The New World Asylum [Inactive]

Fear started creeping into Purrs eyes for the first time since she had been moved to the black zone. "Bad things?" She asked "I don't like bad things. You took Purr's quiet," she said more to herself than anyone. "you might be a bad thing." She shrunk back into the corner.
Auren smiled and stood, though he was very afraid. As the footsteps came closer Auren moved all the shadows around back under his control under his feet. "I don't like bad things either," he said. Her last statement is what threw him off. "I'm not a bad thing though. Don't you want to get out of this place? This place holds many bad things but outside holds a lot less." He kneeled down so he was at about the same height as her. "You said your name is Purr? Well would you like to leave the bad things behind Purr
Alissa groaned and bashed her head on the bars. She felt a surge of pain and kept bashing. She made a small dent in her forehead. She was trying to escape. A drop of blood came from her forehead. She wiped it on her shirt. Her eyes black as a night sky, she scanned the small cell she was in.
"Purr doesn't like outside." She said, "outside is bright, bright is bad. Purr likes it here." She said, and then added, in a sing-song voice "The darkness whispers, but the light she screams. Out in the sun nothing is, what it seems." And back in her normal tone "Bad things can't get Purr in the dark. They can't find Purr, the shadows protect Purr." As if to prove whats she's saying the shadows in the corner deepen.
The song the girl had chimed in was disturbing. "But there is also darkness outside. More than in here." He was running out of time, he needed the gurk to come along willingly soon or he would leave her.
"Outside is big." She said in a small voice. "More bad things fit outside than in Purrs room." 
Cat ran, taking a couple turns till she was at the black zone entrance, she slowed down a bit, taking the hall carefully. There was noise going on, crashing and echoing throughout the sector. She made it to Purrs door and knocked "Purr?" She called, "It's me Cat," She waited for a response.
"Ah but there are also more good things," he said standing up. He started out the door. "This might be your only chance to get outside, but my time is running out. If you'll join me, then so be it." He stated in a much serious tone, still walking slowly out of the cell.
Alissa felt a surge of energy. Her shadows wrapped around one of the bars in her cell. She squeezed her eyes shut, winced, and pried the bar off. It fell to the floor with a loud clang. She grinned and put her head in the space she had created.
"Go 'way Quiet-Stealer." She started rocking back and forth on her heels in her crouched position adding in her sing-song voice. "Night and day, blood and bone, go away and leave me 'lone." Her eyes started to glow an eerie green in the darkening shadows.
He nodded, "I hope you find your quiet again," he said smiling. Then he took off running towards one of the cell houses hoping to find a few more uneasy uncharted.
Alissa screeched again and began working on another bar. "God damn it," she whispered, finding her powers weakening. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and tried to pry the rest off.
Jackson listened as Cat called out. Would the Uncharted really answer her? He was indeed curious.

Sivas stayed out in the courtyard there was still plenty of people to deal with out here, plus it was comforting to be near his body in case. Sivas knew he shouldn't use up all of Issler's energy he should find a new body soon.
Not long after the Quiet stealer had gone, a knock sounded, Purr was going to ignore it but then a familiar voice sounded it was Cat. Purr liked Cat, Cat was nice, Cat brought Purr food. "Did Cat come to bring the quiet back?" Purr asked, "The Quiet stealer took it, but Cat is gonna bring it back, right?" 
Cat breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah, Purr, I'm gonna get the quiet back for you as soon as I can, just stay there."
Jackson had to admit was a little impressed. "How much time have you spend with her?" He asked. "And what do we do next?"
"I brought her food once a day since I've been here, I talked to her and kept her company sometimes, when the other Reds had courtyard time." Cat answered. "I'm going to do what I can stop this breakout. I'm not a big fan of keeping innocent people in a prison, but I've got a job to do. You should go back to Medical, there's sure to be wounded flooding in soon and you'll be needed. Your call Doc. Samuel! with me." Cat finished, then she ran back down the hall, tranq. at the ready. "Samuel, radio Johnson, tell him that Black is secured, and we're on our way."
Auren finally managed to enter one of the cell blocks. He looked around quickly running through. As he enetered he heard a girl screech from inside the block. Auren quickly moved towards the location and found a girl trying to pry the bars. "Hold on," he said calmly. He looked at the shadows that remained beneath him. With a motion of his hand they moved towards the bars and snapped them all. The shadows dissapeared after, returning from where they came. He looked at the girl he had seen around before, "Are you okay to keep moving?" He said calmly.
Noah watched as Siv's body wheat slack and went into the other Uncharted's body. They all left to do their businesses fighting and killing several guards. Noah smiled to himself. All this chaos was so fun! So amusing! Noah drags Siv's body to the side away from most of the conflict. He was not much of a fighter and decided it was best not to enter the fray. Noah wonders to himself when more guards and reinforcements would come along with tranquilizers. He wondered if they would be able to stop us at all.
After giving her orders to Samuel, Cat concentrated on where she was going, and didn't notice whether the Med came with her or not. She realized she had taken a wrong turn and was adjusting her mental route when a sickening scent caused her to skid to a standstill. The stench was emitting from the hole in the wall, she pulled her coat up over her nose and mouth and entered it anyway. It led to what looked like some sort of laboratory. "Blimey" Cat said in mild surprise at finding a room she had never seen before, then she saw a metal table with straps."Hades's bloody fire, they've been experimenting on them." Cat said with quiet, but intense, anger.

((Gonna be gone for a while, probably until tomorrow.))
When Alvia had gotten out of that disgusting cell she found a group of Uncharted fighting against the guards. Tranquilizer darts littered the ground, some broken and the contents spilling out, and some imbedded in the chests of unnameable Uncharted.

Alvia was furious, at them, at the asylum, at herself, at everything and everyone. Why? Hitting us with tranqs? Well I'm sorry, murderous experimenters, WE AREN'T YOUR LITTLE TOYS!! Alvia was screaming in her head, and it hurt her, but that pain just fueled her power. She silently thanked Viktor for her little 'upgrade' and lifted her hand, making it point the reinforced steel wall of the asylum.

She let out a bolt of pure white energy, shooting the wall and leaving melted metal in its path. "Come out, come out wherever you are. It's time to sleep in the dark tonight," she sung, her head cocked to the side and a sick and twisted grin on her lips.
Alissa crawled out of the hoe she had made in the bars. She looked around to see other uncharted fighting. She grinned and summoned more shadows. "What are we doing? Escaping?" She asked, her black eyes now turning red as she became more powerful than before.
Auren nodded to her. Another shadow user, huh? "The escape has started, but I'm guessing more guards will be in here at any moment." He glanced around waiting for the guards to show. "We should keep moving."
Alissa nodded. "Okay," she said, slipping on sunglasses. She wasn't quite used to light yet. She tooks a step forward and examined the area. "Someone got moved to black, right?"
Auren watched as she put sun glasses on and examined the area. "Yes, however I don't think she will be of much help to us... her mental state is too far gone." He shook his head.

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