[The North] OOC

If there is no tracker, looks like we will just have to walk straight towards the source. And face whatever dangers there are. ; )
Jondera: the bonus applies to any sail actions, most actions on the ship or nearby. Within that realm, its a loose interpretation.

Tracking is based off Survival.

Heading towards the source is problematic. Storms don't have sources in any literal sense. Vast conjunctions of cloud and wind sure, but that's it. A northern snowstorm can span miles upon miles, and wandering around blind in one is a good way to wind up dead. Nor do they have eyes.
Scorp, this is you. You lost Fang in the blizzard and activated your anima banner to help you find him. In fact, you only did when the avalanche swept you away. Decide why you were in the area, and what you're trying to do.
Post in the newbie game thread in the heavenly registry and I'll pm you when I'm going to reopen things.
You may use Stamina/Charisma/Manipulation + Performance. Stamina to sing loud, Charisma to sing well, Manipulation to sing infuriatingly. Take +3d from combined assistance from the crew, and any PC with at least a dot in Performance may contribute an additional 1d of cooperation.
I have performance 1, charisma 3, stamina 3. and knows Sky tongue. Guess I would be able to help. Though I cant sing really well as he could, I think. : )
You can always come in on the chorus, so it definitely counts as limited cooperation. Feel free to roll a die.

You can stunt this for good roleplaying, but its still only one die.
Before posting combat action I want to ask a few things.

1) Does jumping requires a roll or we cam automatically jump up to maximum distance of strength+athletics (I assume stunts, virtues and willpower extras still need roll according to jump rules in page 127-128)

2) If my calculation correct Noname's horizantal jump distance is strength(4)+athletics(3)=7x2=14 yard and if I use monkey leap technique this is goes up to 28 minus mobility penlaty from armor (-1) so a final total of 27? (or 26 if mobility penalty is factored before multiply of charm)

3) according to new combo rules I can use any charm as long as it fits the combo mking rules does this mean. I can activate monkey leap technique (combo-ok reflexive charm) jump towards a spirit, use call the blade (permenant charm with a reflexive action) to get his swords from elsewhere than attack to spirit (depending on answer on this I may use melee excelency on these attacks too). Assuming that Noname will make one attack with each sword and two charms he uses are reflexive ones Nonmae will only get die penalty as a multiple action of 3 however he will take move action (which is jump thanks to monkey leap technique) before than his attacks so eventhough he maynot roll for move does move being first action cause it get the 3 dice penalty and attacks getting 4 and 5 dice penalty respectively? or since move doesnt require a rollare only attacks may get 3 dice and 4 dice penalty respectively?

4) Can join battles be stunted? And if it can be stunted does it count up to first turns stunt bonus when calculating essence, wp, xp etc gain?
1) Determined by the ST if there is some difficulty. But mainly its unrolled. I think the stunting, virtues and willpower are rolled to add to the calculation of jump distance, but that's it. (kind of like when you do these things to recalculate the static DV's)

2) Good question. And I do not have the errata in front of me. Personally I would say since we are Exalted and magic is enhancing and most things are rounded up for the demi gods, I would go with the 27. But thats just me.

3) 3 and 4 I believe since the Jump is mainly diceless.

4) I dont think so. Its a roll to determine order...it really isnt an action.
3) I think its like this.

1. First those with appropriate ability or charm must get within combat range of 20 yard. In ya case, u can easily do that.

2. Determine join battle. Which tick u act. Assume u act on tick 5.

3. If u act before the spirits, you may activate any combo in accordance to the rule. If its reflexive charms only. No problem. If there is an extra action charm, each extra action must use the reflexive or supplement charms activated during first action.

4. In ya case u wish to do a flurry of actions. It seems to be 2 flurry of attacks, that means first attack is at -2, second attack at -3, ya PDv or Ddv is -2.

(alternatively, u can have flurry of multiple actions. E.g. 4 actions, move, move, attack, attack. Where attack max= rate. Then ya first action has -4, second action -5, third -6, forth -7. Dv penalties -4, unless u activate some charms that maintain dv at -1 ( bulwark stance, or flow like blood)

I hope I am right on this part.

As for the stunt, I think you can use it anytime where plausible, 2 dice stunt recover 4 motes. Unless the charm u used is scene long or artifact commitments which does not allow motes recovery. In ya case the reflexive charms allows stunt motes recovery.

I hope I am right about this too.

Let's wait for our ST answers.
In order of increasing complexity:

Join Battle may be stunted. There is a Join Battle action that you implicitly take every time. This action may be stunted like any other. It does count as an action for the purpose of stunt rewards, however, meaning you cannot then gain from additional stunts until you take a normal action.

Jumping (127-128) is an unrolled miscellaneous action. To jump and attack in a single action, the two must be flurried together. There are charms that allow jumping to be a reflexive action, which obviously removes the need for a flurry. Max vertical distance is [strength + Athletics] while lateral distance is twice that. Angles involve some ST fiat. Stunts directly increase the total without a need for a roll, ie Onyx Fox's max lateral jump with a 2d stunt is 12 yards. [st 2 + Ath 3] x2 +2 =12. Note the stunt bonus goes outside the multiplier. This is typical.

It does count as the first action in a flurry.

Monkey leap technique makes jumping a move (reflexive) action. Thus it does not count against the flurry. The doubler happens before stunts and other additive bonuses. [str +Ath]x2x2 +stunts and bonuses or 28+ yards, as described. Note Charms that double static values do not stack perfectly with other charms that double dice pools. (Many exceptions exist, but they're explicitly called.) So if you use two charms that doubles pool, the net increase would be 3x, not 4x. As a reflexive charm you can activate it during your JB action, which is what a lot of people do. Likewise the mobility penalty would be added like the stunt bonus, so 28-mobility+stunt, etc.

GS: Your third paragraph was written bizarrely. I'm not sure I could parse it, but regarding combo rules:

You may use a reflexive charm at any point. This includes most excellencies. Overlap between them is irrelevant. You may use Monkey Leap, An excellency, and Call the blade on a single tick. Reflexive charms do not have to be used on every attack with extra action charms, though supplemental charms must.

Regarding your action: Suppose you rolled a JB of 4 and the spirits rolled a JB of 5. They go on tick zero, and do some stuff. During that tick, you may kick in Monkey Leap(for the sake of the example, you do this). You may also use an Ex. to increase your parries. On the next tick you go. You decide to jump and attack twice, once with each sword.

This counts as a 2 action flurry. You jump and attack, rolling your first attack at -2, and your second attack at -4 (-3 for the second attack in a flurry, -1 for an off hand action(pg 148)) You may augment one or both of these actions with reflexive charms. You may also use Supplemental charms, but supplemental charms must be used to augment everything if you use more than one charm. (This is a very strict reading of the rules, and in a normal game I'd ignore this. But again, newbie game, trying to make things very direct and no house rules, so in this case I'd require it.) Having done so, you roll. Your DV penalty is now -2. On the second attack your enemy has an onslaught penalty of -1, but only against you. If Yu attacked the spirit as well, he would not gain that -1. (he could get his own onslaught or coordinated attack bonues, but those are different.)

I could have sworn the minimum flurry penalty is a -3 and they only get worse from there, but I can't find that anywhere. There was an oblique reference to it in the drawing weapons section. I'm going to dig through my rules and see if I can find it.

Meanwhile, http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Exalted_201_Second_Edition_Combat is an excellent resource.
Well to be safe (and it involves at least two dice roll other than join battle) I will wait for ST's response but thanks for reply. I will just post a join battle post in IC to not drag order our of place.

EDIT: Ok another question since I realised we finished 3rd page. This means we have 12 xp and in first post of OOC ST mentined that we can spend this XP whenever also there are some things on xp chart that says immediate as their training time. However just to be on safe side. Could I train anything immediate at this point (just before combat starts) or should I wait until combat ends?
Huh, I forgot completely about the fact that stunts gave back motes. That works out of combat too right?

And all of my advancements are charm things >_< Those have a pretty high training time, so I suppose I will wait until we hit downtime. (If we do in this game)
Stunting gives back motes whenever there's a point to it. Generally this is all the time, but it you start stunting walking down a hall, then it doesn't. Similarly in combat, it works until things get stagnant. Initially you're golden, but if you get into a rut where you're spamming the same attack over and over, then it will stop. It's a gut check on the part of the ST on my 'is this boring?' scale.

You may increase non-training time abilities at any point you're not actively using them. So mid combat you couldn't bump Melee, but otherwise you may. Regarding right now, wait until combat ends. You may also discover some things you need to buff you didn't realize before.

As the fracas seems to be ensuing, everyone should roll JB.
Miashara said:
This counts as a 2 action flurry. You jump and attack, rolling your first attack at -2, and your second attack at -4 (-3 for the second attack in a flurry, -1 for an off hand action(pg 148)) You may augment one or both of these actions with reflexive charms. You may also use Supplemental charms, but supplemental charms must be used to augment everything if you use more than one charm. (This is a very strict reading of the rules, and in a normal game I'd ignore this. But again, newbie game, trying to make things very direct and no house rules, so in this case I'd require it.) Having done so, you roll. Your DV penalty is now -2. On the second attack your enemy has an onslaught penalty of -1, but only against you. If Yu attacked the spirit as well, he would not gain that -1. (he could get his own onslaught or coordinated attack bonues, but those are different.)

I could have sworn the minimum flurry penalty is a -3 and they only get worse from there, but I can't find that anywhere. There was an oblique reference to it in the drawing weapons section. I'm going to dig through my rules and see if I can find it.

Meanwhile, http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Exalted_201_Second_Edition_Combat is an excellent resource.
Sorry for my bizarre writing I was trying to translate things in my head to english while trying to write that one and at the same time trying to fend of a couple of friends off my head asking various questions.

Paired weapons does not get offhand penalty so second attack will be -3. I ask about move becuase I thought it counts as a seperate action (I don't know where did I get that though must be my imagination)

Also I didn't know exalted 201 was updated to 2.5 edition I will check later.

EDIT: I also add stunt dice to my JB roll making it a 9 dice roll if it was not approtiate than please ignore last two rolls (which gave me one more success in JB)

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