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Fantasy The Nature of Ice

Sanctus, having gotten away with a free hit, was not feeling too desirous at the moment to continue with physical blows, but such is not to say that a few more verbal blows were not in order. While Glacier took the slap like a champ, she was still unmoved from her argument.

"Should ya both go, you're there to protect her, ain'tcha? Heck, if she learns you set off on this fool errand alone, you know where she'll go? Straight into harm's way, followin' you, so don't give me lip sayin' all this about protecting her when ye got her this involved already!"

He shook his head in frustration, throwing a clenched fist harmlessly at his side. Stealing a glance back to the inn, he found some nosy people peeking out. The inn was not too far away, so others could hear the altercation, but he did not care. They were not Origin, at least to his knowledge. If it were Origin, that would be embarrassing.

Unbenownst to him, however, Origin was quick to come after he veered his head back to Glacier, having woken up a little earlier and gotten herself prepared.

"Keep this 'selflessness' up, you idiot," Sanctus coldly continued, "and you'll be throwing her and your lives away. Yer running the wrong way. Perhaps you didn't see the writing on the wall. Some secrets others'll claw out your throat to keep secret. Settlements, governments, religions, powers in general--they all're just as able. Yer dear captain who gave me this charmin' gash is only one piece of the workin' machine. More will come. So what'll it be, Ice Queen? Still gonna charge ahead knowing what awaits you and those who'll follow you?"
Glacier shook her head keeping her eyes off Sanctus. Each word stung, he was right, her eyes were squeezed shut to block from any tears.
”What about you huh?! You talk big for what you have done. Should I remind you of the burning village you took part in? Plus, you abandoned Orgin to follow that friend of yours. You should've died in that place, it would’ve been better if you did..”

She retaliated, every word spilled that came to mind.

”Who’s idea was it to abandon Origin in the first place? You. You decided to follow that bandit and become one yourself. Now that he’s dead, you could become a better person. I’m trying to make the world a better place, and does not need people like you. I’m gonna forfill my mission.”
Ah, there they were -- the tears. Sanctus, however much he felt vindicated, was a cruel one and took satisfaction from Glacier's initial response to his vitriol, but that turned sour really fast. Glacier had scathing words at the ready to toss back at him too, and worse yet was when she brought Merrimac into the picture. His eyes narrowed, his nostrils flared, and he pulled himself to full height as he reached out to grab Glacier by the collar to bring his head to hers. And yet, with all of that, he fought back some building tears of his own, damming it up behind heated emotion.

"Don't you dare bring Merry into the picture. It don't take a genius to recall that if it weren't for him you'd be mince meat from those things in the lab, and Origin did not need our influence. Some flowers need isolation to bloom"--he let go of her collar and attempted to shove her backward with the same hand--"so go! Go off and be a big, dumb hero. She'd be better off without you too. I hope you rot in some God-forsaken gaol and--"

He noticed a shuffle from behind him and turned his head, realising that Origin was there about ten meters away. She was a sea of hurt from listening to the escalating conversation. He wondered how much she had heard, but was sure that it was enough to ruin things forever.

Vitalia wrung her hands and clenched her teeth hard, unsure of what to say to the two, if anything at all. Glacier seemed fully geared to continue the journey. In sharp contrast, Sanctus was dressed in the dirty, common garb he was found in, without tool, coin, or that weapon he looted. If she deciphered things right, then . . .

"Are you leaving?" she blubbered in the end, turning her eyes to Glacier.
Ah, there they were -- the tears. Sanctus, however much he felt vindicated, was a cruel one and took satisfaction from Glacier's initial response to his vitriol, but that turned sour really fast. Glacier had scathing words at the ready to toss back at him too, and worse yet was when she brought Merrimac into the picture. His eyes narrowed, his nostrils flared, and he pulled himself to full height as he reached out to grab Glacier by the collar to bring his head to hers. And yet, with all of that, he fought back some building tears of his own, damming it up behind heated emotion.

"Don't you dare bring Merry into the picture. It don't take a genius to recall that if it weren't for him you'd be mince meat from those things in the lab, and Origin did not need our influence. Some flowers need isolation to bloom"--he let go of her collar and attempted to shove her backward with the same hand--"so go! Go off and be a big, dumb hero. She'd be better off without you too. I hope you rot in some God-forsaken gaol and--"

He noticed a shuffle from behind him and turned his head, realising that Origin was there about ten meters away. She was a sea of hurt from listening to the escalating conversation. He wondered how much she had heard, but was sure that it was enough to ruin things forever.

Vitalia wrung her hands and clenched her teeth hard, unsure of what to say to the two, if anything at all. Glacier seemed fully geared to continue the journey. In sharp contrast, Sanctus was dressed in the dirty, common garb he was found in, without tool, coin, or that weapon he looted. If she deciphered things right, then . . .

"Are you leaving?" she blubbered in the end, turning her eyes to Glacier.
“Looks like you have your own burdens. You act so tough, but as soon as I bring your friend you get defensive. It’s like what Origin said you just followed his shadow.”

She stated, face to face with Sanctus. As she was shoved away all she felt is rage.

”I should’ve listened to Snapjaw! I bet you were waiting to stab me in my back. I should bring you to the capital as a captured criminal!”

Glacier felt her anger boil, she tried to fight it, her code and training came into effect. Swiftly after being shoved, a powerful blow to the muzzle sent Sanctus stumbling. If he fell, Sanctus was pinned by the guard with her fist chambered ready to send it.
Then she heard the soft shuffling, Origin just witnessed what she done…

”O-Origin…this isnt, what I mean is….”
Sanctus reeled back from the blow, disoriented from the painful shock that set his jaw on fire. His eyes snapped open out of instinct afterward, but he stumbled to the ground and was quickly pinned by his attacker, both shoulders unable to move to block. He winced in preparation for another punch, then exhaled in relief when it did not come. He did not need his eye wound to open up again from a fistfight with a guard.

Origin approached the two planted on the road with a despondent but determined look, eyes locked onto Glacier's as if trying to read her mind. Nothing was certain to her about Glacier's potential leaving, but hearing Glacier's stammering did not fill her with ease. Stopping five feet away, she peered down with a look of dejection and judgement. Sanctus avoided her gaze, turning his nose gruffly. He could not bear to see her expression of disappointment.

"You were, weren't you? You said I could come with you. Are you going to renege on that?" She heaved out a deep breath, emotion leaking out into every word. "It's because I'm weak and slowing you down, isn't it? Listen, if it's because of me, this dash into danger, I want to be with you to help keep you safe, to keep us both safe . . . but if you want to go ahead without me I don't even know if I want to stop you!"

She stamped her foot like an angry child, the heavy thump resounding through the ground. Her glare, eyes bloodshot as they were, softened as the tears came out, and a quiet sob escaped her lungs. Down below Glacier, Sanctus wiggled to have Glacier look down, then gestured with a shake of the head and a sideways look to speak up. Whether she understood or even saw this gesture, he tried all the same. Glacier probably knew it already, though.
Sanctus reeled back from the blow, disoriented from the painful shock that set his jaw on fire. His eyes snapped open out of instinct afterward, but he stumbled to the ground and was quickly pinned by his attacker, both shoulders unable to move to block. He winced in preparation for another punch, then exhaled in relief when it did not come. He did not need his eye wound to open up again from a fistfight with a guard.

Origin approached the two planted on the road with a despondent but determined look, eyes locked onto Glacier's as if trying to read her mind. Nothing was certain to her about Glacier's potential leaving, but hearing Glacier's stammering did not fill her with ease. Stopping five feet away, she peered down with a look of dejection and judgement. Sanctus avoided her gaze, turning his nose gruffly. He could not bear to see her expression of disappointment.

"You were, weren't you? You said I could come with you. Are you going to renege on that?" She heaved out a deep breath, emotion leaking out into every word. "It's because I'm weak and slowing you down, isn't it? Listen, if it's because of me, this dash into danger, I want to be with you to help keep you safe, to keep us both safe . . . but if you want to go ahead without me I don't even know if I want to stop you!"

She stamped her foot like an angry child, the heavy thump resounding through the ground. Her glare, eyes bloodshot as they were, softened as the tears came out, and a quiet sob escaped her lungs. Down below Glacier, Sanctus wiggled to have Glacier look down, then gestured with a shake of the head and a sideways look to speak up. Whether she understood or even saw this gesture, he tried all the same. Glacier probably knew it already, though.
Glacier’s maw was open with the intention of speaking up. Upon seeing Sanctus gesturing for her to talk to Origin, the guard stood and approached the nature dragon.

”Origin, look, you’ve seen how this world is. We’ve almost died due to bandits, I didn’t want my first and only friend to die because of me.
This trip is super important, Origin. It can change how the world functions, for the better. The people who died in the last few days would not die in vain if this meeting works. Think about it Origin.
Would it be wonderful if Nature Dragons could correspond with the rest of society?”

Glacier continues to approach, a weak smile portrays her intentions.

”It’s not because of my dislike for you. I’ve enjoyed our time together, last night was the best time of my life.“

Glacier moved her claw slowly to grab the charm Origin gave her.
Showing it to Origin.
Vitalia's eyes snapped open and looked away to process this new information. To change how the world functions, and if nature dragons could be accepted more than they already were . . . was such a thing even possible through the actions of one dragon? It would be a dream come true for many to change the world this way, but she had her doubts as to whether this could happen or not.

As Glacier approached, she glanced up, appreciating the gesture for the dead and for the future. A sad smile was painted across her features as the wind picked up. She was glad that she was wrong about Glacier, and regretted her words, especially when Glacier showed her the charm she had bestowed upon the guard back at her house as a token of good luck. It was in pristine condition still, unsullied by mud or the rough journey. Moreover, she enjoyed last night when they . . .

Wringing and wiping the tears from her eyes, she urged herself to speak.

"I did too. I am still trying to wrap my head around it, but I did too. The dance, the kiss"--her smile widened and cheeks burned a little, then disappeared--"and yet I don't understand. As great as those things are, why try to leave without saying goodbye?" She pointed a hand at Sanctus, who rose to his feet from a kneeling position. "We intended to go with you, after all."

"Correction: I have no intention of going up to the capital," voiced Sanctus, scratching the back of his neck and groaning, "but I do want to see you both safe. I take back what I said earlier to you, Glacier, but mind yourself and the little lady here. So? What now?"

Origin glanced over briefly, then nodded. What now indeed? Will Glacier go off by herself? In the end, of course she did not want that. Her hand rose up to grasp Glacier's, charm and all, and pull it down to lie between the two of them. Her eyes rose to match Glacier's.

"I'll ask again. Please, can I come with you?"

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