the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}

Alex heard the bell ring and began to panic. After some careful thinking, she turned to Vera and Kyo. "You guys can go to class if you want. I'm going to go with David. I know more about his panic attacks than anybody else does, so I should be there. You guys can come if you want, but I'd rather not force you to miss class."

Vera glanced down at the ground slightly. "I have this big test in my next class and—"

"Then go," Alex interrupted. "It's fine. I understand."

Vera headed off.
"The name is May, May Anthony and this idiot here is Garion, he can be annoying but just ignore him." May smiled sweetly before she suddenly got curious "I´m sorry if I seem rude but..Where are your friends? Why aren´t you eating with them?" Garion watched the exchange closely before leaving them to get his lunch. Standing at the line he took some cake, a apple, a coke and some cookies before returning."I got history next with mister Rudolph..." Garion stated before staring at May "Heard you and him had a chat before lunch. Do you have anything to tell me?" May sighed then made a weird hand sign. Garion nodded before giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I´ll meet you later.." May nodded before returning to waiting on Rhea´s answers while Garion left to go to class.

((@Ricia This is getting hard to follow, moving way too fast so sorry if I post late :) ))
([MENTION=3943]HeartBrokenIceQueen[/MENTION] You are fine :) Things are going fast pace, though I have no idea who is controlling the day and class times.)

Rhea looked up at May,
“Nice to meet you two.” She said quietly. When May asked about her friends Rhea shrugged and didn’t meet her gaze. “I don’t.” She said quietly. When the bell rang, Rhea thanked it in her mind and got up. “Thank you for letting me sits her.” She said with a smile and quickly got up to leave. She was not sure what May would think of that and part of her did not want to know. She always felt too scared to talk to people.

Leaving the cafeteria, Rhea got to the Library for her work study. Her Grades are by far one of the best in the school, so she was privileged to get in the work study programs. It was basically a free period where Rhea would happily read on of her books.

“Oh Rhea, nice to see you back on time. Can you please put these books back in their proper spots
?” The librarian asked. Rhea nodded and started to push the cart full of books back between the shelves.


Mia glanced around the lunch room when the bell rang,
“Well, I guess I will be seeing you guys around more often.” She said, waving good bye to them and turning to go to class. She had science next, and this was her hardest subject. She hated science with a passion and much rather be in math. Lucky though that class was almost over.

Mia guessed that after class was over she should go over to Shane’s house and meet the ‘Family’ of Silences so she can get to know who she’s working for and with. Regardless for now she won’t tell her parents and get a real job along with this one. For some reason her new group of friends have inspired her to work a little harder. Shrugging it off, Mia walked to her class room and sat in the back of the class room.


Sage laughed out loud at Bittersweet’s joke and nodded,
“That’s the truth.” She stated. Sage looked up at Flash and nodded, by his confused look and glare, what Sage guessed was going to happen, did.

“He is fine, just a bit out of it.”
She said. When the bell rang Sage kept her gaze on Flash, “Don’t forget Flash, you said you would have lunch with me again tomorrow. So don’t bring anything.” She said giving him a reminder of what happened before he went to sleep. Glancing at Bittersweet, Sage got up and nodded at him, “You can join us tomorrow. I hope to see you guys in my future classes!” Sage gushed.

Waving at both of them Sage walked away, making her way to her English class. When she reached the class room, she decided to sit around the middle area on the right side. She hoped class went by fast, she wanted to go grocery shopping for the ingredients to gumbo.
"I don´t." May barely heard what Rhea said but was shocked. She noticed Rhea was shy but isn´t everyone like that with new people? Hearing the bell ring made May come out of her thoughts. "Thanks for letting me sit here." Rhea said with a smile which May thought was quite cute. May decided to head to the library since she had math next. The librarian wasn´t shocked to see May there; she´d always come this hour of everyday since the math teacher was a homophobe and hated Mays guts. "You can´t hide in the staff room today; Sinister Weirdo will be here soon and he decided to take the principal with him." May smirked slightly. "Thanks Anne, I´ll read a book till he leaves." May walked around the book shelves looking for a good enough book to waste her time on. Making a sharp turn she bumped into a cart full of books. "Shit that hurts!" She hissed. Looking up she saw Rhea. "Oh..Hello?"

((Guess i´ll tag you in every post so you know when i reply ^^ @

Rhea was surprised when someone hit her cart and nearly jumped out of her skin. She heard someone curse and sincerely hoped it was not one of the rough people that get physical when angry. Glancing at the person on the floor, she was pleasantly surprised to see May, who she saw not only an hour ago. “H-hi… are you ok?” She asked, a little louder then she had been talking earlier. Rhea came around the cart of books and offered her a hand. Rhea was not very strong, but how hard should it be to help another girl up? She thought.

([MENTION=3943]HeartBrokenIceQueen[/MENTION] I guess you would like me to do the same? I really don't mind. But that would be appriciated too!)
“I have work study. I could say the same for you.” She said back. Rhea dug her heals into the ground and pulled on May’s hand to help her up. “My gardes are the best in the school… So I am allowed to work on a class period. Rhea picked up a few books from the cart and reached to put them away on the self. That sounded like I was bragging, maybe I should have not have said that? Rhea thought suddenly, so she turned around to look at May, “Ah, Not that I am bragging or anything!” Rhea said, suddenly fearing May would think she was rubbing it in her face. She blushed a bit and fidgeted under May's gaze. She was not good with talking with other people, she was always afraid she would say the wrong thing. Avoiding people always made things easier for her.

([MENTION=3943]HeartBrokenIceQueen[/MENTION] )
Flash waved bye at Sage when she left and sighed,he wasn't sure what class he had next so he decided not to go to one. He got up from the table still seeming a bit off since his balance was completely off,but he gained his balance back after walking a bit and he made it out and started walking down the hall. He walked with his hands in his pockets as he yawned,he tried to remember what happened while he was drugged and it started coming back.
May chuckled before giving Rhea a smile. "That is impressive but, don´t get offended, boring. It´s mo-"

"She is in the office Sir. She has been skipping my classes since the second day off the semester and been running around in this very library!"
May smirked before taking Rheas hand and drag her to hide in a corner. Putting her hand over Rheas mouth, May postioned herself so Rhea was in between her legs with her back facing May. "Sorry, but I need you to be quiet. Mister Thomas is looking for me, I skipped class." May begged Rhea with pleading eyes before returning to listen to the conversation. "Where is she? Miss Anne, where is May?" Mister Thomas voice echoed with anger. "I´m sorry Sir but May didn´t come to the library today, perhaps she is sick?" Thanking Miss Anne, May silently prayed for Mister Thomas and the principal to leave. "Thomas, I hope you didn´t disturb me for something so ridicolous as this, did you?" The principal stated before giving Miss Anne a glance. Mister Thomas was fidgeting before he smiled. "I´m sorry Sir, seems like she is actually absent for once but I assure you that I have proof of my statement. Shall we ask my students that are waiting for my return patiently?" The principal rolled his eyes before giving Miss Anne a smile. "I´m sorry for disturbing your day, Miss Anne. Please return to your daily routine and forget about this incident." Soon after May heard a door open and close and relaxed.

Soon Vera made it to her next class, science. Not many other students had arrived yet. A small group of three or four—Vera couldn't tell—walked in chatting and soon took their seats.

Waiting for class to begin, Vera found herself thinking about the lunch period she had been in less than five minutes ago. She thought about David—poor David—and whatever sort of panic attack he was having. She wondered if it had anything to do with his secret of where he was. She thought about how he had said he could only tell Alex, later. But most of all, her thoughts settled on the new kid, Kyo.

He seemed nice. Sweet.


It was odd—Vera realized—the fact that she had never really had any crushes before. She figured this was a crush. What else could it be? It wasn't like she was an expert on this stuff.

She formed a mental image of him in her mind, his long white hair and dazzling blue eyes. His hair was kind of odd-looking, but—for whatever reason—she liked it. She wondered what he would look like if he cut his hair to a more normal length or if it wasn't white. Somehow, it didn't feel right. It wasn't . . . him.

She knew she had only known him for the course of the one lunch period, but she couldn't figure out how to stop thinking about him.

((I figured this could make things more interesting. ;) ))
"Ah-" Rhea froze and nearly forgot to breathe when she was pushed in a corner by May. May quietly asked her to be quiet, her voice sounding rather desperate. Rhea felt her heart pound a bit, blushing a little as May dragged her down between her legs. May covered her mouth with her hand, a slightly uncalled for gesture, her fingers tickling her lips a bit. Rhea pressed one of her hands over her pounding heart, this was more human contact then she had since her brother left. She was not going to give May away in the first place because it was none of her business.

Miss Ann lied to them, which was normal for her to splurge for students, she does for Rhea often. When they had left, May relaxed but did not seem to remove herself from trapping Rhea between her legs. Slowly Rhea pealed May's hands off her mouth, her fingers slid off her lips.
“C-can I move now?” She asked quietly, blushing a bit. Even before May moved, Rhea looked behind her shoulder up to May's eyes, her first time meeting the taller girl's gaze, “You know… you could apply for a different teacher.” She said, mostly trying to offer a suggestion to better improve her situation, “Your boyfriend seemed to know some of the teachers well, and Miss Ann seems to like you well enough.” She quietly added on, still holding the hand that she had removed from her lips.

(@HeartBrokenIceQueen I had to fix the post because I had miss read yours haha.)
May put her hand over her mouth; trying to contain her laughter. "I can´t apply to another teacher; That I know since I have already tried." She said barely holding her laughter in but bursted at her next sentence. "And no my boyfriend doesn´t know the teachers that well since I don´t have a boyfriend." May took a big breath then smiled at Rhea. She looked into her eyes before speaking once again. "I´m into girls actually and Miss Anne is one of the few teachers that accept that fact. I wouldn´t test my luck by telling the principal that Mister Thomas is a disgusting, cruel little homophobe which hates me since day one." Suddenly her smile turned into a sly grin but her eyes had a look of hope. "Now you can either run away; afraid from the crazy She-Wolf or you can accept it like Miss Anne and continue with your life. That is your choice." May turned around and started to head to the front desk.

(([MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION], don´t worry it happens to me ALL the time))
Rhea cocked her head to the side, slightly confused but then compared to her feet and then gently touched May’s shoulder to get her attention, “Y-You’re… the only person who ever talked to me like this. It has made me happy. Thank you.” She said quietly, not really looking back up at her. “I don’t think your sexuality makes your personality.” She said a little more firmly before smiling a bit and looking up at May.

Shane , Nero and Dante left school due to their othe activitie. Shane wakled along the road someking as Dante and Nero were playing around by hitting the sky. They finall reached the home a line of men in black suits bowing to Shane as he walked throuh "WELCOME HOME SHANE-DONO" shane smiled to them all. " how have yall been today""GOOD SHANE-DONO". Dante and Nero just waved as they enetred the house the others shuffiling in afterwards.
Flash sat down on the ground right outside of school,he leaned against the school's wall as he opened a bottle of tea he had gotten. He looked around as he took a sip and smiled,he sighed in relief since it was nice to relax like this again. Though he had to make sure he made it to his next class,he never liked missing class since he'd have to catch up on what they learned next time. The only thing is that he has to find out what class he just missed and what was next,he tried to think of someone that would know which he figured he'd have to ask one of the sophmores since they're the only ones that would have a shot of knowing.
[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION]

Nero escaped from the house and his chores as he ran down the street. Instead of his school clothes he had on his clothing from the home. He quickly ran past the school only to stop to see a kid sitting there. He jogged backwards and stoped infront of the kid. " yo you need help:
Flash looked up at the one that spoke to him,he remembered this one though never really spoke to him. He stood up and leaned against the wall,"Um...I was just trying to remember my classes..."He said with a smile on his face."What are you doing jogging around here? Aren't you suppose to be in a class too?"He chuckled before taking another sip of his tea.
He chuckeld a bit. "ehh..sorta .. I had urgent buisness so I took a leave of abbsence. And your classes your have your schedule I could help you out."He leaned in to the boy reading the tea he has.

(this is what he looks like right now lol View attachment 10192
'Lipton Diet green tea' was labeled across the bottle,it was the only thing he drank if he had a choice.He shook his head as he lowered the bottle,"I have nothing..."He sighed before smiling again."If I had anything like that I'm sure I would have figured it out by now."He was trying to remember where he had seen this guy before,a class maybe? Well he did remember seeing him with that big guy all the time,the one he figured he'd never get along with. He knew he had about two classes with that one,maybe more but he couldn't remember exactly. He hoped this daze stage would hurry up and leave so he could remember all this cause it was really annoying him.
He scratched the back of his neck then rubbed his chin. He then looked both ways then up toward the sky. "Hmmm..since your in a pinch and its my motto to help those in need , ill help you alright..first things first we have to go to the administrator....they'll give you a new schedule." He smiled and grabbed his hand and began to walk into the school humming a slight tune
"Motto?"He sounded confused before his hand was grabbed and pulled on with the strange man,Flash blushed dark red from the smile he had got from him and the fact that he felt awkward with his hand being held. He didn't even know this guy's name,yet he was helping him for nothing? He couldn't help but think of how strange this one was compared to the others he had been with,though most of those other people he wished he had never met.
He weaved through the kids in the hall heading for the office. Kids would stop and stare as they watched them go by. Slight whispers could be heard but Nero brushed them off. As he turned the cornner one of the kids from a smaller gang stopped him. "So you think you can bump into me and get away with it.?...whos that behind you..what are you protecting kids now...ahaha or is that your boyfriends. I knew the boss and his soon were gay but you to." Nero tried his best not to fight back but he was slowly loseing his grip "hey man..just leave me be im here for different reasons....But let me tell you this." One of his eyes lowered as the other raised. "So what if he's my boyfriend..why are you jealous..ahhaha move boy." Nero pushed by the guy walking away and down the hall.
Flash could feel his blush darken as he just stood there listening,what was he saying?He over heard what the other man said as well,There boss and his son gay?Could he be talking about that tall guy that hung out with this person? He didn't know that,though he didn't know for sure yet so he didn't just come to conclusions. But the 'boyfriend' rang in his head as he walked with this man who said it so easily it seems,even though Flash knew it was a just some type of joke.
He looked back at him then to the front again. "Don't worry about him he stupid like alwayss. hmph maing sid remarks about the boss. He just upset because he turned him down."
"T-turned him down?"Flash couldn't keep his voice steady,he had suddenly gotten nervous. He didn't know why he asked but it just came out,he felt like he was cuffed to the guy for some reason. He was usually so calm and okay with people but he felt so off around this person,course he didn't know why.

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