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Fantasy The Nature of Ice

Sanctus, ears deafened by the strong winds, stared at Glacier in confusion, understanding that, yes, there were guards down there and, yes, I am me, but he did not quite catch what she was referring to with his wings. When she "assisted" him by opening up his wings, he braced himself with eyes widening, cursing under his breath even if he was helped to stand his ground. Behind the both of them, Origin broke out laughing, every note of which lost in the wind and unable to be heard by the guards below.

His mission clear, Sanctus turned to Glacier and grinned in wily manner before looking down, his Riddick weapon at the ready. The wind was fickle, but when the wind died down in part he unfurled his wings and caught the air just long enough to hover over the guards and land between them, startling them both. Having felt the heft of the weapon and swung it around a bit, he was more than ready to put it to use. Rising from a stoop, he swung the serrated blade and left a nasty gash to the leather cuirass on the guard left to the closed gate, then bludgeoned the other to the side of the head just before his weapon was fully drawn. Several seconds more, and it was over. One was unconscious, the other dying. He signalled to Glacier and Origin that the coast was clear before trying to look at the apparati that were holding the gate closed.

Origin looked over to Glacier once, smiling warily, then went over the side, grasping the top of the roof before falling and letting her legs take the full brunt of the impact. The trademark strength of a nature dragon lay within the legs. Next she analysed what Sanctus also looked at.

"They look like ship helms," she spoke over the wind so that the others within the vicinity could hear. The dying guard caught her eye, causing her to shudder, but for now they needed to find a way to escape. She was learning a little more about the priorities of the hunted. "If we open them and lock them in place, I think we can get out of here!"
Sanctus, ears deafened by the strong winds, stared at Glacier in confusion, understanding that, yes, there were guards down there and, yes, I am me, but he did not quite catch what she was referring to with his wings. When she "assisted" him by opening up his wings, he braced himself with eyes widening, cursing under his breath even if he was helped to stand his ground. Behind the both of them, Origin broke out laughing, every note of which lost in the wind and unable to be heard by the guards below.

His mission clear, Sanctus turned to Glacier and grinned in wily manner before looking down, his Riddick weapon at the ready. The wind was fickle, but when the wind died down in part he unfurled his wings and caught the air just long enough to hover over the guards and land between them, startling them both. Having felt the heft of the weapon and swung it around a bit, he was more than ready to put it to use. Rising from a stoop, he swung the serrated blade and left a nasty gash to the leather cuirass on the guard left to the closed gate, then bludgeoned the other to the side of the head just before his weapon was fully drawn. Several seconds more, and it was over. One was unconscious, the other dying. He signalled to Glacier and Origin that the coast was clear before trying to look at the apparati that were holding the gate closed.

Origin looked over to Glacier once, smiling warily, then went over the side, grasping the top of the roof before falling and letting her legs take the full brunt of the impact. The trademark strength of a nature dragon lay within the legs. Next she analysed what Sanctus also looked at.

"They look like ship helms," she spoke over the wind so that the others within the vicinity could hear. The dying guard caught her eye, causing her to shudder, but for now they needed to find a way to escape. She was learning a little more about the priorities of the hunted. "If we open them and lock them in place, I think we can get out of here!"
The noises below of Sanctus dealing with the guards changed her view about Sanctus, he could‘ve possibly been a guard.
Once the coast was clear Glacier followed Origin to the guards level.

Glacier’s gaze followed Origin’s where her’s and the guards eyes met.
In a cruel way walked over, grabbing the guard by the neck and stood him up. Glacier then pointed to the gate.
”Open it, or you’ll end up like your friends.”

Pushing him towards the closed gate.
((I was occupied for a bit; my apologies.))

When Glacier thrust the wounded venomdragon guardsman over to the gate, Origin drew slightly closer, worried that if was pushed too far he would die on the spot. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and she hoped he would be able to survive this after they left.

Wounded and lurching forward with one hand on the gate's edge and the other on his chest, the guard took a look at the other side where the other wheel was, then at his fellow. With a grunt, he made an attempt to move his side's wheel, but the effort he put in was lessened due to his wound.

"I can't do it meself," he gasped through the pain. "It'll take two, one on the other side, me on this one."

Sanctus took a good, long look at the device on the other end before giving it an attempt. The other side was stubborn too, and it would probably take all four of them -- including Glacier -- to wrest the gate up via the two wheels.

Origin was loath to touch the guard's blood while he wrestled with the wheel, but she struggled alongside him. With three it would be slow to rise, but with four it would be much quicker. Either way, help did not come for the venomdragon, and he was not dumb enough to attempt to escape while they were there with him. That would be even more of a death sentence than his current situation.

Once the gate snapped in place, the venomdragon kicked a bar to latch the gate in place and looked toward Glacier to do the same. With that, the gate was open.
((I was occupied for a bit; my apologies.))

When Glacier thrust the wounded venomdragon guardsman over to the gate, Origin drew slightly closer, worried that if was pushed too far he would die on the spot. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and she hoped he would be able to survive this after they left.

Wounded and lurching forward with one hand on the gate's edge and the other on his chest, the guard took a look at the other side where the other wheel was, then at his fellow. With a grunt, he made an attempt to move his side's wheel, but the effort he put in was lessened due to his wound.

"I can't do it meself," he gasped through the pain. "It'll take two, one on the other side, me on this one."

Sanctus took a good, long look at the device on the other end before giving it an attempt. The other side was stubborn too, and it would probably take all four of them -- including Glacier -- to wrest the gate up via the two wheels.

Origin was loath to touch the guard's blood while he wrestled with the wheel, but she struggled alongside him. With three it would be slow to rise, but with four it would be much quicker. Either way, help did not come for the venomdragon, and he was not dumb enough to attempt to escape while they were there with him. That would be even more of a death sentence than his current situation.

Once the gate snapped in place, the venomdragon kicked a bar to latch the gate in place and looked toward Glacier to do the same. With that, the gate was open.
Glacier assisted the guard in fighting with the mechanism that open the door. She knew she is the one doing the heavy lifting, the guard was slacking in pushing the wheel.

Soon the mechanism snapped in place and the three of them, excluding the guard, took a long look at their freedom. However, Glacier turned to the guard with a look of fury.
”Go on ahead, I’ll catch up.”

With that Glacier approached the wounded guard. Balling her claw into a fist. If they pleaded, she didn’t listen. The guard was hoisted up by the neck, they squirmed within Glacier’s grasp. The rush of about to happen gave her even more adrenaline to do the deed. Hopefully Origin wasn’t watching…

“You call yourself a guard. Couldn’t protect anything now look at you.
I pity you and everyone here. Wait until the real guards get here and shut this place down..”

Her victims feet were hovering above the ground, and with a quick jerk the dragon stopped moving….

If the two watched, Glacier stared at them her fury still in her eyes.
”We cannot have any witnesses,okay? It was necessary to not have them come after us...”

She is the first to leave, and hopefully everyone followed…
Origin felt relief coursing throughout her body as the mechanisms snapped into place, the heavy work over and out of the way. If the others that Skylarke freed would be able to reach the gates in time before the door was closed for good, they too can enjoy a taste of freedom.

Glacier wanted them to go on ahead, and for once Origin had full trust in her, tossing back a "Be careful" before slipping on ahead, looking into the gloom. It was challenging to see in the gloom, and with the wind blowing everything appeared to move, making it almost impossible for them to discern if there was movement of a more menacing kind in the underbrush. Then again, it meant they were more difficult to see too.

Sanctus, on the other hand, seemed understanding of Glacier's true intent, and went on with Origin to prevent the naive dragon from witnessing the spectacle. The guard backed into the gate and could not make more than the smallest of attempts to preserve his life by spitting some poison from his mouth. All of it missed, either due to the wind or due to Glacier's reflexes, and he was hoisted by the neck. He flailed until it snapped, then fell lifeless to the ground.

Origin turned back in time to see Glacier round the edge of the gate, the body hidden behind it, and smiled gladly to her. They were about to be free!

"We should keep going until we see civilisation," Sanctus sighed, relieved that it was over, at least for the moment. "I'm figuring you intent to go north still, so I got a little something for you both. Snatched it right off the guard that is out of his senses. Better us than him."

He shook a small sack like that used for marbles, then tossed it Origin's way. Origin, panicking, snatched too early and could not catch it in time, the purse falling with a jingle of a modicum of coins. She glared at him, realising what he did, to which he shrugged off the negative look like it was nothing.

"Seems like this is the second time you save me," continued Sanctus, "but I'll have to part ways. People need to know the truth, and I can't exactly do that walking into the emperor's court. Stay safe. Keep each other safe. I very much mean it this time."
Origin felt relief coursing throughout her body as the mechanisms snapped into place, the heavy work over and out of the way. If the others that Skylarke freed would be able to reach the gates in time before the door was closed for good, they too can enjoy a taste of freedom.

Glacier wanted them to go on ahead, and for once Origin had full trust in her, tossing back a "Be careful" before slipping on ahead, looking into the gloom. It was challenging to see in the gloom, and with the wind blowing everything appeared to move, making it almost impossible for them to discern if there was movement of a more menacing kind in the underbrush. Then again, it meant they were more difficult to see too.

Sanctus, on the other hand, seemed understanding of Glacier's true intent, and went on with Origin to prevent the naive dragon from witnessing the spectacle. The guard backed into the gate and could not make more than the smallest of attempts to preserve his life by spitting some poison from his mouth. All of it missed, either due to the wind or due to Glacier's reflexes, and he was hoisted by the neck. He flailed until it snapped, then fell lifeless to the ground.

Origin turned back in time to see Glacier round the edge of the gate, the body hidden behind it, and smiled gladly to her. They were about to be free!

"We should keep going until we see civilisation," Sanctus sighed, relieved that it was over, at least for the moment. "I'm figuring you intent to go north still, so I got a little something for you both. Snatched it right off the guard that is out of his senses. Better us than him."

He shook a small sack like that used for marbles, then tossed it Origin's way. Origin, panicking, snatched too early and could not catch it in time, the purse falling with a jingle of a modicum of coins. She glared at him, realising what he did, to which he shrugged off the negative look like it was nothing.

"Seems like this is the second time you save me," continued Sanctus, "but I'll have to part ways. People need to know the truth, and I can't exactly do that walking into the emperor's court. Stay safe. Keep each other safe. I very much mean it this time.
They were walking down a winding path the place they just escaped them far behind. The weather around them seemed to get worse with the winds picking back up shaking the trees and grass.
She caught Sanctus’s shoulder, Glacier for once smiled, this time in respect for Sanctus.
”Hey, Origin sees you as a friend. Whoever is a friend of Origin is a friend of mine. And we've just escaped from a death arena, why don’t we celebrate with the money? I know a place some guards like to frequently visit.”

Hopefully they agreed.

The place in question is a wooden building before hand having many signs pointing to it. Looking like a village house and once they walked closer were the sounds of music and laughter.
Pulling open the door the music was escaping through into the winds.
A large wooden dance floor where dragons were currently dancing on was located on the left side, and there was also a stage where a band is playing cheerful tunes.

Glacier quickly sat down at a table situated on the other side of the building…
Sanctus looked down at the hand grasping his shoulder, then followed it up to its owner. He could not hide a smirk even in the low light cast from the encampment as she offered the possibility of a celebration. He admitted to himself that he could use a drink after two back-to-back near-death experiences.

"I can't pass up such an opportunity, no, if I'll not be troubled by said guards. Lead the way."

Tossing a look at Originmaw for reassurance was a foolish idea. He should have known that she would be overjoyed by the prospect.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Origin did not often frequent taverns in her travels, finding them quite noisy and not as familiar to her as the open ground of a field or beneath a tree, but tonight she welcomed the raucous laughter, song, and the possibility of a roof over her head. Entering she could see vitality spilling from every pore of every person, even if they wanted to just sit there and drink in the atmosphere.

The dancing surprised her chiefest of all. It was a beautiful accompaniment to the song played by instrument and sung along by nearby patrons. It was a cheerful alehouse, and perhaps a bed or three could be found here as well to uplift their spirits before the night was over.

Sanctus entered as if quite well-versed in tavern crawls, following Glacier to an adjacent seat while flirting with the waitress. Origin sat down too, the seat nearly snapping beneath her due to the weight of her rocky carapace, much to her embarrassment as the chair sang its frustrations.

The same waitress that Sanctus flirted with sidled over to the table, making sure to smile and do her best as she offered the latest beers, cordials, and wines on tap as well as the standard fare. Sanctus ordered an ale while Origin ordered a salad and water, unsure of how to properly celebrate survival. Both looked over to Glacier, curious about what she would order.
Sanctus looked down at the hand grasping his shoulder, then followed it up to its owner. He could not hide a smirk even in the low light cast from the encampment as she offered the possibility of a celebration. He admitted to himself that he could use a drink after two back-to-back near-death experiences.

"I can't pass up such an opportunity, no, if I'll not be troubled by said guards. Lead the way."

Tossing a look at Originmaw for reassurance was a foolish idea. He should have known that she would be overjoyed by the prospect.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Origin did not often frequent taverns in her travels, finding them quite noisy and not as familiar to her as the open ground of a field or beneath a tree, but tonight she welcomed the raucous laughter, song, and the possibility of a roof over her head. Entering she could see vitality spilling from every pore of every person, even if they wanted to just sit there and drink in the atmosphere.

The dancing surprised her chiefest of all. It was a beautiful accompaniment to the song played by instrument and sung along by nearby patrons. It was a cheerful alehouse, and perhaps a bed or three could be found here as well to uplift their spirits before the night was over.

Sanctus entered as if quite well-versed in tavern crawls, following Glacier to an adjacent seat while flirting with the waitress. Origin sat down too, the seat nearly snapping beneath her due to the weight of her rocky carapace, much to her embarrassment as the chair sang its frustrations.

The same waitress that Sanctus flirted with sidled over to the table, making sure to smile and do her best as she offered the latest beers, cordials, and wines on tap as well as the standard fare. Sanctus ordered an ale while Origin ordered a salad and water, unsure of how to properly celebrate survival. Both looked over to Glacier, curious about what she would order.
Glacier sat down with the others joining her. The two ordered their drinks rather fast with little pause. For her she had to think about it, no pressure from Sanctus and Origin staring.
“Strongest ale you’ve got.”

She never drank anything with alcohol before being more responsible than the other guards. quickily the waitress left, with that Glacier spoke up.
”Sanctus I’ve been curious about this ever since Origin told me about you. How you first become friends? I recall Origin told me about these festivals you’d skip to go play in that mineshaft. I don’t know anything about these festivals since this was way before I came to OceanSide.”

Glacier shifted in her chair resting an arm on the table. Waiting for Sanctus to answer.
The others at the table seemed a little surprised by Glacier's choice of beverage, but neither spoke a word. The young waitress lifted her eyes with a glint of understanding and said she would be right back, keeping a mental note of their orders. She had been bussing tables since she was an adolescent.

Origin bowed her head sheepishly, embarrassed to touch upon the subject in front of Glacier who had taken an interest in it. Sanctus, however, seemed more than happy to give her a tease or two, his lips parting into a grin.

"Well, that is certainly a fine opening topic," he expressed with a yuk. "We were young at the time -- she was two years older than me, and Merry one year older still. I was eight when she came to town, brought here by her parents. She hardly knew people, but she found us nice to hang out with. She even played a few pranks."

"I did not!" piped Origin hastily. Her face betrayed her, though. She was red in the face.

"Oh, did too, and they were good, too. She tomatoed the abbey door when we had a beef with the priest there, Elbert. Scared him witless. Hee hee hee!"

Origin shoved her face into her hands to hide the blush.

"But how we met was earlier yet. We did not have many people to play with our age, but Origin talked with us first and followed us around. We considered her our younger sis. She had that nature dragon pendant around her neck and wore it proudly. I remember her trying to sell plants and build her house next to the sea. We helped a little, Merry and me."

Sanctus' face fell, the memory of Merrimac's death still fresh, but Origin was swimming in memories and did not notice, heaving a wistful sigh.

"I forget, Origin: why did you leave us?"

That snapped her out of her trance, her eyes downcast. She looked up twice, glancing at both Glacier and Sanctus, but her eyes returned to the table.

"The reasons -- plural -- are embarrassing to say in a group of different friends. The main reason is that my parents did not approve much of my actions and told me to follow my goals as a nature dragon."

"I see," huffed Sanctus, frowning.

"It was not intentional. It's that it was hard to do both, to be a dutiful daughter and a good friend. When I finally felt able to talk to you, you and Merry already left. I stayed here, waiting for you to come back. You never did until . . ."

"New topic," proposed Sanctus with a cough, eager to leave that conversation behind. "You mentioned the festivals, Glacier. Our little town had the Harvest Festival, Spring Festival, and the Merry Festival, all of which we shared with neighboring villages. When things got rough for travelling, we did our festivals locally. Did you do any of those festivals where you were from?"
The others at the table seemed a little surprised by Glacier's choice of beverage, but neither spoke a word. The young waitress lifted her eyes with a glint of understanding and said she would be right back, keeping a mental note of their orders. She had been bussing tables since she was an adolescent.

Origin bowed her head sheepishly, embarrassed to touch upon the subject in front of Glacier who had taken an interest in it. Sanctus, however, seemed more than happy to give her a tease or two, his lips parting into a grin.

"Well, that is certainly a fine opening topic," he expressed with a yuk. "We were young at the time -- she was two years older than me, and Merry one year older still. I was eight when she came to town, brought here by her parents. She hardly knew people, but she found us nice to hang out with. She even played a few pranks."

"I did not!" piped Origin hastily. Her face betrayed her, though. She was red in the face.

"Oh, did too, and they were good, too. She tomatoed the abbey door when we had a beef with the priest there, Elbert. Scared him witless. Hee hee hee!"

Origin shoved her face into her hands to hide the blush.

"But how we met was earlier yet. We did not have many people to play with our age, but Origin talked with us first and followed us around. We considered her our younger sis. She had that nature dragon pendant around her neck and wore it proudly. I remember her trying to sell plants and build her house next to the sea. We helped a little, Merry and me."

Sanctus' face fell, the memory of Merrimac's death still fresh, but Origin was swimming in memories and did not notice, heaving a wistful sigh.

"I forget, Origin: why did you leave us?"

That snapped her out of her trance, her eyes downcast. She looked up twice, glancing at both Glacier and Sanctus, but her eyes returned to the table.

"The reasons -- plural -- are embarrassing to say in a group of different friends. The main reason is that my parents did not approve much of my actions and told me to follow my goals as a nature dragon."

"I see," huffed Sanctus, frowning.

"It was not intentional. It's that it was hard to do both, to be a dutiful daughter and a good friend. When I finally felt able to talk to you, you and Merry already left. I stayed here, waiting for you to come back. You never did until . . ."

"New topic," proposed Sanctus with a cough, eager to leave that conversation behind. "You mentioned the festivals, Glacier. Our little town had the Harvest Festival, Spring Festival, and the Merry Festival, all of which we shared with neighboring villages. When things got rough for travelling, we did our festivals locally. Did you do any of those festivals where you were from?"
Glacier was wide eyed at the thought of Origin pulling pranks. A timid nature dragon such as Origin, not in a million years did she think Origin would pull pranks. She gave a small grin to Origin, elbowing her shoulder playfully.

As the topic took a sour turn Sanctus asked her what festivals she had. None, is what she wanted to say. She was young, the memory of the festival’s were fuzzy.

”We had a Merry festival. That’s the only one from my memory. Watch the stars, play in the freshly fallen snow, give gifts…”

She realized something, all those years of being a guard she missed so much of the holiday.

“And I’m not here to brag but, if ’you know who’ came around during that time of year, everyone in the village was visited by him during the night.”

Glacier pushed down the sadness welling inside her for all the holidays she missed being a guard. Don’t show any weakness…
Feeling the elbow jab as a forceful sensation through a layer of rock gave Origin a start at first, but when she looked up she smiled back, still embarrassed but less so. She was grateful for Glacier's company and acceptance.

The two listened to Glacier curiously, Origin with a hint of sorrow. It was sad that she did not experience much of the holidays. They broke up the monotony of life with splendid ideas and beauty and company. Origin felt an impulse to bring her hand over Glacier's and acted on it, giving the hand a squeeze.

"We will need to celebrate sometime. A meal, stars, gifts, snow -- the whole thing. Once everything gets rebuilt, hopefully the village can do the same and the other festivals . . . with the other villages as well. Then the world would at least seem better, our spirits refreshed with that knowledge."

Sanctus stared at the two before finding that the food and drink was served, with a little extra something from the waitress: a loaf of bread with butter and a breadknife. Ah, he thought. For the alcohol. Regardless, he flashed a debonair smirk which sent her giggling back to other tables. Sanctus always considered himself a charmer when he felt like it.

Origin dug into her salad, trying to hide the fact that she was famished, and she finished before Sanctus and maybe even Glacier could drain their flagons. Feeling some small satisfaction from the meal, she set the plate on the edge of the table, desirous for more and helping herself to bread. Nature dragons had to eat a fair amount of vegetables and grains to keep their strength up. The waitress replenished their food and drink commonly after that.

-- xx -- xx --

Should nothing happen, an hour would pass before the three are sated from conversation and refreshments and were ready to retire. Origin was visibly exhausted, Sanctus being less so, but rather drunk. One bed was left for the night in the common room upstairs, and Sanctus, paying for the bed, let the two fight for the bed before venturing outside, telling them all of this.

Origin, being embarrassed and shocked by Sanctus, offered the whole bed to Glacier in a blurt. She stated that she was familiar with sleeping outdoors even if, besides the one pillow, there was enough room for two. Besides that, there was the inherent worry that everyone else in the room, fifteen other beds in fact, might raise an eyebrow about seeing them like such.

"Please, go ahead," she continued, smiling hastily as she looked toward the door and was about to head off.
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Feeling the elbow jab as a forceful sensation through a layer of rock gave Origin a start at first, but when she looked up she smiled back, still embarrassed but less so. She was grateful for Glacier's company and acceptance.

The two listened to Glacier curiously, Origin with a hint of sorrow. It was sad that she did not experience much of the holidays. They broke up the monotony of life with splendid ideas and beauty and company. Origin felt an impulse to bring her hand over Glacier's and acted on it, giving the hand a squeeze.

"We will need to celebrate sometime. A meal, stars, gifts, snow -- the whole thing. Once everything gets rebuilt, hopefully the village can do the same and the other festivals . . . with the other villages as well. Then the world would at least seem better, our spirits refreshed with that knowledge."

Sanctus stared at the two before finding that the food and drink was served, with a little extra something from the waitress: a loaf of bread with butter and a breadknife. Ah, he thought. For the alcohol. Regardless, he flashed a debonair smirk which sent her giggling back to other tables. Sanctus always considered himself a charmer when he felt like it.

Origin dug into her salad, trying to hide the fact that she was famished, and she finished before Sanctus and maybe even Glacier could drain their flagons. Feeling some small satisfaction from the meal, she set the plate on the edge of the table, desirous for more and helping herself to bread. Nature dragons had to eat a fair amount of vegetables and grains to keep their strength up. The waitress replenished their food and drink commonly after that.

-- xx -- xx --

Should nothing happen, an hour would pass before the three are sated from conversation and refreshments and were ready to retire. Origin was visibly exhausted, Sanctus being less so, but rather drunk. One bed was left for the night in the common room upstairs, and Sanctus, paying for the bed, let the two fight for the bed before venturing outside, telling them all of this.

Origin, being embarrassed and shocked by Sanctus, offered the whole bed to Glacier in a blurt. She stated that she was familiar with sleeping outdoors even if, besides the one pillow, there was enough room for two. Besides that, there was the inherent worry that everyone else in the room, fifteen other beds in fact, might raise an eyebrow about seeing them like such.

"Please, go ahead," she continued, smiling hastily as she looked toward the door and was about to head off.
Glacier felt Origin squeeze her hand, giving a gentle smile aimed at her. Finally after all the talking everyon’s order was placed onto the table, with haste like they’ve haven’t eaten in a long time, Glacier grabbed the mug giving it a long chug.

Her face betrayed her liking of the drink, swallowing it and taking a shorter sip. She helped herself to bread, continued to talk with her…
what were they called? She considered Origin a friend, however what was Sanctus? Sanctus to her, wasn’t someone she’d be friends with. But she enjoyed hanging out with him, even though he destroyed half of a town….

Around them the music swelled gaining an overpowering sensation to all dragons to join in the fun. Violins and fiddles sounded, everyone cheered joining each other in a happy dance. Couples danced together with no care in the world. While those who joined on the dance floor danced everyone clapped their claws to the beat.

Maybe the three of them could join in the fun….
Glacier felt Origin squeeze her hand, giving a gentle smile aimed at her. Finally after all the talking everyon’s order was placed onto the table, with haste like they’ve haven’t eaten in a long time, Glacier grabbed the mug giving it a long chug.

Her face betrayed her liking of the drink, swallowing it and taking a shorter sip. She helped herself to bread, continued to talk with her…
what were they called? She considered Origin a friend, however what was Sanctus? Sanctus to her, wasn’t someone she’d be friends with. But she enjoyed hanging out with him, even though he destroyed half of a town….

Around them the music swelled gaining an overpowering sensation to all dragons to join in the fun. Violins and fiddles sounded, everyone cheered joining each other in a happy dance. Couples danced together with no care in the world. While those who joined on the dance floor danced everyone clapped their claws to the beat.

Maybe the three of them could join in the fun….

With the rise of a new, jaunty music, Origin looked in amazement when she saw many stand in order to dance, their food discarded for merriment. The nature dragon looked between both her friends and the event, and her grogginess from a long walk and precious little sleep was swiftly forgotten. She rose from her table and tugged at her two friends' arms, drawing them up whether or not there was anything in their hands.

Sanctus let out a muffled cry as he nearly dropped his precious ale, but setting it down he decided "Why not?" and let her take him out of his chair. Looking back at Glacier, he smirked and helped by tugging at Origin in turn, doubling the pressure on Glacier's arm if she was reluctant.

"A little dance, or a harmless little clap," Origin brought to voice, smiling widely. "It seems like a couples dance, but we're here to eat and have fun. Let's let off some steam, huh?"

Sanctus let go of her hand and smiled. It seems like someone caught his eye for a dance partner and slipped off to join her. That left the two of them. But what would Glacier decide?
With the rise of a new, jaunty music, Origin looked in amazement when she saw many stand in order to dance, their food discarded for merriment. The nature dragon looked between both her friends and the event, and her grogginess from a long walk and precious little sleep was swiftly forgotten. She rose from her table and tugged at her two friends' arms, drawing them up whether or not there was anything in their hands.

Sanctus let out a muffled cry as he nearly dropped his precious ale, but setting it down he decided "Why not?" and let her take him out of his chair. Looking back at Glacier, he smirked and helped by tugging at Origin in turn, doubling the pressure on Glacier's arm if she was reluctant.

"A little dance, or a harmless little clap," Origin brought to voice, smiling widely. "It seems like a couples dance, but we're here to eat and have fun. Let's let off some steam, huh?"

Sanctus let go of her hand and smiled. It seems like someone caught his eye for a dance partner and slipped off to join her. That left the two of them. But what would Glacier decide?
Glacier looked reluctant to dance not wanting to embarrass herself. The two dragons pulling her up was no contest to her own strength, plus they were gonna pull her arm out of its socket so she gave in.
The three dragons joined everyone else on the dance floor. Rolling her eyes at Sanctus as he abandoned them for someone else.

Music swirled as the couples tapped their clawed feet on the wooden floor. They clapped and twirled their partners knowing what they were doing. Glacier tried to copy them with Origin, only more in a clumsy way. Tripping and even stepping on Origin’s tail on accident, she gently smiled in embarrassment…

If Origin showed her the way to actually dance she slowly got the hang of it. Twirling each other and locking arms as they spun around together like a top until they got dizzy. The two of them laughing,the world melting away around them. As they slowed down their spin the two dragons embraced each othe, and in the spur of the moment Glacier‘s muzzle moved closer to Origin’s, hopefully she did the same because Glacier’s eyes were closed, and felt her lips press against Origin’s in a kiss….
Origin was overjoyed to see that everyone at her table was willing to get up and groove. While it was a shame that Sanctus veered off to do his own thing, leaving them on their own was very much like him. He was a free spirit.

Glacier was willing to join her in the couples dance, to which Origin was happy to oblige. The nature dragon learned a few dances from her parents, and was happy to assist with the series of steps she in turn gleaned from the other dancers. Halfway through, they both were accustomed. Origin was impressed by her companion. In a way, battle was a different form of dance, so learning the steps, so perhaps it was not too difficult for the soldier. Trips and stomps occurred, but what was a few bruised toes and tail between friends? In the end they swayed together over the dance floor, the equal of any dragon here.

Origin could not help but laugh aloud as Glacier took the lead, and they spun and spun. She could not remember the last time she had this much fun, and they were just wobbling their way across the dance floor! They had, on the other hand, an exciting time doing so, and she smiled up at her friend as her eyes tried to adjust, clinging to Glacier as the world whorled around them.

Then, Glacier leaned in, eyes closed, and kissed her.

Surprise lit up in every sector of her brain as the world ground to a halt around Origin. Glacier's lips were indeed pressing against hers, light and sweet and slightly smelling of the ale she had. It was far too early for her to be drunk -- she knew that, having been a healer for most of her life -- and Origin was too shocked to kiss back. However, things started to settle into place and make sense. When Glacier said that she loved her, back at the hill before the rain, was this what she meant? Ah, she had been a fool. Nevertheless, it was entirely sweet and innocent, and Origin realised she enjoyed the sweetness of it.

After Origin pulled back, there was a five-second stare at Glacier, Origin's hand feeling her own lips uncertainly. Then she leaned in with a smile, propped herself on her tippy-toes, and gave a lightest of kisses back. It was just the briefest of moments, but when she retreated she was madly blushing. Was this right? She did not know, but in the now it felt like it was.
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Origin was overjoyed to see that everyone at her table was willing to get up and groove. While it was a shame that Sanctus veered off to do his own thing, leaving them on their own was very much like him. He was a free spirit.

Glacier was willing to join her in the couples dance, to which Origin was happy to oblige. The nature dragon learned a few dances from her parents, and was happy to assist with the series of steps she in turn gleaned from the other dancers. Halfway through, they both were accustomed. Origin was impressed by her companion. In a way, battle was a different form of dance, so learning the steps, so perhaps it was not too difficult for the soldier. Trips and stomps occurred, but what was a few bruised toes and tail between friends? In the end they swayed together over the dance floor, the equal of any dragon here.

Origin could not help but laugh aloud as Glacier took the lead, and they spun and spun. She could not remember the last time she had this much fun, and they were just wobbling their way across the dance floor! They had, on the other hand, an exciting time doing so, and she smiled up at her friend as her eyes tried to adjust, clinging to Glacier as the world whorled around them.

Then, Glacier leaned in, eyes closed, and kissed her.

Surprise lit up in every sector of her brain as the world ground to a halt around Origin. Glacier's lips were indeed pressing against hers, light and sweet and slightly smelling of the ale she had. It was far too early for her to be drunk -- she knew that, having been a healer for most of her life -- and Origin was too shocked to kiss back. However, things started to settle into place and make sense. When Glacier said that she loved her, back at the hill before the rain, was this what she meant? Ah, she had been a fool. Nevertheless, it was entirely sweet and innocent, and Origin realised she enjoyed the sweetness of it.

After Origin pulled back, there was a five-second stare at Glacier, Origin's hand feeling her own lips uncertainly. Then she leaned in with a smile, propped herself on her tippy-toes, and gave a lightest of kisses back. It was just the briefest of moments, but when she retreated she was madly blushing. Was this right? She did not know, but in the now it felt like it was.
After their lips have parted Glacier stared at Origin with a look of worry with a pinch of terror of what she just did. This changed when Origin kissed back, Glacier felt a wave of relief she wondered if now Origin understood what she meant earlier. Like her partner she too had a look of embarrassment from what she did. What Glacier couldn’t believe was that they’ve been friends for a short time but their connection has grown.

Around them everyone cheered as soon as the two pressed lips. Clapping at the two’s happy moment. Glacier could now only wonder what Sanctus was thinking or doing. On the other hand he couldn’t actually care about what just happened, knowing him.
The groups of dragons continued their merry time on the dance floor, Glacier and Origin being happy as ever.

Soon though, everyone has departed including the musician’s and the two dragons were the only two left. The tavern was mostly empty except a few stragglers. Glacier figured they were all tired from both what they went through, and the dancing.
Sanctus, to be frank, was quite surprised when Glacier and Origin were the centre of attention, but he did not quite fully realise what was going on until he started sleuthing and asking around. When he did find out, his expression was unambiguously of merriment. He whispered a few things to his date, the bar maid, over the massive slab of a bar table. She cracked a grin and slid over a Greysteam ale in response. Within the minute they both rose and joined the party, spinning for a new jaunt, and Sanctus made them fully know that he was aware of the two with his wolfish grin.

While over time the dance floor emptied, Origin and Glacier hung about, as if afraid to leave each other's company. The afterglow of the fun-filled evening was strong, but so too were Origin's fears. There was a lot of potential issues. A non-nature dragon and a nature dragon in a relationship such as this was a sensitive topic, and besides that they were both women. She had been raised upon the belief of nature: one male, one female. Such is how life blooms and produces, so this fell away from all she had been taught. What would be thought of this by her parents? What if this felt too unnatural? All she knew was that she felt comfortable and safe in Glacier's company, and that there was a gut feeling of flapping butterflies and a strange warmth to her cheeks thinking about her friend. Was this love? Like, romantic love, or rather was amiticity? Such matches what was described to her long ago, but she never had it before.

As they continued twirls, Origin stole a few smiling and sweet looks at Glacier, but over time the worries sank their teeth into her. Finally she broke away from the dance and embrace.

Embarrassment long since shattered by a feeling of calm acceptance, she looked up into Glacier's eyes and smiled weakly.

"Glacier, all of this -- that is to say, us -- is this what you want?" she asked quietly and timidly. "I am sure you know of common acceptance . . . considering what I am and what we are. I want to know your spoken thoughts before anything else. I fear I may misrepresent what you feel."
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Sanctus, to be frank, was quite surprised when Glacier and Origin were the centre of attention, but he did not quite fully realise what was going on until he started sleuthing and asking around. When he did find out, his expression was unambiguously of merriment. He whispered a few things to his date, the bar maid, over the massive slab of a bar table. She cracked a grin and slid over a Greysteam ale in response. Within the minute they both rose and joined the party, spinning for a new jaunt, and Sanctus made them fully know that he was aware of the two with his wolfish grin.

While over time the dance floor emptied, Origin and Glacier hung about, as if afraid to leave each other's company. The afterglow of the fun-filled evening was strong, but so too were Origin's fears. There was a lot of potential issues. A non-nature dragon and a nature dragon in a relationship such as this was a sensitive topic, and besides that they were both women. She had been raised upon the belief of nature: one male, one female. Such is how life blooms and produces, so this fell away from all she had been taught. What would be thought of this by her parents? What if this felt too unnatural? All she knew was that she felt comfortable and safe in Glacier's company, and that there was a gut feeling of flapping butterflies and a strange warmth to her cheeks thinking about her friend. Was this love? Like, romantic love, or rather was amiticity? Such matches what was described to her long ago, but she never had it before.

As they continued twirls, Origin stole a few smiling and sweet looks at Glacier, but over time the worries sank their teeth into her. Finally she broke away from the dance and embrace.

Embarrassment long since shattered by a feeling of calm acceptance, she looked up into Glacier's eyes and smiled weakly.

"Glacier, all of this -- that is to say, us -- is this what you want?" she asked quietly and timidly. "I am sure you know of common acceptance . . . considering what I am and what we are. I want to know your spoken thoughts before anything else. I fear I may misrepresent what you feel."
Glacier let go of their embrace, knowing what Origin had on her mind.
The two of them, they could never be together She’d be shunned for sure.
”Did I move our relationship too fast? I know your fears with us we’re not meant together or we’d be shunned for sure. Origin, you’re the first friend I ever had outside of the barracks. Everyone else I couldnt get along with.”

Glacier rubbed the back of her neck.
”I mean, your childhood friend Sanctus probably knew way before this.
I cannot understand these feelings, I‘m indecisive on whether I like, like you. You’re a wonderful dragon, I just feel…awful. I just…”

Glacier sighed, before walking off.
“I need sometime for myself..”

She snatched the bag of coins from Sanctus to buy herself a room.
Origin blinked, feeling fears of a different sort and guilt crop up from the grounds of her mind. She did not want to ruin anything, most especially their friendship, but it seemed as if everything had been sliding downhill fast. She hoped to say something for recovery of something, anything.

"I didn't mean . . . that is . . . ugh, come on, mouth, work," she uttered to herself as Glacier walked off. Why was it that at the toughest times words came out in mottled clumps? "It isn't strictly a yes regarding that, but I always had thought of you as . . . ugh, this is tough."

She was alone, and feeling deathly self-conscious if the other stragglers in the room were staring she rushed to sit down and bury her face in shame. What did she, Origin, do? Why did she, Origin, say what she said? Was there any sort of recovery?

Breathing out a tight-chested sigh, she fell forward on the table before her. Her eyes stung horribly, and everything about her was exhausted, mind and body and maybe even soul.

Rest. She needed rest. The euphoria of the night quickly wore out. She considered the possibility of sleeping in room as well, but outside sounded like the better bet.

"Oh, there you are," came a familiar masculine voice. Origin did not look up from her hands. She did not need to to recognise Sanctus over the last few days and nights. "Something the matter?"

"Nothing!" she spat out, forceful and tiredly.

Silence occurred for a few seconds.

"Don't sound like nothin'," came from the other with a sigh. "Let me guess, she came on too strong and fast fer ya?"

Vitalia shrunk further into herself, wincing until she looked like a ball of rock and claws.

"Go away. You're drunk. It doesn't have anything to do with you."

"Drunk, am I?" barked Sanctus angrily before pausing. "Huh, maybe. Maybe I'm drunk. Can ya blame me affer ev'rything? Merry? Friends? Family? New connex? I even lost the bar girl, I drank too much. But that's not why'm here. I wanned ta tell you I'm sleeping outside, bought a room an' thought you'd like it better. Say g'night and wander inta the woods to sleep. Come back with good sleep and a hangover."

Origin looked up, skeptical of his reasoning. He was being pretty nice, all things considered, but he was in an odd mind.

"Glacier went offen bought 'erself a room. I heard 'er at the front. Figured you needed a room by yerself. See you 'n the morning."

He tossed a room key her way before she could say anything and slipped off in tipsy fashion. In the end she was alone, looking down at the strangely shaped three bits on the key. She gripped the stem tightly for minutes thinking about things before venturing upstairs. The tag on the head of the key matched the door: "3."

Glacier will have to either wait till the morning or get creative to speak with Origin before then. Sanctus and Origin intended to meet up with Glacier in the morning.
Origin blinked, feeling fears of a different sort and guilt crop up from the grounds of her mind. She did not want to ruin anything, most especially their friendship, but it seemed as if everything had been sliding downhill fast. She hoped to say something for recovery of something, anything.

"I didn't mean . . . that is . . . ugh, come on, mouth, work," she uttered to herself as Glacier walked off. Why was it that at the toughest times words came out in mottled clumps? "It isn't strictly a yes regarding that, but I always had thought of you as . . . ugh, this is tough."

She was alone, and feeling deathly self-conscious if the other stragglers in the room were staring she rushed to sit down and bury her face in shame. What did she, Origin, do? Why did she, Origin, say what she said? Was there any sort of recovery?

Breathing out a tight-chested sigh, she fell forward on the table before her. Her eyes stung horribly, and everything about her was exhausted, mind and body and maybe even soul.

Rest. She needed rest. The euphoria of the night quickly wore out. She considered the possibility of sleeping in room as well, but outside sounded like the better bet.

"Oh, there you are," came a familiar masculine voice. Origin did not look up from her hands. She did not need to to recognise Sanctus over the last few days and nights. "Something the matter?"

"Nothing!" she spat out, forceful and tiredly.

Silence occurred for a few seconds.

"Don't sound like nothin'," came from the other with a sigh. "Let me guess, she came on too strong and fast fer ya?"

Vitalia shrunk further into herself, wincing until she looked like a ball of rock and claws.

"Go away. You're drunk. It doesn't have anything to do with you."

"Drunk, am I?" barked Sanctus angrily before pausing. "Huh, maybe. Maybe I'm drunk. Can ya blame me affer ev'rything? Merry? Friends? Family? New connex? I even lost the bar girl, I drank too much. But that's not why'm here. I wanned ta tell you I'm sleeping outside, bought a room an' thought you'd like it better. Say g'night and wander inta the woods to sleep. Come back with good sleep and a hangover."

Origin looked up, skeptical of his reasoning. He was being pretty nice, all things considered, but he was in an odd mind.

"Glacier went offen bought 'erself a room. I heard 'er at the front. Figured you needed a room by yerself. See you 'n the morning."

He tossed a room key her way before she could say anything and slipped off in tipsy fashion. In the end she was alone, looking down at the strangely shaped three bits on the key. She gripped the stem tightly for minutes thinking about things before venturing upstairs. The tag on the head of the key matched the door: "3."

Glacier will have to either wait till the morning or get creative to speak with Origin before then. Sanctus and Origin intended to meet up with Glacier in the morning.
The wooden door creaked open Glacier peeking into her temporary room. Her shadow shone from the lit hallway stretching thin as she walked further inside, closing the door behind her. Below her the bed creaked supporting her weight her wings fanned out on either side and covered herself.
The ceiling stared back her in the dark blinking, she wanted to sleep. The days before now were exhausting. Why did she drag Origin into this? It would haunt her if she died as for Sanctus she didn’t know, her opinion of him kept changing. The only idea within were to sneak out, which was what she’s considering. First though, she needed to rest…

Shimmering light brightened the once dark room its dimmness told Glacier it was dawn. With haste she packed up her belonging, or what was left of them. Her personal ones were gone.
Opening the door she slipped down the hallway with the pitter patter of claws. Taking a quick stop to grab a small snack, she exited the inn.
The fresh air is a welcoming smell from where they’ve been. Glacier taking a deep breath headed down the path to the capital. It wasn’t far now from their travels just a few more miles…
The night and the following morning brought only unrest to Sanctus as he fumbled about in uncomfortable sleep near the roadside. The bush he decided to settle near was rough and prickly, and when the wind picked up it scratched at him, but he was stubborn and refused to move. The bush provided cover from the wind and from prying eyes, and it served its purpose.

When he awoke with chirping overhead, he remained there with a pounding headache and a scowl the birds earned. He did, however, pick up some thirty or so minutes later, the sounds of foot travel, and when he poked his head through the underbrush he espied Glacier and nobody else. He was sure of one set of footsteps, too.

Huh, thought he. Where was Origin? Further listening proved she was nowhere to be found by the earthbound dragon, and his suspicions somehow overtook his internal complaints about his pounding head.

With a furrowed brow, he forced his way around the bush that gave him shelter and picked up his voice, his perhaps overlarge weapon garnered from the arena slaver left behind where he slept. He did not dare take it near the inn.

"Where're you bound, lass?" he spoke over the distance, trying to shorten the distance between them.

His memory was foggy of last night, but he remembered the juicy gossip told to him that Origin and Glacier got a little romantic on the dance floor, and before that what he heard from Glacier on the grave site was hard to forget.

"No goodbyes, is it? And where's Origin at? There'd better be a darn good explanation."

The daylight was like needles to his stinging eyes, and he rubbed at them. The drinks from last night did a number on him, and on top of that he was not a very chipper morning person.
The night and the following morning brought only unrest to Sanctus as he fumbled about in uncomfortable sleep near the roadside. The bush he decided to settle near was rough and prickly, and when the wind picked up it scratched at him, but he was stubborn and refused to move. The bush provided cover from the wind and from prying eyes, and it served its purpose.

When he awoke with chirping overhead, he remained there with a pounding headache and a scowl the birds earned. He did, however, pick up some thirty or so minutes later, the sounds of foot travel, and when he poked his head through the underbrush he espied Glacier and nobody else. He was sure of one set of footsteps, too.

Huh, thought he. Where was Origin? Further listening proved she was nowhere to be found by the earthbound dragon, and his suspicions somehow overtook his internal complaints about his pounding head.

With a furrowed brow, he forced his way around the bush that gave him shelter and picked up his voice, his perhaps overlarge weapon garnered from the arena slaver left behind where he slept. He did not dare take it near the inn.

"Where're you bound, lass?" he spoke over the distance, trying to shorten the distance between them.

His memory was foggy of last night, but he remembered the juicy gossip told to him that Origin and Glacier got a little romantic on the dance floor, and before that what he heard from Glacier on the grave site was hard to forget.

"No goodbyes, is it? And where's Origin at? There'd better be a darn good explanation."

The daylight was like needles to his stinging eyes, and he rubbed at them. The drinks from last night did a number on him, and on top of that he was not a very chipper morning person.
Glacier halted her steps when Sanctus stood infront of her. Sanctus standing in her path was just a mere obstacle, she sighed.
”Sanctus, get out of my way..”

She stated, “this is for the best, I don’t want Origin to go any further. You’re still drunk anyways you’ll forget I was even here.”

After that the female dragon pushed forward impacting shoulder to shoulder.

If he still became a nuisance Glacier gave a sour expression.
“Please don’t make me fight you. I’m going to the capital without Origin. It’s too dangerous, it’s my fault we’re even here..”

Sanctus scratched his chin disapprovingly and scoffed as Glacier called him drunk still. When she bumped shoulders with him, though, that really made him irate. While he understood leaving Originmaw behind, he had to wonder: does Origin even know of this? Probably not if she wanted Sanctus to get out of her way.

"Runnin' away without breathing a word to her. Is that whatcha want to leave this note on, or whatever t' pithy phrase is? After all that from last night and before? C'mon. You're not me. I'm me, so quit playing the fool!"

He swiftly swung a slap toward Glacier's cheek at "fool" if she was facing him. It was probably easily defendable -- there was only enough energy to sting her face even with her protective scales -- but he wanted to give her a wake-up call even if it led to a fight.

"Rise and shine, Glacier! Go back there and tell it to her straight. You care for her, don'tcha?"
Sanctus scratched his chin disapprovingly and scoffed as Glacier called him drunk still. When she bumped shoulders with him, though, that really made him irate. While he understood leaving Originmaw behind, he had to wonder: does Origin even know of this? Probably not if she wanted Sanctus to get out of her way.

"Runnin' away without breathing a word to her. Is that whatcha want to leave this note on, or whatever t' pithy phrase is? After all that from last night and before? C'mon. You're not me. I'm me, so quit playing the fool!"

He swiftly swung a slap toward Glacier's cheek at "fool" if she was facing him. It was probably easily defendable -- there was only enough energy to sting her face even with her protective scales -- but he wanted to give her a wake-up call even if it led to a fight.

"Rise and shine, Glacier! Go back there and tell it to her straight. You care for her, don'tcha?"
“I can’t! I don’t want to cause her anymore pain.“

Her cheek stung from Sanctus’s attack. Her mood was shifting to more anger filled. Her brow tightened, with her fists being squeezed tightly.
”You know what happens to Nature Dragons around here, right? They’re not welcome inside the capita, meaning she could be dragged off somewhere and be locked up! Not to mention what we went through last night in the arena, they wanted to use her for their schemes!”

If Sanctus attacked her again she stood like a stone wall. With each attack provoked her more.
Sanctus, having gotten away with a free hit, was not feeling too desirous at the moment to continue with physical blows, but such is not to say that a few more verbal blows were not in order. While Glacier took the slap like a champ, she was still unmoved from her argument.

"Should ya both go, you're there to protect her, ain'tcha? Heck, if she learns you set off on this fool errand alone, you know where she'll go? Straight into harm's way, followin' you, so don't give me lip sayin' all this about protecting her when ye got her this involved already!"

He shook his head in frustration, throwing a clenched fist harmlessly at his side. Stealing a glance back to the inn, he found some nosy people peeking out. The inn was not too far away, so others could hear the altercation, but he did not care. They were not Origin, at least to his knowledge. If it were Origin, that would be embarrassing.

Unbenownst to him, however, Origin was quick to come after he veered his head back to Glacier, having woken up a little earlier and gotten herself prepared.

"Keep this 'selflessness' up, you idiot," Sanctus coldly continued, "and you'll be throwing her and your lives away. Yer running the wrong way. Perhaps you didn't see the writing on the wall. Some secrets others'll claw out your throat to keep secret. Settlements, governments, religions, powers in general--they all're just as able. Yer dear captain who gave me this charmin' gash is only one piece of the workin' machine. More will come. So what'll it be, Ice Queen? Still gonna charge ahead knowing what awaits you and those who'll follow you?"

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