the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}

Asnisstard laugh came from the doorway as Dante snapped awake. He slowly got up rubbing the back of his head. Reaching the door he began to crack his knuckels Nero was passed his sain side and looked down to dante. "ooiiii oi oi oi dante ..dont just lay there g.e.t..u..p.....if you want to live heheheheh "
Flash looked over at Nero and sighed,he never would have guessed he'd see them again so soon. He got back up to his feet and sat back in his chair after getting it back up,he huffed before resting his head in his hand and watched the two. They really didn't seem to get along and he wondered why,well he didn't like Dante much ether from the first impression he got but he couldn't hate the guy.
DAnte only laughed as he got up giving nero a playful headlock. " youve grown since the orphange nero-kun hehehe but still im the boss right hand man youll get there though." Nero looked away with is eyes lowered looking as if he was a little boy. "geez..." They both sat down together in the cornner .
Mia watched at Dante and Nero ran out of the house and back to school. Mia shook her head, wondering why he was ordering them to go back to school, he should be doing the same for her as well. Also noting Shane did not answer her question, she just sighed and wondered into the house. Changing in a random abandon room, Mia finished and looked down at herself. She had to admit, she looked pretty good.

Coming back out Mia looked at Shane,
“So are you going to tell me to go back to class too?” She said with a smile. At this point she did not mind being ordered around, she guessed she was in a good mood right now. Which was strange since there was a piece of paper in her pocket that felt like lead.


Sage looked over to the two guys who just crashed into the room. She was more surprised by watching Flash’s reaction. She quietly sat and continued to watch, as she does, waiting for the correct time to talk herself, if she thinks it is the correct time.
Flash just continued to watch the two,then he placed his hands over his ears and just tried to completely forget what just happened.'Just pretend they just walked in normally and nothing happened that involved himself',he thought to himself as he looked forward. He started waiting for class to start once again like before and as he planned,he pretended nothing happened though it was kinda hard to. This was so far the....4th crazy thing that's happened today?5th? He wondered what else would happen though the day was already crazy enough,he was looking forward to what would happen next.
Shane smiled as he motioned for her to follow. Indeed they were going back to school but right after they were suppose to make a drop. The car pulled around as shane got int the car first, then waited for mia to get in aswell.
Mia smiled at pulled the coat on, she had to admit, warring fancy things made her feel pretty cool. Quietly she followed Shane, wondering if she was going to get tested or something along the lines.


Sage Spoke quietly to Flashy,
“you seem like you have a headache. Or are annoyed at something.” She shifted in the desk to look at the two men that took their seats. One of them were bleeding a bit but did not seem to mind.
Flash shook his head as he let his hands fall back down off his ears,"Neither...well one might start...But I was just thinking."He slightly tilted his head,"They remind me of some others..."He chuckled as he thought about it,though these two and the ones he was thinking of were completely different that moment they seemed to act the same. Flash hadn't seen the others in a while though,he wondered if he should pay them a visit soon.
Flash looked over to Nero and slightly smiled as he leaned back in his chair,"Hey,I thought yal wouldn't make it to class because of....well what ever you were doing in that strange place."He didn't really know what they were up to there,but he guessed it didn't take to long to finish since they made it here.
"just some luggage we had to take but ofcourse with me there it didn't take long." he smiled. Dant walked up behind him towering over nero. "acctually noone could find the items, ofcourse the boss wasnt mad our enemy is good at hiding things. so what Shane did was told everyone to move back. He to a drag of his cigar then brought his leg up and stomped it to the ground making the floor shake. boxes tumbled everywhre. with this we were able to find the items in no time."
"I see We-."Flash was about to say something else but his phone rang and it surprised him as it always did,he grabbed it out of his pocket and looked to see what it was,another message from his dad as he thought. He didn't even read it this time,he just put it back in his pocket and sighed. He looked very worried now,he could only imagine how angry his dad was getting by now waiting for him.
Mia quietly sat in the car, watching the scenery go by while they drove. Mia was a tad curious as to what they were doing but she felt like with Shane it would be better not to ask question. It was not the fact that he had an intimidating personality, which did not really scare Mia, it was more like the fact that it was just what felt right. She just waited, and if Shane had something to say she would pay attention.


Sage listened carefully as the three conversed, not that Flash talked much. She made several mental notes; even after Flash too his phone out and then immediately stuck it back in his pocket.
“Now I know you’re not OK, Flashy.” Sage said. She watched as the boy made a distress face and sunk to his desk again.
Flash looked at her from the corner of his eye then sighed again as he closed them,"Seems I'm never 'OK'...Something always seems to pop up at a bad time..."He crossed his arms as he just stared at his desk,keeping himself balanced on the chair's back legs. He was right,every time something was going good something else would always interfere and ruin it. Most of the time it seemed like his dad was the one that ruined it all the time,he always had the worst timing.
"well could live with us. Shane...hell take care of you and make sure your ok." ( lol shane needs someone stronger and more dominant than him ahahahaha.)
(I was wondering if you were not RPing Shane for a reason.... they are going somewhere? xD I was thinking of Mia and Dante trying it haha. But if you want her to be with Shane that's cool too. I have no idea if that statement was to me of Bare xD )
Flash smiled,"I wish that would be okay...but I have a feeling it's not possible..."His smile faded away once again as he stared at his desk.

(Woopee xD )
(Thank you for clarifying the second part... but the first part is STILL got me confused. Is there a reason you stopped RPing Shane? xDD)
( lol im trying to think of a place.) " now mia we are going to meet those people who keep showing up at your house."

Nero scratched his hand.n"why"
(Do you want me to take it from here since you can’t think of anything or do you have a plan now haha?)

Mia glanced at Shane and frowned at him,
“You find things out fast. In less you don’t know the latest. So did they do something to you guys or are you just sticking your nose in my business?” She asked. She was a bit irritated because she wanted to deal with her own problems. Her brother’s dying wish was for her to make sure her parents stayed out of debt and she has been working to get them out for a while. The moment her family was in the clear, they went to go borrow more money again. Mia ran away from the house for three days after that happened. She hated her parents, but she took care of them away.
Flash looked more nervous as he leaned his chair back forward and put his feet up in the chair as he wrapped his arms around his legs."Well I was sure Shane knew,but...After seeing him and not being killed I'm having second thoughts... You could call me your enemy I guess...."His voice seemed shaky as he spoke and he was very unsure about if he should say anything.
' No we just found them harrasing others and one had filled out a complaint and want us to take care of the problem." Nero scratched his hear as he looked up. "well..shane doesn't tell us are you our enemy"
Mia was not sure if he was saying that to make her feel better or if it was true, but she guessed it might be two birds with one stone. “Alright. I believe you. I guess it’s one of those two birds with one stone situation. I am sure they will love to see me.”


Sage kept quiet and watched Flash and the red headed kid with narrowed eyes. She leaned on her elbows that were planted firmly on the desk. Her cheek was resting in her hand.

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