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Fantasy The Nature of Ice

There was no chance for her to react in time to veer away from her assailant, the knife pressing painfully against her neck. She stifled a whimper as she felt the cold steel, almost every urge surging to drive the assailant away. There was one idea that kept her in check, though. She knew better. They wanted her alive. She could have wounded one or two with her unfurled roots, but the rest would kill her and Glacier. So, she bore with the pain and fear even as the blows landed, the foul rogues kicking her all over as she huddled tightly.

Never did she let go of the spear, however, pinned beneath her and useless, but she was determined not to let it be used by her enemy.

She peeked up to Glacier from her huddled ball, rock and branch shielding her from most blows, her eyes moist with tears. She was determined to hold out for Glacier to escape her binds. Was there anything sharp to slice through the rope or vine holding her fast?

Please, Glacier, get out if you can, she pleaded, or hold on for a better moment.
There was no chance for her to react in time to veer away from her assailant, the knife pressing painfully against her neck. She stifled a whimper as she felt the cold steel, almost every urge surging to drive the assailant away. There was one idea that kept her in check, though. She knew better. They wanted her alive. She could have wounded one or two with her unfurled roots, but the rest would kill her and Glacier. So, she bore with the pain and fear even as the blows landed, the foul rogues kicking her all over as she huddled tightly.

Never did she let go of the spear, however, pinned beneath her and useless, but she was determined not to let it be used by her enemy.

She peeked up to Glacier from her huddled ball, rock and branch shielding her from most blows, her eyes moist with tears. She was determined to hold out for Glacier to escape her binds. Was there anything sharp to slice through the rope or vine holding her fast?

Please, Glacier, get out if you can, she pleaded, or hold on for a better moment.
“You leave her alone! She’s harmless!”

The group continued to kick the already downed Origin. The one-eyed dragon stepped away to address Glacier.
”Oh yeah? What're you gonna do? Your only weapon is with your friend. In fact…”

The leader let out a loud note from his lips, all the members ceased their assault. He then motioned to the spear hidden by Origin, a member grabbed it wrenching it from Origin’s hands. If she resisted another kick, this time in an unprotected part, was delivered.

The leader caught the spear giving it a quick glance.
“So you’re a guard? What’s a tough girl like you doing with a wimpy dragon like her?“

”Lemme down, then I can show you what I can do…”
He laughed, pointing to Origin who was propped up by two gang members. Origin was held by her two arms splayed out. Her wings were being examined by the leader dragon.
”You two are finished! But, it’s your lucky day I don’t kill you two. A dragon guard like you will fight well…

Pack them into their carriage! we’re taking everything back to base.”
“You leave her alone! She’s harmless!”

The group continued to kick the already downed Origin. The one-eyed dragon stepped away to address Glacier.
”Oh yeah? What're you gonna do? Your only weapon is with your friend. In fact…”

The leader let out a loud note from his lips, all the members ceased their assault. He then motioned to the spear hidden by Origin, a member grabbed it wrenching it from Origin’s hands. If she resisted another kick, this time in an unprotected part, was delivered.

The leader caught the spear giving it a quick glance.
“So you’re a guard? What’s a tough girl like you doing with a wimpy dragon like her?“

”Lemme down, then I can show you what I can do…”
He laughed, pointing to Origin who was propped up by two gang members. Origin was held by her two arms splayed out. Her wings were being examined by the leader dragon.
”You two are finished! But, it’s your lucky day I don’t kill you two. A dragon guard like you will fight well…

Pack them into their carriage! we’re taking everything back to base.”

Origin resisted the tug on the spear she covered, receiving a brutish bat to the head that made her tongue sting and taste of copper. She let go on reflex, cursing her weakness as it slipped away. Glacier had been right, as always. She was in need of bettering herself. She was a weak link again.

The realisation brought more tears than the injuries she endured. Origin wanted to protect Glacier, and she only got in the way. Perhaps if fate ever were real this was not how things were meant to play out.

"I'm sorry," she sobbed softly as she was lugged away, brought back to the carriage that once was her ride and now was her gaol.

~~ ++ ~~ ++ ~~

Within a mud-washed stone prison, a lone dragon peered up at the only view of moonlight within his cell, rubbing the newly built scab on his scarred eye. His hands were covered and staibed brownish black with soil, and a smile occurred on his face. He remembered the angle of the moon where he was heading. If the moon was so different now, maybe on the other side of the sky from the evening before, he could find out which way he was heading.

These fools underestimate an earth dragon, thought he, continuing his work on a tunnel. With his strong arms meant for digging, he easily had removed the stone layer of the caked wall a few hours ago. Now all left was digging straight and filling up the door's path with dirt. He was proud of himself for thinking that up.

Sanctus tore at everything, scrambling for quiet speed. He will not let something like an arena rule him.
Origin resisted the tug on the spear she covered, receiving a brutish bat to the head that made her tongue sting and taste of copper. She let go on reflex, cursing her weakness as it slipped away. Glacier had been right, as always. She was in need of bettering herself. She was a weak link again.

The realisation brought more tears than the injuries she endured. Origin wanted to protect Glacier, and she only got in the way. Perhaps if fate ever were real this was not how things were meant to play out.

"I'm sorry," she sobbed softly as she was lugged away, brought back to the carriage that once was her ride and now was her gaol.

~~ ++ ~~ ++ ~~

Within a mud-washed stone prison, a lone dragon peered up at the only view of moonlight within his cell, rubbing the newly built scab on his scarred eye. His hands were covered and staibed brownish black with soil, and a smile occurred on his face. He remembered the angle of the moon where he was heading. If the moon was so different now, maybe on the other side of the sky from the evening before, he could find out which way he was heading.

These fools underestimate an earth dragon, thought he, continuing his work on a tunnel. With his strong arms meant for digging, he easily had removed the stone layer of the caked wall a few hours ago. Now all left was digging straight and filling up the door's path with dirt. He was proud of himself for thinking that up.

Sanctus tore at everything, scrambling for quiet speed. He will not let something like an arena rule him.
The two were tossed carelessly inside the carriage. Feeling the throbbing pain of hitting the ground. Glacier continued to fight back in her restraints wiggling and grunting trying her hardest to escape. It was no use with the metal chains on them…
She dared a glance at Origin giving her a reassuring smile.
”That was brave of you to grab that spear.”

She said, her smile instantly faded and turned away from Origin.
”I’m sorry too for getting us in this mess…”

The carriage rumbled down the path, after a while the group is welcomed by the the cheers of the crowd. Through the carriages window Glacier tried her best the wriggle over to the glass proving herself up to see.
She squinted from the horribleness of the light. They were being dragged to a construction site filled with yellow tape, signs, and equipment. The foundation was the only thing finished before the end times. Leaving a large area for a pit, dropping a good distance below to the floor. The crowds were in an uproar screaming loudly, it punctured the insides of the carriage leaving a deafing noise.
The only thing separating them from the arena was a man made gate where guards were stationed…

Outside the confines of Sanctus‘s cell the guards marched through different points on their patrol. Also outside, if Sanctus wanted to, he could watch the fights happening just below him. He had a perfect view to the pit. Two fighters were batting it out with one delivering a finishing blow to their opponents neck. The crowd roared, loving every second of it.

An announcer over head blared congratulating the victor in this blood sport.

As for Sanctus, as he dug the chains rattled and shook. He was chained to a concrete block dug into the ground. Leaving him only a certain distance to move.
Glacier's words of encouragement offered some small respite from her sorrow, Origin tossing a look of thanks as they rode along. Glacier was kind in that regard, but she worried about how the future would look. They were travelling to what would be their doom, a spectacle that will paint the floor red in the crudest game of life and death. That is, if they did not escape. They would have to be clever to do so.

Her sniffles going away over time, Origin looked about at her captors on the carriage, espying one that drove the qualmless horses to the arena and another two on board to keep them shackled and tame. They were too many, unless Glacier can snatch a sword or knife. The spear is useless with those shackles. No move seemed worth it in the end, however.

The gate looked worse, guarded by even more thugs, and behind bloomed the deafening roar of a bloodthirsty populace. She did not see much else than a throng of people and considerable torches of strange make, beaming bright light below.

The pit choked her up, stench of acrid lifeblood old and new cloying her nose from this mortal contest. She had seen bodies aplenty thanks to recent adventures, but it was grisly all the same. The dirt below was stained dark with blood.

Thoughts surged again about whether they will remain alive after all this. To do that they will need a key or to break the chain or lock . . . wait, a key! She could use her roots to pick the lock on her restraints, and Glacier too. But without a weapon, their captors would be upon them and kill them quickly. They would have to do both at the same time to succeed.

She looked long at Glacier, a smile of revel on her face. She, Originmaw, had a plan.

~~ ++ ~~ ++ ~~

Sanctus paused to look out and into the pit, frowning as another fell to a forced match. That meant time shortened for his escape. Blast. The escape would happen much sooner, too, if it were not for this infernal chain strapped to his foot. That would come later, when he could dig out the concrete block itself or find a way to break the chains without his gaolers knowing.

Something caught his eye, though. A carriage rolled in with additional captives. Normally a few other gladiators would make him gladder, as that might mean more time for him, but this was an exemption. He pressed against the bars between him and the pit.

"No!" he grumbled, gaze turning agitated toward Glacier and Originmaw. "And she promised to take care of Vitalia too. A fool am I to leave that in someone's hands I just met. Now I'll have to break three out instead of just ol' me."

He scratched his chin, looking about his cell and sighing. His effort will have to be with compounded interest. He will need to keep digging, and hope that they will be heading down his prison row rather than another one. If they do, Sanctus will be by the door, muzzle pressed against the bars, waiting.
Glacier's words of encouragement offered some small respite from her sorrow, Origin tossing a look of thanks as they rode along. Glacier was kind in that regard, but she worried about how the future would look. They were travelling to what would be their doom, a spectacle that will paint the floor red in the crudest game of life and death. That is, if they did not escape. They would have to be clever to do so.

Her sniffles going away over time, Origin looked about at her captors on the carriage, espying one that drove the qualmless horses to the arena and another two on board to keep them shackled and tame. They were too many, unless Glacier can snatch a sword or knife. The spear is useless with those shackles. No move seemed worth it in the end, however.

The gate looked worse, guarded by even more thugs, and behind bloomed the deafening roar of a bloodthirsty populace. She did not see much else than a throng of people and considerable torches of strange make, beaming bright light below.

The pit choked her up, stench of acrid lifeblood old and new cloying her nose from this mortal contest. She had seen bodies aplenty thanks to recent adventures, but it was grisly all the same. The dirt below was stained dark with blood.

Thoughts surged again about whether they will remain alive after all this. To do that they will need a key or to break the chain or lock . . . wait, a key! She could use her roots to pick the lock on her restraints, and Glacier too. But without a weapon, their captors would be upon them and kill them quickly. They would have to do both at the same time to succeed.

She looked long at Glacier, a smile of revel on her face. She, Originmaw, had a plan.

~~ ++ ~~ ++ ~~

Sanctus paused to look out and into the pit, frowning as another fell to a forced match. That meant time shortened for his escape. Blast. The escape would happen much sooner, too, if it were not for this infernal chain strapped to his foot. That would come later, when he could dig out the concrete block itself or find a way to break the chains without his gaolers knowing.

Something caught his eye, though. A carriage rolled in with additional captives. Normally a few other gladiators would make him gladder, as that might mean more time for him, but this was an exemption. He pressed against the bars between him and the pit.

"No!" he grumbled, gaze turning agitated toward Glacier and Originmaw. "And she promised to take care of Vitalia too. A fool am I to leave that in someone's hands I just met. Now I'll have to break three out instead of just ol' me."

He scratched his chin, looking about his cell and sighing. His effort will have to be with compounded interest. He will need to keep digging, and hope that they will be heading down his prison row rather than another one. If they do, Sanctus will be by the door, muzzle pressed against the bars, waiting.

Glacier resorted to biting at the restraints. Saying some colorful words that would shock Origin.
“I think I almost…got it.”

She muttered with the chain in between her teeth. Her eye caught Origin’s smile, dropping the chain from her mouth and she raised an eyebrow.

The carriage rumbled through the gates. With the gates sealing them inside. Outside the Carriage the guards were getting ready to extract the prisoners with their weapons raised.

Sanctus watched as the carriage made it past the gates. No sign of the prisoners yet. But the guards are getting ready to imprison them.
Origin looked towards both ways of the closed carriage, unsure if the others were around. They were out of eyesight, but maybe not out of earshot. It was best to whisper just in case.

"I think I know of a way out of these," she murmured to Glacier conspiratorially. "I just need time. If we are not up next, hopefully that'll save you a few of your lovely teeth."
Origin looked towards both ways of the closed carriage, unsure if the others were around. They were out of eyesight, but maybe not out of earshot. It was best to whisper just in case.

"I think I know of a way out of these," she murmured to Glacier conspiratorially. "I just need time. If we are not up next, hopefully that'll save you a few of your lovely teeth."
The two could hear the guards talking outside.
Glacier raised an eyebrow, Origin actually had a plan?
She nodded allowing her to work. Her role in the escape was to look out for the guards movements. So far they were patrolling around the carriage, the guards talked to one another. One of them being the one-eyed dragon.
Origin felt herself tense up as she looked out the window one last time before starting to work, listening in to the conversation in brief moments before she began to work. She chose a root of adequate size and pressed it against the aging but intricate lock, then tried to make it grow inside the lock. Plants needed space to grow, and when pressing against immovable objects they can do one of two things: grow off of it or grow into it. With the root snugly inserted, it grew into the hollows, branching into as much space as it was allowed. What Origin made was a wooden key, and testing the lock a bit she was happy to know that it moved along with the tumblers. With a "Eureka!" look on her face, she shifted back to seriousness and shriveled the root to free it from the lock. This was great for her, but it was not best for the moment. They would have to use it later if they have time. She could stage a jailbreak if so.

"I did it!" she said proudly in a whisper. "Glacier, I can get us out later. Let's be patient and wait for now." She looked toward the door uncertainly, realising that she was so focused ahe did not overhear their captors. "Unless we are next?"
Origin felt herself tense up as she looked out the window one last time before starting to work, listening in to the conversation in brief moments before she began to work. She chose a root of adequate size and pressed it against the aging but intricate lock, then tried to make it grow inside the lock. Plants needed space to grow, and when pressing against immovable objects they can do one of two things: grow off of it or grow into it. With the root snugly inserted, it grew into the hollows, branching into as much space as it was allowed. What Origin made was a wooden key, and testing the lock a bit she was happy to know that it moved along with the tumblers. With a "Eureka!" look on her face, she shifted back to seriousness and shriveled the root to free it from the lock. This was great for her, but it was not best for the moment. They would have to use it later if they have time. She could stage a jailbreak if so.

"I did it!" she said proudly in a whisper. "Glacier, I can get us out later. Let's be patient and wait for now." She looked toward the door uncertainly, realising that she was so focused ahe did not overhear their captors. "Unless we are next?"
Glacier watched Origin intently. Lighting up once the lock clicked.
”Origin you’re a genius.”
She stated in a whisper.

Outside the guards just finished up with business with other prisoners.
A shadow right outside the window moved silently stopping before the door. His shape was well defined in the dusted window, and judging from the voice it was the eye patch wearing dragon.
Glacier waited until they open the door. Eventually this did happen, everything moved in slow motion with the handle being turned to the door swinging open…
"Thanks," Vitalia whispered back.

She beamed in response to Glacier's praise, happy to have been of some use after what felt like a long period of uselessness. The outside noises were quick to bring her back to the situation they were both in, however, so she quickly quelled her excited face and looked toward the source of the noise as it travelled around the carriage and to the windowed door, hands working on restoring the lock to its previous and locked position. Click. Success, and just before the door opened, too.

Origin shuffled back in her seat, possibly for the first time acting scared instead of outright being scared, and waited to see what happened next. She hoped it was just a straight shot to the cells so that they can figure out their escape quickly.
"Thanks," Vitalia whispered back.

She beamed in response to Glacier's praise, happy to have been of some use after what felt like a long period of uselessness. The outside noises were quick to bring her back to the situation they were both in, however, so she quickly quelled her excited face and looked toward the source of the noise as it travelled around the carriage and to the windowed door, hands working on restoring the lock to its previous and locked position. Click. Success, and just before the door opened, too.

Origin shuffled back in her seat, possibly for the first time acting scared instead of outright being scared, and waited to see what happened next. She hoped it was just a straight shot to the cells so that they can figure out their escape quickly.
The two dragons were dragged out of the carriage immediately. They were lead past the pit, two more dragons battled inside while spectators laughed and cheered.
Glacier took the time to observe her surroundings. Several guard towers, many cells they’ve passed, and high amounts of security within the felled area.

The two dragons were shoved into the same cell with someone they both knew. Sanctus could only watch as the two were chained and attached to the floor. The guard left without a word, but no without slamming the door shut. Glacier was the first to speak to Sanctus…

“Surprised to see you here…”
Origin kept her eyes moving but low as she was hustled to her cell, the uneven ground causing her to stumble in the low light of the shadowed areas. She caught where guards were and tried to keep track of her surroundings, the numbers of lefts, rights, and straights needed to escape through the corridor, but there was a lot to remember and she lost the sequence.

When they got to their designated cell, however, she felt surprise, horror, and joy mingled together and surge to her throat in a moan when she saw her childhood friend -- seen perhaps not even a day ago -- already chained up in the corner of the room. At least two other chains lay attached to a deeply embedded ring within what seemed to be packed rock. Sanctus noticed them as well, looking out of the corner of his damaged eye without too much of a reaction, as if he already knew of their coming. He moved over wordlessly, allowing the man to chain them up beside him, his arms behind him in order to hide the stains of caked mud and earth on his hands and claws.

Once everything had been set and the guard having left earshot without witnessing his handiwork of leaving a larger indent in the wall than usual, Sanctus turned to Glacier sourly.

"Likewise. 'Take care of Origin,' I said. And yet you brought her up north with you on this dangerous road with a shiny new carriage from Zest's. What were you thinking?"

Vitalia furrowed her brow in argument and piped up, "I came with Glacier of my own volition, thank you."

Sanctus gave her a askance look of "Really?" next, then shook his head.

"Anyways, you're here now. I guess I have to save all three of you now, 'less you are experienced in jailbreaks."

Origin glanced over to Glacier, something welling inside of her to speak up about her plan, but she would leave that to Glacier if the guard dragon wanted to explain it to him. Instead, she took out the root that had grown into the shape of the lock and inserted it back inside the keyhole. After a good ten seconds of fiddling and jiggling, the tumblers turned and she popped the restraints open, letting it fall to the floor in a clamor. Sanctus' jump brought a considerable amount of joy to her face.

"Did you . . . lockpick?" Sanctus asked, looking over to Glacier for answers. "Did you teach her how?"
Origin kept her eyes moving but low as she was hustled to her cell, the uneven ground causing her to stumble in the low light of the shadowed areas. She caught where guards were and tried to keep track of her surroundings, the numbers of lefts, rights, and straights needed to escape through the corridor, but there was a lot to remember and she lost the sequence.

When they got to their designated cell, however, she felt surprise, horror, and joy mingled together and surge to her throat in a moan when she saw her childhood friend -- seen perhaps not even a day ago -- already chained up in the corner of the room. At least two other chains lay attached to a deeply embedded ring within what seemed to be packed rock. Sanctus noticed them as well, looking out of the corner of his damaged eye without too much of a reaction, as if he already knew of their coming. He moved over wordlessly, allowing the man to chain them up beside him, his arms behind him in order to hide the stains of caked mud and earth on his hands and claws.

Once everything had been set and the guard having left earshot without witnessing his handiwork of leaving a larger indent in the wall than usual, Sanctus turned to Glacier sourly.

"Likewise. 'Take care of Origin,' I said. And yet you brought her up north with you on this dangerous road with a shiny new carriage from Zest's. What were you thinking?"

Vitalia furrowed her brow in argument and piped up, "I came with Glacier of my own volition, thank you."

Sanctus gave her a askance look of "Really?" next, then shook his head.

"Anyways, you're here now. I guess I have to save all three of you now, 'less you are experienced in jailbreaks."

Origin glanced over to Glacier, something welling inside of her to speak up about her plan, but she would leave that to Glacier if the guard dragon wanted to explain it to him. Instead, she took out the root that had grown into the shape of the lock and inserted it back inside the keyhole. After a good ten seconds of fiddling and jiggling, the tumblers turned and she popped the restraints open, letting it fall to the floor in a clamor. Sanctus' jump brought a considerable amount of joy to her face.

"Did you . . . lockpick?" Sanctus asked, looking over to Glacier for answers. "Did you teach her how?"
Glacier shot a smirk at Sanctus, Origin was sticking up for herself. It made her proud seeing Origin have some grit like her. Seeing Sanctus’s face made her want to rub it in more, however, they first needed to escape.
“Well while we were escorted here we saw all the watch towers around the pit, along with with the metal gate we’ll have to fly over. There might be more defenses that we didn’t see.”

Seeing the dragon jump made her smile once again, clearing her of her serious expression.
”She taught herself that, it was her plan to break the restraints.”

The crowd cheering outside was a crash of thunder from the noise. What caught Glacier’s brief attention wasn’t that, instead it was the sound of robotic movement and grinding of saw blades. A loud screech echoed, louder than the crowds own cheer beside that noise the screech was much more deafening.

The three dragons took their chance to glance through the bars. Down within the pit is a rather fat looking creature clad in armor plating possibly natural. I‘s mouth splits open with rows of teeth like a shark.
The eyes of the beast were quadruple of what a normal living thing would have, lastly, it has a long tail sorta like a dragon’s..
A Bestial Scream and Jailbreak
Sanctus was most certainly surprised by what Glacier had mentioned, though he did manage to crack a grin. Perhaps he did not give the girl enough credit, finding her more soft in heart than shrewd, but this could be a one-time thing.

Then, they heard it, a bellowing screech that tore out from the cheer of the crowd. Origin's blood ran cold from its prolonged, shrill cry, and she ventured over to the window bars as the others did, peering out at a gargantuan, almost draconic beast that reminded her of stories told long ago of basilisks and other horrid beasts. Was this one of them or something different, perhaps worse? She probably did not want to know.

Sanctus seemed of the same mind, staring out of the window at the elephantine creature with a stern look.

"I haven't seen that kind of creature before, if it's even a creature and not a . . . you know." He turned back toward the others briefly, then looked away, thinking of the machines from earlier that killed Merrimac. "I don't want to stick around to see it any closer. That thing sounds dangerous to tango with."

"We should go, and fast," said Origin, biting her lip as she migrated to Glacier's cuffs first to unlock them, then to Sanctus'. Both were of the same make with the same key, making things a breeze to unshackle her friends. "But we need a plan."

"Yeah," Sanctus muttered, his eyes coming back to full liveliness as he felt the relief of freedom of restraints. "Speakin' of plans, my guard friend, two of us can't fly, so we'll need another route or better figuring out of our route. I thought I could tunnel and squirm out of the handcuffs before, but with three of us things are easier to figure."

"But what about the others in cells like ours?" asked Origin worriedly. "Can we really just leave them to save our own skin?"

Sanctus froze, then frowned.

"If we have to. Our chances of escaping detection get worse with every new body followin' us. But a mass jailbreak? It might work." He eyed the mountain dragon of the group. "Glacier. Ideas?"
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Sanctus was most certainly surprised by what Glacier had mentioned, though he did manage to crack a grin. Perhaps he did not give the girl enough credit, finding her more soft in heart than shrewd, but this could be a one-time thing.

Then, they heard it, a bellowing screech that tore out from the cheer of the crowd. Origin's blood ran cold from its prolonged, shrill cry, and she ventured over to the window bars as the others did, peering out at a gargantuan, almost draconic beast that reminded her of stories told long ago of basilisks and other horrid beasts. Was this one of them or something different, perhaps worse? She probably did not want to know.

Sanctus seemed of the same mind, staring out of the window at the elephantine creature with a stern look.

"I haven't seen that kind of creature before, if it's even a creature and not a . . . you know." He turned back toward the others briefly, then looked away, thinking of the machines from earlier that killed Merrimac. "I don't want to stick around to see it any closer. That thing sounds dangerous to tango with."

"We should go, and fast," said Origin, biting her lip as she migrated to Glacier's cuffs first to unlock them, then to Sanctus'. Both were of the same make with the same key, making things a breeze to unshackle her friends. "But we need a plan."

"Yeah," Sanctus muttered, his eyes coming back to full liveliness as he felt the relief of freedom of restraints. "Speakin' of plans, my guard friend, two of us can't fly, so we'll need another route or better figuring out of our route. I thought I could tunnel and squirm out of the handcuffs before, but with three of us things are easier to figure."

"But what about the others in cells like ours?" asked Origin worriedly. "Can we really just leave them to save our own skin?"

Sanctus froze, then frowned.

"If we have to. Our chances of escaping detection get worse with every new body followin' us. But a mass jailbreak? It might work." He eyed the mountain dragon of the group. "Glacier. Ideas?"
Glacier took the longest to break her gaze away from the window, not before gauging the height. She then realized they couldn’t fly, it was frustrating and it showed with the growl. She sighed, and with her temper falling, she glanced back to her companions then to the window again.
”I get you guys cannot fly. I respect that; however it won’t help us to escape without it.“

From how high they were the winds were gusting strong. if they couldn’t fly maybe they could glide.
”Can you at least glide with your wings?”

She asked. Just like a drill instructor she examined the two and their wing span.
Origin paused to wonder about the possibility of gliding, giving it more thought than typical. Her rocky exterior did not help much in terms of gaining loft and kept her tethered to the ground unlike the many birds and dragons that could take flight easily, but maybe if she spread her wings properly she would be able to glide. Her wings had long fallen out of common use except for balancing and some aid up difficult hills with her wagon, though was it possible? She was able to scale the elevator shaft earlier, so she already had surprised herself with her capabilities. Perhaps this too would be the case.

"I think I can," she replied meekly, raising her hand and unsure if it was true or not. Her lime-green wings, eight feet in wingspan, were packed and folded comfortably behind her, but felt the itch of a need to fly, or rather glide.

Sanctus looked uncertain, pondering over his own wings as he unfurled them. They had not been as grandiose as either of the two others here, a short wingspan of just greater than four feet, and he did not trust them to be able to maintain a glide regardless of their immaculate condition. Besides breaking his fall with short beats of his wings for high jumps like in the ruins and using them for balance like Origin, he had never been very skillful at using them.

"I will give it a try," he assented, eyes returning to the window. "I don't know what you are planning, but anything is better than dying here or in that arena."

Origin, having moved to the door, placed a root to the door and unlocked it after some finagling. The tumblers had a similar make to the handcuffs, making it easy to replicate a key and turn the lock with a click.

"We don't have much time," she remarked, withdrawing the root like a wooden limb and opening the door. "I'll follow you two."
Origin paused to wonder about the possibility of gliding, giving it more thought than typical. Her rocky exterior did not help much in terms of gaining loft and kept her tethered to the ground unlike the many birds and dragons that could take flight easily, but maybe if she spread her wings properly she would be able to glide. Her wings had long fallen out of common use except for balancing and some aid up difficult hills with her wagon, though was it possible? She was able to scale the elevator shaft earlier, so she already had surprised herself with her capabilities. Perhaps this too would be the case.

"I think I can," she replied meekly, raising her hand and unsure if it was true or not. Her lime-green wings, eight feet in wingspan, were packed and folded comfortably behind her, but felt the itch of a need to fly, or rather glide.

Sanctus looked uncertain, pondering over his own wings as he unfurled them. They had not been as grandiose as either of the two others here, a short wingspan of just greater than four feet, and he did not trust them to be able to maintain a glide regardless of their immaculate condition. Besides breaking his fall with short beats of his wings for high jumps like in the ruins and using them for balance like Origin, he had never been very skillful at using them.

"I will give it a try," he assented, eyes returning to the window. "I don't know what you are planning, but anything is better than dying here or in that arena."

Origin, having moved to the door, placed a root to the door and unlocked it after some finagling. The tumblers had a similar make to the handcuffs, making it easy to replicate a key and turn the lock with a click.

"We don't have much time," she remarked, withdrawing the root like a wooden limb and opening the door. "I'll follow you two."
Glacier is the first to peek out into the hall. She motioned for the others to follow. The hall was lit with hung up torches attached to the muddy walls, she had to squint to see from the low light.
Suddenly stopping, and feeling the others bump into her, she glance to them with a stern look with her claw she raised a finger to her muzzle. Around the corner was a guard she could hear the wet slaps of the muddy ground from each step. Glacier readied herself physically and mentally.

Wet slaps of the footsteps got close, she grabbed the guard wrapping her arms around their neck. The guard struggled gasping for air as she tightened her grip on him. Their weapon being a new kind of spear she’s never seen before, with a long curved blade, and serrated.
Origin followed as best as she could, trying to keep her ears and eyes open. Still, she could not match Glacier who, at the front of the pack, was the most informed and the most alert. She was the first to bump into Glacier, and Sanctus who had an eye at their rear bumped into Origin. She did not breathe a word of apology due to the moment and the shush, but remained still, very still. Footfalls, and slowly approaching. A guard, most likely.

Glacier, quick to act, seized the guard dragon from behind, and Sanctus quickly snatched his weapon, adjusting his hands to use it if need be. The blade was wicked, meant for bloodletting and a cruel death. Origin when looking at it gave off a shudder.

She looked down the halls for follow-up guards, but none seemed to come. She was relieved by that, though a noise came out from a neighboring cell.

"Ooh! Ooh! Get him! Get him!" cried a jubilant young dragon, shimmeringly yellow in scale and with blazing green eyes. He was trapped in similar fashion to the three not even minutes before, but with his arms and legs pinned rather than one or the other. He had the look of a scrapper if not for the merchant garb dressing him, all sloppy from rolling about in his dampened dirt prison.

"Shush!" voiced Origin, quick to raise her finger. "No noise!"

Quick to get the gist, the youth raised his arms to his mouth and pretended to zip his lip, but he still onlooked with a look of merriment and anticipation.
Origin followed as best as she could, trying to keep her ears and eyes open. Still, she could not match Glacier who, at the front of the pack, was the most informed and the most alert. She was the first to bump into Glacier, and Sanctus who had an eye at their rear bumped into Origin. She did not breathe a word of apology due to the moment and the shush, but remained still, very still. Footfalls, and slowly approaching. A guard, most likely.

Glacier, quick to act, seized the guard dragon from behind, and Sanctus quickly snatched his weapon, adjusting his hands to use it if need be. The blade was wicked, meant for bloodletting and a cruel death. Origin when looking at it gave off a shudder.

She looked down the halls for follow-up guards, but none seemed to come. She was relieved by that, though a noise came out from a neighboring cell.

"Ooh! Ooh! Get him! Get him!" cried a jubilant young dragon, shimmeringly yellow in scale and with blazing green eyes. He was trapped in similar fashion to the three not even minutes before, but with his arms and legs pinned rather than one or the other. He had the look of a scrapper if not for the merchant garb dressing him, all sloppy from rolling about in his dampened dirt prison.

"Shush!" voiced Origin, quick to raise her finger. "No noise!"

Quick to get the gist, the youth raised his arms to his mouth and pretended to zip his lip, but he still onlooked with a look of merriment and anticipation.
A few minutes of the guard squirming they finally quit.
Glacier pushed them off dusting herself off, she was covered in mud.
She exhaled loudly from the excursion. Looking over to the voice who cried out during the scuffle examining the young scrapper, merchant.
’Wonder how he got here…’

The weapon clutched in Sanctus’s hands had a blade similar to his knives. Curved and serrated with a larger point like a cleaver, while also having a shorter pin-like point.
Glacier took a moment to gather herself, motioning for them to follow.
She almost forgot about the younger dragon trapped within his cell.
The golden-toned dragon waited as patiently as he could through the scuffle with choking the air from the guard, watching the process with a gaze of intrigue. Finally the guard that once patrolled the cells had dropped unconscious or dead -- it had been a long time, so he reckoned the latter -- and he rose to full height, shorter than what was considered common. He scratched his chin against his shoulder, long whiskers drooping from either side of his nose, but caught that she motioned for her companions to leave. Leave! That would not fly.

"Hey! Hey, listen! Let me out! I know something you'll regret not having if you're without a map, but you have to take me with you, or at least get me out!"

Origin looked up from the body in distracted manner, testing the pulse of the dragon before her.

Sanctus, on the other hand, scoffed, intending to follow Glacier but stopping when hearing the hissed whispers from the cell. He turned an agitated eye toward the occupant, then sighed raggedly.

"What is a gold dragon doing here?" he called over, voice low to not be heard futher down the row of empty cells. Who knew how many other guards were here.

"Imprisoned, just like you all," he expressed somberly, shaking his head. "Skylarke's the name, of the merchant guild, and I got caught defenseless carrying some dried peppercorns from far away. To be waylaid by these . . . these incorrigible thugs! I want to give them a piece of my mind with these guns. Other ways are fine too."

Origin got an idea and quickly voiced her opinion before Sanctus could speak up.

"What if we free him and give him my copy of the key? He can help others in the same bind as we all were. I can always make another."

She looked in earnest between Sanctus and Glacier, and Sanctus shrugged and looked at Glacier, seeking her input. It was clear that he wanted to get out as fast as possible, but the potential distraction of others doing the same thing would probably boost their chances of escape.
The golden-toned dragon waited as patiently as he could through the scuffle with choking the air from the guard, watching the process with a gaze of intrigue. Finally the guard that once patrolled the cells had dropped unconscious or dead -- it had been a long time, so he reckoned the latter -- and he rose to full height, shorter than what was considered common. He scratched his chin against his shoulder, long whiskers drooping from either side of his nose, but caught that she motioned for her companions to leave. Leave! That would not fly.

"Hey! Hey, listen! Let me out! I know something you'll regret not having if you're without a map, but you have to take me with you, or at least get me out!"

Origin looked up from the body in distracted manner, testing the pulse of the dragon before her.

Sanctus, on the other hand, scoffed, intending to follow Glacier but stopping when hearing the hissed whispers from the cell. He turned an agitated eye toward the occupant, then sighed raggedly.

"What is a gold dragon doing here?" he called over, voice low to not be heard futher down the row of empty cells. Who knew how many other guards were here.

"Imprisoned, just like you all," he expressed somberly, shaking his head. "Skylarke's the name, of the merchant guild, and I got caught defenseless carrying some dried peppercorns from far away. To be waylaid by these . . . these incorrigible thugs! I want to give them a piece of my mind with these guns. Other ways are fine too."

Origin got an idea and quickly voiced her opinion before Sanctus could speak up.

"What if we free him and give him my copy of the key? He can help others in the same bind as we all were. I can always make another."

She looked in earnest between Sanctus and Glacier, and Sanctus shrugged and looked at Glacier, seeking her input. It was clear that he wanted to get out as fast as possible, but the potential distraction of others doing the same thing would probably boost their chances of escape.

Glacier eyed the merchant scanning him with her eyes.
“Peppercorns you say, those are rare around here. Aren’t they out of season?”

She asked, squinting at the merchant. She pressed her head through the bars to be face to face with them. Noting their choice of clothing.
”Based on your clothing you seem too good for that line of work of being a merchant, almost like you’re smuggling…”

She concluded
The gold dragon pouted at Glacier's words and looked toward her companions to see if they matched her sympathies or lack thereof. Sanctus still weighed the options, not minding any talk of smuggling, but Origin seemed disapproving of the thought. Using his top-notch people-reading skills and eloquence -- at least in his eyes -- he shrugged off the comment and continued smiling.

"Well, who has not smuggled at any point of their lives, but I assure Skylarke's business is one of supply and demand," he burbled, eyes squinted in mirth, "and everyone enjoys some zest to their lives once in a while. Eating a tomato sliced, for instance, would taste far better seasoned, and salt extends the lifetime of foods. Pepper berries when dried keep for long lengths of time, so seasoning lasts ages."

He then frowned, popping his lips and looking away from everyone. "But what am I doing here talking when we can be escaping? If you intend to help, please help me fast. It'll be four minutes before the next bloke comes and it is goodbye to secrecy."
A small time lapse later . . .

In the end, upon the gold dragon's swearing to secrecy, Origin unlocked the gold dragon from his confines. Skylarke, as was his name, slipped off in the other direction with a copy of the key that was universal for the entire jail, hoping to gather a separate group vying for getting out of this horrible place in stealthy manner. Meanwhile, Glacier, Origin, and Sanctus prowled down the narrow corridors and through the stairs to their next goal: the roof of the building.

The building, having been in construction by the time of its abandonment, was unfinished, and the stairs to the roof was just that. An acrid breeze of the stench from the pit below could be smelled -- blood, oil, and metal mixing in with the ever-present smell of dust and wooden decay. The stairwell, composed of concrete, stood steady, but the temporary handrail on the left-hand side looked like it was about to rip out from its nails.

On top, gusts picked up, giving a good amount of loft if they did decide to fly or glide, but probably not enough to do so effectively for one whose wings were as short as Sanctus'. He trusted his feet and hands more than his wings, but there were other choices: he could bound from building to building after a good glide. The gate stood a fair fifty feet away, tall and imposing, and guarded by sentries weary from dullness and sameness. They wanted to enjoy the spectacle rather than protect the gate, and passed the time discussing what they would do if they were in the arena themselves.

"If he blocks with a sword like that," spoke an earth dragon, picking at meat between the teeth with a small bone, "I'd swing wide and from above. Good chance of cuttin' into flesh 'n' bone that way, and if blocked again keep the pressure and step forward to nudge him off guard. Still, I don't wanna get close to that machine. Kill me but good if I faced it. Kill us all, likely, if the boss didn't make it loyal."

"Har, maybe so for the rest of you lot," agreed the other, a poison dragon like Snapjaw or Longtail. "But I'd fly off double-quick faster than you all."

They jibed such, not paying any attention to the rooftops, as what prisoner would escape this place, confined as they were? Behind them lay wheels to open and close the gates, but the palisade wall was not very tall, about as tall as the two-storey building they were on, made of rugged trees lugged here potentially by that machine. If they made it to a three-storey building close by the walls, they can probably leap over and glide to freedom.

Glacier was the tactician of the group, so all eyes were on her. What did she want to do now? Find their escape through the gate, or over the wall, or perhaps arm themselves first before striking at a greater score?
A small time lapse later . . .

In the end, upon the gold dragon's swearing to secrecy, Origin unlocked the gold dragon from his confines. Skylarke, as was his name, slipped off in the other direction with a copy of the key that was universal for the entire jail, hoping to gather a separate group vying for getting out of this horrible place in stealthy manner. Meanwhile, Glacier, Origin, and Sanctus prowled down the narrow corridors and through the stairs to their next goal: the roof of the building.

The building, having been in construction by the time of its abandonment, was unfinished, and the stairs to the roof was just that. An acrid breeze of the stench from the pit below could be smelled -- blood, oil, and metal mixing in with the ever-present smell of dust and wooden decay. The stairwell, composed of concrete, stood steady, but the temporary handrail on the left-hand side looked like it was about to rip out from its nails.

On top, gusts picked up, giving a good amount of loft if they did decide to fly or glide, but probably not enough to do so effectively for one whose wings were as short as Sanctus'. He trusted his feet and hands more than his wings, but there were other choices: he could bound from building to building after a good glide. The gate stood a fair fifty feet away, tall and imposing, and guarded by sentries weary from dullness and sameness. They wanted to enjoy the spectacle rather than protect the gate, and passed the time discussing what they would do if they were in the arena themselves.

"If he blocks with a sword like that," spoke an earth dragon, picking at meat between the teeth with a small bone, "I'd swing wide and from above. Good chance of cuttin' into flesh 'n' bone that way, and if blocked again keep the pressure and step forward to nudge him off guard. Still, I don't wanna get close to that machine. Kill me but good if I faced it. Kill us all, likely, if the boss didn't make it loyal."

"Har, maybe so for the rest of you lot," agreed the other, a poison dragon like Snapjaw or Longtail. "But I'd fly off double-quick faster than you all."

They jibed such, not paying any attention to the rooftops, as what prisoner would escape this place, confined as they were? Behind them lay wheels to open and close the gates, but the palisade wall was not very tall, about as tall as the two-storey building they were on, made of rugged trees lugged here potentially by that machine. If they made it to a three-storey building close by the walls, they can probably leap over and glide to freedom.

Glacier was the tactician of the group, so all eyes were on her. What did she want to do now? Find their escape through the gate, or over the wall, or perhaps arm themselves first before striking at a greater score?

Glacier was staring off towards their target, the gate. Judging on how high it was it’d be difficult but doable. They couldn’t move just yet however as the guards were talking close by.
The wind on top of the building is blowing with all its might. Making it hard for anyone to hear. Glacier pointed down to the guards, then to Sanctus, then to his wings. She is pointing out directions for Sanctus.

If he didn’t understand she would hit her claw on her face in annoyance. Walking over, and with no warning, opened his wings to the winds. In a split second the wind caught him, keeping him on balance she pointed to the guards again then to his blade.

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