The New World Asylum [Inactive]

Cat sat in the medical bay tapping her fingers impatiently, "It's just a scratch." She insisted to the Med on duty, (@DemonicAngel). She was lying through her teeth, the hole in her leg hurt like Hades' fire but she was pretty good at keeping a straight face, she'd had a lot of practice gritting through pain."I'm fine, now will ye jes' sign the bloody paper so I can get back on duty."
When Gordon finally got to his senses, he decided to get to work. He knew what this Settoku girl could do, for he had been spying on her all day long, through the many secret windows around the Asylum he could find out everything that was happening around the Asylum, he would type up these records to the computer, which had now exceeded it's maximum memory and Gordon had 12 USB sticks in a pile on his desk. "The power of persuasion..." He thought. He had to be careful with the chemicals. As he sat there he pondered on a plan.
Sivas spied a buy wearing a blindfold(@Noah ) who looked like he wanted just the same thing Sivas did. Approaching slowly he laughed as he spoke. "Shackles." He indicated the gauntlets and the blindfold. "For the cruel world holds us down." He went on before suddenly changing subject. "Call me Siv." He smiled.

Jackson huffed at the whole tough act the guard(@Guardian Angel )put up. "Look McPherson," he said looking over some papers. "I know better than that. If I let you go your be back here with a bigger hole for me to stitch up." He set the papers down and leaned slightly on a counter behind him. Though what he said he firmly believed the determination in her voice made him almost believe she would be fine.
"Not if I have anything to say about it." Cat grumbled, but she submitted to the Med's ministrations without further complaint.
Jackson nodded. "I'm sure." He said picking up a bottle glad she wasn't going to sit and argue with him. He reached out the bottle to her. "For the pain, just in case. Now then soon as we finish up here I want to see this new Black level." He continued reminding her of things that were important to quick recovery.
Viktor managed a broken chuckle and smirked. Firming words like this was nearly impossible so he pot as much meaning into the look hee have her instead. You first. Not one to lose whenever possible, he still wasn't about to just give up.

Still, he recognized the potential danger he was in and briefly considered sparking his own power inside her, but given the look on Grr face that might fry her brain. Or both of theirs.

He decided being passive was no longer the best course and started using his abilities to fight back. So long as their was contact he could use that to draw some. He focused on enhancing his resilience to damage and resistance to electricity. Small improvements, but it ess enough. He flipped if his ability to feel pain, something he always regretted, but sometimes necessary. He spun her around and pushed her against the wall, using our as a direct conductor for her powers rather than just an indirect one. "You're running low. Give up before you pass out."
"Well I'm not one to just give up," she said, gritting her teeth as he started to use his own power. Alvia smiled but she couldn't keep her head up for long, what she felt was killing her inside. She gave Viktor one last surge of energy, powerful enough that the pain caused her to let go as well.

Alvia collapsed onto the ground and leaned against the wall breathing heavily. "So... let's call it a draw?" she laughed or attempted to in her state. She was tired, that's for sure. She clutched her hands to her chest and focused on breathing because right now, it was all over the place.
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"I can take care of myself Doc." Cat said, Throwing the pain drugs at the Med as he showered her with advice on a quick recovery. The mention of the new Black Lister piqued her interest. She had been with the higher ups when they had given the orders to take 0938 to the Black Ward, but they had sent her to the medical bay before she had gotten a chance to volunteer for the escort squad. "What's takin' a Med to Black Level?"
Jackson dodged the flying bottle and heard it crack against the back wall. The guards often had worse tempers than the Uncharted. Jackson stopped speaking and looked at Cat. "My job." He answered simply. "I need to make sure we have the proper drugs to keep her in line, subdued, whatever we need her to be. To make sure I'm accurate I need to see the Black." He explained pushing his glasses up on his nose. Truthfully he was quite excited to see the new Black, though he didn't show it. It had been a while since he'd gotten to see something so powerful, not to mention unstable.
Viktor fell back with a thud onto the grass nodded silently, breathless. He started to try and speak and then he felt something.

His enhancement snapped and all the pain he had been able to ignore in their sparring match surged up and hit him with a fury like little else. It felt sd if every bit of him had been torn apart, burned, reassembled, and torn apart again all in the same moment. His conscious was snatched from him and he blacked out, his last thought being: At least I didn't lose.

Settoku was watching the whole event in the courtyard, with an ever present smirk on her face. She was standing in more of a sunny spot, the sun glaring off of her pale skin.

"You remind me of children." She says to the two who were fighting...

What odd people indeed. Perhaps some sort of mild love is brewing between the two... She thought to herself. If she hadn't had gotten out of the guards hands earlier, she currently would be laying on a lab table and experimented on. Of course with her tough as nails skin, you couldn't see the previous marking that were made. They tried numerous chemical injections on her, too many to count. The scientists were baffled that she could make another human do things to her will. They wanted to figure out to what extent she could do such, however, Settoku always held back her strength. How else would she only be in yellow? Her mental sanity was pretty pressured...
Cat stood, not wincing as she put pressure on her wounded leg. "I'm coming with you," She walked, refusing to limp, over to the side of the room where he was standing and crossed her arms. "And don't think you can stop me, I've been wanting to get a look in that zone since I started here."
Alvia leaned over Viktor and shook him, trying to keep him awake. "I told you to give up! Of course you didn't listen!" she said, horror weaved into her voice.

She didn't know if he just passed out or if she fried his insides.
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Alissa's eyes turned a midnight black as her powers glitched. She blinked a few times, not clearing anything. A black smoke swirled out of her fingers. She slapped the wall and kicked the floor. "Not now!" she shouted to herself.

She groaned and shoved her hands into the pocket of her sweatshirt.
It didn't take much of Alvia's shaking to rouse him and he bolted up right, slowly turning to look at her. "I like my eggs scrambled." He said as if this had a deep, intrinsic meaning. In all honesty, he didn't like eggs, but he felt like one someone had just pulled out of the microwave, ready to burst with a loud pop.

He looked down at his blackened clothes and couldn't help but frown. He attempted to brush the soot from a sleeve and it simply crumbled away instead. He looked at Alvia with a 'you did this'' look. She looked pale and worried and his expression softened for a moment. "Pro tip? Never die. Coming back is a pain in the ass."

Blinking several times he looked towards the girl standing nearby. He hadn't noticed her during his fun. Settoku had mysteriously reappeared from seemingly nowhere. He gave a nod to her in greeting, which made his head swim. "Settoku, I didn't know you had a twin."
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Watching two uncharted have a little fight in the courtyard, Auren gave a slight laugh. It was funny, watching them. His mind drifted, maybe it isn't so bad in here after all... He shrugged it off. Auren hated this place and his goal was still the same, he wanted out. For now, he needed to think of a plan so he decided to just roll with the place for a little longer. As Auren watched the two fighting from a distance, he saw a third person close to them also watching. It looked as though she had said something, but he was unable to hear what it was.

Gathering all of his will, he started towards the girl and the two fighting. He disliked talking to most of the other uncharted, mainly out of his feeling of uncertainty around them. He did not know if they were sane, if they could be trusted, or if they would just kill him with no second thought. He approached the girl who was standing in the sun, "Hello," He nodded his head and looked towards the two who were fighting, "Is this serious or are they just doing their own thing?"
Noah looked up from his thoughts towards the stranger. He see's the gauntlets on the persons arms and agreed with his statement. "Indeed. This restraint they have on me is incredibly annoying. It's respectable to look people in their eyes when you are talking to them, but I guess the guards don't care." Noah claws the side of his head around the blindfold. Sighing, Noah days, "Hello Siv. I am Noah."
"They are simply children." She says faintly, while looking down closer towards Viktor, who was apparently seeing double.

"Here." She says with no emotion as she gives you a hard slap across the face, clearing your head partially. Her eyes then blank as she looked up towards the person who walked over.

"Concerned are we?" She asks you sullenly...

This place is never short on enjoyment. Who would want to escape when there are so many of your own kind to explore. Not to mention the insane antics of those uncharted individuals.

"Concerned? Hmm. I wouldn't say that," Auren replied quickly. To be honest, he did not know why he approached the group to begin with. They seemed different from a lot of the others, however. "I was just making sure to head back in if there was going to be something big. Didn't feel like dealing with the guards," he shrugged.

"Anyways, I'm pretty sure I've seen you around before," He said, still looking at the two on the ground, "I'm Auren."
"Settoku" She said simply, in her normal emotionless voice.

"What color are you?" She sort of asks as she tilts her head. After all, it was good to know these things. Plus, Settoku was nearly always bored in this place, however something always occurred to grab her attention.

A lot of people have wanted to talk to me recently. I guess they haven't noticed me, although I have been here nearly the whole time they were. It was true, Settoku didn't have too strong of a presence.
He nodded again, the girl's emotionless voice throwing him off slightly. He shook it off, it had been so long since he'd talked to anybody at all, so he might have just been imagining things. "Settoku, huh? Well wouldn't it be more polite to introduce your own color before asking about another's?" Auren gave a little grin and look blankly up at the sky. He did not understand the whole color system. Uncharted could easily be hiding their powers in order to be placed in less threatening colors.

He looked towards the girl, "Just a lowly orange, nothing special," He gave an awkward smile, "How about yourself?"
She tilts her head the other way and slightly sighs.

"Yellow. But of course, that's no excuse for not having to be experimented on is it hmm..." She said as she began thinking about things. This facility apparently was infatuated with her and her power. It could be described as torture in a way, if only Settoku cared about the pain. Settoku could not only persuade others, but she could persuade herself. The only way she got out of the pain, was by convincing herself that there was none to begin with. Which in a way, was almost better than telling another person what to do. If she wanted to, she could give herself emotions. But that would be a hassle to have.
Viktor pointed at Settoku mock threateningly. "Now that was totally uncalled for. My delicate face almost shattered." He glanced at the new approachee and nodded slightly. He knew of him, as he did most of the other oranges and reds, it was part of what he made sure to keep up with. "Hey, you know, I think Settoku might have an eyelash next to her eye. You should get rid of it." Viktor suggested with a neutral face. Having been subjected to Settoku's abilities, he figured others should join in on the fun as well.
Auren looked around for something to sit on, however at the lack of anything besides grass close by, he decided to stay standing. "It makes no sense to me, they leave me alone and I can't stand it, and I'm an orange. You're only a yellow and you put up with that?" He questioned. Auren was confused at the statement made by the one on the ground. He did not know of him or his power, nor with just about any others. He looked towards Settoku's eyes, though he did not see any eyelash. "I don't see it," he said inquisitively.
Settoku smirked as you looked towards her eyes.

"Oh no Auren, you are suddenly having everything in line of vision blur together. Your head feels dizzy. Are you okay?" She asks you as all these things begin happening.

"Yellow is just a title is it not..." She trails off with a tilt of her head again. A sort of sick twisted and unnatural smile on her face. One could mistake her face as one of hells children really.

"When I snap my finger, you'll see normally." She says, still looking in your eyes.

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