the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}

Bit slid out of class with asking to go to the restroom. Yet that was never the case. He walked calmly along, noticing Flash and another man. He blinked and waved to Flash, not saying anything. Bittersweet looked at them with a confused glance, wondering why in the world they were walking around.
"ahahahha long story short the boss is bi but anyways here wer are." he let go of his hand and walked up to the lady at the desk. He talked with her for a few . The lady laughed a couple of times then handed him a folder and a few pieces of candy. He scratched the back of his head and bowed a little then walked back giving it to him. " Here you go..schedule, locker number, free expensive lunches ..ahaha I threw that one in there for you."
Flash had waved back but kept walking, he looked at what he was given,holding his drink between his arm and stomach then he looked back to the man,"T-thank could I ever repay you for this?"He couldn't help but feel like he owed this guy for helping him out and then some,since Flash never got anything without giving something.
He scratched the back of his head as he waved to the boy down the hall then he looked back at him. "ahhaha dont worry about it..if you need anything just come find me, well really all you gotta do is walk up to a person and ask for my name...they'll tell you"
"Your name?"Flash didn't even know it,should he ask? Or did he just now ask? He wasn't sure,but he did know he liked this guy. He was very nice even though he seemed to be in some sort of gang,but who wasn't that he knew anyway so it didn't bother Flash.
"hmm right hahahha how could you ask someone when you dont know my name. Alright then my names Nero and your's"
Flash knew who he was now that he heard his name,and got nervous again."Umm..."Flash was a bit hesitant since he wondered if he'd find out who he was if he said his name."F-flash...."He held his breath waiting for Nero to say something,maybe it'll all be fine and he won't know.
"Nice name for a kid like you ahhahah " His watch went off and he jumped a bit "ehehehe nice hangin with you Flash but I gotta go..later..well if you can keep up you can follow ahhahaha" He knew what he was doing was against the rule. Not to get others involved but he thought it would be ok. He stretched for a second then took off down the hall seeing if Flash would follow.
Flash had thought about it as Nero stretched,but he didn't have enough time to think it all though and just ran on after him. He wasn't named Flash for nothing,he could really pick up speed when he wanted to. He kept up with Nero but had no idea where they were going and was more focused on following him then seeing this was a bad idea.
"S-Special?" Rhea sputtered a bit. She was was feeling so nervous, she never talked to other student. There was a small sliver inside her that hoped she could see May again and they will became friends. "You don't need too..." she spoke again, reaching to start put books away. Rhea watched carefully to make sure that May was putting books away properly.

May chuckled at Rheas stuttering. "Yeah, special. None really want to hang out with the lesbian unless they are mentally ill; atleast thats what I heard." Taking another book from the cart May read the title then put it what she hoped was the right spot. "I insist on helping unless I´m bothering you." May stated while glancing at Rhea before returning to the cart for another book. It was tireing but she couldn´t help it since letting Rhea do all the work made her feel guilty; After all she skips classes all the time while being in the library. She needed to repay Miss Anne somehow for never snitching. " you ever have any lessons at all? Or will you wander in here till graduation?" May asked with a smirk. "It´d be fun if we had some lessons together."

Rhea frowned at May, that rumor sounded like something that some of the girls make up of her. Some say she is mentally ill and that’s why she has no friends or stutters. Some of them say she does weird things like magic, that’s why she reads all the time and whispers. Rhea tries to never listen but sometimes they make her cry anyway, “I don’t think that’s true, and you’re not a bother at all. She said, smiling a bit. She realized meant the first one as a joke, the type of joke you tell to make yourself feel better but you still secretly feel like crap about.

“W-well… I just do this one period a day… after lunch. But next I have Science, English. First period I have Math, History and Health. I have never skipped any grades because my brother says I shouldn’t listen to our parents about that. He said I should stay in high school and enjoy my life… I don’t want to be here. Most days… Ah N-never mind. I am sorry I started talking about depressing things. B-but I was trying to say I take classes like normal students. The school has tried to get me to go up a few grades as well as my pairents, but I refused because my brother asked me to.”
She finished her last statement, the last book when up on the shelf and she glanced at May.

Taking off her large framed glasses off her face, Rhea gave May a genuine large smile,
“Sorry, I have never talked so much to someone.” She took a cloth out of her pocket and started to clean the glass in the frames, “What classes do you have?” A bit of fear bloomed in Rhea’s chest that May might be one of those girls just playing a mean prank on her by talking with her. She started to regret talking so much earlier. Rhea took a deep breath to try and calm herself, and looked up at May with her glasses still off. May was now a bit blurry and she would have to be closer to Rhea for her to see the blond girl clearly.

Nero looked back at him and smiled. He was a good runner he thought but naturally Nero wasn't running at his full speed. Nero looked down at his clock and screamed a little. He rubbed his head then looked back. He quickly came to a sudded hault He clasehd with flash but propped him on his back, giving him a pigy back ride. Once he knew he was secured he pushed off really hard going faster than before. He qucikly ran out of the school and down the road he was on.
Flash had no idea what was going on at the moment,and really didn't want to know cause he saw this as even more awkward then before. But there was no way he was going to try and get off when Nero was running,he just stayed quiet and still.

( xD What dude gives another dude a piggy back ride?)
(lol this guy ahhhaha ) He ran into a warehouse and set Flash down. He then began to search the boxes that were there but keeping a close eye on Flah.
Flash just looked around curiously,he had seen this place before but never went in it so this was all new to him. He wondered why they were there and what Nero was looking for,but he didn't ask anything since he figured he'd find out anyway. He slightly wandered in the place as he looked,he had taken another sip of his drink before and as he walked. He liked this place for some strange reason,though he liked all places as long as his dad or his buddies weren't there.
Dante walked in with a smug look on his face along with the rest of the gang. NEro was still looking when Dante grabbed ahold of Flash "What is this thing doing here." Nero shot up from his spot and looked over to Dante. He furiously walked over and grabbed Dante by he arm . "Let go of him." "You know where not supposed to involve outsiders, let alone kids like this ..he has to be a freshman. " Nero got close to dante and spoke to him in a cold tone . "Let go of him." "Hey now boys...settle down hheeheheh let me take a look. " Shane walked over and looked down at the boy. (and this is what he looks like lol xD

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May smiled at Rhea while she kept babbaling, her story was interesting after all. She watched slowly as Rhea took of her glasses and gasped silently. "Beautiful..." She whispered being in a trance before hearing Rhea list of her classes. Her smile turned into a huge overwhelming grin while locking arms with Rhea and leading her out from the library. Walking down the hall. "We have the same classes except I have math twice; in the morning then after lunch. Guess I´ll attend morning with you and skip after lunch. And I´d love to meet your brother; Thank god he encouraged you to NOT skip grades, otherwise we´d never meet!" Turning left to enter their sciene class before the bell starts ringing.

(( @Ricia))
(Ok big question,who's helping me and who's not xD Cause you showed a picture of Dante before as Nero and I just now noticed that so now i'm confused.)
Rhea was suddenly jerked out of the library when the bell rang. “Ah…” She stumbled a little and then put her glasses back on and moved her long braid to her other shoulder. “Why have I never seen you in class before?” She asked, waving bye to Miss Anna.

Miss Anna waved back and though Rhea was in good hands with May, fully aware of Rhea and May’s parental and school situations. “They will be good for each other.” She said out loud to herself.

When they got into the class room Rhea sat down in her usual spot, but this time was joined by May,
“So at lunch, was that your brother? Because you said he wasn’t your boyfriend.” She asked quietly.

(Ah Ha! Got it X3)

Flash thought he'd be mad at a time like this,but he was more surprised then anything by the way Dante grabbed him. Flash had quickly snatched way from Dante and since he had lost his grip on his drink he had both hands free to push away,then suddenly snapped at Dante."I'm a sophmore thank you very much."Though he couldn't believe he said it,he wouldn't have taken it back even if he could. These were the ones that seemed to hang out with Nero all the time,he already didn't like one. The other just looked at him,he knew this guy from what his dad had told him though he never thought he'd meet him. And alone like this,Flash just hoped he wasn't recognized.
"my my we have a fiesty one here..geex Nero you can really pick em..huh oh well Dante leave him alone..I trust Nero's judgment.anyways men go we need to find them. " Shane patted Flash head andg gave him a polite smile. "Nero ..since you brought him here...and i guess yall seem attached you have to watch over him." Nero nodded his head and let shane pass him as shane walks to the middle directing the men toward their selected areas.

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