The New World Asylum [Inactive]

As the smirk appeared across her face, Auren immediately regretted looking towards the girl without knowing her problems. As she spoke he got lost in her words, his vision quickly became blurred. His thoughts felt like they were getting mixed and all his senses were being messed with. "I'm okay," he replied incoherently.
"Ugh not this again," Alvia groans and pokes Viktor in the arm with a small burst of energy.

She was curious about all of the Uncharted she had met today, especially the newest one, Auren.

"If you're gonna do that, Settoku, you should make him give me a hug," she said, smirking at the thought of shocking the new Uncharted.
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Viktor turned his head sharply at the rush of electricity sent through his body, tossing her another glare before simply chuckling. "I don't think he needs his brain scrambled anymore than what it likely already is." He patted Alvia's leg, increasing the feeling so each pat was more like a light slap. "Besides, you should actually save some of your energy for once. You used up quite a bit."

He turned and look to Settoku. "Though you should make him juggle or something." he suggested. He briefly wondered if the presence of the two girls was starting to rub off on him, but he pushed it aside. He hadn't changed much, just never felt as relaxed as he did around them.
Upon two guards walking over, Settoku snapped her finger, signaling for Auren to go back to normal. Which instantly happened.

"It would appear you missed you check up earlier Settoku..." One of the guards said as he took her left arm. The other guard took her right arm. She nodded, a small smirk on her face.

"Why yes sure, I'll attend this time boys." She said as they began leading her back inside. There was a pretty important test they had to conduct today apparently, one that they thought would work for sure.
(BACK :P )
Viktor watched the guards warily with a bored expression. He was quite sure Settoku could manage herself, but the frown from last time wasn't there. He tossed his gaze towards her, meeting her eyes. He had no qualms about helping her, if that's what she wanted, but given her willingness to go, he didn't want to cause her trouble if she preferred just to get it done and over.
Aurens vision returned as soon as Settoku snapped. He shook his head, it still hurt from shadow walking and that little trick didn't help. "That was a dirty trick you just pulled, huh?" Auren stated. "Lucky you I'm not some muder-crazy psychopath, huh." His eyes went the the girl Settoku being escorted away by two guards. He shook his head. "I don't understand it all," he said quietly first. Then he looked towards the two uncharted he was still with. "What's up with that anyways, do you know what their doing to her?"
Settoku actually averts her gaze away from your eyes. A turn of events in a sense. If only she knew what they were planning today in the labs. The two guards dragged her back inside, where she disappeared into the darkness of the halls. They escorted her to the laboratory, where a set of "mad" scientists were waiting to conduct their latest experiment on her.

Once inside the room, they strapped her down onto a table like usual. Only this time they made the restraints tighter.

"What are you doing that for?" She asked curiously as she lifts her head, only to have it slammed down against the table and strapped down across her forehead. They didn't answer her question as they began walking around the room, prepping materials and such. One rubbed a section of her arm with alcohol cleanser as another one came forth with a rather large needle. She sighed, knowing that she wouldn't feel pain as usual. They stuck the needle into her and as the first bit of the chemical came out she could feel her arm start to burn around where the needle was shot in.

"I would like you to meet, Hydocloxodine. It's a new chemical that we have prepared just for you, Miss Settoku...." The one with the needle said with a smile. He pressed down and injected all of the purplish liquid into her arm at once. A fiery pain shot up her arm and made its way into her head, breaking the persuasion that she had put on herself to protect her body from pain. She gritted her teeth together a moment. The fiery pain spread though her body and she finally let out a loud scream, closing her eyes.

This cant be happening... There's no way.. What's going on! Her mind shouted. A few tears ended up coming out of her eyes and when she opened them again something strange occurred. In her eyes were no longer empty pits of no emotion. She actually had eyes that said something. They displayed anger, sadness, pain and hints of fear...

As her body hurt with the injection, they began torturing her skin by cutting into it with scalpels. They even took a blood sample while all this was going on. Her skin wasn't healing as it normally did. She could only feel pain as she began thrashing around in her restraints violently. She screamed so loud that it could be faintly heard through the window and to the courtyard.

"STOP IT! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!" She said repeatedly. Pain of her past started showing up in her mind as she kept up on trying to move. She looked around the room desperately, with tears coming out of her eyes... They then stopped the cutting, all of the scientists just leaving the room. She panicked a moment as she tried shaking out of her restraints She let her head fall back with a thud against the table, as the burning slowly started creeping away.

Hyd... Hydocloxodine.... She thought in her head as some tears fell. She never actually thought that they would find something that works against her. Especially something of this level. She laid there now, just sobbing...
"She said it was like torture," Alvia answered with a frown. Alvia was so curious about Settoku it hurt, but she wanted to find out more about them all.

"Aww, Viktor, I didn't give you your kiss," she said with a laugh and laid back down in the grass.
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Viktor raised an eyebrow as she diverted her eyes. How unusual. He thought. Usually she was eager to persuade someone. He shrugged though, idly watching the sky as he tended to do during silent times. She seemed confident enough anyways. She knew what she was doing. Or so he would have liked to believe.

He smirked at Alvia. "Oh? Is that an offer?" He sat up, leaning on his elbow and looking at her. He frowned for a moment, listening. He thought he had heard something but all was silent. His power ran through him and he amplified his hearing, hoping no one chose now to yell at him, and listened harder. What he heard disturbed him. The voice was clearly Settoku's. Though it was different. Not quite that empty cold droll that it usually was. It sounded serious and whatever it was, she wanted it stopped.

Why not persuade then? He wondered. "Why?" He repeated, aloud this time, rising to his feet. He looked down at Alvia with a brief thought. He should probably ensure he got his prize for living. He hoped that didn't affect him too much . . . Reaching down he pulled Alvia up and kissed her, regardless of what she had said before. It didn't last long, but he meant it to be sincere.

He released her and started towards the area Settoku's screams had come from. "I'm going to go help Settoku." He looked at the gloomy sky for a moment before adding. "If I die, bury me under the potato plants." He resumed his walk towards it, listening for any further sounds of Settoku so he knew where to go.
"One, you're a good kisser and I'm putting that in my notes, Two, what's happening to Settoku?!" Alvia stood up and ran to catch up to Viktor. She stood close to him as they crossed the courtyard, he knowing where to go, and she not knowing what the hell was going on.

Maybe they're torturing Settoku? Oh my god, I hope not, she thought to herself, and as soon as she thought it, the more she wanted to run to wherever the girl was. Sure she was an Uncharted, but that was no reason to torture her.
Settoku struggled against the restraints as another wave of fire rippled through her.

"SOMEONE! PL.. Please... " She tried calling out to anyone... She hit her hands against the table beneath her and blood trickled out of the wounds that were inflicted on her.

"why...." She said quietly as a tear ran down her cheek. She now violently thrashed around on the table, rattling it against the ground. She breathed jaggedly and out of sync, her heart beat was increased as well. It was almost as if a small switch was flipped in her head, as half of he. The emotions that she had tried so desperately to keep away. Anger, sadness, fear, pain. Negative emotions...
A layer of dust lay on the floor of Purrs new cell, she dragged her finger through it making swirling pattern-less designs, and chanting in a sing-song voice "Shadows fall, and seem to say, you'll never leave, but you cannot stay. The darkness whispers, but the light she screams. And cold makes you shiver till you burst at the seams."
"Come on, this way!" He led Alvia towards the sounds of Settoku's voice, picking up the pace. He neared the wall he could hear her through. Doors, who needs em? He placed his hand on the wall and increased it's brittleness until it simply shattered from contact with itself and crumbled to dust. He entered the hole in the wall before the dust had settled, the quicker they did this the better.

The smell hit him first and made him real slightly. A horrid mixture of alcohol, chemicals, and blood. He pushed on through the dust and stench until he could see clearly. A room filled with science objects on one side, beakers and vials and mortars and the like, and then as if the room was a completely separate, sat a wide variety of scalpels, vices, and restraints. The light within buzzed lowly and gave the room an even more haunting feel. There were several large, solid metal tables in the room but only one drew his interest at the moment. He could hear the alarms starting to ring already. He must have set off something by collapsing the wall.

He pushed the useless thoughts from his mind and closed in on the table, quickly undoing the straps that bound the bloody and teary-eyed Settoku. She was different, more alive, than she had ever been, even closer to dead than she had likely been any time recently. Her eyes showed a life that hadn't been present in them since he knew her, certainly, but he guessed much longer than that. The restraints were free but he could hear shouting now. This wasn't going to be good if they stuck around.

He met her gaze unflinchingly for a moment before picking her up. Even if she persuaded him to do anything he wouldn't do it until after he had accomplished what he wanted. He wasn't disobeying or ignoring, just procrastinating. He was good at that. "I believe we've overstayed our welcome, dear Alvia." He said, stating the obvious. "We're a bit past the point of no return. Unless you've got a miracle idea, we'll be going with my improv one." He spoke quickly with a sense of urgency he hadn't felt in a long time. No matter what happened he'd be sticking with these two. They kept him on his toes and made life actually worth bothering with. He waited silently for Alvia's words, trusting her not to dally.
Alvia almost choked when they stepped inside, the stench filling her senses. It was when she saw Settoku strapped to one of the large metal tables she had to cover her mouth to stop herself from throwing up.

She looked at Viktor and nodded. She wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, she wanted to forget this room was even here. Why would they even do this to us? To her?! she thought, anger rising above all the sick and sadness. "Let's get this over with," she growled, baring her teeth. She was ready to hurt and murder almost everyone in that room.
Settoku sort of just acted as if she was a ragdoll. I guess she went into some sort of shock, if possible. Her eyes were frozen in the state of pain and sadness. Her breathing even, yet jumpy in some places.

I... Can't speak... She thought as she just laid there, virtually helpless. She wanted desperately to leave this place, to go and kill all of those people who did this to her. She was angry now more than anything; as some of her wounds slowly closed up, she winced and flinched a little bit, snapping out of it. She looked over herself and clenched her fists. The rest of her cuts healing, however she felt weak still.
Noah looked up from his conversations with Siv, when he saw two guards take away another Uncharted. He wondered to himself about what was going to happen to her. He also noticed one particular shady Uncharted join in embrace with another female. The Asylum certainly was....interesting. A few minutes passed and the two had fled into the Asylum. Due to the obscurity of his blindfold, Noah couldn't see much detail and wondered what was happening. Shortly after, he heard the alarms going off. Turning to Siv "What do you think is going on? Perhaps a revolt?" The thought of fighting was such an exciting idea.
Viktor eyed her seriously and spoke. "Restraint, Alvia. We're not the monsters here. Don't kill anyone who doesn't deserve it." Odd. He thought with a chuckle. He could sense the hate coming from both of them and he knew he could satisfy that better than anyone. That blissful look Alvia got on her face when she was channeling so much energy. The blood vengeance he could sense emenating from Settoku. His ability was strong from a personal stand point, sure, but it was truly about to shine.

He knelt and set Settoku against the wall carefully. He would work with her first since she needed it the most. "Make sure I'm not interupted, Alvia." He spoke calmly, though he was a bit nervous. His own body was one thing, another person's was another matter entirely. But he didn't have the time to hesitate or falter and so he reached out and lightly touched Settoku, channeling his energy. He had one goal, a complex, hard to reach, harder to effect goal, but he could feel it at hand. Viktor pushed his power deeper into Settoku in search of what made her, her. What made her an Uncharted. It slipped from his fingertips once, twice, three times before he was able to grab on and channel his power to it directly. It felt like a wad of loose threads to Viktor, compared to his tightly knitted mass of threads. A difficult project, but not impossible. Viktor begin tieing threads of his power to Settoku's, causing them to strengthen and flow through out her body, filling her with much needed energy. Settoku's abilities increased, higher the more energy he put behind his own ability. He could see the wounds closing faster, the color coming back to her skin, and the strength returning to her body.

He carefully removed his hand from her, cutting the tie between them when she looked healthy and stronger than ever. It was temporary, but that was all they needed. He looked to Alvia next. It would be easier with her as he had QUITE the familiarity with her powers. "Ready?" He asked quickly, listening for how close the guards were. His hearing had already returned to normal and he needed what he had for Alvia so it would have to do.
She didn't turn back to look at Viktor, just nodded and shook her hands out as if flicking off water. Alvia was ready to tear apart all of them, but she promised herself she would listen to Viktor. Ha, set hands to stun, Alvia chuckled as she watched the hallway and listened hard.

She could hear footsteps, light footsteps. They were coming closer and she knew it, they knew it. "So what's your brilliant plan, hmm?" she asked him.
Settoku sat for a moment, her eyes closed as she repeated a message in her mind to herself.

Feel. Now is the time to feel the hatred. The anger... Feel again Settoku. she thought to herself. She took a deep breath and then stood slowly fro the wall. When she opened her eyes, they were blank. No longer an emotionless shell though, these eyes were alive and ready for anything...

She stood by the other two as she let her ears strain themselves, hearing more than she usually could. She heard the people coming down the hallway... Though, the Settoku with emotion... Lets just say, she's more of a threat now. The reason she got rid of her emotions in the first place, was because they were a hindrance to her well being. She was on the brink of insanity, however, maybe insanity for her was a good thing. For shutting off her emotions, caused her to shut off part of her powers too. Her powers, linked to emotion very strongly.
"We've got two courses of action as I see it. Either wipe the guards off/out of this asylum and claim it as our own, or I can easily enough get us through or over the wall and we run for it." Brilliant, hardly, but he didn't see how continuing as they were any long would work. He stood and brushed his hands off, placing a hand on her shoulder and letting his energy flow into her, following a similar process to what he had done for Settoku.

"Oh, a treat for me, by the way . . ." It would be difficult, but he did hope it would work. He grasped the threads that controlled the effect radius of her electricity and enhanced them, making it more malleable and flexible, allowing her bio-electric energy to arc beyond her. "Give 'em hell, Zeus." He said playfully,

His body was easy and receptive to every change made and he wrapped up a complete rework for himself in what he thought was record time, just moments before he saw the dot sights and heard the hum of the batons of the guards. He kicked up the table Settoku had been bound to and kicked it, launching it towards the first few guards with enough force to break through the stone and metal of the door frame. "So, stay or go?" He directed the question to both of them. Whatever they did, they needed to start doing it soon.
"Sometimes I like you, too," she grinned and flexed her hand a couple of times. The energy felt different, powerful. She grinned and gave Viktor a light kiss on the cheek.

She thought over what they could do. If they left, left the asylum, the moment they were found they'd be tortured, just like Settoku was. If they stayed, it wouldn't be as bad. She quickly thought it out and then nodded to Viktor. "We're staying. If we leave and they find us, it's gonna be much more painful," she shuddered and waited.
Auren had decided to not go with the two for the sake of just metting them. He watched as Settoku averted her gaze from Viktor. Knowing what her power now was he found this confusing. She could have easily made one of them stop the guards. As they dissapeared into the corridors of the asylum he heard the words the girl had spoken. He shook his head, frowning. This place was worse than a prison.

Auren heard the two talk about hearing Settoku being tortured. He watched them run into the asylum to save this girl they just met.

And you just stood there.

Auren closed his eyes and looked to the ground. These were the first uncharted you've talked to since her. They look out for each other, even in this hellish prison.

And yet you just stood there.

For some reason those words kept running through Aurens head. If the two that just left were about to do what he thought, odds are there would be no more normal living in the Asylum for them, or they'd just become body's for torture and expirements. He could not just show up next to them and ask to help, no, he lost that option when he did not go the first time.

But I can't keep standing here.

An idea was forming in Aurens head. His mind drifted to the girl who just became a black. A plan that would help his goal he's been going for, and aid them in whatever happens and hopefully he could see them before or after the outside. But it was time to put his plan to work. Auren made his way towards two uncharted who seemed to be talking. One wore a blindfold, the other some gauntlets. Before even considering that they would kill him on the spot.

"I need to ask a favor," the grin emerging from his face while the shadows cast over him.
Gordon felt a little guilty, he never meant the chemicals to hurt too much but it was simply the only way of stopping Settoku. He had employed the scientists after all. And this made him feel guilty, he didn't like harming others, after all she was human. Anyway, as long as she is harmless, it would be best to move her down to a green. He could edit uncharted info easily on his computer, in just a couple of clicks, there, 30 should do it. (As Settoku(BEX) is harmless remember to move the character down to a 30 BloodiedMagpies!)
Jackson nodded no point in waisting time. "Let's go then." He grabbed a board and a pen and began walking. He didn't bother suggesting a crutch, there was no way she'd take it and it seemed likely she'd toss that his way as well if he did. And he had no plans to be taken out by a crutch. Suddenly the alarm went off. "Somethings wrong." Jackson said turning to look down the hallway where the noise was coming from.

"Wonderful to meet you." Sivas said happily. "I hate mondays. So what is it?" He continued abruptly motioning once again to the blindfold. Before there was a response though some Uncharted began causing a stir. They were to far away to hear what was going on though. "How exciting!" Sivas chuckled lightly echoing Noah's thoughts a loud. "Rescuing damsels seems more likely though." He noted from seeing the girl get dragged off.

A new Uncharted approached saying he needed help. Sivas loved the look of the grin on his face and he returned it with one of his own. Interested leaned toward the new Uncharted a bit. "Go on, go on, we're all friends here." He said prodding for more information.

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