The New World Asylum [Inactive]

Alissa yawned and sat with some other Uncharted's. She listened to the activity and beamed. Moved up? BLACK rank? She thought with confusion. How, though? She shrugged and continued to bang her head gently on the wall. The pain pleasured her. She swept her eyes over the scene. Dark, weary, gloomy, as usual. She wiggled her wrists around, hearing a cracking noise from her wrist bone.
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Auren had eventually ended up inside, guards threatening to take away the rest of his courtyard time for the day. He shrugged, deciding it was best if he just listened to the guards. The cell was empty as ever, hollow gray walls all that replied his glare. He thought about what he wanted to do. The place was starting to get to him, and he wanted to see what it was really like. He shook his head. " Stop," he thought, "There's no way you'd be able to get out by yourself. Even if you did, what would you do then?"

The words haunted him, mainly because he did not know the answer. The silence was interrupted by a guard sending some food into his cell. "Ah, grub time," He spoke to the guard. A glare and a cold shoulder is all of the reply he got. He quickly ate his food and was allowed to go to the courtyard. Just after leaving his cell he heard a man scream. The lights all along the hall flickered. Auren raised his eyebrow, and looked at the guard escorting him. The guard seemed nervous but tried his best not to show it. As Auren approached the yard, he saw a large group of guards go running past him. He heard them talking as the ran, and a certain word caught his ear. "..Black..."

Auren quickly thought as he entered the courtyard, and decided he would try figure out what was going on by talking to some other uncharted. He stood in the middle of the yard, looking around confused on to who to try to talk to.
Alissa practically choked down her food. She shoved forkful after forkful into her mouth and swallowed. She took a swig of milk and got up. Courtyard time. The guard escorted her to the courtyard and turned back to his friend.

She was finally allowed in the courtyard. She heard a scream from the hall. She looked around with a puzzled look on her face. She blew a strand of thick hair out of her eyes and walked around.
"Yeah no art today," Alvia sighed and then patted the space next to her. "Come and sit."

Alvia still felt indifferent about Viktor. Should she trust him? She didn't know.

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Viktor eyed the spot and then shrugged, sitting down on the grass beside her. "Something amiss?" He inquired, watching her. She seemed a bit less . . . Herself, if that made sense. Not like he knew her well enough to know what herself was, but still, something seemed a bit off about her.
"Well a Red did get moved up to a Black and..." Alvia thought about for a moment. She obviously wouldn't tell him about the trust thing, but should she?

Nah. "And that's all," she finished and smiled brightly at Viktor. I am so glad he can't read my mind, or I'd be so screwed.
He gave her a slight unbelieving look, but didn't push for any more. "The question is whether or not it will have any effect on us." He said, switching subjects to the new Black. Anyone that unstable isn't reliable enough for any sort of plans. He thought after considering the possibility. He flopped back and watched the sky idly for a moment. "I was wondering about your power, is it touch only?" Viktor turned back to her, watching her reactions as much as listening to her words.
"I guess... I've never really tried 'shooting'..." Alvia said absentmindedly, then a thought struck her. "Woah, if I could shoot out bolts I could be like a girl Zeus!!" she started laughing uncontrollably and shaking Viktor, "A female Zeus! How cool is that!"

She started breathing heavily and fell back into the grass smiling like a crazy person, which is exactly what she was.
A smile crept across Viktor's face and he chuckle, shaking his head amusedly. "Now that would certainly be something . . . I think it's possible." He told her frankly. "I think Uncharted would be able to ascend beyond even what Red is given proper time and application." It's something he had been testing for a while and while his theory was mostly untested, he did believe it to be somewhat accurate.

He turned on his side and watched her thoughtfully. "What do you think of leaving the Asylum? Think it's possible?" His tone was casual, but he was genuinely curious. She could likely escape if she so wished.
She turned to face Viktor and watched him as she spoke. "I gave up trying to get out a long time ago, a long, long time ago,' she said simply.

It was true, she may have tried to escape once or twice, but she was a child, a foolish child. She knew better now. Alvia knew what would happen if she tried to get out and if she failed.

She started to pick at the grass next to her face as she waited for Viktor's reaction and reply.
Viktor chuckled. "You say that like you're an old woman here . . ." He sighed a bit before adding, "I've simply never understood the point of the Asylum. They're just humans. If the Reds decided they were sick of it, what could they do? The cells are the worst of it. I have more fun . . ." He caught himself and looked a bit surprised. He hadn't spoken on such a casual level with anyone since he came to the Asylum.

He couldn't help but make a bit of a face. Cogs was wrong. He realized. Incredibly so. "You know the human body runs off of electrical impulses?" He asked, stating a somewhat random, but related scientific fact.
"Yeah, I know that," Alvia replied, pushing aside how he had cut off his last sentence. She was so bored out in the courtyard, she just wished something would happen. I want some jellybeans, some blue ones.

Alvia poked Viktor's arm, pushing some energy into her finger to give Viktor a good shock.
The shock that ran through his arm this time was mild compared to what had happened before, but still stung like little Viktor had had the 'pleasure' of feeling. Viktor gave a surprised grunt and looked at her. "You're asking for trouble if you play like that." He smirked and took hold of her hand, looking at her silently and leaning in close . . . Then he used his own powers to heighten her perception of touch so that even the gentlest breeze felt like the winds of a tropical storm.

Viktor simply watched with even eyes, sure he was going to enjoy whatever reaction he got from her.
Alvia made a funny sound, like a whimper cross a groan and shriveled up. "What...?" she whispered. Everything was magnified, instead of the grass tickling her legs, they scraped against her skin. She couldn't even get her energy to full strength to make Viktor let go without shaking, but that didn't mean she didn't try.

She forced all her spare energy into her hand, the one he was holding. She could feel it move through her, and it felt so different.
The rush of electircal energy she sent his way snapped loudly and he reflexively released her hand with a sharp intake of breath. He shook his hand with a wince, ignoring the darkened skin on his palm, and chuckle. "Still got quite the bite." He said in something close to a praising voice. It had been a while since he had used his abilities on another directly, and he was more rusty than he cared to admit. He watched her closely to make sure he hadn't gone overboard.

After it seemed he had calmed a bit he said, "Now imagine all the conditions that I could 'enhance' within someone." He had decided it would be more fun to let her imagination play with her a bit rather than give a definitive answer.
Alvia glared at Viktor hard, trying to channel all her hate into her stare. "I understand what you mean, and that was not comfortable," she said, sticking out her tongue and kicking his foot.

Alvia had decided she would give him the shock of his life, worse than the one she gave him when they first met. She poked him again, harder and with more power.
Alvia had a dangerous look in her eyes and Viktor wasn't so sure trifling was the best thing to do, yet he was curious. Curious about multiple things, but mostly her. He evaded her poke, but only just barely. "You can do better than that." He said, sitting up and turning to face her. "More contact, more exchange." He offered his hand. "If I live I get a kiss." He joked with a hint of a smirk crossing his face.
Noah opens his eyes waking up. He has been in the asylum for only a few weeks and has typically been in his cell most of the time. Today was the day he would look around at the courtyard. For the first while of the morning after his breakfast, he just thought to himself for a bit. Thinking of an agenda once out in the courtyard. Analyzing the area and observing others mainly. Getting up, he walks out to the courtyard feeling the gaze of Guards around him. As he walks out into the courtyard, he trips over an indentation in the ground that was obscured due to his blindfold and trips. Soon he feels the sharp pain on his forehead as curses to himself as he heaves himself up and dusts himself off.
"Sometimes I don't like you," Alvia growled and then leaped on top of Viktor, pinning him down and holding his wrists. She smiled and said sweetly, "Never play games with me," then forced all her energy into her hands, sending the electricity running through his skin.

I should stop... But I haven't even started! Alvia grinned evilly and waited for him to ask her to stop. She made sure to hold his wrists tight so if he attempted to pry them off he'd have a hard time.
The last thing Viktor managed was a laugh of acceptance. They would see exactly who won. Woul Alvia burn through her energy first or would Viktor's enhancements allow him to survive the thousands of watts running through his body.

Pain didn't begin to describe the feeling, agony wasn't even that close, but he would bear it until it ceased or he perished. He had a personal goal of never showing weakness. Not to those weaker than him. Not to those stronger. And especially not those on an equal level, as he thought of Alvia. He hoped he hadn't misjudged too far.

It was up to her when exactly she would choose to stop as Viktor's body was locked in a fit of uncontrolable twitching and shaking. The amount of energy caused his movements to become so violent that they alone nearly dislodged Alvia from her place on top of him. His mind faired somewhat better, but even thinking was difficult as the electricity interfered with any sort of thinking and the pain took up a lot of the time he did manage to process things.
"I can do this all day, buddy. Show me your weak side, I won't tell anyone," she hissed. She knew even his enhancements couldn't block out all the pain and he had to give up soon.

Alvia stared at Viktor's face, micro expressions of pain showing themselves every few seconds. "Give up," she said. She wanted to win, she hated to lose. She should've told him before they started.
A silent smirk crossed Viktor's face momentarily. There were a few words Viktor would never acknowledge. Give up, forfeit, submit. The concept was one that he simply couldn't seem to grasp. Why not fight with every last breath you have? And that's entirely what he planned to do.

While Viktor's enhancements weren't perfect nor never ending, Alvia's energy had to end at some point. Thankfully they weren't doing this in a lightning storm. He was also grounded and took to using that to his advantage as well, enhancing the ground's conductivity to pull more away from him and harmlessly into the ground.

He watched her, as well as he could at least. While he was interested in knowing the results he thought that maybe a slightly less self-destructive one would probably be more efficient. After all, how was he supposed to understand anything about such a complex person such as Alvia if he was ash? Maybe a draw is in order then. The words echoed within his mind and he couldn't help but find amusement in the predicament he had stuck himself in.
Noah patted the last of the dirt off of him and began to look around at the courtyard. It wasn't too desolate but it appeared to be under surveillance of other guards, probably due to mainly the higher rank Uncharted that inhabited these drab walls. There didn't appear to be any weak spots in the walls around as Noah thought to himself as he walked around. He noticed a few of the inmates here. He saw two that stuck out. One was on top of the other and there seemed to be slight struggle, but Noah couldn't make it what they were doing. Deciding it would be best to mind his own business, so others wouldn't mind his, he walks away to another one of the shady corners and sits down. He rubs the blindfold over his eyes and found no way to remove it, which irritated him. He began to think to himself once again upon activities to do here.
Alvia watched Viktor and realised what he was doing after a few moments. "I am not losing to you," she hissed and threw him up so he was standing and pushed against the wall. She realised he could use the wall to his advantage as well but not as well as the earth. I'm kinda glad we're in the shadows, don't need another shot right now.

A small smile crossed her face as she concentrated her power into her hands. She loved the feel of being so powerful and letting it out, especially on someone who she knew could take the power and not burst into flame. "C'mon, I know you have a limit. Either you give up or you're going to end up more hurt."
"Them little fools..." Thought Gordon Evergreen as he slumped down on his chair and kicked back on the table. Although when he says this he usually said it about children, but when he thought of this it sometimes made him cry; the time he had lost his children, his children to a foolish uncharted. The guards were such idiots to have put them onto green "Green?" He thought, and sniggered. He decided to forget it and snatched a bag of pills from his table, he ripped of the warning only take up to two a day sign and grabbed a handful which he swallowed at the same time. He couldn't see clearly from the drugs and when he tried to reach for his coffee it spilled over his shirt, joining a group of other coffee stains.

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