the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}

"You could say my dad doesn't get along with...well you people..."He said pointing at Dante and Nero,keeping his hand where it was though.
Name:Lakyn Verosa



Grade:Freshman (9th)


Personality:Lakyn is incredibly sweet, but is also very quiet. She loves making new friends, but is kind of socially awkward so she rarely meets people who accept her for her quirkiness. She mainly listens to music, tuning the world out using the squeal of heavy metal guitars and the incomprehensible lyrics of her favorite singers. She is fascinated by people, and she is especially fasicnated with romance. She hopes while she is here, that she will find it, though she doesn't have a very strong faith in herself.

Sexuality: Bisexual/prefers males over females but is willing to be with a girl if she likes her enough)

Back story: Lakyn moved here when her uncle got a job at the school as the nurse. Her parents died in a plane crash when she was seven, and her aunt is in prison for bomb threating a whole city. Her uncle took her in soon after her parents death, and they have traveled the world together. Her uncle has been homeschooling her for the majority of her childhood, but he decided she needed real socialization with people other than him.
((Sorry for posting late and posting such a short reply...apparently my teacher thought a pop up math exam is fun...TT.TT [MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION]))

¨May sighed when she saw Rhea tear up a bit but laughed after her last sentence. "I thin we should stop thinking we are a bother to each other after all we are friends now!" Chuckling a bit May scooted closer to Rhea while waiting for the teacher to enter. Her smile soon turned sour from the sight of Mister Rudolph but weirdly enough Garion was accompanying him. "Garion here will accompany me from now on to the next semester, treat him well and put your hand up if you need help from me or him.." One could hear the hate in Mister Rudolphs voice if you listened carefully and May flinched before smirking and put her hand up slowly.


Garion grined while staring at May; she looked a bit distressed but relieved at the same time so he guessed she had a tough day and thus couldn´t help but chuckle when she raised her hand. "Yes, May what is it?" He said with amusement in his voice. "I need help with..this subject? Well I want Garion to help me through this lesson if that is OK with Mister Rudolph?" Garion raised a brow and looked at May as if she was dumb and needed a smack at the back of her head. What was she thinking? "Actually if it isn´t a bother to Rhea, she´d could help you since she won´t talk casually with someone that isn´t serious, obnixious and would rather skip then attend a lesson normally! And Garion isn´t allowed to help you this semester during class time!" Mister Rudolph snared before turning to the white board. "Today you´ll be writing notes everyone so get your notebooks ready!"
((Due to lack of activity from the person of whom my characters are interacting with, I'm just going to continue on my own for a bit.))

It wasn't long before David, Alex, and the school's nurse were in the nurse's office. David lay awkwardly in a bed, his breathing slowed just a bit, but still way too fast. Standing nearby was the nurse, asking Alex questions.

"So, before, you said that he gets these panic attacks, right?"

"Yes," Alex nodded.

"Are they usually like this? Hyperventilation?"

"No," Alex said, shaking her head. "Sometimes it's other things. Always spontaneous."

"Is there something that generally calms him? Or just time?"

"It depends. I mean, I think I help calm him when I try to, but it still takes a while." Alex had a strong, concerned tone to her voice. Her face was pale, all color drained away. It took all her might to keep from crying for her poor friend.

"I think you should try calming him," the nurse said.

"Okay, I'll try." Alex walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. She looked at David. He was lying over the covers, not under, still breathing at a scary-fast rate. The image was like a knife to Alex's heart. She put an arm around him and held him close. "David, if you can hear and understand what I'm saying, I need you to show me, okay?" she said in a sweet, trying-to-be-calm voice. "Just give me some sign you can understand."

To Alex's dismay, David didn't react even in the slightest. No registration of her presence in any way, shape, or form. He just kept on breathing at his accelerated pace.
Shane chuckeld as the car stopped. He took out a sucker then put it in his mouth as he put on his shade. The men in the front seats loaded their guns as the doors unlocked.

Nero scratched the back of his head again. " What does your dad do."
Flash shrugged his shoulders slightly."Well.... He does a lot of things...he owns many businesses..."It was obvious that he was avoiding something,and in a very soft voice."Opposes Shane and you all in a...not so good way...."
Rhea looked up at May, seeing she looked a bit sadden, Do you really need help? I can tutor you… and this is science. She said quietly, hopping not to completely upset May. She seemed more upset that Garion could not help her then the teacher’s mental bashing. But in Rhea’s opinion, the teacher did not know her at all. No one really knew her but her brother. Rhea loves helping people and it makes her happy when she can make someone smile or better. May was drawing Rhea in and she wanted more than anything to help her the more she spoke with her.


Sage listened carefully, pretty sure there was no longer a ‘good time’ to enter the conversation. Instead she continued to observe, not sure if Nero, the red head or Flash remembered her presence, which was not a bad thing. She wasn't stupid; she knew when things were getting slightly beyond her reach. She knew all about the true gang activity that happened around the area. Class was starting now and the teacher was yelling at some of the other student.


Mia glanced at the guns, she does not know how to shoot. I hate to ask you another favor, but I think you might want to teach me how to shoot later.She said.Mia straightened her new suit and then took a survey of her surroundings. Luckily it was not just her a Shane, so thing should go rather smoothly.
Smirking slightly before turning to Rhea. "Oh no, not really just wanted to piss his annoying ass off and have a excuse to talk to you during class time." Giving Rhea a wink May stood up before dragging her chair next to Rhea´s and looking at Mister Rudolphs direction. "Oh sure Sir! I´ll sit next to Rhea and she´ll teach me since you´re an ass." Laughing slightly at Mister Rudolphs expression May returned to Rhea.

Ten minutes later May groaned.
"I don´t understand this at all!" Looking at all the science home work they would have this semester. Mister Rudolph even mentioned a pop up exam next week and May knew she´d get a F if she didn´t start taking this seriously. Slowly a smile graced her lips before she looked at Rhea. "You know we could cram together in the local library after school; Well I´ll probably just sit there and ask you hundreds of questions but it´s worth a shot?! If you feel uncomfortable I could always ask Garion to come with us." She quickly added so Rhea wouldn´t think May was trying to hit on her. Glancing at Garion who was helping one of the annoying girls in class she was considering calling him over and ask him to come with so Rhea would feel more comfortable.

After a long few minutes May dragged her desk next to Rhea, ending her statement with calling him and ass. “May… you really should not do those things.” Rhea said quietly, referring to calling people names.

After a few hours of class, it was slowly winding to an end and May was already stressing out.
“May, you don’ t have to bring anyone… in less you think you will need the extra help.” Rhea said in response to her offer to bring Garion. “I can teach you. Don’t worry.” She said, with the most confidence she had probably sounded with since she started talking to May.

When the bell rang, Rhea got up from her desk and glanced at May,
“So… you have English next?” Rhea asked quietly.

Taking a breath of relief May stood up before grabbing Rheas hand and walking out of class. Seeing all the students rush out of their classes May took a firmer grip on Rheas hand. After all she seemed so fragile. Remembering that she hadn´t replied to Rhea yet May stopped at the middle of the hall turning around. "I´d love that. And yeah I have English though I need to drop my books off at my locker. Want me to drop you off at yours?" She asked with a smile before looking around them. She catched Garions eye while he walked away with Mister Rudolph and waved sliightly before returning to Rhea.
“N-no it ok. I don’t really have books… Everything I own stays at home. I have all material memorized before I get to class.” She said, looking down to her feet. She gently squeezed May’s hand back, grateful for the physical contact. Rhea was a very shy person, but that did not make her physically shy. She liked to hug and snuggle and hold hands with others, it just felt nice. She held hands with her brother whenever she saw him. Rhea blushed; May was making her realize she might have a bit of a brother complex.

Shane chuckeld as he ripd the car flooring. "listen ahahaha you do what your good at ..for instance nero is the only guy I know that can switch from a good guy to one hell of a messed up kid. And Dante on the other hand is good with his brute strength and his two guns. I am sufficently better with brute strength..I wont go any further than that. We have a another friend that uses chopstick to kill." He pulled out a pribar then stepped out of the car flicking the old away and putting in a new. " just do what your good at. " He threw the bars at the metal gate, breaking throigh and the gates falling.
May´s eyes widen before she started to hug Rhea. "I´m so proud to have a friend like you! You´re so cute and I just want to hug you to death!" She squeeled before jumping up and down a bit. Then deciding it was to girly of her she sighed before heading to her locker; her hand stil interwined with Rhea. She didn´t do it with intention; It was more like reflex and need. Something she thought she´d never feel. Smiling happily at everyone they passed she saw a girl heading their way. She stopped before them with two other girls behind her. "Garion isn´t gay like you is he? It´d be a shame!" Raising an eyebrow May waited for the girl to continue. "I mean he and you´re so...dull! Anyways is he or is he not gay?!" She practically screamed. May laughed a bit; tugging at Rheas hand in the process. "Gary likes girls..and boys!" Seeing the girl face pale and walk away with her friends made May laugh loud before hugging Rhea again. "THAT was great!" Suddenly noticing how she had man-handled Rhea the whole way to her locker May let go of her hand slowly with a rather sad smile before turning to her locker. "Sorry; I´m used to body-contact so I´m a bit forceful. You should tell me if you feel uncomfortable."
Flash had jumped up and took off out of the classroom down the hall,he ran outside out of the school and back behind it. He went back to the gym and went in,disappearing into the dark with in. Though he didn't notice his phone had fallen out of his pocket and under his desk,he just jumped onto the bed and didn't plan on going back out for now.
It was in the hours to come that David's hyperventilation finally did cease. Alex was astonished with the number of classes she had missed. There would be a lot of make-up work to be doing tomorrow, but for now, it was time to go home.

Both David and Alex figured it had been made clear enough for Vera and Kyo that there would be no hanging out after school at this point. It was an unspoken thought, but it seemed fairly obvious. They had both seen David in his . . . bad state.

Now, Alex was walking him home. His parents were away for the week, so Alex planned to stay over to take care of him if he needed anything.

"You really don't have to stay," David argued. "I'm fine. It was just a . . . a momentary thing."

"Yeah?" Alex questioned. "And what if you have another 'momentary thing'?" She paused to let that sink in for a moment. "You get these 'momentary things' all the time, David. I really think I should be here."

"Fine," David said with a sigh. "If you insist."

"I do. I do insist."
((You have to be accepted first. The OP seemed to have disappeared, however. I was waiting for a reply myself for quite some time from them. Let's just hope they get back soon.))
( i was thinking of making a mafia one, you could be bi, gay , straight anything really so If you like the idea then ill make it)
((Well, let's try not to let this fracture the fun of the RP. Posting: commence!))

Alex looked at David with sad eyes as he woke up. She had told him around an hour ago to try and get some sleep, so there they were, in his room. He was lying under a blanket on his bed as she sat in a nearby chair and read a book, keeping an eye on him. Now, he stretched with his eyes closed, as if he was in the absolute lap of luxury.

When his eyes opened, he seemed slightly startled to see Alex there, but just for a moment. He soon seemed to recall what had happened before his nap.

"Morning, Alex," he said oddly casually.

"Actually, it's"--she looked around, but couldn't find a clock in the room--"still afternoon."

"Really?" he asked. "It felt like I had been asleep forever."

"Yeah, well, it was only, like, an hour."

"Oh. So, what's up?"

Alex pointed to a bedside table on the opposite side of the bed from where she was sitting. "I made you some tea and set out your lunch from earlier because I noticed you didn't have a chance to eat much of it during lunch period."

David looked over at the meal and smiled. He looked back at Alex. In a purposely high-pitched, childlike voice, he said, "You're the best mommy ever!"

Alex laughed. "I'm your mother now? Oh, God. How did this happen?" Now David was laughing, too. "I mean, how did that"--she gestured toward him with her hand--"come from me?"

After another minute or two of laughter and jokes, David said, "You know, we sure are silly, aren't we?"

"Ya' think?" After a bit of silence, Alex spoke again. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." After receiving a glare from Alex, he tried again. "Shoot."

"This whole . . . hospital thing . . ." Her tone no longer was one filled with fun and laughter and happiness. She was serious now. "How has it been, you know, affecting you?"

"Oh, uh . . ." He thought for a minute. "You mean, like, with the panic attacks? I don't know. I get them a lot, I guess."

"That's not good," Alex said sadly. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah--yeah," David said quickly, a little too quickly. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I know it isn't in your blood to be able to just walk away and let someone take care of themself. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. You are a very caring person. And that is a wonderful thing, a really wonderful thing. It's just another quality about you that makes you such a good friend. But you aren't my mother. You need to stop making my problems . . . your problems. Don't take this the wrong way, but you have problems of your own to be dealing with. You don't need mine, too."

"I get that," she said. When she couldn't think of anything else to say on the subject, she decided to change it. "Why do you keep comparing me to a mother?"

"I don't know. You just have that . . . feel. You're so caring and sweet, you are like a mother to those you really care about."


There was a long silence after that. The two of them sat, staring at each other, not saying a word. Finally, Alex broke that silence.

"I need to tell you something," she said in a voice just above a whisper. "I think I may be falling in love with someone." She watched as his eyebrows shot up, the most movement between the two of them to happen in almost a full minute. But he hadn't even heard the half of it yet. "And I'm not really sure whom."
(I wonder if I should just use my other characters :/ since I doubt there gonna be approved any time soon...)

Flash was buried under the pile of pillows and stuffed animals on the mattress in the gym,he just looked around as he slowly grew tired. Now that he thought about it this was a pretty nice gym,he wondered why it wasn't used anymore. It was pretty much a basketball court,foldable bleachers stood on each side and the hoops on each side were down as well. Though no balls were around he was sure they'd be some in one of the four large closets in the room,it'd be fun to play when he had nothing else to do. He also noticed the stray kittens and pups eating the food he had spilled out,they all stayed out behind the gym and Flash had found them a while ago and decided to take care of them. Or as much as he could provide anyway,it was nice to have them around too since they liked to play around.

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