the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}

"A-attached?"Flash thought to himself,why did people always make it sound like they were together. Though he couldn't help but sigh in relief,letting the air out he had held. He seemed safe for now though had no idea what to do now,he looked around and found where his drink rolled off to. He went over and picked it up,brushing it off a bit as he walked back to where he was before.
Nero rubbed the back of his head , then went to go search in some boxes. Still keeping a close eye one Flash. He thought about letting him join or asking if he could. But he could already tell the boss wasn't happy. He got here a little late and he should have found the merchandise ..maybe if he explained it more when they got home. He knew if it was one thing the boss was understanding.
Flash sat on the ground where he was,he pulled out his phone and music started playing though his headphones. He tried to think of the best move to make in this situation,though the only one good seemed to be to just stay quiet till it's all over. Which he hoped it wouldn't take to long so he wouldn't miss the next class,though he had a good feeling he'd miss it. As he was thinking his phone suddenly rang loud and proud,he quickly stopped it and looked at what it was. It was a message from his father,he froze. The only time he got a message from him was when he needed something or one of his friends,and when Flash read the message he got what they needed. All it said was "Kank,Now.",Flash knew if he didn't go he'd get in big trouble later but he couldn't at the moment.
Shane stretched out his arms then did a few squats. He looked over his shoulder to flash and gave a grin "I tend to keep buisness to myself...but it seems you need to go...I'm sure hes waiting for you." To others the inofrmation Shane knew scared others. They didn't see him get the information he just says it out of the blue. He gave him a cunning smile, trying to let him know that he know's.
Flash didn't seem surprised at all,since from the beginning Shane should know pretty much everything there is to know about Flash. That is if he knew anything at all,"I'm still wondering why you haven't even tried to do anything to me yet,It's surprising."He smiled as he looked up at Shane,Flash was always a blur to people. No one would ever know anything about him other then his name,his family and life outside of school was always hidden very well and only a few knew of it. And those were his closest friends that were in on it too anyway,though Shane Flash always thought of as an enemy thanks to his dad. But at the same time saw him as secret help,though Shane doesn't know it.
Shane waved him away as he looked back toward his men moivng them along with his hands. Nero waved by to him as he climbed the steps of the warehouse looking in the boxes upstairs.
Flash hopped up to his feet and walked out,heading back to school he sighed. He started thinking and his pace slowed,he didn't want to go,he knew what was coming and didn't want it. He wondered if he should take off and hide for now,it sounded like the best chose at the moment.

Name:Sparky Dean




Looks:(Below right)

Personality:Very 'jokative' and hyperactive,though gets angry very easily.


Back story:His parents died when he was little and was taken into the gang that killed them,he did fine though had a major anger problem. After harming many of the other gang members the gang gave up on trying to control him and decided to kill him instead,once he heard he took off and bumped into Flash,literally. After that Sparky was taken into Flash's secret life and Sparky became one of Flash's best friends.


Name:Beat Cross




Looks:(Below Left)

Personality:Quiet but very smart,he's got quiet a smart mouth attitude when he does speak.


Back story:He was pretty much born into Flash's life,hough they never met till they were 9. Which was after Sparky came along,the three got along very well together. For years they stayed with each other and became great friends,though Beat and Sparky had a job so they could never really make it to school unless Flash dragged them there.

Dante walked over to Shane and knocked him on the head. Shane laughed as he ordered somemore. Shane looked tough on the outside but he could be a real softy. He began to remember his old child hood. HE was taller then most kids so he didn't find anyone of his match except a guy name Tiki . He was a little taller than shane and saw right through him. He smiled as he thought Tiki was the only one who could make him shuddere or order him around.
Flash passed the school and went behind it,there was a building there that seemed abandon. He went inside and it was a gym,the old gym of the school. It had been abandon since it was never used,now Flash used it as home most of the time when he didn't want to go back to his real home or when he didn't want to be found. In the far corner of the gym there was a full size mattress with a bunch of pillows and stuffed animals covering one side,he'd always get what he could but still couldn't get his hands on a blanket. he went over and hopped on the bed,burying himself in the pillows and animals.
(Was thinking of Mia trying to spark something with Dante. xD I was thinking that a while back, but he does not talk much haha. I feel like Shane is a mystery as much as Sage is. )

Mia left the school early; she had one of those rare bad feelings that made cringe on the inside. She picked up a bit of speed and jogged all the way home, where there were two guys standing in front of her apartment complex. The run down place seemed to clash with the men’s nice cloths.
“What do you two want?” Mia said, trying not to pant from jogging so quickly. She tried to sound scary and threatening, it worked.

One of the guy’s took an intimidated step back, but the other grinned and took a step forward,
“Ah, Mia, Just who I wanted to see. I see you and your parents have crawled back into a dirty hole of debt again.”

“Shut your mouth or I will shut it for you.”
Mia knew, she knew this was going to happen again. The man’s grin faltered a moment, and then was replaced with a stronger grin when he pulled a paper out of his pocket. “Here you go. You know the drill.” He said, before he walked away. Mia only sighed and opened the paper up to look inside, it was a large number.

Mia folded the paper up and stuffed it in her pocket. Turning around Mia kicked the door hard,
“Open the Damn door, I know you’re in there.” She yelled. The door soon creaked open and a women looked though the crack, “Mia… you are so loud. Are they gone?”

Mia frowned,
“Yes mom they are gone. They will forgive you two’s debt. Stop borrowing money from them. I am not coming home till really late. I will talk to you guys later.”

“Ok. Bring home some food and Cigarettes while you are out
.” She said lazily.

“Get your own—“
The door closed before Mia could finish her sentence. She punched the door and she could hear her dad yelled in response. Mia turned on her heels and walked back down the street. Stopping at a convenience store in the middle of the city, Mia signed up for a job and talked with the owner of the store a bit. He told her to come back tomorrow and he would let her work a bit to see if he liked her. If she did good, the job was hers. She thanked the man and the left the store.

Taking out the card Shane had given her earlier, Mia looked the address up in a phone book at the nearest phone booth. She quickly navigated to the building, realizing his house was on the other side of town to hers. She did not have a lot of cloths, so she was not really able to apply with the dress code Shane had put down. Hopefully she could borrow some from Dante or Nero.

When she approached the house, she walked through the front and immediately got stares from the men working around the area. She was unsure if they were questioning, angry or welcoming. Regardless Mia walked straight and glared at a few people, sending silent ‘mind your own business’ waves.
“Hey, it’s Mia.” Mia said out loud, hopping to get someone she knows attention.


When the bell rang, Sage was happy to get out in the hall to stretch. Walking down the last bit of stretch of hallway to her next class, she heard some girls talking to each other. Mostly gossip, but Sage liked to listen and learn, she liked to know.
“Hello ladies.” She said, slightly changing her personality.

The girls looked her direction, all slightly confused, trying to figure out what to make of her.
“My name is Sage. I saw you beautiful ladies talking and laughing you sounded like you could show me the right way.” Sage said, showing a cute smile. A few of the girls seemed to fall for her flirtatious attempts.

“You’re lost?”
One girl asked, stepping a bit forward. Sage was now pretty sure the girls all thought she was a really cute guy. “Just a bit, but I am sure you can help me with that. Where are the Science rooms?”

“Oh that’s right down the end of the hall here!”
One of the other girls exclaim.

Sage made a really relieved face and let out a long breath, shagging her shoulders and pressed her hand to her chest,
“Oh you girls are a life saver, I thought for sure I would never find it. Is there anything I can do to make it even?” She asked with a smile.

The girls giggle and one of them spoke up, she was obviously the outgoing one,
“Do you have a girlfriend cutie?” Sage took a slightly embarrassed pose and let out a nervous like laugh, she was obviously a pro at flirting. “Oh no not at all. I don’t have any crushes right now either.” She said in response. A couple of the girls giggled in response. When the bell rang signaling that they should be getting to class, Sage waved bye to the girls and then gave a stray wink to a few of them when they looked back at her. Sage has never been in love, but she loved making them fall in love with her.
Flash heard the bell and popped out of the pile,he went though his pockets to find the papers Nero helped him get. He found them and looked at the schedule,he found out his next class and jumped out of the pile. Wishing he could have at least slept for a bit before going again,he went to this large closet and grabbed a large bag. He dragged it out behind him with one hand as he walked,he walked over to this small hole in the wall on the opposite side of the gym and set the bag right side up in front of him. He opened it up and just pushed it on it's side,it looked like dog or cat food and spread all over the area. With that,Flash just left it like that and went out of the gym. He jogged on to school and started heading to the class that he had next,he hoped school ended soon so he could go to sleep.
Sage glanced up to see Flash jogging down the hall, Sage smiled at him and waved, “Hey Flash. Heading to science by any chance?” She asked, her usual pleasant smile plastered on her face.

Suddenly one of the girls Sage talked to earlier run up to her and handed her a piece of paper, “Please call me some time! Thanks!” She said, furiously blushing before she ran off again. Sage blinked a few times and glanced at the paper to see a number, few hearts around it and a name written on the paper. “Hmmm. Sorry about that Flash. So Science?” She asked before stuffing the paper into her pocket.
Flash nodded,"Yep,"He said looking at the schedule to make sure."seems I do. He smiled as he looked up at Sage,"I'm guessing you have...?"He waited for her to finish the sentence,he then remembered he left his tea on the bed in the gym and sighed. He'd have to wait to drink again,or get a new one when he had the chance and finish the other one later. He put the schedule back in his pocket after seeing what he had after science,he wondered who all was in the class since he was still have a hard time remembering.
Sage nodded and turned to walk into the classroom. Sage waved for Flash to come sit next to her and smiled at the boy, “So are you feeling a little better? You don’t seem to be glaring at me anymore when I said hi, so I take it as a sign that we are acquaintances again.” She joked with a smile. “Though you are still looking a bit lost.”

Thinking for a moment, Sage felt an idea click in her head,
“Say Flash, would you like to go cooking for the ingredients to curry after school with me? You can come over and I can make it for dinner. That way you can get it hot instead of reheated tomorrow.”
Flash came over and sat next to her,he nodded again with a smile."Yea sure,I got nothing else to do..."Though he was a bit nervous to go,he didn't let it show since he didn't want Sage to see. He started thinking about all that's happened today so far,though some of it was still hazy he had a busy day. He seemed in a daze as he got lost in thought,and partly cause he was still tired.
"I got enrolled here only a week back so..." Pondering on the last question May thought about what to say before a soft smile graced her lips and her eyes shone with love. Not the love that makes your heart flutter but the love one has for someone closer than a friend yet not close enough to call family; The love one has for their best friend. "He is my best friend and guardian; well technically his father is my guardian." May chuckled a bit before speaking once more. "I met him a year ago in a state a state.... " Taking a calming breath May glanced at Rhea while continueing "....I don´t know but I needed help and comfort. Garion gave me that help, comfort and so much more...So no he isn´t my brother but he is my only family." Letting her soft smile fade she saw other students pile in and some of them were gossiping rather loudly. "The lesbian and the shy librarian; What a match!" Giving them a glare May smiled at Rhea. "If it is alright I wondered if you´d want to eat lunch with me and Garion from now on?"

(( And the writers block is gone! Anyways Garion is more of a side-story but he will come in once in awhile to annoy May xD @Ricia))
The men all looked up at Mia and stared at her for a bit. Suddenly all the men rushed into two lines both across from each other bowing. WELCOME HOME SHANE-DONO." Shane walked through the gates smiling as the men behind him had several boxes. "yo ate you doung today." GOOD SHANE-DONO". Shane leaned over to Mia and smiled. "welcome"

(this is ehat he looks like. View attachment 10223
Rhea listened to May’s answer and nodded, accepting it. Rhea looked up from the desk and meet May’s eyes when the story turned suddenly personal. She listened to May and how she sounded a bit angry and hurt when she spoke about how she use to be. But sounded so much better when she spoke of Garion. It sounded like how Rhea felt for her older brother sometimes.

She missed him so much, he home life was getting complicated and her brothers disappearance from her life was taking a toll on her. She had not had anyone to talk to since he had left, she has felt so lonely and stressed. Rhea teared up a little thinking about how May most likely felt far worse then She ever did or does feel lately. She took off her glasses and then whipped her eyes. “Sorry, sometimes I get emotional when I hear sad things. But you sound happy now. So that’s really good.” She said, replacing her glasses back on her face and smiled a bit.

Rhea visibly shrank when the girls verbally jabbed at her and May, tearing up a bit mostly because she had already started crying. But when May asked if she could eat lunch with them, Rhea smiled again and nodded, already forgetting about the girls, “Yeah… I would really like that… If I am not too much of a bother that is.” She said quietly.



Sage smiled at the sleepy boy and nodded in acceptance. “It won’t be so bad. So did you think that girl was cute?” Sage asked in a slightly bored ton, “Should I give her a call and take her out?” She asked again. She planned on pretending to be a boy if she did go out with her. She really had no intention of telling them that she was a girl herself. It was no fun that way.


“Hey…” She said, slightly distract by the line of men, it was an impressive display for sure. Training her gaze back onto Shane, Mia smiled a bit, “Anyway, I am not the type of girl to have a large wardrobe, so I don’t have anything that conforms with the cloths you wrote on the back of this. Sorry.”

View attachment 10236(There is a picture of Mia for you, but with Brown Hair.)

View attachment 10237(Rhea is the one pined by the blond one. Always keeping her hair up.)

View attachment 10238(This is Sage. Being her guy/girl self.)
He snapped his fingers, as a group of me brought a tux with a skirt and tie. " no problem I had someone tailor some for you."
"Ehh..."Flash shrugged,"not my type...but I wouldn't know yours so."He smiled as he looked at her,he just waited for the class to start. He rested his head on his arms which laid on the desk in front of him and he sighed,he forgot if he need a book for this class or not so he hoped he didn't. Though he figured he'd be fine since he was good at this class.
Mia smiled, "I think you might be borderline stalker." She joked, referencing the fact he knew things about peoples persons. She knew how and why he did, but still it would seem odd to someone outside the loop. Taking the clothing from the men, Mia spoke again "Do point me to a place to change. What do I owe you for the suit?" She asked, gently sliding her fingers on the smooth fabric, it felt nice, it felt expensive.


Sage laughed, "I don't know if I have a type. Gullible maybe." She said darkly. She sometimes feels like no one understands her, but sometimes she does not know if she even understood herself. She had broken many hearts, female and males, but she had never experienced being heart broken. Nor has she ever fallen in love. She does not want to fall in love. She personally sees the notion of doing so a silly one. She usually breaks up with who ever she dates the moment they drop the 'L' word. Never does she feel anything when she brakes up with them either. Sometimes she had a twisted pleasure in breaking peoples hearts. Sage smiled, "Maybe I should take her out and see."

"So what is your type Flashy?" Sage asked a few seconds after her last sentence came out of her mouth.

(@Ember Bare I saw your post after I posted mine, so I edited in a response for you. ^^)
"ahhha you owe me nothing but respect for the family..your apart of us now....DANTE NERO GET TO SCHOOL." Nero and Dante rushed to the school tripping over one another. Screaming could be heard outside the class as they ran down the hall. They both didn't change back into their regular clothes due to the tone shane used. Nero came crashing into the class tumbling then hitting the wall. Dante would come in after with his fist clenched and blood running from down the side of his face. "EHEHEHE NERO AND DANTE HERE."
Flash stayed silent for a moment to think,he opened his mouth to say something but then turned back and thought some more."Umm....I'm not sure...."He couldn't think of what'd he'd like,though he had someone in mind he didn't know what type they would be considered as. He tried to think but nothing came to mind,"I mean,I know what i'd want but..."He sighed."I'm not sure what 'type' it would be..."
Nero snapped awake" OIII WHO DO YOU THNK YOUR KICKING." The teacher tried to calm him down but instead nero picked up dante and walked out throwing him into the right class there suppose to be. Dante hits flash desk as he closes his eye, almost seeming if he was dead.
Flash freaked out,jumping up and falling back over his chair. He hit his back on the ground hard and was lucky he didn't hit the desk behind him,"Oww...."He said trying to sit up and see what happened,since he didn't know. He noticed Dante and glared at him thinking it was his fault,but when he got a closer look he saw that Dante didn't seem awake. He sat up and slightly scooted over towards Dante and poked him,"Hey?You okay?..."

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