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Fantasy The New Generation (Always Open)


Just Me

The world is almost perfect. Everyone has their place and their own role. The government of Sylia rules all of the world, different military factions in charge of different continents. There is no war, crime is so low it hardly exist, poverty is smaller than the crime rate, the world is just about there.

Yet, it isn't perfect. To get here the military of Old America did secret alterations to their soldiers, making them super soldiers, calling them the Protectors. The Protectors are faster, stronger, smarter than any human. They are the reason the world was stripped of evil. Brought back home after the war the Protectors began to settle down, have families, and create a new generation of humans. All the chemicals and gene manipulation the Protectors went through caused a change in their offspring. The children of them began showing other worldly abilities, like moving objects with the brains, passing through walls, things like that. The new government didn't like this and what the new generation threatened. So they went about to exterminate them on the low while they were also trying to build up the new world.

Sylia couldn't kill them all though. Their super soldiers that they loved so much had back fired and now two hundred years later they are the only thing disrupting the perfectness that Sylia is trying to maintain. The New Generation as they have been so called live in ruins of an old town supposed to be filled with toxic radiation-it's not- and work to show the truth of the actual corrupt and evil government. We are the New Generation and we are here to disrupt the lives of those trying to kill us, and save as many others like us in the process, while evading the new, more perfect Protectors that the government has created just to make the New Generation extinct.
The New Generation:

A run down city now called Bristly, fifty miles outside of the biggest Sylia government city named Freesylia in the New America. It is mainly surrounded by forests and animals at least a good seventy feet from Bristly at all times. It is rumored to have a high level of radiation, but it has not caused any problems for the New Generation. Bristly is the first base created by the New Generation and is the largest out of all them scattered all around the world. They mainly rely on old technologies, trading with towns around them that don't have large military presence and of course stealing from the government that hunts them.
The Protectors:

Their main base now is in Freesylia as they hunt for New Generation. Each Protector has an assigned housing complex with the rest of their unit on the upper side of the city. They have freedom to do whatever they want when off duty, and are identified by their uniforms that they must wear whenever on duty, but have the choice to change out of when off duty. The towns outlying Freesylia are mostly little farm towns that have very little observation on, but every once in awhile the Protectors will be sent there to remind them that the government is always there and is always watching.
Uniforms for the protectors:

Original Thread
Character Sheets
Avery Lincoln AKA Ghost

Do you know what it feels like to be split into two inside your own body? How about to not have any control of your actions? What about even the most outcast of people treat you like you are the leaper? This is the daily life of the girl named Avery, or better known as Ghost. Few know the back story of Ghost and why she wears her mask, but all know of her power. The power to do almost anything, as long as she can fight the battle with the dead. During her first few months with the New Generation they could see how devastating it could be. How out of control and deadly she was. Avery hated everything about herself and her power. Once upon a time she was a daughter loved by many, flaunted to the world in all her dresses and charm. And now? Well, you shall find that out for yourself.


Darkness, sweet and blissful darkness was all Ghost wished for her dreams to be. She wished they were not filled with memories of others trying to suck her under their power, or even the ones who just wished to be remembered. You hear many stories about the dead, what they don't tell you is how painful it is for them to wrap their fingers around your soul and try to hold it as their own.

Gasping for breath, white pale hands hold tightly to Ghost's neck as she fights for control just like every other night. As her vision begins to waver, and panic tries to sink in the hands finally rip themselves off of her and then hangs limply at her side. Trying to take in deep breath Ghosts glares at her traitorous hands, the cause of her strangulation. It takes her a few moments to get her bearings around her, and even longer for her to convince herself to rise from the bed.

With a deep sigh, Ghost pushes her slender and rather elegant body from her cozy little bed that she had stolen awhile back and heads to the window that overlooked the city. The sun was just hardly rising, light pinks trying to stretch through the still star lit sky. All around her there were broken buildings, and very little life. Only few of the New Generation lived this far out. If you walked a little ways East through the city, under the cover of broken things you would find the heart of Bristly. This is where the mess hall was, the med building, training halls and everything else could be found. It had been built up from when the city was supposed filled with toxic radiation, and over the years it has grown to be the most thriving of all the New Generation cities.

Every new Generation member had the choice of where to live, what continent to help on, where they made their houses, whether they ate with everyone else in the mess hall or hunted and gathered for themselves. The place ran off of broken solar panels created just after the Great War was won, and was completely off the grid, no one able to pick up on it. It was a free place, other than the top dogs giving all the orders for missions and such. You didn't get to choose those, the elders always did.

Ghost hadn't been out to hunt lately, she wasn't allowed outside the walls after an accident a few weeks ago. The images of blood flash in her mind, but she is quick to block them out. Today was a new day and she would conquer it. Since she had no food, today she was destined to eat in the great hall, which meant she had to put on her mask and deal with others. Always one to want to be her best, Ghost takes a quick shower, only cold water able to run through the pipes that hardly worked after all these years. She dresses in a short kimono type dress that was very light and easy to move in, pulls on white tights underneath and then finally throws on her jacket issued to the highest ranking protectors. Finally she pulls her mask down her face, and her snow white hair flying freely behind her. At last she was ready and heads out, the sky finally turning all kinds of colors.

Walking down the streets it takes her awhile before she finds any other New Generation members. She doesn't acknowledge them, and they don't acknowledge her it has been that way for years now. Reaching the mess hall there were people walking about, most chattering in tired voices, some alone and silent. Ghost was with the latter group too, she choose a simple piece of bread with butter slathered on it, and a cup of coffee. A treat they only get once a week. Choosing the table closest to the windows, Ghost spends most her time looking out the window, slowly munching on the food she had.
Kasch was the kind of man to rise with the sun as it reared over the horizon, throwing golden rays scattering across the broken city of Bristly. A thin sheen of perspiration smothering his brow as he rigidly followed the daily regime for exercise. A delicious ache setting in on his muscles, as he finished up with the morning set of cardio and strength-focused training. Something he found to be relaxing if you could believe it, especially at the state of him as he stretched out. Hair stuck to the back of his neck and cheek, tousled up and shoved away from his face to stick out at odd angles. Throwing a towel over his shoulder he exhaled heavily and wiped a palm over his nose and chin, roughly passing over the unshaven state of his jaw, that had become a signature look of rough, tough, and bad to know.

Making his way through into the shower room, he stripped down to duck under the freezing water, scrubbing the soap into his skin and hair, to shed the dirt which inevitably collected in a city such as this. Kas always made the wash quick and efficient, considering the temperature was enough to both shock him fully awake and cool him off in a short space of time. Hopping back out, he wrapped the towel around his waist quickly to grab another and dry the hair he could - leaving it damp yet manageable. To finish off this morning routine, he pulled on his shirt and waistcoat, overlapping it all with the magnificent old long-coat bound over broad chest and shoulders, impressively decorated by the crisscrossing of the various holsters and belts that contained knife, steel ball-bearing traps, and other cobbled pieces of old technology. Breeches accompanied by knee-length leather boots, accentuating the curve of his calf. Reinhard's mask, placed on its tether to keep out the way of his business whilst open-faced in the comfort and confines of the city.

The apartment he did have was old, achieving to get a near city location; two levels from the street after what took an age of assessing exit options. Ivy crawled up, over the balcony, intertwining with other flowering vines that now created their own wild garden. Cement and plaster of the outside, tainted mossy green. In contrast, his living space was clean, almost military. A few potted ferns here and there, most of the plant life coming from the outside to decorate his windowsill - thus not needing more than a couple of indoor pots. His varnish-worn bookshelf, filled to brimming with well-thumbed novels and manuals which pages now curled and yellowed, whilst a table to the side was covered in bits and pieces of old technology, scrap and tools. One dresser of clothing, with a cracked mirror, stood to the side of the bed, overlooked by a wide window of weak rays. Outside of that, it was a kitchen-diner and bathroom, both rickety and worn - but homely. Managing to emit a warmth of habitation.

Locking the door after himself, Kasch began making his way through the crumbling buildings toward the city centre. In the decrepit workings stood the mess hall, one which he often contributed to and thus was both respected and admired. Hunting was a dangerous job after all, and the protectors were getting more violent through each confrontation. Grabbing a tray, he got his thick slices of warm bread spread with butter, a cup of hot water and lemon (saving his coffee ration for when he really needed it). Settling down at a bench, to take a large bite out the breakfast presented. Glancing over, he caught the girl in the mask on his peripheral vision. Ghost, as she'd been nicknamed. Kas wasn't sure about her, yet the fact she was here proved something. That the New Generation was the right place to be. And the future, wasn't to all be fought in vain.
(._. when ur starter is massive but its all a lie after the plot begins)

[New Generation] Restful Restful ;Rain; ;Rain; Mistory Mistory Aio Aio FireMaiden FireMaiden Black Jade Black Jade
Cicili Ode Issa

Cicili stood hunched over a small table on the floor, pen in hand as it hovered over the blank paper. She had been in that position a good ten minutes or so, racking her head for something to write. Her hair was tied up into a loose bun as strands of hair fell around her face. Squinting her eyes to make the page blurry before opening them back up to make her vision clearer. The rumble of electric fans in the background, moving the warm air in her tiny makeshift apartment around but never seeming to be doing its job in cooling her.

Pressing the tip of her pencil down on the parchment she moved it up and down till she heard the familiar snap of lead breaking off. Lifting the pencil up to her face she examined it before she sighed and lowered it back down to her desk. Pressing her hand down on the cool concreate floor as she pushed herself up.

Going over to her bureau Cicili watched herself closely in the mirror. Releasing her vibrant hair from the tie, watching it cascade down over her shoulders before tousling it to her liking. Readjusting her shirt before turning around to look at her room in its entirety. Colorful cloth strung all around the room as plush pillows littered the floor, shiny golden objects moving in their own time used for things she wasn't all to sure of. Parchment littered the walls as well as her desk, drawing of anatomy, various inventions and a few notes about various powers she had come across on her journeys. Her room was the embodiment of who she was though with how she portrayed herself in the outside world one would never know.

She grabed her a jacket off of the door handel, made of what she assumed was some kind of leather, entirely black except for various patches placed around it.. Placing around her Cicili tied her hair back up into a messily done bun, before opening her door. She had been living in the New Generation compound ever since she was a tiny tot, well really ever since her early teens. Cicili made her way down the steps before going over to the door. Turning the nob to reveal a the streets of the compound.

Barely out the door Cicili looked down at her stomach as it growled ever so slightly. Pursing her lips she had to remind herself that she had not eaten since yesterday's lunch. Stepping out she made her way towards the mess hall, weaving in and out of ally ways as well as crowds gathered around in various places. Finally she had arrived, grabbing two warm peices of bread as well as butter. She grabbed a cup of water on her way out of the line, never one for coffee as it gave her terrible headaches. Looking around for her next victim to sit with, her eyes went over the people within the mess hall. Stopping to look at the girl many call Ghost, sending a chill down her spine. Shaking her head she went on to look, focusing on Kasch. She smiled as she decided to sit with him. He was sitting alone so why not bless him with her presence.

"This seat taken?" Cicili asked, although it was not so much a question as she sat down before he could answer. With a smile she began to spread the butter on her bread. Folding up her bread and squishing it to her liking before she took a bite. While there where seemingly hundreds of people within the compound Cicili never quite made connections with anyone, a floater if you will. She saw it better to know many than to settle and know only one person. Although her philosophy might be flawed Cicili lived by this and it would take something drastic of her to change.
Kasch, leisurely eating his breakfast whilst deep in pensive thought, snapped his head upward to the approach of Cicili. Dark irises flashing till he recognised the vibrant hair and confident voice. "I prefer keeping a buffer zone of at least three chairs, as you can see." Of course, the sarcastic response, dripping almost humorously from his lips was unheeded, as she went ahead and sat down. If anything Kas had few friends. He had connections, colleagues, acquaintances - but never were there many he could completely relax and unwind beside. Ah, but he preferred to keep to himself and read. Always a copy of some small book tucked into his waistcoat, ready to pull out if he was either bored or on stakeout.

Sipping at his lemon water, he itched at his chin setting the cup down. Running a calloused palm through his thick, wavy locks to momentarily move it back from concealing the side of his face. Which was merely due to his reluctance to let anyone holding scissors near him. A childish excuse, but he detested both haircuts and having to do something he thought was unnecessary. Alas, it resulted in a shaggy mane of unkempt locks that tickled his jaw.

Nodding toward Ghost, he bit into his bread. Chewing momentarily before speaking whilst motioning with his hand. "She never comes 'round here. Must be getting a little desperate on supplies if you ask me. Haven't seen her hunting either." Reinhard commented, glancing at his current company. "What the hell you doing on my table anyway, because if you want gossip, I'm not into supplying that." He lazily remarked, sitting back in his chair to cradle his glass. Taking the odd mouthful, whilst busy observing the bustling scene.

Aio Aio Restful Restful
Marina Patterson
Marina’s somewhat small body was sprawled out on a raggedy, torn up couch. Her body was laid out face down into the cushions of the tan colored seat, while her legs hung off the side. She hesitantly pushed herself up into a sitting position and opened her eyes, sloppily moving hair away from her face and smoothing it down the best she could.
Opening her eyes, she saw a small rundown room that had chipped paint on the walls and torn carpet. The room was vacant except for the small couch she had apparently slept on, and a table stashed in the corner of the room that only had three legs. The room’s only light source protruded from two windows letting the sun shine in. The smell of dirt and mold filled Marina’s nose as she stood up and walked towards the window. She let her fingers trace the window seal before tugging on the window in attempt to open it. It took a moment, but the window became loose and slid open.

She moved her body to the outdoors, letting her feet feel the ground before she put her weight on them. Marina turned back and looked up at the building, remembering that she had decided to spend the night there after getting tired from exploring the wooded areas. She threw her arms out to the side and stretched them out, here a satisfying popping sound. Her hands fell back down by her waist as she walked.
Marina moved down the street filled with rubble from broken down buildings that outlined the outskirts of the area. Briskly’s centre did not seem to far away, therefore she decided to go ahead and make her way there. On the way to the area which provided her with food, training, and medical services, the sun shone in her eyes causing her to look away. Marina wasn’t particularly a fan of having one big central area that everyone went to. She would much rather prefer everyone to keep to themselves, for that's how she functions.

It took her about 17 minutes to arrive at the mess hall, more time then it would have taken if she came from home. Before moving to the food, Marina spotted a bright purple flower that bloomed in the middle of a patch of green Ivy. A smile appeared on her face before she stood back up and moved back to the food. There wasn’t much to choose from, so she picked up what seemed to be popular with everyone. A piece of bread. It was slightly toasted, not enough to even really be considered toast, but enough that it was warm to the touch. She ignored the butter, not really a fan, and picked up a plastic cup and filled it with cold water.

Marina’s eyes shifted to the woman everyone called Ghost. From what Marina had gathered, she did not have a good reputation. Her eyes didn’t move away from the girl as she went and sat down at a table with a single chair. She set down her cup of water and took a bite of the warm bread, clearing her throat a big before swallowing.

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Jacqueline Peters
It had been another sleepless night, kept awake by nightmares and overthinking, Jackie was tired. Pulling herself up from the bed, she groaned. Her head held a dull ache, either a result of the booze she found and drank last night, to the lack of sleep. Either way, the light was a little annoying. Jackie stumbed around the apartment in search of clean clothes, settling on some shorts, a tank top, and a flannel. As she looked for these clothes, she slowly moved and looked around her apartment. It was in a building, covered in ivy and moss that only a few other people used. Most of the apartments were to old and unstable to use, but she got lucky. Third floor, nice veiw, with mostly intact furniture, though there wasn't a lot. A bed, of course, a dresser with two missing drawers. The white pain was also stained, chipping, then the mirror on top; one of the circular ones normally up on a wall, was cracked. The light coming from the window was reflecting off of it in such a way, that the beam of light, the eyes would follow it to what it was landing on. A picture, stuck to the wall with a small pin. Just a simple picture of two people.

But two people with a shadowy past that at the moment, is not important. What is important, is the fact that Jackie decided she had to hurry in order to get coffee, something that everyone loved, but only happened once a week. And she wasn't gonna miss out on her one source of caffeine. So she hurried, out and down into the streets. Jackie didn't really say much to the people she passed while walking to breakfast. Only small smiles and quiet goodmornings. Anyway, it didn't take her long to get to food. Bread, butter, and coffee, buy looking around at who all she recognized, one person in particular made her crack a small smile. Kas, someone she held a certain admiration of. Not to mention he was one of the few people she was comfortable around. Though sitting with him was Ode.

Now, she was a cool chick, fun. Though they didn't really know each other to well, but Jackie knew she was a cool person. And then there was Ghost. Maybe she should go talk to her...nah. Jackie decided to how and join the other two. Jackie walked over and sat down near the end of the table, and say down a few seats away from both of them. "Morning guys." idalie idalie Aio Aio
Cicili Ode Issa

Cicili cracked a smile at Kasch's dry scarcasm. "Thanks for the heads up." Picking up her cup she nodded towards him before she took a sip. Sighing as the cool water ran down her throat. Setting it down she looked back up at Kasch, her eyes looking over him, making mental notes in her head. He was at least ten years older which almost made Cicili laugh, although she kept that to herself as age seemed to always be a touchy subject.

Shrugging at that thought Cicili went on to eat her breakfast, chugging down the last of her water as she listened to Kasch ramble. Choking on her water as she attempted to hold back her laugh, coughing rather violently as she hit her chest to calm down so she could speak. "Honey if I wanted gossip, trust me I wouldn't be coming to you. As for Ghosty over there all I heard was there was a little mishap but that's definatly not my story to tell." Cicili was never one for gossip, believing if someone wanted her to know they would just tell her themselves. Plus whenever drama gets mixed in gossip is a total let down and just creates more problems in the end.

Her eyes lit up as she heard the voice of another, turning to look at Jackie her smile grew. "Jack attack! Good morning." By no means did they know each other enough to have nicknames but that was none of Cicili's concern. She was more a a speak now and apologies never kind of person and with that means she has absolutely no filter. Of course having no filter could easily get Cicili into some trouble, and it has most definatly. Although sadly Cicili never quiet learned proper etiquette but that's what you get when you grow up with a bunch of misfits hidding from the law.

idalie idalie FireMaiden FireMaiden
"Oh why does everything hurt... oh right..."
Eric groaned, sitting up in the rubble of the building. A small garage, must have been an auto shop in the past, had been his residence. However, because he was trying to remove a support beam, the ceiling was...well it was gone. Collapsed on him the night before. He was sure he had suplorted it properly, but a beam must have snapped. Now his whole body hurt. He hadnt expected it to bring the whole ceiling down...
He grumbled,popping his spine with a stretch. He flexed jis hand, and sighed, lookig over he wreckage he called home. And he nearly had that car finished. Damn.

Eric was what you could consider the resident handy man. He could fix problems. Some were easy. Some not so much. Some needed an electrical touch. Some needed support. He was the one you call to fix holes in the ceiling, or walls. He was the one you asked toclear an area. It wasnt that he was fast. He did it right. Architecturally...well he wasnt the best, but he had a general idea of what he was doing. He usually put himaelf on clean up, clearing the streets of rubble and junk. He usually could find something useful anywhere he went, so if you needed somehing,he was usually thr guy you'd ask. An artist? He should have some paints and good paper for you. Like to tinker? Well he gots the tools and some parts if you need them. Like to garden? He could fashion am irigation system for you. He could also do maintenance for equipment, sharpening blades and such. His abilities gave hom a pretty varied set of skills...

Just not when he had a ceiling fall on him. Lost a build he was working on too.
Checked his makeshift clock, a fixed up old one he had managed to find. It was abit off,but had the general idea.
...time to wake up anyhow. With a grumble, he started off. "First get some grub. Then fix my roof..."


Vi squinted as the lights of dawn slowly danced their way onto her eyes. She let out a frustrated sigh and placed her hands over her face and threw the blankets from her body. How many nights has it been now? 4? 5? She asked herself. sighing again and, exhausted, stood up. It had been so long since she actually slept well, and it didn't look like that was going to be changing anytime soon. She never understood why she had to be cursed with such an ability as telepathy. She had no idea how to control it; how to make the thoughts go away. They always plagued her when she wasn't occupied. She sat up, pushing her legs off the side of her bed. As her bare feet hit they cold floor beneath her, she shivered and whispered a few profanities to herself before looking in the old and dirty mirror across the room. She sighed again as she stepped closer, running her hands over her body. She was thinning out again. Have I been forgetting to eat? You'd think with all these voices, one of them would tell me to."Dressing herself in almost zombie-mode, she shook herself awake.
God, if I could just go comatose right now, I'd be truly happy, she though again as she slid her boots on.
Walking down the halls, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at how drab the whole place was. Shaking the thoughts from her head, she continued to walk, not making eye contact with anyone. She didn't care for the attention of others. Throughout the years she had been here, she had not made one friend. The closest thing she had was her youngest brother, who died shortly after their arrival. Ever since then, she was rather secluded, never going out of her way to communicate. She almost always had her face buried in a book, or humming softly to herself in her room. Anything to keep her mind busy.
Arriving at the building that everyone was gathered at, she grabbed her food and looked for her seat. Waking up rather late, she had missed out on her chance of sitting alone and that almost immediately made her appetite disappear. She looked around and spotted a table with few people around it. She groaned subconsciously and rolled her eyes for what seemed like the millionth time that morning. Most people knew of her powers and were quite timid, though she had no idea why, she didn't even know how to use either of them! Her somewhat rugged beauty drew more attention than she ever cared for, ignoring the gazes and snickers of those who teased. Approaching the table, she spoke up. Despite her rarely ever speaking, her voice carried gracefully.
"Is this seat taken?"
That's all she spoke before sitting down and sipping her coffee, her eyes trailing to the bunch. She knew of all of them, but didn't really care to know them. She let her thoughts mingle as the warmth slid down her throat. It was blissful, this caffeinated beverage. It was a rarity for the New Gen, only available once a week. It was worth the wait.

Aio Aio idalie idalie FireMaiden FireMaiden
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Avery Lincoln AKA Ghost

Ghost was very conscious of the growing groups of people all around her, yet she just keeps her head down and her mask just up far enough to eat her food. She wasn't very surprised when the mess hall started filling up rather quickly while it was still early out. Mornings were when people were getting back from missions or going on them. It had been exactly one week, five days, and nine hours since Ghost had been out on her last mission. It wasn't like she was counting or anything.

She was just finishing her last drink of coffee, her bread only half ate, when a runner came in the doors. The runners were kids who were training to become fully fledged New Generation, they were basically new age pages. The little kid who was about the age of six looks around the room, worry plain to see on his face. As his eyes land on Ghost a small smile lights up his face and he runs over. "Ghost the elders need to see you for an assignment." Ghost's heart melts when she realizes the smile is for her, then as the words sink in excitement courses through her. She was finally going on another assignment, her fears of never being sent out again not coming true.

Standing quickly from her spot she clears her tray and puts it away, wanting to move quickly to hear what it was to be. Flying out the doors, as happy as can be she makes her way to what they call HQ. Heading into the building she waits a few moments before she is waved into one of the offices of the Elders. This time around it was a little, white haired man named Aiden. It was whispered that he had the ability to change forms into any animal he could think of, even dragons.

Not able to sit in the chair across from Aiden from excitement, she stands with her back straight against the door. "As you know you were summoned for an assignment. It is simple, you will be the leader of a scavenge mission. There is an old town twenty-five miles from here with specific medical records on the New Generation, check the hospital. Scout it first before going in, there is rumors that Protectors are hunting for these files too. A letter has been sent out to the rest of your team mates for this trip. We expect you to be out for three days. Bring camping gear too." With a nod of his head Ghosts knows she is dismissed. Before her foot is even out the door elder Aiden mentions one last thing that sends shivers up her spine. "And Ghost, if we have a repeat of last mission you will never set foot out of Bristly again."

Ducking her head down low she grabs the information she needs from the secretary and hurries out. Taking the back way to her house, which was a little slower than the direct way, but she just wasn't ready to be around people.

It takes Ghost almost thirty minutes to get her travel pack together, and then another ten to get to the meeting spot. In the time she was getting ready Ghosts memorizes every detail she needs and then destroys the papers, per usual. The Elders wanted everyone to be on a need to know basis, and so the leader of the group would memorize the file then fill in the rest of the group as the need to know arose. When arriving she notices none of the others had shown up yet, but that was fine. The horses they would ride were all there and tied up, waiting to be used. Sometimes on missions you got to use cars, sometimes horses, but mostly everywhere you went was on foot. Tying her bag to the horses side she waits a few more minutes right next to it, but no one arrived yet.

Letting out a sigh that was muffled from her mask, Ghost decides to climb a tree and watch for them. Slinging her sword across her back she jumps to the first branch, holding tightly on it pulling herself up onto it. She doesn't stop there. She climbs with ease and went higher and higher. She was so far out that when she looked out over the town she could see in a few different direction. Leaning on a branch in front of her, Ghost pulls her sword more to her side for some balance then doesn't let go. Even though she had lived years with protectors she had never been taught to fight, that wasn't what a lady of her standing would do. Yet when she accepted her first ghost into her life, Ghost was taught many new things. Tapping her finger on her sword she is curious where Kasch, Cicili, Marina, Jacqueline, Eric and Vi were at. It wasn't that hard to be on time for a mission.
Mentions: W a i f u W a i f u Mistory Mistory Aio Aio FireMaiden FireMaiden ;Rain; ;Rain; idalie idalie

Jacqueline Peters
Jackie looked up from her food with a cocked eyebrow. "Jack attack?" She snickered a little, "That's a new one." She took a quick sip of her coffee, which now had cooled off quiet a bit, small ice crystals floating around in top. Jackie sighed, "I need a thermos," she said softly. Another person joined them before she could make more conversation, Verity of she remembered correctly. The one who could manipulate blood, which was pretty cool of you think about it. She figured out something rather dark about her powers, the fact she can freeze someone from the inside as long as she is either touching them, or of there's an open wound. If her and Verity ever fought together, they could be devastating. "Nope, not taken at all," She said with a nod.

But, she quickly finished her coffee, and scooted over a few seats, closer to Amp and Kas. "Either one of you get a mission from the Elders?" She asked, "Need to know and all that, supposed to go today? You guys gonna go? I wanted coffee of course, but still." She then looked at Verity, "You?" idalie idalie Aio Aio W a i f u W a i f u

Rosalie Lionheart

Rosalie laid in bed, emerald eyes staring at the gleam of sunlight attempting to break through her scarlet curtains. The tiniest bit of light could make the darkness recede, but never the other way around. She sat up and stretched her arms out before getting out of bed. With the remote in her hand, she walked over to the window and pressed a button that pulled the curtains back, allowing the light to break through and fill her room. Her gaze scanned the skyline of Freesylia, an absolutely perfect city. Her housing complex was tucked away in a quieter part of the city, while she wished that she had had a view of the river she knew that it would come with the noise.

Making her way to the bathroom she pulled her shirt off and threw it in the basket in front of the door. A touchpad on her wall controlled everything in the bathroom. Once she entered the lights adjusted to the perfect level and with one touch to the touchpad her shower was running at the perfect temperature. She slipped the rest of her clothes off and stepped into the shower. She would be receiving another assignment today, and with her skills she wasn’t likely to be placed in a secure position patrolling the city. She had one of the highest records for hunting and either eliminating or arresting rebels from the New Generation. As she let her mind empty in a moment of meditation she let the warm water run over her face. She could not get herself to understand why the New Generation sought to tamper with the peace and near perfection this world was in. The New Generation were savages who were beyond reason. Maybe something with their genetics affected their logic…. maybe they can’t help it? It wouldn’t matter either way, if the government saw that the only solution was to terminate their kind then she trusted their judgment.

She turned the shower off and slipped into a bathrobe. Her hair was short enough to where she could let it just air dry while she ate. Eggs, toast, and tea was already waiting for her when she got to the dining table. She ate her meal while cleaning and loading her guns. After checking to see if any of her knives needed to be sharpened she ran her fingers through her hair to see if it was dry enough to get dressed. A white collared shirt, black tie, coat secured with a belt, tights, gloves, and boots were part of the standard uniform. She pinned her badge on and secured her weapons into place. The uniform was made keeping in mind the arsenal they needed to carry and that they may need to fight in close quarters. She didn’t push the dark locks coving half her face as she put on her cover. Before leaving she slung her rifle over her shoulder and pressed the away button the touch pad at the front entrance. Hopefully today will be exciting.

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Adjusting his jacket,eric sighed,running a gloved hand through his hair as he finally reached the mess hall. He gave a wayward wave to any who desired a greeting, finding himself a peice of simple bread,as he noticed many others had. Easy to eat,and not messy. Perfect for on the go. He stepped back out just as quickly as he had stepped in, trying to remember...something. something important...
He decided to check his pockets. He was always forgetful,but he may have remembered to keep something to...ah,there it was. Pulling the letter,he skimmed it over.
"Meet here, mission. Alright then. "He crammed the paper in his pocket, and started off, takig a bite as he walked.
He was a survivalist. He was never far from what he needed,so he could pack light. He imidiatly headed to the meeting place,munching on his bread. Beautiful day for a mission. Hopefully it would stay that way.
He walked quickly, coming to the rendezvous in mere minutes. His eyes scanned the spot. Afew horses, he wasnt the only one going. A team of 6 or seven? Big job then. Oh well.
"Needed a break from trash duty anyways." He grumbled, shaking his head. He ran a hand over one of the mare's side, and released a breath,findig a seat beside the horses post. Leaning against it,he closed his eyes,and waited. People would show up eventually,right?
Restful Restful
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"Should I be insulted at the laughter, or insulted you think I don't keep up with current events?" He cocked his brow, leaning back in the chair to tip back the glass and finish off what remained of his drink. "I'm certainly not ancient enough to become a total hermit." Placing the cup down, he quirkily twisted it about, till it sat at a perfect angle to catch the light. If anything, the most unnerving factor about Kasch, other than the permanent scowl was the fact he didn't possess a shadow. Which went mostly unnoticed, unless a sunny day such as this.

Another voice called out, Kas wincing at how energetic Cicili managed to be. "Your positivity physically hurts to be around." He commented, in that same low monotone drawl. However, his gaze was drawn toward the approaching form of Jacqueline. Features, cracking a small smile as she sat down beside them. Which was odd in itself, yet managed to transform his expression to something almost resembling warmth. "Mornin', Jackie." He inclined his head, interlinking both palms to rest his chin.

Verity was the next to approach. He knew her vaguely, as everyone did. "Eh, I suppose my chance of pleasant isolation has vanished." Reinhard mused comedically, shrugging to himself whilst motioning to the spare seat beside Jacqueline as she shuffled up closer. In general, Kas didn't care about powers. He'd spent time being mocked himself, till running with a few radical groups and earning his reputation as both reclusive and not someone you'd like to meet the end with. But he wasn't fighting for powers - he was fighting for an identity. Once upon a time, all Kasch had wanted was to go to university and study pre-war history. Until realising that 'freaks', weren't permitted education with the elite intellectuals.

Returning his attention toward Frost, his features contorted into momentary thought. "I believe so. I packed a bug-out bag yesterday, it's in my service locker. All I managed to glean was it's a retrieval mission for something. Might still stick a few Protectors yet." He winked, clicking his knuckle distractedly. "Looking at the time, we've probably got a few minutes before leaving."

FireMaiden FireMaiden Aio Aio W a i f u W a i f u


Vi almost choked on her bread at the words that left Kasch's lips, somewhat of a chuckle escaping her own. "Pleasant isolation... I like the way you think," she spoke rather softly, but loud enough for the bunch to hear her. She cleared her throat and brought her attention to Jacqueline. She seemed rather interested in Kas, and a sly grin spread across her lips but was hidden by her mug of coffee. "Surprisingly, yes. It's been awhile since I've seen the world outside this beaten down place," she sipped again. "Must be a pretty big one, considering how many horses they've prepared." She motioned out the window to the post nearby where a boy sat. She eyed Ghost in the tree. She had always been intrigued by the girl. She was just as mysterious as she, and that caught her eye. "I'm guessing you guys are my group?" She internally sighed again. Why would the Elders put her in such a big group? She was much more efficient on her own. Must be God punishing her for something, but whatever. Despite the circumstances, the mission came over all. Failure was not an option.
Missions had always made her rather nervous, since she had still yet to figure almost anything out about her abilities, but that never stopped her success. She had climbed the 'ranks' with her sheer intelligence and willpower. But that didn't mean that something wouldn't happen to where she would need to use her powers, and that scared her beyond belief.
Finishing off her meal, she stood up and pushed her chair in before cleaning off her tray. "I guess I'll be seeing you all again soon," with that and a little bow, she was off and back to her room. She read over the letter from the Elders over and over again, memorizing what she could and packing what was needed. She packed lightly, but still enough for optimal survival.
With her head down, she approached the post, looking up at the burning orb in the sky, her eyes sparkling with ambition. Would this be the mission where she would finally discover herself and bring justice for Sevren? She could only hope. Her gaze moved to the boy on the ground who went by Eric. He wasn't of interest to her whatsoever, but with a small groan, she greeted him and then Ghost who sat in the tree.
idalie idalie Aio Aio FireMaiden FireMaiden Mistory Mistory Restful Restful
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Marina Patterson
Marina’s eyes followed Ghost as she bolted out the building, only seconds after the children had come in. She muttered lightly under her breath before taking another rather large bite of her bread. She took a gulp of water in order to wash the dry bread down. Her stomach grumbled as she finished off her tiny meal and stood up.

She shoved her hands into her jacket pockets as she moved out of the building, feeling a crumpled up piece of paper underneath her hand. As she moved down the streets she slowly unfolded the paper and brought her hands out of her pockets. Reading it slowly, she frowned, she had completely forgotten that she was assigned on a mission that headed out today.

Marina stopped and rubbed her temples for a second, muttering slightly about how only and idiot forgets something important like this. Brushing her hair back away from her face, she took off down the small road and made her way to her home. Considering the rush she was now in, it took a much shorter amount of time to reach her home then it usually would have.

She opened the door that was never locked and pushed her way into the room. Plants and flowers occupied most of the room, she ignored this fact and moved to where she last had her drawstring bag. The bag was red with white stripes and, at the moment, only contained a water bottle and some rope. Looking over her letter once more, she pulled out a couple more things that could possibly help and slung the bag over her back.

Marina hurried out of her home and back onto the street, which was basically a dirt path outside her house. Checking the location once more, she walked at a somewhat fast pace ensuring that she wouldn’t be too late. She hoped that they weren’t waiting on her as she proceeded in the right direction.​
Cicili Ode Issa
"Ah...the second part. Maybe. THough now that I think about it you could be a little fly on the wall...hmm...I take back what I said. Perhaps you have good gossip...perhaps." Cicili cracked a smiled before looking down at her plate, squishing the soft part of the bread before popping it into her mouth. She rolled her eyes at Kasch's comment about her enthusiasm. She knew she could be a bit much but she knew it was better to smile and be positive than dwell on everything negative.

Sighing she propped her head up with her hand as her eyes went up to look at Verity. Cicili was pretty much oblivious to the powers her, so she was unaware of what Verity could do exactly although she had heard enough to know never to get in her way. Her eyes followed the woman as she went to take an empty seat, noticing the table had practically filled up since she came to sit with Kasch.

Looking toward Jackie she smiled and nodded. "All packed up and ready to go. Although they didn't give me much information on what exactly we will be doing." She shrugged at the thought, although inside she could feel herself growing annoyed. When ever Cicili was left in the dark or something was out of control Cicili could not stand it. Even though she was relatively good about hidding this she still couldn't shake the feeling of not knowing.

Pushing herself away from the table she grabbed her trash and stood up. "I should probably get going. My things are stashed quite a bite of ways from the meeting point...Well see you all." With this Cicili waved and turned to exit the mess hall, only to trip and stumble after her foot caught on the leg of her chair. After a few stumbles Cicili finally gained her footing, holding herself high as she dumped her trash and headed out to get her things and meet up with her team.
Eric didnt reply, giving a grumble and a rather rude glare to her. Why she had to put herself on such a pedistal,he couldnt say. But damn did she grind at his nerves sometimes.
Giving a yawn, he pulled a small pocket book, lookig brand new. Actually, so did most everything on his person. Not a stitch out of place in his clothing, not a smudge or stain.
He opened it,writing something down."Oi phantom. You really gonna need me for this? Im sure you can handle this without me,right? I got better things to do then go on a pickup run." Yes he knew he girl called herself ghost. But that seemed to bland. One syllable. Bleh. Phantom sounded so much more appealing...
(Note, im not asking to not go, the chqracter is just being lazy at the moment)
Aio Aio Restful Restful W a i f u W a i f u
Nicholas let out a low sigh as he approached the group gathered around the horses. He wasn't looking forward to this assignment, but he didn't have much of an option. As much as he disliked the Elders, anytime they actually put him on assignment, you could damn well bet they had a reason. He came closer to the group, and counted up the horses. Quite a large group would be going, based on the looks of it. Something must have them antsy, he though to himself, What kind of scavenging mission needs this large a group?

As he came closer to the group, he looked at the couple who had gathered, and the rest that were walking towards the same destination. It seemed that not everyone had arrived yet, but that was typical, especially for newer operatives, and it looked like all the ones who had already gathered were of the younger variety. He recognized them from around the community, and was fairly sure he'd helped train most of them at some point or another, particularly the girl who went by "Ghost." He'd been involved in her...removal from the capital after her initial incident, and the Elders had enlisted him to help train her a few years back. She'd learned quickly, he recalled, but she was extremely quiet and even more opposed to socialization then he was.

"Good morning, Ghost," he called to her as he finally reached the group, putting on a smile as he arrived. He looked to the other boy who was already there, and struggled to recall his name, finding it after a moment. "And to you as well, Christopher." Two more people came, and these he recognized more readily, out of luck if nothing else, as Verity and Marina. He nodded to the two of them as they arrived. "Hey guys, good morning."

Aio Aio Restful Restful W a i f u W a i f u ;Rain; ;Rain;



Vi rolled her eyes at Christopher. Who do you think you are? She found herself almost growling, but stopped herself and put a smile on her face. "It's the Elder's decision to include you in this," she found her footing in the stirrup of her horse and threw her leg over the other side. "If you have better things to do than helping us protect some pretty important information, you should just find somewhere else to stay," she strapped her bag up with a jerk. "Because laziness isn't welcome around here." She finished, narrowing her eyes at him. She really was never this mean, but being chosen for something such as this was a blessing, even if she would have preferred going alone.
She greeted Marina as she approached and a smile spread over her features again as Nicholas approached. He was the only person she really enjoyed the company of. He had trained her as well as her brother when they arrived. They communicated rarely, but he was smart and she enjoyed that. It was hard to find a decent conversation in this place. She soon shook the smile from her face and cleared her throat.
"Good morning."
She continued to make sure her bags and everything were secure before hopping down and leaning against the tree Ghost was in. It was hard to tell when the others would arrive, but it seemed like forever.
If we don't leave soon, we aren't going to make much progress."
ThisUsernameIsALie ThisUsernameIsALie Mistory Mistory ;Rain; ;Rain; Restful Restful
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"Great minds think alike," Kasch remarked toward Verity, however it seemed all those reaching the table were upping and leaving in the space it'd taken to get there. Nonetheless, he knew soon enough he'd need to grab his own bag and meet the others beside the horses. Streams of thought broken as Cicili spoke, causing Reinhard's lips to curl in amusement. "You know, sometimes reading quietly in a corner allows for many things to be said. Just keep your head down." A spark of something resembling mischief entered his expression, appearing not quite so distant and dangerous after all.

Looking back towards Jacqueline, as Verity and Cicili left to grab their supplies, Kas tapped the table. "Well, I'll see you outside. Just don't take too long, wouldn't want to leave you behind." Picking up his plate and cup, he walked them back to a metal tub of water and dumped them in before moving away into the maze-like corridors and hallways of the collective buildings that created the New Generation's base. Through time, one was able to memorise what led where, which Kasch was adept at. Especially when it came to locker and storages. Yet he'd moved out the main accommodation at around twenty due to the mere need for both space and peace and quiet.

As he found the locker unit, he withdrew the key from his pocket and scraped it clockwise into the whining, rusty lock. Pulling the stiff metal door open to grab the black survival rucksack and sling it over his shoulder. The way out, certainly being easier than the way in as he strolled under the harsh beams of the sun. Glancing about as if someday his shadow might suddenly appear, which was unlikely. The incident behind the ordeal was using his own shadow to jump from one location to the other. Unfortunately, a side-effect was losing it somewhere within the nether.

Approaching the gathered group of horses and prepared men and women, he gave a lazy salute towards Ghost and Nicholas, wordlessly approaching the horses to pick one out. His palm smoothing the up the creature's muzzle before down the neck. Kas hooked his foot into the stirrup and swung himself up gracefully. As if the action barely required effort. Waiting for the last few stragglers to arrive, he let out an unusually rich laugh listening in, to Verity's response of Eric's complaints. "Still a long way to go before anyone cares about your opinion or comments on 'unsatisfactory' missions. I'm glad quite we have Verity to take you down a notch or two." He drawled, digging his heels gently into the steeds sides to spur the beast onward in a gentle circular trot beside those gathered.

Restful Restful Aio Aio FireMaiden FireMaiden ;Rain; ;Rain; W a i f u W a i f u Mistory Mistory ThisUsernameIsALie ThisUsernameIsALie
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Eric sighed, shifting his jaw. He really wasnt looking for a leacture.
"Mmm. Im just saying, my skills could be better used elsewhere. Remember i keep this place together. Next time a water line breaks,dont come to me for help" he grumbled, moving to pull himself up on a horse.

However, as he tried to lift himself up, he imidiatly fell, landig on his back. Oh that hurt. The pain that shot through him was blinding. It probably eouldnt have hurt as bad if he had known. He cursed, taking a breah. Fractured bone in the lower leg.Must have happened when the roof caved in. Why hadnt he noticed it before?Was to focused on other things it seemed....
Restful Restful Aio Aio FireMaiden FireMaiden ;Rain; ;Rain; W a i f u W a i f u idalie idalie ThisUsernameIsALie ThisUsernameIsALie

Jacqueline Peters
Jackie nodded, "Yep, see a in a bit." She was now the only one left at the table, so seeing no reason to linger any longer, she downed the rest of her coffee and took her bread to go. She decided changing pants while grabbing her stuff was a good idea, especially since shorts wasn't a good thing to go out and do mission stuff in. But that wouldn't take long anyway. Though while she walked back to her home, she had to think about why they were going to get. The elders gave her nothing, so she wasn't in the need to know list. They must be Ghost, she normally was. Oh well.

Changing and grabbing her bag didn't take to long, and then grabbing the bag she was using, she would join up with the others in just another few minutes. Yet as she was leaving, the picture on the wall made her stop briefly as she past it. It was her and a little boy. Nothing important, so she continued. "Hey guys!" Jackie said once she arrived. Aio Aio Mistory Mistory idalie idalie W a i f u W a i f u ThisUsernameIsALie ThisUsernameIsALie @
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Avery Lincoln AKA Ghost
Ghost simply nods to the first few to arrive, she would smile and great them but it wouldn't matter. She wore a mask so they wouldn't see her smile, and it wasn't like they were trying to be friends with her. She knew each of them vaguely, but when her eyes find Nicholas her stomach does little flips. Now he was someone she did know, and someone she felt comfortable with. When Ghost was still known as Avery he was one of the few to come into an actual government building and saved her. He was her main teacher and she would forever be grateful for him.

Swinging down the tree lightly, she straddles the branch right above Nicholas and smiles. "Hello." She bows her head lightly in a greeting. "I hope you have been well." Finally the stragglers manage to arrive, to her irritation much later than she had hoped for. Rising back up to her feet she jumps down from the branch, twisting in time to grab it with her hand and swing her to a standing position below.

"Well I'm glad you all could find it in your day to go on an assignment." Rolling her eyes she strolls past the boy who just tried to jump on the horse, and doesn't give him a second glance.

"Eric is it? Either you can figure out how to help yourself, or stay behind and figure out how back to get to Bristly. Don't get in my way, or slow us down." In the next breaths she is sliding into the saddle, the reigns in her hand. Ghost doesn't remember when she had become so cold, but it was contrasting to who she once was. Nudging the horse forward she starts out their pace for the day.

Mornings always came too soon and too rough for Caspian. After all night every night of partying Caspian has learned to hate mornings more than most. Unlike most humans though Caspian was a protector and that meant once he got up and got his body moving it would wipe out his hangover and exhaustion, that was if he got out of bed.

Today was proving to be one of the harder mornings, but he just had to get up. He was assigned on a high conflict case, and he was excited to face down the New Generation. Caspian has been asked many times why he actually enjoys it, but the only answer he gives them is a smile. Sliding out of his sleek king sized bed, he stumbles through his upscale loft left over from when the rich ruled the world not the government. It was filled with the nicer things that being a protector granted him. Taking a quick steamy shower Caspian manages to dress in his combat uniform, strap all his guns on and meet at the hanger where their armored vehicles were. With a quick scan of the assignment on his screen inserted on his arm guard, he checks that a general would be leading the mission and this mission had some blockers on him.

All protectors had blockers, it would keep them from being in super human mode all time and actually killing them. Caspian's blockers also meant certain weapons of his were not to be used. Leaning against his car he waits for the other protector that would be driving this car with him, her name was Rosebush or something, he wasn't good with names.

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