The New World Asylum [Inactive]

Auren eyes opened as he regained conciousness. He wondered how long he was asleep for. "So this is the withdraw of walking in the shadows for a long period of time," he whispered to himself. He shook his head, the pain spiking back up through his neck. The world was lost to him through his headache, but even still he sat up.

He was in the courtyard sitting on the ground. He looked around at all the other uncharted and guards interacting going on with their days. He clenched his fist lost in his thoughts. Then he heard some noise from across the yard. He saw a man in a fight with two guards that held a girl. Auren thought best not get involved do he looked away.

Gathering a majority of his remaining strength he stood up and stretched up towards the sky. "Can't be much longer till were going back though anyways, huh? " he said once again to himself.
Alvia stood up to start making longer lines and burns in the walls, all of the spiraling or pointed away from the largest one in the center. When she was done she stood back and smiled.

"I'm pretty sure everyone will know who did this. Oh well," she grinned and turned around to look at the two Uncharted she had met only minutes ago. Viktor seemed quite powerful and Settoku... Well Alvia was sure she didn't want to be persuaded by her.
Viktor smirked at the girl, though still silently wondered how she had managed to not even hit an orange at least. His eyes darted to the silent Settoku nearby. Either of them. He thought.

"Careful, Alvia. Your art might make you a bit more famous than you like." Which might actually be her goal, given the rest of the asylums walls weren't so burned. Least not in the same way.

"Your a strange one." He commented amusedly to her after his silence. If nothing else, today had certainly been interesting.
"I'm not too worried about this," she said, gesturing to her work and then continuing, "I've learned how to control how much power I put into my hands when doing this. These should lighten up and fade away after a few hours."

Alvia grinned at his comment and tapped the side of her head with a finger. "Strange is my middle name."
"I've heard that before." He answered seriously. "But everyone here it's a bit strange. Some, more so than others." He looked pointedly between the two girls with a slight grin.

Noticing that most of the other? Uncharted were being filled back out of the yard he decided to do the same before he had to deal with anyone.

He turned to leave and started back towards his area with a lazy stride. "Keep up the . . . Fun. You two." He tossed over his shoulder as a parting.
Sivas began his slow walk back inside, laughing louder than before when he passed the guards. His unnerving gave steadily ahead.
Purr sat in her room. 'too bright.' she thought, turning away from the grey walls, and burying her head in her knees, so she couldn't see the light, and repeated, ''night and day, blood and bone, go away and leave me 'lone.'' over and over again as she rocked back and forth on her heels. But the strange man wouldn't listen, he just stood over her, staring down at her, anger and accusation in his eyes, eyes that she could feel boring into her soul. "Purr didn't mean it." She yelled clutching her head with her hands. The breakfast trey, zipped from it's place on the floor and slammed into the wall where the man was standing, "No!" She screamed looking up in horror, but the man was gone. The tray bounced off and then shattered into hundreds of pieces, the shards flew around the room in a little whirlwind as she looked around to see where he had gone and she noticed the guard outside the door "Where is he?" She demanded "What did you do to him?" The shards of trey stopped swirling around and flew angrily toward the door. The guard slammed the door shut, and apparently deciding not to take her to the courtyard. Purr went back to rocking with her head between her knees.
Auren looked towards the exit of the courtyard as uncharted began shuffling through. He waited though looking around at those who stayed, there was no way he wasn't going to be one of the last ones outside. He did not like inside. As much as he despised this place, this was one of the few places he could actually relax. He did not like the walls, or the loneliness of being here. He watched as most of the others went back inside till very few remained outside. "I wonder if they'll do anything if I try to stay out here forever," he thought to himself. He heard some laughter coming from just inside the entrance, only to fade away as it's owner entered further inside.
Back inside Sivas stood outside his cell door the guard waiting for him to go in. Sivas stared at him wishing he could will others to do things. Then he could easily take the gauntlets off. "What's it like?" He asked the guard as an obvious chill ran up the guard's spine. "Hehe, what it like? Tell me mr. Guard." Sivas chuckled leaning closer to the guard.
As Alvia walked to her cell she ran her hand along the wall, burning whatever her fingers touched. She was gifted with many glares from the guards and some older Uncharted, a couple of smirks and a hit in the back of the head with a wooden stick.

"Oww, what the hell?!" Alvia groaned and rubbed the back of her head, slowing her pace and stopping to lean on the wall beside her. That hurt so damn much what the hell? If he- her thoughts were interrupted by a cold wooden stick pushed into the back of her neck.

"Keep moving," the low voice of the guard commanded. Alvia growled and turned, grabbing the wooden pole item and snatching it away. She snarled some threat in his face before throwing the pole at the ground and snapping it with her foot then walking off.
Viktor arrived in his cell and the door closed and locked behind him. He went to his wall and carved a circle around the mark on the wall he had made to signify today. He had a few other circles like this. He used them to signify interesting events that he had observed or taken part in. The last even was a new arrival, some thirty odd marks ago; almost a month.

He turned and glared at his bed for a moment and then surveyed his surroundings. Something nagged at him and he felt restless. Why have I been sitting here?, he wondered. Today had sparked his restlessness and it was not something he could easily set aside. He would fix this. Soon. He sat on the floor and closed his eyes, retreating into his mind.
It wasn't even lunch and she already had a pretty eventful day. Maybe things will be different at the asylum...

After a few more hours it was lunch. A guard walked past and gave Alvia a hard glare before sliding in a tray and walking away. "Yeah, love you too babe!!" Alvia yelled out and laughed as she picked up her small bowl of spaghetti.
Viktor cracked his eye open and simply watched the guard who delivered his lunch, remaining silent, as did the guard. He waited until he had left before picking up the simple PB&J sandwich and starting to eat slowly. He had always disliked the hassle of actually making a sandwich, especially PB&J, but with someone else doing the grunt work, he could actually enjoy them. Though these ratios were terrible . . . Too much jelly this time.

He chewed thoughtfully for a while before coming to a conclusion, nodding to himself. Given what he had seen, it shouldn't be too hard to accomplish his goals. The main question was when he should attempt them. More food for thought. Whatever the case a few words with a few people next courtyard time would be in order at the very least.
Alvia licked sauce off her fingers and smiled thinking about the two new Uncharted she had met in the courtyard that morning. Viktor seemed like the adaptive type, what not with the ability of Enhancement. She liked him, that's for sure.

Didn't mean she had to trust him, did she? No she did not. She didn't trust anyone in the walls of the asylum. She promised she would only gift her trust to the one she didn't dislike as much as the others. The one she wanted to stay with her whole life.

Settoku and her trust were immediately thrown out the window once she found out how she could manipulate and persuade people. Sure, Viktor agreed to her persuasion once with his consent, but that was once, and Alvia hated being under control like that.
Viktor ran his fingers back through his hair, moving the wayward strands from his face and looked up at the cold gray stone ceiling as if answers would magically appear there at some point. "Old habits die hard I suppose." He chuckled ruefully and glared at the guard passing by as they gave him an odd look.

He knew enough about the other reds and the oranges as well, but the two Uncharted he had met on the courtyard today promised at least one thing. A new part in the hypothetical machinations that ran through his mind. Unconsidered factors. He flexed the hand Alvia had taken. He didn't generally like them to be quite shocking, but at least they seemed like they could be useful, if nothing else.

His mind wandered first to Alvia, strange as before, perhaps even more than he had originally surmised. However, she seemed well intentioned for the most part and her electrical capabilities would be helpful if things ever went south. Settoku on the other hand, seemed malicious from the start, but that seemed more of a facade than anything to him. It almost seemed like she shouldn't have ever been caught with abilities such as hers, but still, she was here and available. He decided it best to get on both of their good sides before someone else did the same and perhaps used them for goals that didn't agree with his own.
She had dozed off on the bed on the side of her little cell. When she woke up everyone was being herded out of their cells so they could walk around. Alvia didn't understand why they did this but she sure as hell didn't question it because she got to meet all the other ranked people.

Hey, maybe I'll find Viktor again, who knows? Alvia giggled, feeling all bubbly and skipped out into the main hallway where Uncharted where walking out, some moving to the courtyard and others just sitting in the hallways. Alvia decided to go outside since she hated being cooped up for so long, also because some of the Uncharted freaked her out, especially the White ranked who loved to stay inside to sneak around.
Viktor 'meditated' until he heard the grating sound of the cell doors starting to be opened. If one thing was certain, it was that he would never understand the policies here at the asylum.

Viktor rose and watched the guard who oppened his door silently. When he was released his course was straight towards the courtyard. Why anyone would actually choose the boring stone ceilings over the open sky was beyond him.

Upon his exit into the courtyard, he frowned. His corner had already been claimed as reds were some of the last released Uncharted. With an annoyed grumble, he moved further into the courtyard and melded with the various Uncharted, listening to the idle, often times nervous, discussions.
Alvia whipped through the crowds of Uncharted smiling the whole time. Find Viktor, you've found entertainment, she laughed.

She didn't see any of the Uncharted she met as entertainment, she never did. Only the stupid ones were labelled as entertainment and Viktor was definetely not entertainment.
After speaking to the guard Sivas had simply went inside, the time until they were let out again was pretty short. After the excitement this morning there was no way he was missing going outside again. Moving faster than usual he still reached the courtyard as one of the last. Outside he moved into some shade and watched the others in the yard grinning as he did.
The courtyard wasn't as filled as the hallways inside the actual asylum. Alvvia din't understand why someone would choose the cold, dark walls of the asylum over the cool air and colourfullness of the outside.

She found a place to sit right at the edge of the courtyard with somew shade, just like before, and scanned the crowed looking for the two Uncharted from this morning.
Footsteps sounded in the corridor people returning to their rooms but Purr didn't notice, she was too busy watching the dancing shadow in the corner of her room, when:'you,' a voice, a deep and brightly burning voice, a voice she had never heard before, whispered in her head, echoing disturbingly. Purr put her hands over her ears, half crawling half wiggling her way across the floor to hide under the bed. But the voice echoed in her skull, searing her mind or perhaps she only imagined that. 'Destroyer.' the voice said. 'do not fear, little one.' but Purr did fear, the voice was too bright, like it was made of pure light. She closed her eyes, but the light still flooded in, she turned over and buried her face in the floor, tears leaking from her eyes she opened her mouth to tell the voice to go away, but different words wrenched themselves from her mouth. "Darkness and fire, death under the bed, you'll burn on the pyre, but you'll never be dead." She screamed.

The bolts holding her bed to the floor disintegrated and the bed lifted itself off the floor spinning wildly and began to splinter. the room darkened noticeably. Lights flickered all the way up and down the hall. The door to her room bucked, and swayed on its hinges, warped, and exploded into splinters, someone outside yelled in pain. The bed shot to one one wall, pierced it, and stayed half in half out of the room. The guard originally assigned to bring her lunch, had been gored in the leg by an enormous splinter, and limped away as fast as she could to report the damages, and presumably to get medical attention. By the time the escort guards got there, walls were cracking and the resulting rubble was pelting in random directions, almost as if it were attacking invisible assailants. As Purr sat in the middle of it all covering her head in fear and whispering mumbled nonsense sentences. One of the guards, called to her tentatively. She didn't seem to notice, suddenly she was distracted, and all the rubble fell to the ground lights in the hall suddenly stopped flickering and brightened, and Purr jumped into the shadow in the corner with a shout of "Kitty!" Then she vanished, and appeared in the shadow that the bed was casting from it's place on the wall, she didn't seem to notice that either, she was too busy hugging and playing with a hallucinatory kitten
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Something was happening in the halls, that was for sure. She could hear screaming and big groups of guards could be seen leaving the courtyard and running into the halls. "Not my problem," Alvia shrugged and laid back against the wall.

Its when some of the Uncharted who left to go take a look started talking, it became interesting. "She's probably gonna get pushed up to a Black ranking, I bet!"

"No way, they're probably just gonna end her life!!" and the Uncharted who said that got a good whack in the side of the head.

"You idiot. He's right, they're pushing her up a rank, apparently they've marked her over a thousand."

Alvia sat in the shade amazed by this information. It's been a while since someone's been pushed up, especially to a BLACK rank. Usually it's a White rank...
The guards entered the room tentatively, but once they realized that it was relatively safe for the moment they straightened up and marched over, one took each arm and they marched her out of the room over the splinter littered floor, dozens of guard's waited in the hall, they milled about, seemingly without purpose. "Purr drop kitty, here kitty!" The guards ignored her, and marched her through several halls, some twists and turns. "Good kitty". "Why are we taking this one to the Black zone? She seems harmless enough." One guard asked skeptically. "Did you not see the disaster area back there? And if you don't think that's reason enough, you can Ask McPherson." Another answered grimly. The rest of the trek was made in silence with only the odd interjection from the Uncharted directed at her imaginary cat. they tossed her into a new cell, a pallet of nonflammable foam for a bed was the only furnishing.
Viktor wandered for a bit. Catching snippets of conversations as he passed. It had always surprised him how attached people were to gossiping, but he thought he had come to something of a realization in his time here.

A fragment of their old life. He thought. Something to cling to, to remind them off what life used to be, and pretend it was still as such. While Viktor would never wish to undo what he had done or hip back, he did at least understand the sentiment.

He had almost missed the small figure sitting in the shade of the wall. He watched her idly for a moment before his aatentuon was drawn elsewhere by the huge ruckus inside. He had an idea of what that could be, but there was little to do for the girl at this point.

Viktor shook his head ruefully and approached the shadowed figure under the wall. "No art." He commented, staring at the wall before looking down at her with interest.
"Black, how exciting." Came one of Sivas' few sensible sentences. He laughed widely at the noise that had come from inside, it didn't sound like they'd be able to control that one. He wondered what thoughts tortured her mind. What things in her head made her scream like that. He tugged absentmindedly at his gauntlets. It was getting worst and worst, his craving to be set free from them.

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