[The North] OOC

It is worth noting that paired short daiklaves are a special case in that they don't get off hand penalties. You're right, but this does not apply to all paired weapons by default.

Exalted 201 wasn't updated to 2.5 It's still useful because most of what you're doing isn't 2.5 relevant. They break down flurries, movement, damage and all that very meticulously so it's worth a read.
Miashara said:
It is worth noting that paired short daiklaves are a special case in that they don't get off hand penalties. You're right, but this does not apply to all paired weapons by default.
Exalted 201 wasn't updated to 2.5 It's still useful because most of what you're doing isn't 2.5 relevant. They break down flurries, movement, damage and all that very meticulously so it's worth a read.
Umm it says it is updated for 2.5 in the exalted 201 itself

It was written by the esteemed Kasumi, originally presented at rpg.net

Update for 2.5 by RRimmel
So this is what I got:

Wuming (Yu)- 2 suxx

Loststar (Alek) - 1 Suxx

Greenstalker (Noname) - 3 Suxx

The Scorp (Onyx Fox) - 4 suxx

Arion Wind (Ace) - 4 Suxx (and will Aim)

Jondera (Kiara) - 5 Suxx

Various NPCs Group 1 - 2 Suxx

Various NPCs Group 2 - 1 Suxx

Various NPCs Group 3 - 2(or 3 suxx if counting 10 as double)

SO it should be....

Tick 1 - Kiara

Tick 2 - Onyx Fox and Ace (Aiming)

Tick 3 - Noname (and Group 3 depending)

Tick 4 - Yu, Group 1, (and Group 3 depending)

Tick 5 - Alek, Group 2

Tick 6
I think I have read somewhere...the stunt can only recover spent, uncommitted motes. Monkey leap and Graceful Crane Stance are scene long, essence committing charm. So unless we release the charm, motes can't be recovered.
One of those was the roll for the assassins to hold onto the ship. There's only two relevant groups of NPCs.

Wuming is also correct about committed motes and stunting.

Combat begins with Tick 0, but the order is otherwise spot on.

Tick 0 - Kiara

Tick 1 - Onyx Fox and Ace (Aiming)

Tick 2 - Noname

Tick 3 - Yu, Group 1,

Tick 4- Alek, Group 2

Alek's turn is perfectly fitting. He needs to take a misc action to dig himself out of the snow.

Otherwise, go to it. Post your actions please. And if you attack, please have your weapon stats with DVs in the spoiler box. Thank you.
Unless you're doing something that's dependent on one of them, you can go ahead. You should check and be sure nothing they post invalidates your action when they do post, but otherwise just go now to keep the game flowing.
Miashara said:
I could have sworn the minimum flurry penalty is a -3 and they only get worse from there, but I can't find that anywhere. There was an oblique reference to it in the drawing weapons section. I'm going to dig through my rules and see if I can find it.

Meanwhile, http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Exalted_201_Second_Edition_Combat is an excellent resource.
I think I found what you mean in page 144 under drawing and readying weapon.

It says eventhough readying is automatic it still counts as an action in a flurry and subject to multiple action penalties therefore a character who draws and attack on same tick gets -3 to his attack roll (-2 for being a two action flurry and -1 for being second action) so eventhough first action was a diceless one it still gets -2 penalty and following one gets -3 one.
10s count as double, don't they?

In which case, The Scorp's counted successes are inaccurate; they should be

Wuming (Yu)- 2 suxx

Loststar (Alek) - 1 Suxx

Greenstalker (Noname) - 3 Suxx

The Scorp (Onyx Fox) - 4 suxx

Arion Wind (Ace) - 4 Suxx (and will Aim)

Jondera (Kiara) - 6 Suxx

Various NPCs Group 1 - 2 Suxx

Various NPCs Group 2 - 1 Suxx

Various NPCs Group 3 - 3 suxx

Resulting in the following turn order:

Tick 0 - Kiara

Tick 2 - Onyx Fox and Ace (Aiming)

Tick 3 - Noname, Group 3

Tick 4 - Yu, Group 1

Tick 5 - Alek, Group 2
group 3 might not be heroic assassins so 10s wouldnt count (0r as Miashara said: "One of those was the roll for the assassins to hold onto the ship. There's only two relevant groups of NPCs.") ...but yup...Oops on only your calculation.
Going through every action slowly, so this may take a bit.

Jondera: You mean a Guard action? Got it.

Lostar: Obviously, you're good too. But if you and Jondera would both post your DVs, it makes things a lot easier. Thank you.

The Scorp: While Snake Form now possesses the Combo-Basic keyword and may be comboed with Reflexive charms, EFST possesses the Combo-Basic Keyword as well, instead of simply Combo-OK. Thus you can't activate it with a Simple Charm like a Form type. (Basic book pages 183 for limitations, it's on page 13 of the Errata that came out at the beginning of April). In addition to which, as both of those charms are scene length, you would not regain any of the essence spent on them through stunting. It is considered committed and still 'in use.' Wuming mentioned it upthread. Note that since Wuming liked your post, that bumps it into the 3d stunt characteristic, and that affects some things.

Result: So you need to change your charm usage, and the resultant mote commitments. The rest looked good.

Greenstalker: Likewise, Wuming bumped you into the 3d stunt region. To save time, I just rolled the extra dice for you, giving you a bonus success on your first attack but nothing on the second one. Also, could you go through the derivation of your Peripheral Essence pool? Anathema says it should max at 24, which followed my mental math. Also, according to your sheet you do not have the first melee Ex. You and I were talking about this, so if you meant to change it and just forgot, no worries. Just please do so now. As a special note, everything else was really clearly written and extremely easy for me to read and check. Thank you very much for that.

Result: Double check how you get a peripheral essence pool of 35 and if that excellency is the one you want.

Wuming: You went in with 4 motes of Personal essence remaining and all the rest committed. http://www.patternspider.net/threads/the-first-snowfall.10886/page-3#post-251070 As you mentioned, you can't get more than that because of those commitments. Burning 5m 1wp for IWT leaves you at least 1m down in Peripheral essence and a bottomed out Personal pool. While technically you won't get the motes back for the stunt until I go through the defenses, with those rolls you're certain to hit something. (Read: You're going to get 4 motes back.) But that leaves you with 1m gone from your peripheral pool if you put the other 4 into personal. You may mix and match however you like. However your specialties as they stand aren't applicable. You aren't in an enclosed area and you aren't preventing the use of big weapons. You can modify those if you want to.

Result: Check mote pools and specialty selection.

Arion Wind: Aiming cannot be part of a flurry, so you need to take a Misc action to draw your bow first. (Basic 142) (I guess technically you could Aim, then draw your bow, but you'd loose the Aim bonus so I can't imagine why you would want to.) Or, what I think you meant, is use Summon the Loyal Steel for a 1m cost. Perfectly valid, just mark off another mote.

Result: +1m cost. Otherwise you're good.

Anybody catch a math error?
Anathema doesn't show artifact attuned mote on sheet and it reduces them from maximum peripheral mote as well. Here is total calculation: 7Xessence (3)+willpower (5)+compassion(1)+conviction(3)+temperance(3)+valor(2)= 35

What anathema character sheet shows is 35 -11 (artifact attuned 6 for paired short daiklave + 3 for lamellar + 2 for heartstone bracers) = 24

This partly becuase I set equipments as artifacts in anathema and applied their attunement costs in there. Technically it shows a correct value because unless I release my attunement to artifacts my total peripheral maximum I can use is 24. I just mentioned artifacts and such in my post to write them once so people know what is spent on what. Sorry if this caused confusion and if you like I can remove attunement costs from my equipments (artifacts) so it will show correct value.

I thought I switched first and second excelencies after our talk I corrected character sheet now.

And if my stunt becomes a 3-die one this means I can select to fill 6 mote or get 1 experience point right (since I didn't spent any willpower) ?
My accuracy did not take into account of specialty bonus. I think I should rolling right number of dices. : )
Edited my post to include my DV (*Amused*) Really though, if the combat goes poorly for Alek I will probably invest a bit more in the Resistance line. Will play it by ear first and see, tis the point of a newb game eh?

On another note, sorries we couldn't negotiate :) Apparently the spirits decided otherwise.
Greenstalker: Stunt: Yes, you may. You say something in your OOC bar about a scene long stunt which I didn't quite parse. Stunts apply to one action, though for speed of play you can stunt an attack and a defense at the same time, or possibly an attack and JB if coming from secrecy. So there's no such thing as a scene length stunt normally. And regarding Essence pools, it's perfectly fine now that I got what you're doing. Do whichever one is easiest for you. Regarding the sheet, that's what I thought you were going to do. Again, glad we're on the same page.

Wuming: Actually, you rolled one die too few on the last two rolls, but otherwise you're absolutely correct. So just the mote pool corrections then.

Loststar: These snow spirits are underestimating you rather badly, something I expect them to learn fairly quickly. The Solars have not long been back, and these guys don't know about it at all, much less expect to find you. There will be other, far more talkative beings in your future, but that's when word gets out there are people about who are worth talking too. The DVs are useful because I do a lot of the crunch of combat on the back end (ie, my desk with real dice) and not having to scan through other files makes my life a lot easier. As for Resistance, I wholeheartedly agree with figuring out how well everything works here.
Miashara said:
Greenstalker: Stunt: Yes, you may. You say something in your OOC bar about a scene long stunt which I didn't quite parse. Stunts apply to one action, though for speed of play you can stunt an attack and a defense at the same time, or possibly an attack and JB if coming from secrecy. So there's no such thing as a scene length stunt normally..
Sorry I meant tick long not scene. Secondly I was reading exalted 201 and it had a tick where a character is using a "broad stunt" for all of his defenses instead of one stunt for each I guess I am confused about that one.

Loststar said:
Edited my post to include my DV (*Amused*) Really though, if the combat goes poorly for Alek I will probably invest a bit more in the Resistance line. Will play it by ear first and see, tis the point of a newb game eh?
On another note, sorries we couldn't negotiate :) Apparently the spirits decided otherwise.
Oh I am negotiating............ Night style :P
Miashara said:
The Scorp: While Snake Form now possesses the Combo-Basic keyword and may be comboed with Reflexive charms, EFST possesses the Combo-Basic Keyword as well, instead of simply Combo-OK. Thus you can't activate it with a Simple Charm like a Form type. (Basic book pages 183 for limitations, it's on page 13 of the Errata that came out at the beginning of April). In addition to which, as both of those charms are scene length, you would not regain any of the essence spent on them through stunting. It is considered committed and still 'in use.' Wuming mentioned it upthread. Note that since Wuming liked your post, that bumps it into the 3d stunt characteristic, and that affects some things.

Result: So you need to change your charm usage, and the resultant mote commitments. The rest looked good.
wtf... my post disappeared.


It seems we have our first broken ruling. Snake Form can benefit from EFST, but not the other way around. Atleast the majority of my other charms can be comboed with EFST so its all good. Since it is reflexive, I can still move and attack etc.

So I will remove EFST from the Combo, only Activate SNAKE FORM, Only spend 5 (COMMITED) motes, go on TICK 5, and I will update the IC post soon.
ok, we should all be good now.

My fault, I forgot to ask you guys to list your targets as well. For this one I picked them.

So, snow spirits strike. The Avalanche gets a shockingly bad roll and gets only 3 successes. It is an unblockable attack against Noname, Yu, and Alek because they're off the boat. But it doesn't beat anyone's DVs, so no one gets hit.

People with their names in bold should post actions. The winter bears will go concurrently with Noname.

Tick 0 - Kiara (Misc/Draw Weapon)

Tick 2 - Onyx Fox(Snake Form) and Ace (Aiming)

Tick 3 - Noname(Attacks), Spirits (Move)

Tick 4 - Yu(Attacks), Group 1

Tick 5 - Alek(Misc), Kiara, Onyx Fox, Ace, Ninjas, Avalanche

Tick 6 -

Tick 7 -Noname, Winter Bears

Tick 8 -

Tick 9 -Yu

Tick 10-Alek

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