The New World Asylum [Inactive]

Auren looked towards the now possessed body. "Well, that's interested," he said calmly. "Let us get this show on the road then, I'm gonna leave with a bang... so to speak. I hope to see you on the outside." Auren raised his hand towards the sky. Shadows from around the courtyard gathered at his feet and started to climb on his body. Then with a sudden burst, a pillar of shadows engulfed the courtyard briefly and when it was gone, so was Auren.
Sivas smirked a bit before pulling a face identical to Issler's usual one. Some guards who'd seen Auren disappear ran in and Sivas ran to meet them. Closing in he punched on guard and dodged a return swing.
pbtenchi grabs one guards arm and uses his power to slit it open and remove the bone, then punched him and used his power to focus all the kinetics energy into his stomach before dropping him to the ground
Sivas turned to water where ever the guards tried to grab him raising the temperature and PH discouraging them from trying more then a few times. Issler's body was perfect for this sort of fight. Sivas could feel the excitement that came with this power, and Issler's memories. The past thrills for fighting increasing this.

((I'm gonna be going to grab some dinner.))
Auren glanced around. He coughed, it had been too soon since he had done this last. The shadows were exactly what people would expect them to be, dark. However, with Eyes one can see, but it's nearly impossible to get them. Luckily Auren was able to use his, allowing for the travel in the shadows. He closed in on the first of the black cells, however it held nobody in it. he searched through three more, until finally he found a little girl. He paused. This is the black? you're kidding me, right? Hopefully she'll be able to co-operate. She must be black for a reason.

Auren exited the shadows, but only partially. His body lingered half in and half out of one of the wall shadows, giving him an eerie look. He looked to the girl, "Why hello, what's your name?" He said with a smirk.
Purr flinched as the man came out of the wall, but paid him no other attention, he was just one of the things in her head. Real things only came out in the light, she knew that, that's why she felt safe in the dark.

Alarms blared through the entire building, Cat ran after the Med. checking for her pager, before remembering that it had been taken from her along with her billy club and gun when they had sent her to the infirmary. "Bloody -"
Auren did not know the mental capacity of the girl he was speaking to, which infact, put him at extreme unease. He reluctantly exited the shadow completely, walking all the way into the room towards the cell door. "Come now, wouldn't you like to be rid of this room? My name is Auren," He stated. He turned towards the door and made a shadow climb from the bottom to the key hole on the other side. Fitting the shadows perfectly with the tumbles he quickly managed to open the door, and hold it open for the girl.
"Purr likes Purrs new room!" Purr said indignantly, looking up for the first time, and almost forgetting that the man wasn't real. "Dark and safe and the kitty brought me here."
pbtenchi decided to try something gory on the next guard, so he used "direction" to focus heat energy in to the guards head and watched his eyeballs melt out

Sivas was quite enjoying how easy it was to avoid injury in this body as he and Pbtechi torn through guards. Making himself a wave he pushed one over and into another knocking them both to the ground.

Jackson pulled a tranq gun used on Uncharted and tossed it to Cat as he realized she wouldn't have a weapon. He also pulled out his spare as he saw people ahead, but he was still to far away to tell who it was.
pbtenchi wondered were Auren slipped off in the commotion and thus looked around until he saw him with a girl his age, his hair prickled, something didn't feel right, she felt deadly... deadlier then himself, he felt a feeling he knew to well....fear, he wanted to attack, but he restrained himself and hid, something's not right he whispered to Sivas, that girl Aurens with... she, she feels... scary
Cat caught the tranq. gun in one hand and checked to see the amount of shots, one was missing, that left five. That was enough for Cat, she charged ahead, ignoring the burning pain in her leg. The hall was jammed full of shouting guards on alert. One noticed her and shouted "McPherson? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Medical." "During a red alert? Not a chance Johnson, give me the rundown."

After a short indecisive pause, Johnson gave her a short summery of what was happening. "Alright. I'll go clear the other sectors, you guys block off this area, shoot to incapacitate, we want as many of them alive as possible." As Cat ran off, she heard Johnson call out orders "Lee, Samuel Gordonson, go with her."
pbtenchi decided to take his mind off the scary girl by smashing some more guards, "maybe some of them will make me feel alive" he thought. and what did he chance upon? a girl with a tranquiliser, he knew that could be bad news since she looked confident, he thought about what would happen if one of those hit an important member of the revolt, so he confronted her, the 12 year old red 012;0832 pbtenchi, "hello, where you going with that gun?" he said blankly
Jackson raced after Cat his coat fluttering behind him. He stopped when an Uncharted confronted Cat. "Well, first run in McPherson, now that we've seen one there's sure to be more soon." He said training his gun on the Uncharted.
Auren sighed. The alarm was getting to his head. He needed to draw as much attention here as he can, regardless of if the girl joined him or not. Stepping out of the door he gathered all of the shadows around to form by his feet. He looked around, taking in the situation. He heard some guards but not too many. They would have tranq. guns, which would be safe to assume, to the least. At last an idea formed in his head. Yelling at the top of his lungs, "The black has escaped! Help, The black has escaped!" Auren felt his shadows move towards all the metal cell doors. After some work he managed to rip a few of them off the hinges, and throw them at the walls making a very extremely loud sound that echoed throughout the halls
Cat did a back-flip away from the person who had blocked her path, and in the millisecond that she hung upside down in the air, Cat went though her mental catalog of faces and ranks that told her which uncharted was which, and what color rank they were. Status: Uncharted, Number: 012;o832 Color Rank: Red, Age: 12, Name: Pbtenchi. She raised her tranq. pistol as she landed, and shot him in the chest. But misjudged her landing, and landed on her injured leg, which caused her to yell, and her vision blurred for a fraction of a second, but she managed to keep her balance and her sight recovered quickly.
he ripped the dart from his chest, "damn... you got me, id say if I pause my blood stream with direction, I have... five minutes?" with this he lunged at cat with his fist using weak "direction to strengthen his blow"
"Darn it McPherson, be careful!"Jackson yelled. He had said something about reinjuring herself earlier and here she was proving him right. Suddenly Jackson heard a shout. "The black!" Jackson exclaimed. "Regular tranqs might not work on her!"
he knew he had to get away to the main branch of the revolt before the drug took effect, when they though he was dealt with he used direction to sink into the ground,
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"Purr won't go anywhere." Cat said, dodging the stone hand trying to grab her and pushing the Med out of the way as well. "I've been stationed on her hall since I got this job. The hall outside is brightly lit, she hates light, she'll stay in her room unless someone makes her leave, it must be some sort of diversion, but we have to check it out. Gordonson, tell the others to remain ignore the alert about the black, we'll it check out." The guard started to protest, but Cat cut him off dodging again leaping forward toward the uncharted this time. she kicked aiming for his head. "Go!" after a moments pause, he turned and ran back to the other guards.
pbtenchi crawled out in front of auren, and let his blood flow continue "oh, god that was painful, Ive been hit, they have seen through your diversion, could you look after my body whilst the tranq takes effect? or at least put me with the guy watching over sivas, oh god remind me never to stop my blood stream again"
Alissa scoffed and got up from the corner in her cell. "Hey, it's no use. Purr's too strong for you..idiots!" She screeched, wrapping a hand around oen of the bars. Small swirls that were shadows curled from her fingertips, her eyes still the deep midnight black they were before.
"Come on Doc, we let's get to the Black Zone, and see what's really going on." Cat said taking off as the young Red retreated. 
Purr looked around, trying to figure out where all of the loud noises were coming from. She scooted over to the corner with the pallet, and pulled it over her to conceal herself in the corner. She wasn't afraid, not really, nothing could get her here in the dark, the shadows protected her, she just wanted the noise to stop, she wanted the quiet back. Who had taken the quiet? "Did you take the quiet?" Purr asked the man, she was starting to think that maybe he was real after all, if he could steal her quiet, maybe he could hurt her, but he hadn't tried to yet, so maybe not.
Auren shook his head looking at the uncharted on the ground. "I'm sorry but I can't do that. Guards are on the way I've got to keep moving. But..."He looked towards an empty cell. "Good enough, " he said, and dragged the uncharted into the room. A voice chimed and Auren felt a very uneasy presense. He kneeled next to the girl, his hope still relied on her. He nodded his head towards her, "Yes, I am sorry I took the quiet, but I had to. If I didn't take the quiet bad things would have happened." Auren awaited a response as the guards footsteps got closer and closer, and he began to realize he was running out of time.

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