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Fantasy The Nature of Ice

Astrid glanced back over to Glacier, brows furrowed. Out of the four of them all, she was probably the densest.

"The emperor? Odd, but I agree that it is filled with danger. Bandits have been setting up on the perimeters of towns and along travel routes. Take care of yourselves."

"Oh, Astrid . . ." muttered Chiron under his breath, though she could not hear him or else she probably would have snapped at him. On the other hand, he felt some relief. If there was anyone who can overcome great odds that he knew, it would be Glacier.

Upon getting back to town, what once was desolation was now awash with activity from the young and old. Origin did not see this much life in the town in a long while, and she watched the kids in the area helping out with the many repairs that needed to be accomplished. It was a wonder that this many people had made it, at least to Origin's eyes. While she did see a great many in the shelter, to see them uncompressed like this showed how many lives were spared compared to those lost in the raid. She paused for a moment behind the group to cry tears of joy before continuing on. Vitality, and life itself at the very core, was very important to her. Her name as a result was very befitting.

Astrid stiffly waved at everyone in the group, chiefly toward Chiron and Glacier, before heading off to a house that seemed barely touched by the ravages of the fight. Chiron walked alongside Glacier with a grim expression on his face, keeping a close eye on Glacier's facial expressions and wondering what was happening behind her eyes. Originmaw smiled after a bit more walking before breaking off, turning to the other two dragons in her company.

"This is where I'll head off. Thank you for accompanying me, and it was nice meeting you, Chiron." She looked up toward Glacier again, an expression she could not quite explain on her face. It was a mingling of embarrassment, joy, and something else. It was weird. "I'll see you at my house, then. If you don't hear from me immediately, it's probably because I'm taking a short nap."
Astrid glanced back over to Glacier, brows furrowed. Out of the four of them all, she was probably the densest.

"The emperor? Odd, but I agree that it is filled with danger. Bandits have been setting up on the perimeters of towns and along travel routes. Take care of yourselves."

"Oh, Astrid . . ." muttered Chiron under his breath, though she could not hear him or else she probably would have snapped at him. On the other hand, he felt some relief. If there was anyone who can overcome great odds that he knew, it would be Glacier.

Upon getting back to town, what once was desolation was now awash with activity from the young and old. Origin did not see this much life in the town in a long while, and she watched the kids in the area helping out with the many repairs that needed to be accomplished. It was a wonder that this many people had made it, at least to Origin's eyes. While she did see a great many in the shelter, to see them uncompressed like this showed how many lives were spared compared to those lost in the raid. She paused for a moment behind the group to cry tears of joy before continuing on. Vitality, and life itself at the very core, was very important to her. Her name as a result was very befitting.

Astrid stiffly waved at everyone in the group, chiefly toward Chiron and Glacier, before heading off to a house that seemed barely touched by the ravages of the fight. Chiron walked alongside Glacier with a grim expression on his face, keeping a close eye on Glacier's facial expressions and wondering what was happening behind her eyes. Originmaw smiled after a bit more walking before breaking off, turning to the other two dragons in her company.

"This is where I'll head off. Thank you for accompanying me, and it was nice meeting you, Chiron." She looked up toward Glacier again, an expression she could not quite explain on her face. It was a mingling of embarrassment, joy, and something else. It was weird. "I'll see you at my house, then. If you don't hear from me immediately, it's probably because I'm taking a short nap."
Glacier,along with the others, waved though it wasnt a very energetic one. The female dragon kept a stone slate, almost unreadable. Inside, her mind was racing. All about meeting the emperor himself, she’d have to protect Origin and possibly sacrifice herself.
When it was time for Astrid to leave the group she nodded.
”you were a big help thank you.”

For the first time, and not in front of Origin, she smiled.
waving to her guard companion she found the barracks once again after Astrid was out of sight. Guards were doing humanitarian help handing out food for those who lost their homes.
“I guess this is where we part ways for now Origin.”
she said to Origin.

”we’ll meet at your house. Gather what you need to travel. I’ll meet you at your house Origin.”
End of A Grave Journey, Beginning to a Graver One
Origin waved with gusto before she trotted back to her house, surprisingly peppy in comparison to Astrid who seemed much more in need of sleep, though her lack of coordination suffered for it. A number of embarrassing stumbles on pebbles occurred before she entered her abode, packing just about everything she assumed she needed. Some were bare-bones, but she did pack some preserved rations that would help for the trip. Of clothes she had no need, so her pack was pretty light besides a number of bottles made by one of the better glassblowers in the area, all filled with water. All this was set up in a rucksack on the eating table Glacier and Origin sat for dinner before all of this happened, the uneaten food still there and wilting or watering out on their respective plates.

Exhaustion she had staved off for the entire night fully creeped onto her at last, and she would spend the remaining time curling up on her comfortable bed, crashed. She did not bother locking the front door, as zonked as she was, which would in fact be a blessing in disguise should Glacier find her asleep and not answering the door.

Of Chiron he would assist in the humanitarian efforts for a few hours before too turning in. His family accepted him back with a warmth he was unused to, but when he crawled into his cot he remained awake to stare off at the ceiling lit with daylight. He was worried. After all of these strange happenings, more was bound to follow, and he feared that Ocean Side was in the middle of it all. He hoped those two would be okay.

~~ ++ ~~ ++ ~~

Whenever Glacier would come back to Origin's domicile, she would find the place as quiet as she first arrived. The door had seen better days, as it did suffer some damage from that freak storm, but other than being slightly lopsided it remained unhampered. The windows were shuttered. The garden was mostly destroyed, but even in the darkest of hours hope still lingers, and new sprouts will come, with or without Origin to tend to them.

With this starts the beginning of a new trek, and perhaps a graver one than previously.
Origin waved with gusto before she trotted back to her house, surprisingly peppy in comparison to Astrid who seemed much more in need of sleep, though her lack of coordination suffered for it. A number of embarrassing stumbles on pebbles occurred before she entered her abode, packing just about everything she assumed she needed. Some were bare-bones, but she did pack some preserved rations that would help for the trip. Of clothes she had no need, so her pack was pretty light besides a number of bottles made by one of the better glassblowers in the area, all filled with water. All this was set up in a rucksack on the eating table Glacier and Origin sat for dinner before all of this happened, the uneaten food still there and wilting or watering out on their respective plates.

Exhaustion she had staved off for the entire night fully creeped onto her at last, and she would spend the remaining time curling up on her comfortable bed, crashed. She did not bother locking the front door, as zonked as she was, which would in fact be a blessing in disguise should Glacier find her asleep and not answering the door.

Of Chiron he would assist in the humanitarian efforts for a few hours before too turning in. His family accepted him back with a warmth he was unused to, but when he crawled into his cot he remained awake to stare off at the ceiling lit with daylight. He was worried. After all of these strange happenings, more was bound to follow, and he feared that Ocean Side was in the middle of it all. He hoped those two would be okay.

~~ ++ ~~ ++ ~~

Whenever Glacier would come back to Origin's domicile, she would find the place as quiet as she first arrived. The door had seen better days, as it did suffer some damage from that freak storm, but other than being slightly lopsided it remained unhampered. The windows were shuttered. The garden was mostly destroyed, but even in the darkest of hours hope still lingers, and new sprouts will come, with or without Origin to tend to them.

With this starts the beginning of a new trek, and perhaps a graver one than previously.
Inside the barracks Glacier walked down the hallway passing her guard mates. Finding the door to her barracks room 173, within that room lies her home it wasn’t much..
Bunk beds lined the walls each bed had their pillows and blankets neatly placed coordinated so the general wouldn’t get on their case.
Glacier’s bunk was the same way. She sat down making the bed squeak bouncing like jello as her weight pushed down on the mattress.

The sigh showed her tiredness, placing her helmet on the bed.
In her chest at the foot of her bed were supplies. A canteen, a few rations, and…a picture. A younger Glacier’s eyes pierced hers right next to the younger version of herself was a younger SnapJaw,
In Glacier’s claw was an old toy. Something the humans possibly had.
A small stuffed bear, worn and fluff sticking out of the arms and chest.

Grabbing a satchel she packed everything she needed, along with her toy and picture. Shutting the chest with a click, she went back to her bed. Setting the satchel beside her as she stared at the bottom of the upper bunk.
’Just a little shut eye before I go….’

She could feel herself drifting off slowly, no one would bother her hopefully…
When Vitalia woke to nearby birdsong, the sun was already well past noon, sunlight bleeding into the back side of her room and scattering within its dark walls. Her body felt heavier than usual, and her eyelids almost refused to be lifted had a thought not snapped them open and set her mind alight.

"Oh no . . . I've overslept!" she practically yelled as she strove to lift herself upward.

Her body thankfully managed to cooperate, as sore as it was, especially her arms. Climbing and scaling through the ruins of that laboratory made her limbs throb a little from the new exercise. Looking about to see if anyone was here yet proved that nobody had entered her house at least, so perhaps Glacier had not come to her house yet. This was good in some way. Maybe she was sleeping in . . . unless she decided to go off to the capital on her own. She would not do that, would she? She could not . . . could she?

She glanced outside to the sun, trying to gauge the angle. Four in the afternoon met her eye. This was late, but they can probably still make it to the capital before dawn even by walking, and better yet if the carriage animals were at a trot.

For now, the only thing Origin could consider was to wait patiently for Glacier's arrival, as much as it pained her to conceptualise it. If Glacier indeed did leave without her, there was nothing she could do. All the running she could do to catch up could never catch up to Glacier's ability to fly. Maybe she could catch up if Glacier tried to get there via carriage if she discarded her shell and attempted to travel by flight herself, but her large wings were atrophied and likely not suited for immediate flight. Yes, the best thing to do was stay put and hope for the best, and until then maybe she can get her house in order.

In the remaining time, she would try her best to clean the house and tend to her garden. The house was easy to mend back into full functionality -- cleaning the dishes, eating the remainder of the stew and salad, taking out the pots and placing them back into the garden where they would be more than happy to bask in the sunlight, cleaning the floor -- and she was done with the finishing touches of placing some freshly cut flowers in a vase. When she moved on to the garden, patching it up was not a difficult chore. Resetting the stalks and promoting their growth restored them in a matter of minutes, and the flowers bloomed again after losing all of their petals and much of their leaves. They would be okay until the next great storm.

With that, Glacier would find Origin in the garden, her attention devoted to her plants until the carriage draws near.
When Vitalia woke to nearby birdsong, the sun was already well past noon, sunlight bleeding into the back side of her room and scattering within its dark walls. Her body felt heavier than usual, and her eyelids almost refused to be lifted had a thought not snapped them open and set her mind alight.

"Oh no . . . I've overslept!" she practically yelled as she strove to lift herself upward.

Her body thankfully managed to cooperate, as sore as it was, especially her arms. Climbing and scaling through the ruins of that laboratory made her limbs throb a little from the new exercise. Looking about to see if anyone was here yet proved that nobody had entered her house at least, so perhaps Glacier had not come to her house yet. This was good in some way. Maybe she was sleeping in . . . unless she decided to go off to the capital on her own. She would not do that, would she? She could not . . . could she?

She glanced outside to the sun, trying to gauge the angle. Four in the afternoon met her eye. This was late, but they can probably still make it to the capital before dawn even by walking, and better yet if the carriage animals were at a trot.

For now, the only thing Origin could consider was to wait patiently for Glacier's arrival, as much as it pained her to conceptualise it. If Glacier indeed did leave without her, there was nothing she could do. All the running she could do to catch up could never catch up to Glacier's ability to fly. Maybe she could catch up if Glacier tried to get there via carriage if she discarded her shell and attempted to travel by flight herself, but her large wings were atrophied and likely not suited for immediate flight. Yes, the best thing to do was stay put and hope for the best, and until then maybe she can get her house in order.

In the remaining time, she would try her best to clean the house and tend to her garden. The house was easy to mend back into full functionality -- cleaning the dishes, eating the remainder of the stew and salad, taking out the pots and placing them back into the garden where they would be more than happy to bask in the sunlight, cleaning the floor -- and she was done with the finishing touches of placing some freshly cut flowers in a vase. When she moved on to the garden, patching it up was not a difficult chore. Resetting the stalks and promoting their growth restored them in a matter of minutes, and the flowers bloomed again after losing all of their petals and much of their leaves. They would be okay until the next great storm.

With that, Glacier would find Origin in the garden, her attention devoted to her plants until the carriage draws near.

Glacier’s eyes opened to the sun shining in them. She sat up with a yawn, the realization of how she overslept came slowly, until finally it snapped her to attention. Rushing out with her satchel she bumped against the wall just parallel to the door. She ran past guards who then looked in her direction, following her with their eyes as Glacier busted out of the barracks.

The stable was filled with the sounds of tamed animals. Glacier, ironicall, never been to the stable or seen this many animals before. Reaching out a claw she stroked a horses head.
On the property a large faded barn stood tall within more animals were inside. while she hasn’t seen anyone outside she decided to check to see if anyone was even here.
sliding open the door she poked her head inside.

Glacier called out.
The stablehand was the first to hear Glacier's call, the young dragon of the equivalent of a young teen snapping to attention from mucking out one of the horse's stalls. If Glacier had sharp hearing, she would hear the sound of a rake falling against the wall, then the scurrying of feet from behind her.

"Uh, hello!" called the youth from about ten feet away, breathing deeply in through his nose and out his mouth, as if glad for the fresher air than the stall. "If yer lookin' for Zest the stablekeeper, he's shoeing a horse right now. He should be done anytime soon. I'm Blanca. Can I help you with anything?"

The young dragon was gawky and reedy, not very much built for riding with his small legs and extremely long serpentine body. He did have a pleasant face and cream hue to his scales, with what looked to be a thin mustache building on both sides of his face. He did seem easy to please as well, the young lad having not seen much harm in his short life. Last night was probably his biggest scare in a while.

Glacier would probably know of his kind as skydragons, Oriental-style dragons that did not commonly frequent civilisation. Much like nature dragons and possibly mountain dragons, they did not stray much from their domain, but when they do they were considered helpful to have in the community. He was the only one she probably had seen in Ocean Side.
The stablehand was the first to hear Glacier's call, the young dragon of the equivalent of a young teen snapping to attention from mucking out one of the horse's stalls. If Glacier had sharp hearing, she would hear the sound of a rake falling against the wall, then the scurrying of feet from behind her.

"Uh, hello!" called the youth from about ten feet away, breathing deeply in through his nose and out his mouth, as if glad for the fresher air than the stall. "If yer lookin' for Zest the stablekeeper, he's shoeing a horse right now. He should be done anytime soon. I'm Blanca. Can I help you with anything?"

The young dragon was gawky and reedy, not very much built for riding with his small legs and extremely long serpentine body. He did have a pleasant face and cream hue to his scales, with what looked to be a thin mustache building on both sides of his face. He did seem easy to please as well, the young lad having not seen much harm in his short life. Last night was probably his biggest scare in a while.

Glacier would probably know of his kind as skydragons, Oriental-style dragons that did not commonly frequent civilisation. Much like nature dragons and possibly mountain dragons, they did not stray much from their domain, but when they do they were considered helpful to have in the community. He was the only one she probably had seen in Ocean Side.
Glacier eyes widened as someone actually answered her call.
She played it cool, putting on a stone slate expression. Should she just openly say she needs a horse and a carriage? Clearing her throat she finally spoke;
”Just browsin, say, you know any good horses that’ll be great for pulling carriages?“
She asked, a horse from another stall bought her attention, with a whinny.
”Can I go see Zest? He’s probably a better judge than I am.”
The skydragon tapped his muzzle ponderously, more play than honest, then flashed a grin.

"Yup! We've two strong, sturdy, and purty horses, whether it be one for a buggy for one and two for a carriage," he expressed, joyful and vigorous. "However, if yer looking for something a little stronger, we've some bigger Clydesdales, each one capable of pullin' twice as much as a normal horse. Fast they aren't, but they're mighty durable. Then there's Duchess, the one who whinnied just now. She is a pepper both sweet an' spicy, beautiful 'n' strong. But if ya want her, Zest is definitely the one to talk to."

Just then, an older dragon in leather garbs and with leather purse filed with horse tack entered, face askew at the young teen's selling.

"Iffin yer able to talk, yer able to muck, Blanca. Go on," he piped, to which the young dragon laughed and returned to his work with exceptional speed, disappearing around the bend. The older dragon looked Glacier up and down, then grinned. "So yer lookin' for a horse. Need a ride to go with it? Ya don't look like a horseback rider. Hardly anyone is nowadays. Reason's tails, likely."
The skydragon tapped his muzzle ponderously, more play than honest, then flashed a grin.

"Yup! We've two strong, sturdy, and purty horses, whether it be one for a buggy for one and two for a carriage," he expressed, joyful and vigorous. "However, if yer looking for something a little stronger, we've some bigger Clydesdales, each one capable of pullin' twice as much as a normal horse. Fast they aren't, but they're mighty durable. Then there's Duchess, the one who whinnied just now. She is a pepper both sweet an' spicy, beautiful 'n' strong. But if ya want her, Zest is definitely the one to talk to."

Just then, an older dragon in leather garbs and with leather purse filed with horse tack entered, face askew at the young teen's selling.

"Iffin yer able to talk, yer able to muck, Blanca. Go on," he piped, to which the young dragon laughed and returned to his work with exceptional speed, disappearing around the bend. The older dragon looked Glacier up and down, then grinned. "So yer lookin' for a horse. Need a ride to go with it? Ya don't look like a horseback rider. Hardly anyone is nowadays. Reason's tails, likely."

“Carriage, something that can carry all of our supplies. The sturdy ones seem like the best choice for bandits.”

Her gaze locked onto Zest. At his words she also wat he’d as Blanca went back to his work. For some reason she could see the kid becoming more than just someone who cleans all the time.
Sure the kid couldn’t handle being a guard like herself. Maybe he’d be a fit for Origin…
”No,It’s just a trip me and a friend are going on. Sorta like a vacation.”
She didn’t know much about horses, or what a ride was…

”The kid recommended these horses over here. Some strong ones is what I think we need for traveling.”
Zest, as that indeed was his name, kept studying Glacier with his milky green eyes while she spoke, taking special consideration to her garb. She certainly seemed to have the muscle bulk and physique to match a guardswoman, capable of handling herself and possibly riding as well. With that he did not have anything to worry about her stealing away with the horses he had bred and lovingly doted on, though something about what she said about bandits confused him. She was not planning to do anything dangerous to his horses, right?

A vacation, however, made him wonder if this were a renting of horses rather than a purchase of horses. She seemed earnest enough to want them, but he did not want to part ways with some of his best horses for something as dangerous as sending them out of town.

"The boy did point out some fine ones," he slowly said with an equally slow nod, pursing his lips and sighing. "I recommend the workhorses, one or two depending on your luggage. If you are renting, that would be fifty coins for the horses and a closed carriage to keep you out of the elements. I won't charge days, but keep the horses hale and hearty and let them eat the grasses of the land and you'll keep them fine. The last thing I want is a horse having colic."

It was a huge risk on his behalf, but such was his business. The most he could do besides outright refuse and lose business was to relent and hope for the best.

"Do tell, though, where are you hoping to go for this vacation?" he asked, eyes darting up to look into Glacier's curiously. "Could it be Landstead? I hear good things about that town."
Zest, as that indeed was his name, kept studying Glacier with his milky green eyes while she spoke, taking special consideration to her garb. She certainly seemed to have the muscle bulk and physique to match a guardswoman, capable of handling herself and possibly riding as well. With that he did not have anything to worry about her stealing away with the horses he had bred and lovingly doted on, though something about what she said about bandits confused him. She was not planning to do anything dangerous to his horses, right?

A vacation, however, made him wonder if this were a renting of horses rather than a purchase of horses. She seemed earnest enough to want them, but he did not want to part ways with some of his best horses for something as dangerous as sending them out of town.

"The boy did point out some fine ones," he slowly said with an equally slow nod, pursing his lips and sighing. "I recommend the workhorses, one or two depending on your luggage. If you are renting, that would be fifty coins for the horses and a closed carriage to keep you out of the elements. I won't charge days, but keep the horses hale and hearty and let them eat the grasses of the land and you'll keep them fine. The last thing I want is a horse having colic."

It was a huge risk on his behalf, but such was his business. The most he could do besides outright refuse and lose business was to relent and hope for the best.

"Do tell, though, where are you hoping to go for this vacation?" he asked, eyes darting up to look into Glacier's curiously. "Could it be Landstead? I hear good things about that town."
She could only guess what Zest was thinking. If they do run into bandits his horses could die. But she’ll get to that if that problem came up.
“The kid has a knack for horses.” Glacier agreed.
”For what you’re asking for is reasonable. Sold.“
With that she shook Zest’s claw in agreement. Glacier’s expression remained with a regular smile, something all dragons had to look normal.
“So, does the carriage need attaching to the horses? I can help with that if needed.”

While Origin continued to work on her garden she could hear the sounds of hooves clopping on the ground. The horses whinnied, walking through the grassy plain to reach Origin’s house.

At first the horses didn’t stop. Maybe she wasn’t pulling the reins hard enough, this time she did so.
This time the horses stopped, right by Origin.
Zest smirked widely as Glacier had mentioned the skydragon, leaning in closer.

"Aye, that he does, but let him hear nary a thing about that. His head'll only swell bigger and have less room for his inherent kindness each time he hears it."

With the deal set and the transfer of money from hand to hand, the older dragon gave full preparations to Glacier and let her know the basics in the case that she did not know. His worries assuaged, he continued on with his business after Glacier had left, but not before wishing her a good vacation when she set off.

~~ ++ ~~ ++ ~~

The percussive clops of hooves on the hard cliff-side ground attracted Origin's attention as she saw Glacier with a carriage in tow behind two horses. The nature dragon breathed a sigh of relief. She came. She didn't leave! After all of that hemming and hawing, she was very glad that Glacier did not leave without her.

The carriage, however, did seem to be getting pretty close, and Glacier seemed to have trouble with the reins until the last moment, causing Originmaw to back away further into her garden in fear of being trampled. Of course, she was at no risk, and she laughed nervously a little a few feet away from the horse's front legs.

"You made it," she said simply, face aglow as she admired the horses. The nearest horse whinnied fitfully as she drew near with her hand, unsure of it but sure that the grass growing from this creature reaching out toward it was tasty. She allowed it to take a nibble as she patted the base of its jaw, giggling. "Nice finds. You have chosen some majestic ones. Did you get any sleep at all, Glacier?"
Zest smirked widely as Glacier had mentioned the skydragon, leaning in closer.

"Aye, that he does, but let him hear nary a thing about that. His head'll only swell bigger and have less room for his inherent kindness each time he hears it."

With the deal set and the transfer of money from hand to hand, the older dragon gave full preparations to Glacier and let her know the basics in the case that she did not know. His worries assuaged, he continued on with his business after Glacier had left, but not before wishing her a good vacation when she set off.

~~ ++ ~~ ++ ~~

The percussive clops of hooves on the hard cliff-side ground attracted Origin's attention as she saw Glacier with a carriage in tow behind two horses. The nature dragon breathed a sigh of relief. She came. She didn't leave! After all of that hemming and hawing, she was very glad that Glacier did not leave without her.

The carriage, however, did seem to be getting pretty close, and Glacier seemed to have trouble with the reins until the last moment, causing Originmaw to back away further into her garden in fear of being trampled. Of course, she was at no risk, and she laughed nervously a little a few feet away from the horse's front legs.

"You made it," she said simply, face aglow as she admired the horses. The nearest horse whinnied fitfully as she drew near with her hand, unsure of it but sure that the grass growing from this creature reaching out toward it was tasty. She allowed it to take a nibble as she patted the base of its jaw, giggling. "Nice finds. You have chosen some majestic ones. Did you get any sleep at all, Glacier?"

Glacier yawned at the point when Origin mentioned her sleeping.
”yeah, you ready to get going? Need help packing the essential?”
She stepped down from the carriage taking a look at her garden. Having a short flashback to the wind storm they battled.

As the two began began packing up the carriage for their journey. Glacier stopped inbetween handing Origin a crate of supplies.
A serious expression turned on her face.

”Remember this is an important journey. There will be bandits and things that want to kill us. You need to be careful, no one,unless I say so, is to be helped along our route. Bandits are trick, they’ll use any way to insnare their prey. Which is us.

Origin nodded in answer to Glacier when asked about being ready to leave, smiling and stifling an impulse to yawn too. Looking about, the garden seemed to be capable of handling itself for a time, or at least until she came back. She had no intention of joining the dead just yet.

Loading up the carriage with her supplies was a lesser ordeal, just three bags' worth of essentials and a last-minute gathering of five delicious apples tied up within a kerchief for the road with the intent to offer Glacier a few. She was shocked by her friend's worries, though it made sense in time. Bandits -- did they really take advantage of people's hospitality as Glacier had mentioned? She did meet a few highwaymen on the road once, but they had not resorted to trickery, perhaps because she had nothing left on the cart and had nothing on her person.

"I . . . understand," she stated, a tinge of sorrow on her tongue as she looked down. Such a thing went against her nature, but it was not like they were 100% not going to help anyone. Glacier was certain to have a better way of gauging people than herself, or so she told herself. She did not want to bring any issues to her new friend, or worse yet her downfall. "I'll follow your lead."

With the rest of the things gathered up, Origin mounted the vehicle, unused to one led by mighty horses. Even with her extra weight due to her earthen shell, they seemed quite capable of rolling the laden carriage along with their powerful strides.

When they were all set, she stole a glance back upon her home, a sensation akin to a premonition overtaking her that maybe she would not see it for some time. The thought scared her and caused her to mull in thought.

"Glacier, did you always live here, or were you born elsewhere? I moved here from leagues away about eight years ago, but now it feels more like home than the home I knew all my life. I wonder if you feel the same."
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Origin nodded in answer to Glacier when asked about being ready to leave, smiling and stifling an impulse to yawn too. Looking about, the garden seemed to be capable of handling itself for a time, or at least until she came back. She had no intention of joining the dead just yet.

Loading up the carriage with her supplies was a lesser ordeal, just three bags' worth of essentials and a last-minute gathering of five delicious apples tied up within a kerchief for the road with the intent to offer Glacier a few. She was shocked by her friend's worries, though it made sense in time. Bandits -- did they really take advantage of people's hospitality as Glacier had mentioned? She did meet a few highwaymen on the road once, but they had not resorted to trickery, perhaps because she had nothing left on the cart and had nothing on her person.

"I . . . understand," she stated, a tinge of sorrow on her tongue as she looked down. Such a thing went against her nature, but it was not like they were 100% not going to help anyone. Glacier was certain to have a better way of gauging people than herself, or so she told herself. She did not want to bring any issues to her new friend, or worse yet her downfall. "I'll follow your lead."

With the rest of the things gathered up, Origin mounted the vehicle, unused to one led by mighty horses. Even with her extra weight due to her earthen shell, they seemed quite capable of rolling the laden carriage along with their powerful strides.

When they were all set, she stole a glance back upon her home, a sensation akin to a premonition overtaking her that maybe she would not see it for some time. The thought scared her and caused her to mull in thought.

"Glacier, did you always live here, or were you born elsewhere? I moved here from leagues away about eight years ago, but now it feels more like home than the home I knew all my life. I wonder if you feel the same."
With a snap of the reins the horses began separating itself from the village of Ocean Side. The horses hooves clip clop on the path as the two sat in silence, Glacier bit her lip from the silence.
Origin broke that silence with a question one she wouldn’t tell just anyone. She was unmoving with the occasional movement of the reins. Her lip hurt from biting it so hard, she’d be afraid it’d bleed.

”It’s rough. I lived in the mountains, with many other dragons in a village secluded from everyone else.”

She started with her eyes straight.

”My father wanted me to join the guard. As for my mother…I never got to meet her.”

While they talked ruins of houses from the old world past them by. A suburb filled with houses of faded quality. Strange boxes lined the street in unusual fashion it gave Glacier more questions about the old world.
Originmaw's gaze was steadily set on Glacier, surprise lifting her green, scaly brow. Her friend the mountain dragon grew up without a mother? She wondered of the reason for this, but decided against prying. It seemed like a challenging topic of which to speak.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mother," she started out, nibbling her lip as well. "Did the others of your village and your dad treat you well? You had skills enough for being in the guard, it seems. That is more I can say for myself, birthrights notwithstanding."

The rhythmic clip-clop of hooves were a pleasant sound, something she was unused to. Even through the desolation of the surrounding area it maintained a feel and level of comfort. Perhaps she should try to keep some horses herself.

The boxes were confusing, but still antiquated enough to not raise alarms for Origin. Instead her gaze zeroed in on the buildings themselves, wondering what mysteries lay within their ramshackle, corroding shells. The damages from storm, water, and sometimes fire were severe, and probably could be so much so that the rooves can cave in anytime like so many elsewhere on the continent.

"Our predecessors led interesting lives. I wonder what happened," she voiced absently, as if to herself.
Originmaw's gaze was steadily set on Glacier, surprise lifting her green, scaly brow. Her friend the mountain dragon grew up without a mother? She wondered of the reason for this, but decided against prying. It seemed like a challenging topic of which to speak.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mother," she started out, nibbling her lip as well. "Did the others of your village and your dad treat you well? You had skills enough for being in the guard, it seems. That is more I can say for myself, birthrights notwithstanding."

The rhythmic clip-clop of hooves were a pleasant sound, something she was unused to. Even through the desolation of the surrounding area it maintained a feel and level of comfort. Perhaps she should try to keep some horses herself.

The boxes were confusing, but still antiquated enough to not raise alarms for Origin. Instead her gaze zeroed in on the buildings themselves, wondering what mysteries lay within their ramshackle, corroding shells. The damages from storm, water, and sometimes fire were severe, and probably could be so much so that the rooves can cave in anytime like so many elsewhere on the continent.

"Our predecessors led interesting lives. I wonder what happened," she voiced absently, as if to herself.
“Yeah, but I didn’t have the skills I have now just from birth. Of course I had to learn all the young kids tried to gain attention with their parents. By that I mean in a sort of challenge. You wouldn’t like it, it was about fighting on a stage for all to see. I was an underdog, so much so my father…well”

She paused looking towards Origin for once.
”Let’s say I never saw him again… Snapjaw, in my mind, became my new ‘adoptive’ father.“

After their conversation the sun became invisible in the sky, the pinks and oranges disappeared along with it. Replaced with a never ending void of darkness. To combat it a single lantern was lit.
It didn‘t help with the chill, which Glacier was used to. Chilly winds began to blow along the trees. Knowing Origin she must be freezing.

To take her mind off of the cold Glacier thought of another thing to talk about.
“Hey, I…know it’s not in your nature. But now we’re out of the safety of town. You’ll need to defend yourself, so.”

She lifted her spear handing it over to Origin.
”I’d like to teach you to fight…”
Origin's shock returned, her mouth hanging agape as she returned Glacier's gaze. Her culture was one born of conflict and the need to please, opposite of Origin's culture which centered around family and healing. She wondered what life would have been like if they had switched places. Scarily enough, perhaps she did not want to know.

The gusts had a bite to them, and the light of the day dimmed to the lone lantern that shone overhead. Origin was not one to admit that she was cold. She tried to keep hidden the shudders that passed along her spine, but it probably did not help much. Glacier spoke up again, though, which brought a cheer to her until recognising the topic at hand. The spear thrust in her hands, she looked at it with a wide-eyed sort of dread and alarm before placing it beside her on the carriage floor, being mindful of which direction the pointy end lay.

"It is taboo for a nature dragon to hold arms," she replied to explain her actions, feeling the fire rushing to her cheeks. "Seeing you and the others fight, I understand why you take up weapons, but for myself . . . I don't know about for myself. I heal, Glace. I don't want to harm. I even squirm at the thought of stepping on ants. Flies and mosquitos I can accept, but . . ."

She droned off and looked toward the weapon, feeling a sickening chill when imagining her intentionally doing harm, perhaps even killing.

"Before Snapjaw . . . did you ever take a life?" she asked, eyes back on her friend. "Not of bugs, but more . . . bigger things, I guess."
Origin's shock returned, her mouth hanging agape as she returned Glacier's gaze. Her culture was one born of conflict and the need to please, opposite of Origin's culture which centered around family and healing. She wondered what life would have been like if they had switched places. Scarily enough, perhaps she did not want to know.

The gusts had a bite to them, and the light of the day dimmed to the lone lantern that shone overhead. Origin was not one to admit that she was cold. She tried to keep hidden the shudders that passed along her spine, but it probably did not help much. Glacier spoke up again, though, which brought a cheer to her until recognising the topic at hand. The spear thrust in her hands, she looked at it with a wide-eyed sort of dread and alarm before placing it beside her on the carriage floor, being mindful of which direction the pointy end lay.

"It is taboo for a nature dragon to hold arms," she replied to explain her actions, feeling the fire rushing to her cheeks. "Seeing you and the others fight, I understand why you take up weapons, but for myself . . . I don't know about for myself. I heal, Glace. I don't want to harm. I even squirm at the thought of stepping on ants. Flies and mosquitos I can accept, but . . ."

She droned off and looked toward the weapon, feeling a sickening chill when imagining her intentionally doing harm, perhaps even killing.

"Before Snapjaw . . . did you ever take a life?" she asked, eyes back on her friend. "Not of bugs, but more . . . bigger things, I guess."

Glacier saw the look of fear and anxiety on Origin‘s face. She understood her reasoning for not wanting to fight, on the other hand if she didn’t she’d be easy prey.
”I insist, listen to me Origin. You’ll be easy prey to any dragon wishing to do harm to you. You really want to die just because you didn’t want to fight back? As for if I ever killed anyone, well, that’s not really a discussion I’d like to talk about…”

The two were silent again most of the journey. It gotten so Glacier was worried their relationship was beginning to shatter. She hoped she was wrong…

While directing the horses down the path her eyes caught on something. It looked to be a dragon maybe dead.
Pulling on the reins to stop the carriage the body was blocking the path forward. Glacier hopped down from the carriage, with all her might she began to pull the body off the road. Not without the awful stench. Yep, definitely dead, as she was dragging the corpse and if Origin could sense it. Nearby was a plant in need. Looking to be without sunlight and just left there nearly uprooted. It was further off the path just almost out of reach of the lanterns light…
Origin's face fell when she was told the facts. Glacier was right, of course. She would have to defend herself like nature has intended, by fight or by flight, or accept her fate, come what may. Part of her screamed the latter, but for the sake of herself and her friend maybe it would be best to pick up a weapon for the defense of them both.

The quiet was unsettling. Originmaw started to look deeper into the night as insect chatter quieted with the colder weather, and the winding path moved to a less built-up location. The moonlight had shown enough to save her from her fear of what lies in the dark, but a body scared her. What happened? Why did he die? Did he die? She may never know, and she did not want to approach to find out everything, but kept a close eye on Glacier just in case.

There was the tiniest plea of help that called out, however, pinged by her plant senses. One of the local plantlife, a small tree in desperate need for righting after an animal knocked it over, was definitely in need of help, or else it may die. Origin, smiling, was only glad to help, dropping to the ground and calming the horses to prevent them from running off.

After that, she assisted, but she took the spear with her with some hesitation. Origin propped it back upright and stirred new life back into the plant via contact with her hand, flowing the water in the area into its roots and growing it spontaneously. Its life sprung up along with numerous branch-off flowers, she wished it some additional luck as she returned to the carriage and Glacier, propping the spear in nearly the same position.

"I want to apologise to you," she stated when they both were mounted, looking down sheepishly. "I do not want to be helpless, or watch as issues come up. I felt this way back when we went in the caves, and I still do. There is only so much words or healing can do. If force is necessary, I may need to learn, and I can't think of a better teacher. So, please teach me."

She glanced back up, unsure of what Glacier would say, if anything.
Origin's face fell when she was told the facts. Glacier was right, of course. She would have to defend herself like nature has intended, by fight or by flight, or accept her fate, come what may. Part of her screamed the latter, but for the sake of herself and her friend maybe it would be best to pick up a weapon for the defense of them both.

The quiet was unsettling. Originmaw started to look deeper into the night as insect chatter quieted with the colder weather, and the winding path moved to a less built-up location. The moonlight had shown enough to save her from her fear of what lies in the dark, but a body scared her. What happened? Why did he die? Did he die? She may never know, and she did not want to approach to find out everything, but kept a close eye on Glacier just in case.

There was the tiniest plea of help that called out, however, pinged by her plant senses. One of the local plantlife, a small tree in desperate need for righting after an animal knocked it over, was definitely in need of help, or else it may die. Origin, smiling, was only glad to help, dropping to the ground and calming the horses to prevent them from running off.

After that, she assisted, but she took the spear with her with some hesitation. Origin propped it back upright and stirred new life back into the plant via contact with her hand, flowing the water in the area into its roots and growing it spontaneously. Its life sprung up along with numerous branch-off flowers, she wished it some additional luck as she returned to the carriage and Glacier, propping the spear in nearly the same position.

"I want to apologise to you," she stated when they both were mounted, looking down sheepishly. "I do not want to be helpless, or watch as issues come up. I felt this way back when we went in the caves, and I still do. There is only so much words or healing can do. If force is necessary, I may need to learn, and I can't think of a better teacher. So, please teach me."

She glanced back up, unsure of what Glacier would say, if anything.
Glacier was still heaving the dead dragon from the road. She didn’t notice Origin running off to heal the plant.
Glacier was just about to carry the body from the road thinking to herself it might be heavier than the cart.
”Glad you changed your mind, we’ll start our training once the sun rises. Hey, you might surprise your se-“

A loud snap was heard off in the distance and then a ‘whoosh’
Glacier’s leg was pulled towards the tree tops and was hanging upside down! There must’ve been a trap she didn’t see…

Several laughs echoed in the dark. After they emerged a group of seven entered the scene.
“lookie what we have ere! A fine catch.”

The supposed leader said, his one eye covered by an eye patch.
”And look here, a fine member for our arena! I know who we’re all bettin on!”

The group laughed at Origin.
Origin gasped as she stood up and watched helplessly as her friend ended up caught in a trap, probably because of her selfless act of moving the body. She did not think of such an act.

Her heart throbbed in wild beats from fear as the dragons who set the trap came out from the underbrush or wherever they were hiding. Seven against two? That was not a good number, especially when it came to a fight. Oh, would that it had been her in the tree, things would have been very different. Glacier can send them running, and Origin could snap the trap that bound round Glacier's foot currently with one of her strong roots.

Back to the foul dragons that ensnared Glacier. They seemed horrid enough just from their words. An arena? Betting? If these people used others to fight for their amusement, they had another thing coming to them! She curled her lips back in a snarl reactively. They deserved it.

"Get my friend down this instant!" she piped frantically, snatching the spear up clumsily. "I-I don't want to . . . to see what happens to you when I use this!"

She had to chastise herself for her less than stellar performance. Why did she have to sound so timid, so frail? This ran deeper than constitution or bravery. This sprung from incapability.

In the back of her mind, Origin prayed for Glacier's safety. Even with a spear in hand, she felt that was the only good thing she can do besides display the roots in her shell. That latter thing she wanted to save for later. Maybe it would catch them by surprise.
Origin gasped as she stood up and watched helplessly as her friend ended up caught in a trap, probably because of her selfless act of moving the body. She did not think of such an act.

Her heart throbbed in wild beats from fear as the dragons who set the trap came out from the underbrush or wherever they were hiding. Seven against two? That was not a good number, especially when it came to a fight. Oh, would that it had been her in the tree, things would have been very different. Glacier can send them running, and Origin could snap the trap that bound round Glacier's foot currently with one of her strong roots.

Back to the foul dragons that ensnared Glacier. They seemed horrid enough just from their words. An arena? Betting? If these people used others to fight for their amusement, they had another thing coming to them! She curled her lips back in a snarl reactively. They deserved it.

"Get my friend down this instant!" she piped frantically, snatching the spear up clumsily. "I-I don't want to . . . to see what happens to you when I use this!"

She had to chastise herself for her less than stellar performance. Why did she have to sound so timid, so frail? This ran deeper than constitution or bravery. This sprung from incapability.

In the back of her mind, Origin prayed for Glacier's safety. Even with a spear in hand, she felt that was the only good thing she can do besides display the roots in her shell. That latter thing she wanted to save for later. Maybe it would catch them by surprise.

“Oooo we must be mistaken fellas! This one has some fight in her.”

The leader snarled, a twisted grin on his muzzle. The group approched Origin, slowly spreading out to cover Origin’s sides. A member in the group, if slipped by Origin, restrained Glacier with a knife to her throat.
”Back down you’re way over your head Nature dragon!”

One member stated. Glacier struggled in her bindings. She froze when the knife was held to her throat.
“Origin! Run, leave, now! I can handle myself, just go!”

If Origin was too over whelmed the leader, who snuck along the side of Origin, delivered a punch to her muzzle. Once down the two began to kick her. Laughing, mockingly. Glacier watched helplessly….

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