The New World Asylum [Inactive]

She thought about how to show him for a moment, her fore finger resting upon her chin.

When she had decided she said, "Give me your hand and I'll show you." Alvia's hand was outstretched, waiting for another hand to be rested on top. I hope he won't hate me for this, she prayed that he doesn't have some sort of mind reading power or something, he was a red after all.
Viktor sat up and placed his hand on top of hers, while this was generally a dumb idea he was more interested in what exactly she was capable of that would make others fear her but keep her at of the red ranking. "Let's see this." He smirked slightly, one thing was sure, the Uncharted here always had interesting abilities.
Alvia smiled and leaned forward to say, "Do. Not. Scream." She forced a small amount of power into her hand, gradually feeding it until the energy became powerful enough to run a city's lights.

She smiled, acting as if nothing was happening to him, as if she wasn't doing anything.
Oh? He thought. What an interesting thing to say. What could she be capa- His thoughts were scrambled after that as his jaw clenched hard as her power coursed through his body. As the intensity and pain grew more intense he started squeezing her hand unconsciously, harder as the time passed. Though he would never scream, a mental commitment against showing weakness, the pain was undeniably immense and obvious on his face and locked his body in fits of twitching. Clearly she had been wrongly classified as far as power.
Alvia ripped her hand away and hovered her hand over his arm. His whole body was twitching and his jaw was forced shut, while the rest of his face was twisted in pain.

"God, are you okay?! I didn't think... No, that was stupid, I'm so sorry!" she was talking quickly as she watched. Usually a short but powerful shock didn't take long to recover from. Usually.
Settoku sighed as she watched the two in the corner.

Such odd people... She thought to herself. Though a nagging voice was at the back of her head...

Join them...

And with that, she stood stopping her song and began walking towards them in the corner. When she reached them she looked over the two with blank eyes, before she squinted them a bit and smiled.

"You two don't know how to have fun...." She says trailing off with a hint of mischief.
Sivas watched as the girl in the shade touched the boys hand. Looked like something electrical, and the boy now looked in pain. But Sivas was so much more focused on the fact that the girl had done this with bare hands. Why was she allowed this when he was not? He laughter died, and his smile faded almost completely away.
"I think our kinds of fun are different," Alvia said to the younger girl who had approached them. The same girl Alvia tried to socialise with.

The Uncharted in front of her was still in physical shock and still needed to let all that power out of him. Alvia had already silenced the crackling electricity in her hands and folded them. "You'll be fine soon. Soon," she whispered shakily.
Settoku clicked her tongue... "Tch.. Tch... Tch..."

"I know the perfect way to
run it out of his system. I'm sure he is up for a second go round of spectacular fun!" She falls to her knees and then leans in close to his face, making eye contact with him.

"You will run around the courtyard in circles shouting; The fun life's for me!" As she says this, looking into your eyes, you feel persuaded to do so and have an uncontrollable urge to stand up.... You must comply with persuasion after all.
As Viktor is about to respond to the original girl, the new one makes her presence known by deciding to have fun with her powers as well. He sighed inwardly as his body rose. And here I was thinking today would be boring. He stood shakily and with several twitches and then started moving jerkily around the courtyard field. These are some interesting people. Least I can think without doing anything. He wasn't really concerned with the acts he had to commit, it gave him free time to think and if he really wanted to he could always fix them later. But he was in a surprisingly good mood for what he was doing. Though it dropped a bit as his body forcibly started shouting "The fun life's for me!" Repeatedly as he circled the yard.
Settoku snickered a bit as she watched him circle the yard..

"This is very foolish.." She said with a small laugh.

"Would you like to join him to?" She asks the electric girl, tilting her head to the side.
Alvia started laughing as she watched him run around screaming out the same sentence over and over again. It was pretty amusing, but it had to stop. As she was about to ask the young girl to make him stop she heard him again and started laughing so hard she was scared bolts would start flying off her.

Alvia heard the girl and quickly said, "Nope, nope I'm good over here, haha... ha."
Sivas's smile reappeared as the boy began chanting the same phrase while he ran. If Sivas was the type to run he might have joined him. But he wasn't not in his own body at least.
As amusing as he was sure this was to the people in the courtyard after his lap around the courtyard he stopped, scratching his chin idly. "The people here are more incompetent than I thought. They must hire the lowest common denominator for guard duty." Wonder if they're starting to run out of Redifined out there . . . He added in an aside to himself. He took his seat on the grass once again and returned his gaze skyward. The sky was one of the few things he found truly captivating and so he often watched it. "Names?" He asked thoughtlessly.
"I go by Settoku, for Persuasion." She says simply. She couldn't remember her name from her life before... Though there was always that voice that tugged at the back of her mind...

Caged animals. She thought as she looked around at the walls that held everyone captive. Surely everyone has thought about banding together to escape, the thing is though, where is there to escape to?
Viktor nodded to her name. "Aptly so." He paused once again, thinking idly and glanced around, watching the tower posts and guards who mulled about, wondering if the two in front of him would suffer for such blatant use of their abilities. Redefined were hardly understanding, even if it was for funzies.

A nagging brought him back to the moment at hand and told him he was supposed to respond with a name in kind, but he wasn't so sure about that. Still, he responded, "Viktor Abaddon." Though he had never been fond of his last name he always introduced himself with his full name for some reason.
"Alvia," she said simply. She was sure her name meant lightning in some language. Some old language.

"Nice to meet you, Viktor," she beamed and continued with, "sorry for electrocuting you, it gets out of hand sometimes."
Settoku looked down at the grass as she plucked it out with her hands. She pulls out a pocketwatch and looks at the time. Putting it back away she sighs.

A moment later 3 guards come over to their group and take Settoku by her arms, making her stand. They start pulling her back towards the entrance, where inside they would conduct their normal
"Research" on her. She keeps her eyes blank but expresses a small frown.
He laughed, as he had intended to before his impromptu workout, and waved a hand dismissively at her words. "You've got a lot of raw power in you . . ." He turned his attention from the sky to her, then back to the sky, mulling over his words before returning his gaze to her once more. "Something tells me-" He didn't finish his sentence as the guards arrived and started to tug Settoku away. He sighed outwardly, but inside he felt a tinge of excitement. He rose, watching the guards drag her off and then simply smirked, starting to laugh as he locked eyes with her. Now THIS. This should be interesting. He thought.
Settoku smirks as you decide to make eye contact. She only says two simple words to you, making you carry them out regardless.

"Stop them." She says in a exhausted voice. The guards then look from her to Viktor not knowing what to expect...

Looks like I'm off the chopping block today...
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"Oh god, what are they doing?" Alvia huffed as she watched from where she was seated on the ground as Settoku says something to Viktor.

Is he going to start dancing like a chicken? To distract the guards? That is so weird but interesting, she laid back against the edge of the wall and absentmindedly burned patterns into the stone as she watched the show begin.
Viktor's smirk grew wider as she spoke. Time to let loose. And in the end, if need be . . . Well, my actions weren't my own. As the thoughts went through his mind he was already in motion. The relatively short distance traveled by the guards was the first's undoing as Viktor's enhanced body put him within range in an instant. He grabbed, twisted the wrist of the guard on the left, forcing his grasp loose of Settoku and casually kicking him into the grass. The second maneuver was a bit trickier. Grabbing Settoku's arm now he jerked her towards himself while extending his leg in kick to the guards abdomen causing him to grunt in pain and release her right side in favor of clutching his stomach. It might not have been a gentle rescue, but that had hardly been part of the command. "Well, I always wondered what torture was like." He commented idly about the possible repercussions of his actions.
Settoku waves him off.

"Tch, tch... Not to worry." She says as she shakes out of your hold. She then pushes the two guards together and stares them in the eyes before sweetly saying,

"Forget this, pretty please!" As she says this the guards nod, stand up and walk away. She whistled a bit as a few of the other uncharted looked in their direction.

That was exciting nonetheless.
"Enhancement? That's a pretty cool ability," she smiled at Viktor before turning to her master piece, a swirling pattern, the shape uneven and alive like a flame.

"And you aren't always gonna get away with that, Miss Settoku," Alvia laughs, creating more burns on the walls of the asylum courtyard. It wouldn't be long until they'd all have to go back inside. Not long at all.
Viktor frowned. He wasn't sure whether to feel thankful or offended. The world worked off of some basic principles and he always bore them in mind. His favorite had always been the third law. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The lack of reaction almost felt like a lie. Without a reaction was there an action to begin with?

He watched the guards walk away until Alvia spoke, turning his attention to her and her elaborate burn marks. "A quick study. I see . . ." He watched on, uncertain of what to entirely make of the current situation. The girl Alvia clearly has some sides she isn't fully showing, maybe isn't fully aware of even, and the other girl, Settoku, well, actually, the more I think about it, the more I notice and odd reverse similarity between them.

Lazily looking around he knew the brief reprieve in the court yard would be coming to a close and pondered saying more. He didn't, leaving it up to the rather odd pair.

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