The New World Asylum [Inactive]

Vikto couldn't help but genuinely smile at Alvia. He had earned that one with more than just stupidity. "Oh, be honest. You always like me." He joked, attempting to add some playfullness into the dire situation. Though he wasn't about to go and get shocked by her right now. Maybe in a few hours.

Viktor lifted Settoku once more, he wasn't sure what exactly had happened, but these fumes were doing her no good. He straightened up as he held her as he turned towards the opening. He saw a guard, to him little more than an obstacle at the moment. Sizing her up he didn't spot anything to worry about and he pushed out of the cell into the fresh air of the courtyard.

"Not bad, Zeus." He shouldn't have been surprised, but the sheer amount of power she had released to do that was never something to take lightly. "Will we be leaving then?" He asked thoughtfully as uncharted started to scramble for the gaping opening in the wall. He started towards it himself, walking carefully as not to jostle Settoku too much. He increased the density of the air around him in a dome until it was heavy enough to work as a shield from the tranqs. The three of them had little to fear at this point. Alcoa could probably raze the whole place given a bit. But he was done with it. He imagined the place a melted pile of metal and smiled again. Today, if nothing else would be the day UnchRted were actually feared. Their treatment would be harsher, yes, but soldiers would no longer freely drag Uncharted to this hole. There had always been something off here though. How easy it all was. He caught a glance of someone watching from the main second story office and glared at him. The woman waved at him. Their fight was not over. It wouldn't be that simple.
Alissa nodded. "Okay, then," she said. She blinked and pointed to the hole in the wall of the asylum. "Let's get moving," she says, fixing her sunglasses. She looked around at all the uncharted.
"Maybe I did always like you," Alvia smiled at Viktor, a genuine smile. She had enough of this place, but a question was stuck, imbedded in her mind. "Where would we go? I might hate this place, but I practically grew up here," she stated with a frown.

As all the other Uncharted dropped one by one at the opening, Alvia and Viktor strode side by side, completely unharmed. 1) A good body guard, 2) A good kisser, 3) Not to bad looking. I think I'll stick with this one, Alvia grinned as she thought, the fact that she actually thought someone was a good kisser for once in her life amazed her, but she didn't mind it.

Not at all.
"Aye," Auren said agreeing with her. "Auren by the way." He said starting towards one of the exits on the opposite of the block. He approached the door and it was locked. "Ugh don't have time for this," Lauren stated gathering all of the shadows he could from around the room. The then made a cone spear the shot through the door with such force it stuck to the hall opposite of its hinges.
When Aaralyn arrived bells were ringing in every direction. Covering his ears he whispered to a guard that was running towards him. "W...what's happening?". The guard not being able to hear him ran straight past. A couple of guards followed. One stopping in front of him. "You must be he new recruit for medication. Thank goodness you couldn't have arrived at a better time, the uncharted have started a revolution and we need all hands on deck, here" she said as she handed him a tranq gun. "B-but..." he stammered, but she had already gone. He sighed and started jogging after them "hopefully all will be over before i get there" he thought
pbtenchi finally awoke from the tranquiliser induced sleep, he got up, looked one way in the next, realising the coast was clear he got out of the cell auren hid his body and walked out in the open, thoughts of freedom filled his head "maybe ill get to see mom again... and, and, eat ice cream, im finally free" he thought seeing as their were no guards around, then he realised the black was still there and decided he couldn't just leave her, even if she didn't want to come, this place wasn't right, no one deserved it, "not even monsters like us" he said quietly to himself... with this he sink into his memory's, he wasn't always a red glass, he was originally green, he was abducted from his family and "the nice doctors said I could go home if I took the medicine without struggling" the medicine of course being a form of drug for changing low level uncharted and redefined into more stable black level uncharted, however it was decided it was a failure when they decided he was only red
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Cat slowly turned around without looking where she was going. The discovery had shaken her, and she wasn't sure which side she was on anymore, but she ran back toward the conflict anyway. She didn't see any guards, not surprising, she was coming from the direction the uncharted had escaped from. Cat took another turn and came upon three uncharted, two female one male. The man was carrying one of the girls the other was sending arcs of electricity into the air, magnetizing the walls that weren't completely melted Cat forced herself not to go through her mental catalog, these were people. Cat made up her mind right then and there. "Samuel! Get back to Johnson, report the hole and the laboratory we found. NOW." She ordered without turning around, and quietly enough that the uncharted couldn't have heard her unless they had enhanced hearing.
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pbtenchi knocked on the door of purrs room, " the whole place is coming down, if you don't leave not even the shadows will be safe for you. things are scary in the light , but don't hide from them, destroy them. they are lying to you here, they will force you from your room and use you as a weapon eventually, so come with me, we can make you your own room, better then here, quieter too."
Rose was a bit confused on what was going on. She stood in the courtyard, not moving. Guards ran past her, all had tranquilizer guns. Rose just chuckled, "Just tranquilizers? That the best they got?" She walked over to one of the guards, and clamped her hand down on their shoulder. Heat went in her hand and in a matter of seconds, started burning the guard. He screamed from the pain as Rose laughed very quietly. She always enjoyed the pain of others. Always has.

On her second week here she actually had the chance to commit murder. She wouldn't kill her own people. Not the ones locked up. The guards though she quite enjoyed. An echoing whisper came into her thoughts as she severely burned the guard. 'Well done. Now, join the frenzy.' Rose got sick of hearing that voice give her orders. "I control me. Not you. Now bug off." She didn't hear the echo continue. Rose chuckled and added a little girl voice, "Thank you mister." With a fake giggle. Even with a fight going on, some uncharted looked at her oddly. She just glared them with her fire colored eyes and they turned away quickly.
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"Go way!" Purr shouted, the new voice scared her. She didn't understand half of what it was saying but she wanted it to stop. She liked her new room, why were people trying to make her leave? "Chaos and clamor and burning light, Silence like a hammer, turn's day into night. A cat stalks in darkness and all who break silence, will feel cold deadly claws, it's the beginning of violence." Purr chanted in a singsong voice as though in a trance. Lights seemed to flicker in the hall, the walls of Purr's room begin to warp and twist making screeching noises like fingernails on a chalkboard as steel rubbed against steel. "Night and day, blood and bone, go away and leave me 'lone!" She screamed, no longer talking to anyone, but instead to her own powers. The ground under the asylum shuddered violently.
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"if I have to fight you to show you to show you the truth, ill risk it, this is for your own good purr, im on your side, I like the dark too, I was like you once to, forever hiding in the dark, but you cant just stay in your own little world, listen to me." with this he used his powers concentrate light into purrs room
Issler finally regained consciousness, but now, he was mad. He let his other personality take over without a fight, suddenly he was on the closest guard melting his face while making a hole in another guard where his heart should be. all this time he was laughing sadistically with a massive grin on his face.
"you have to trust me purr, were more alike then you think, you cant stay in the dark forever, you have to come into the light!!!" with this he stepped into the room, "he hid his fear, "we are alike, were even the same age"
"NO!" Purr screamed as the lights began to pierce the shadows. Darkness enveloped the entire compound suddenly and completely. Objects began to fly here and there without seeming rhyme or reason, the earth convulsed knocking people off their feet, a large boulder suddenly shot out of the ground just outside Purrs cell. It hung there for a few seconds then burst into thousands of shards, preforming a deadly dance around the hall.
pbtenchi concentrated his powers and stopped the objects where they floated, "pleas purr..." he said quietly "im your friend" his head was hurting from over using his powers, a little blood gushed from his nose
Aaralyn had been running after the guards when someone put a hand on his shoulder. The hand got hotter and hotter until it was like a hot iron against his skin. He screamed in pain, falling to the ground in agony as the uncharted laughed quietly. His eyes were filled with tears as he struggled to get up and find medical help.

Haral lay in her bed with her eyes closed; had been brought to the asylum the day before. Immediately locked up in her cell in case she tried any funny things. Bells were ringing in every direction. She opened her eyes and looked towards the door, she could hear guards running. She smiled as she opened her eyes "a revolution a already? well this might be fun". walking up to the door, picturing a large hammer in her mind; immediately it appeared and smashed the door open as she willed it to do so
Purr curled up in the corner, her head clutched between her hands as she tried to block out the horrible screeching, as solid steel walls pulled themselves out and twisted into unrecognizable shapes. She rocked back and forth in her sitting position "Night and day," she began again, her voice small and scared and not sing-song at all this time, "blood and bone, go away, and leave me 'lone" terrified tears leaked from between her tightly closed eyelids and made tracks down her cheeks.
"please!!!. purr, come with me, there is more to life then hiding in the dark, come with me, and see the world, we will get away from all the bad things, we uncharted will make a would where we can all live like we want, I can't just leave you here, think of the others here who would kill to get free, and yet were shot down with tranquilisers"
"Purr likes Purrs room! Purr doesn't want to leave. Purr doesn't like Voice, Voice worse than the Quiet-Stealer, Voice took stillness, Voice tried to take darkness, now Voice want to take Purr's room. GO AWAY!" Her powers condense around you and pull at you. Chaotically trying to pull you in any direction that is away from Purrs cell, threatening to pull you to pieces until you feel like your going to explode like the boulder did. The ground convulses, and the flooring cracks.
(so if I keep trying I will get her to come with me eventually right? I just got to keep playing my cards right?) 
pbtenchi uses all his power to fight back "purr listen to me, you cant stay there forever!!! your already destroying the room yourself!!! im your friend, im like you, OPEN YOUR EYES"
Gordon, while all this fighting was going on reached out for his pills, "his pills!" he thought. Where have they gone? Someone must have stolen them, and that someone can only be an uncharted, and if it was an uncharted, the uncharted had to have been in his office...
A piercing, wordless, bloodcurdling shriek sounds from inside Purrs cell. The force seems to make up it's mind suddenly, and slams you up against a wall, the wall, is peeling and cracking hundreds of sharp jagged edges sticking out. The crack directly behind you widens.
Without his pills Gordon just didn't know what to do, OK, so he was addicted, that was for sure. But without them he was just confused, what should he do? The uncharted are trying to escape and make a wreck, but what was he to do about it? Reinforcements, that's what he needs, and he knew just how to find them.
"purr, just listen, im trying to help you either come now and find new darkness or leave later and never enter the dark again, chose, if you want to stay here, ill leave you but first..." he remembered seeing it in the guards bunk the only thing that could change her mind, he pressed himself off the wall, using his power so much against a black made him cough up blood, he ran towards the soldiers bunk, when he got back in about 20 seconds he revealed a bar of chocolate and broke a block off and shoved it in purrs mouth, chocolate was never aloud in the asylum so it was lucky a guard had stashed some. it wasn't very high quality chocolate but he hoped it would do the trick.
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