN!" He bared his fangs, showing a single row of sharp teeth that was splattered with black and red blood. Spades cracked his shoulder a last single time, standing up and purred loudly. Spades lifted a claw and licked the blood off, tasting a familiar taste of a bittersalty flare. He looked at John the metalman, a low rumble rose from his throat. He wanted to taste its blood. If it had any.
Mori began to struggle in the midst of his panic, when he realized Seiko was going to bring the sword down on him again. He needed to get out of here, and he needed to think of a way how, fast. The girl was obviously much stronger and more skilled in sword fighting than him. Struggling was not going to work. He had one more idea, but it was a last resort; it may not have any effect. Before Seiko could strike him again, he quickly bit her hand as hard as he could, hoping it'll make her let go and give him a chance to run and hide.
Seiko jerked her hand away in surprise and smiled at him. She shook her hand having red teeth marks on it with a smirk. She wasn't about to let Mori disappear but it would be more fun to let him run.
Alyx frowned at the boy "sure, mr kitty, you sure look hurt" she smirked and bared her sharp fangs at him. Alyx glanced at- John, his name was- and then looked back at the boy, "Sounds like... fun" she grinned. (( short one again, sorry ))
"Nothing I can't handle, Miss. No need to fret over my injuries," he said whipping his tail, then he jolted a bit," Where are my manners?! I am Spades. Spades Cheshire," he licked his lips," Also known as the cat trapped in the basement, but my lovely friend Blu had just let me out today," Spades nodded at himself," And so far I am absolutely thrilled to the maximum. Such a lovely red world we live in,no?" As he spoke, Spades whipped around his chains, like spiderlegs on his back. His arm was bleeding, but Spades didn't care. We cpuldn't die anyway. Meow.
Nora took a deep breath to settle her nerves, then she made herself visible again and approached the cat boy and the girl with him. She needed answers. "Um... Excuse me?" She voiced hesitantly. "What... What exactly is this place?" her voice shook and she tried to steady it. "People are hurting eachother.... Killing eachother... And nobody seems to mind. I can't leave the property no matter how hard I try.... And you.." She gestured to Spades, "It's clear your not exactly human." She slumped down to the ground. "I came here to escape the hell I was living in... And I think I just trapped myself in a new one..." I should only be so lucky...
Alyx twitched her rabbit ears and grinned " My name's Alyx" She said to Spades, "Also knows as the Pshycotic Rabbit" she tiltes her head slightly and waved her ears bit, then turned to the new girl, "Your at the Orphanage" Alyx twitched her ears and bared her fangs slightly, "Course we kill eachother... Theres nothing else to do." Alyx licked her fangs and turned back to Spades, grinning "So... what's up with this guy?" Alyx turned slightly to John and narrowed her eyes.
"Meow. Completely agree," he purred at Alyx's explanation," You new?" He grinned maliciously," You DO know that you're immortal now, mew?" He whipped his tail and laughed," And at night, we have the NIGHTLY GAMES!" Spades' voice cracked at the end, hinting his giggly emotions of red. Spades licked the edge of his lips. Right now he was mentally unstable. Spades was only sane when he was tired, which was only 10% of the time. Yet right now he was fully awake and alive. Looking at John, he hissed," That thing doesn't seem to mind pain.," he said, then having another psychotic giggle fit. He held his stomach and grabbed a chain. One of the shorter ones, and he whipped it around, ready for another round of combat.
Alyx grinned and a fighting stave appeared seemingly

out of nowhere "hmmm.... you recon this could do

some damage?" she giggled madly and turned to

the new girl. Blinking slowly, a grinn spread across her face.

She suddenly burst out laughing. Alyx twitched her ears

and stopped laughing "Who first..." she glanced at Spades

"Not you... hmmm" she licked her lips and looked at John.

Alyx smirked and straightened her hat. "Well this is sure

gonna be fun!" She laughed insanely and twirled her fighting stave.
Winter watched the group from behind a tree not so far away. She had dragged Mr. Death here by her teeth, which was pretty hard considering her ankle, but she could be impressed with herself later.

She was somewhat interested yet disinterested in this group. They all had obviously lost their minds. All wanting that itch for pain. Even a funny new girl who looked dumbfounded by what was happening. Then she couldn't forget the bunny girl and the kitty boy. Where had that boy come from? His voice seemed fairly familiar. Was he the screamer? He was definitely the screamer. She made a mental note to rip out his vocal chord later as revenge for that horrible "music" he made.

What really stood out was the humongous machine that was holding onto that girl. He didn't seem interested in pain like What was her name? Chess! How could he forget a girl who was named after one of her most favorite games.

Yet...they didn't seem interested in killing. Torture, yes, they seemed very interested in that. Who wasn't? But you can't study the difference between a dead person and a live one if the person is still alive. Winter's whipped her around and hid behind the tree. Like she thought before, if she was caught by them, she wouldn't be killed mercifully.
As soon as Mori felt Seiko's grip on him release, he made a quick grab for his sword with his good hand, and made a run for it. He ran as fast as he could, for as long as he could, turning in corridors going down stairs, entering rooms--anything to get as far away from that crazy girl as possible. When he finally just could not run any longer, he sat down on the ground, leaning against the wall. The adrenaline that had been flowing was starting to calm, and Mori was growing increasingly tired. He knew he was probably going to fall asleep soon, but he had to do something first.

He quickly reached into his pocket, and pulled out a pen. Pushing off the cap with his thumb, he sat up and began to write something on the cloth wrapped around his arm. Mori has short-term memory loss, so anything he thinks is important, he writes down on his arms. Right now, he only has two things: his name, and his brother's name. This would be the third, and probably most important thing to know in his life, ever. Feeling himself draining of energy, he began writing: How to win the game: _______

But before he could finish, he passed out right there on the ground from too much blood loss, his pen still in his hand.

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