The New World Asylum [Inactive]

Auren did not like the grin that was returned to him, but he needed to keep a straight face. Don't show fear, you need to act like you're not afraid. He pointed towards the area where the noises were come from that Settoku and the others had caused. "You can't be too happy with this place, huh? I for one hate it." He tried to make himself look as insane as possible, stretching his grin further. "I've got a little plan that Romeo and his 2 damsels may have done enough to set it in motion. However I need some additional help." This time he dropped his grin briefly and took upon a serious face. He looked at the uncharted dead in the eye.

"You've heard the news of the new black, have you not?" This time a truly evil look fell upon Auren and he wondered how well he sold it.
The Hydocloxodine's effects that stopped Settoku from speaking or moving would wear out in 24-hours. Thought Gordon, "Oh god! Tommorow! That would be when the red ranking uncharted would be allowed to leave the Assylum!" Gordon hated this day, not only would the reds come out but at this time usually most of the other uncharted would want to come with them and cause complete chaos.
Issler was sitting in the corner alone, thinking, thinking about the new black. He'd heard about them from another uncharted but he couldn't quite belive it. blacks were very rare and very, very dangerous. 'Im going to make sure i have nothing to do with them' he whispers to himself
pbtenchi just stayed curled up in the corner and sobbed..."everything is so scary... everything hates me..... nothing cares about me.... it should all just be destroyed......." thought pbtenchi with this thought he got up and started thinking about what he wanted destroy first...
Sivas listened closely as the Uncharted spoke mildly surprised that he could keep such a composed look while gazing directly into his eyes. "Rescue the knight? Or use the rescuer as a distraction?" He mused almost to himself. Sivas turned to glace at Noah. This was a perfect time to free himself of the gauntlets. "What can you do?" He asked wondering after their abilities hoping one of them was strong. If he used his power he would want someone to watch his body.
pbtenchi decided the first think he wanted to destroy was a random pillar, so he punched it and used his power to change the direction of the kinetic energy from his fist to focus entirely on the pillar, causing it to crumble. "easy" said pbtenchi quietly " I cant believe im not black class, I wonder what they must be like..."he whispered to himself
Auren looked around too see if any others had been listening in. He hoped some were, the more chaos the better. "Use the rescuer as a distraction, in a sense. What would the best way to wage a war when the enemy is out numbering you? Split them up. The commotion caused by the three inside already is going to draw a lot of attention from the guard. However, there is still going to be a lot on post too many for me to deal with by myself. I need you two and as many others out here to cause a big scene. Draw a large portion of the guard out here, and a large portion is already dealing with that other mess. While the guard is pinned trying to calm the two situations, I should be able to free the Black out of her cell. If I know one thing about the Asylum, it's that they would drop everything to make sure the black, whatever he or she is, is in custody. This is when we will all make our break for it. " He smirked. The thought of the plan he just made up on the spot seemed very powerful. It amazed himself that he came up with it. "What do you think?"
Overhears Auren, "Whats this about an escape"? he says quietly to Auren. "I'm very interested, and who knows you might find me very useful"
Noah raised his eyebrow at the two Uncharted. Another of their kind being tortured and now being rescued? That could explain all the commotion. He turned his head to Siv, "Me? Well I can make people see things that arent't there." He rubbed his blindfold. "Unfortunately I can't do that unless I look the victim in their eye." He looked around. "It does seem exciting. If you could remove this blindfold I would gladly help. This is so very fun." Noah said with a smile.
pbtenchi overheard issler and this time decided to break the wall that separated them encase this plan got him out of the asylum, but this time he focused the light on it with his powers to make A LAZAR, but dissipated it when the wall broke to avoid frying them
Sivas looked thoughtful for a moment when others seemed interested he nodded smiling again. "Brillant. But our bonds must be released to help. And I will want someone watching me." He said.
Auren still did not trust them, but he needed to play the cards he had. With a upward flick if his finger, a shadow cutting off the wrap around the one uncharted's eyes. "Very well," He continued, and cut off both the gauntlets. "Auren is the name." He sighed. Maybe I'll finally get to see Lili- He shook his head. Don't do that to yourself. You know what happened to her. He stretched all the way up. "Very well, our time is limited, so let's get this on the way. You say your in need of somebody to watch over you." Auren turned towards the uncharted who had the blindfold. "Would you be able to do that. I don't know the limit to either of your powers or what you even do."
"Siv." Sivas said pulling the gauntlets gratefully away and flexing his freed fingers. He laughed loudly his smile only growing. Who to touch first? Who to become? He looked up from his hands and out at the yard.
Noah's eyes squinted slightly, finally being able to truly see. "Joyous of days!" He stands up. "Yes, I can watch over Siv's body. I need to get used to not having that dreaded blindfold anyways." Noah did feel a bit disoriented, but the feeling would soon go away. He looks towards Auren. "It's nice to get acquainted with people. I'm Noah." 
(Gotta go to school. Sorry.)
"Hey, I was talking to you guys" looking very annoyed now. "Are you deaf or something" His arms are now bubbling water
"Let's go big. Put on a show they'll never forget." Sivas suggested to the Uncharted who's arms were turning to water. Sivas reached out a hand touching the Uncharted he could feel his spirit drift trying to move into Issler's body.
"Ah, yes. Well you should also just be ready to make a diversion to draw guards when I give the signal." He nodded towards Noah. "Same goes to you," He looked around. "Well then, we're almost ready to get this underway. The day we escape, and we'll be able to have our freedom back. Sounds good to me, huh?" This plan could work. I just hope the black is what I've given it credit for.
"so what do I do?" said pbtenchi, feeling blank, he thought they would pay more attention to him considering he blew down a wall... "I guess ill go break a few walls and dismember some guards"
Sivas said nothing as he fully moved in. Issler's memories flooded to him and he caught his own body from falling laying it softly down. He moves these borrowed limbs testing them. "Interesting. Very nice." Sivas said. He looked back at Auren ready to start doing something.

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