The Mythical Land [Inactive]

Maya sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, shifting her weight to one side and blowing her messy hair off of her face. She decided to ignore the sour one for now and looked instead to the bird-like one for answers. "What's going on? It's obviously something with all the racket you lot've been making." Her eyebrows knitted together in a cross manner that may have seemed a bit threatening with her just-out-of-bed look.
Kyant ran fast but kept low. Jumping in and out of the buildings as he made his way closer to cloud that was making its way over the city. 'What a day.' Kyant thought to himself as a loud crash of thunder rolled across the sky followed by a flash of lighting that made night turn to day. The wolf remained still in a small house for a moment while he let the light pass over. 'I must be getting close.' Kyant thought to himself as he looked out a window at the almost pitch black sky. 'Eseld. You can hear me. I imprinted on you. I am your guardian. This is a perk of that gift. We can speak on a plain that most other creatures wouldn't understand.' Kyant said to Eseld as he kept his eyes fixed on the cloud. 'If you know how to fight. Now would be the time to show it. That cloud. It's not friendly. Baykuya thinks it's a vampire lord of some sorts. Only thing we know is that he wants the village. Be ready when we come back.' After a few moments of speaking to Eseld hoping she was able to read her new found ability Kyant made his way out of the house to get a close look at the now massive cloud that was just about to the edge of town.
Chickadee looked at the other person and only shrugged. She hugged her knees to her chest. Her eyes were becoming a little dark umderneath from not sleeping. But, the girl stayed awake, still watching the children. She gripped the whistle in her hand tightly, which was shaking.
That doesn't make any sense... How did you do that? Eseld would respond mentally, looking around at her surroundings as if expecting Kyant to be behind her, but he wasn't. I have no weapon or any skills of fighting. I'll just wait here I guess. Don't kill yourself. She would finish mentally.
Maya sighed and grabbed a chair from a table near her, placing it down in front of her with the back forward and plopping herself in front of it. She rested her elbows on the back of the chair in front of her, putting the tip of the hilt of her sword down on the floor and staring at the bird. "Who's the wolf-guy? I'm pretty sure I saw him do some kind of transformation magic." She bit back any further questions in place of gnawing on her cheek. I'm hungry, damn it. Maya ran her tongue across the inside of her teeth, leaning the chair back onto two legs as she waited for a reply.
After what seemed like forever of watching the cloud Kyant had decided it was time to make his way back to the inn. And his stomach would agree having been rumbling a good part of the last 15 minutes. 'We have to stop this.' The wolf thought to himself as he made his way across the street towards the inn door. Turning back into human form Kyant walked in through the door. Looking over noticing that the woman across from him had finally woke up. Shawdo made his way over to the bar once again. This time pouring himself a cup of tea out of the water he had left on the stove previously. "If you want to know what's going on. Come over here and sit down." Kyant sighed as he sat down and sipped his tea. "We need to come up with a plan of attack or else we need to leave tonight. Either way. We can't stay here much longer." The young wolf sat looking almost confused as he took another drink of his tea, muttering a few words to himself under his breath, before setting it down again on the table.
Chickadee just shrugged again. The littlest girl woke up and began whimpering. Chickadee picked her up and set her on her lap. "Shhh, it's okay," she whispered and held the child close to her to calm her down. The small girl clung to Chickadee tightly and closed her eyes.
"I want to know." Eseld announced, getting up and hurrying over to Kyant and sitting down at the table, waiting expectantly for her answer.
Maya sighed again, this one heavier and longer than the last. She got up off the chair and carried it over to where the wolf-man was sitting, setting it down in a similar fashion to before, but did not immediately sit down. She headed over to the counter and grabbed an empty metal tankard, then headed back over to her chair and sat down across from him, her green eyes studying his face as she rested her chin on the back of the chair and set the tankard down on the table. It was a pain, but eating now would be too loud for her to hear his answer. "I assume there's something bad out there, huh? I thought I sensed a nasty presence." Maya frowned, her eyebrows once again knitting in a serious manner.
Sipping his tea once again Kyant set down his cup and look over at the two girls that had sat across from him at the table. "Baykuya had mentioned something about it being a vampire. I can smell vampires. I smelt him the moment he came to town. This is different. This is a new smell that i haven't came across before." Kyant took another drink from his cup setting it down with a clink scanning the room once again thinking of what to do. "Whom of you know hows to fight?"
Chickadee continued to try and comfort the little girl in her arms. The girl was scared and confused. How did she get here, and who was this lady holding her? At least the lady seemed nice, but that failed to answer her questions. Chickadee began singing a sweet lullaby to calm the crying girl. It was a well-known song where she came from. The little girl stopped crying and listened to the lady's pretty singing. It kept her mind off things.
Maya let out a wide grin at his words. "Interesting." She paused, looking down. "I'll fight, sure. But first, food, and real clothes." She leaned forward to grab the tankard from the table, biting off a large chunk from the rim and crunching on it as she stood up and headed back to her room. She returned a few moments later in a loose shirt and pants as well as high boots. Bits of armor covered her here and there, though certainly not enough for any kind of real protection. Her hair was tied back carelessly in a ponytail, as she hadn't had time to fully get ready. She stood in front of the wolf-boy again, stuffing the last of the tankard into her mouth and swallowing. "So, you got a name? It might be the last one I ever hear. Mine's Maya." She smiled again, bits of metal still stuck in her teeth as she licked at them and stared at him with gleaming eyes.
Eseld propped up her head with a hand, her elbow on the table. "What am I supposed to do if you're all off fighting?" She asked. (So

After sitting for a moment in deep thought."Kyant Shawdo." was the only thing he could think of to say as he was trying to figure out the creature that calls her self Maya. Kyant stood up looked at Eseld "We will not be fighting." He said softly. "We will be leaving shortly. Tonight we rest. The cloud will take a day or two to reach us all the way. We have time to make up a plan." The wolf stood gave a stretch and made his way over to the bar for one last cup of tea. "This town is done for. We need help if we are to defeat this evil. We need my father." Kyant gulped the last of the tea and flinched a little as it had cooled sense he made it. "Tonight we sleep." Looking over at the inn keeper and motioning at the board full of keys behind his desk. "Get some sleep tonight. We will need it for tomorrow." Kyant stretched out into a wolf picking up Eseld in his mouth and putting her on his back. Making his way across the bar Kyant found a bed next to the fire place and stretching out and getting comfortable he placed Eseld on his back allowing her to sink into his fur to get comfortable. 'Tomorrow it starts.' Thought Kyant as he drifted off into sleep. 'Tomorrow it happens..."
"I can walk 'ya know." Eseld said as she was picked up again, though she hung on to avoid falling off anyway. Once in the room she would gaze around before nestling into the wolf's fur and eventually drift to sleep.
Kyant wait and felt as the girl got comfortable on his back. 'This one is interesting.' He thought to himself half asleep. 'Why do I feel the need to look after her?' These thoughts continued to drift threw the wolfs mind as he drifted off into sleep.
Eseld drifted into a silent slumber against the wolf's soft fur. (it's hard to roleplay sleep...)
"Damn, you really don't get it, that cloud is a collection of materials taking a shape that is easier for the alchemist to control" Byakuya said finally confirming what the cloud could be. He wanted to just leave the town but now he had to help them or he was going to regret what happened if he didn't, "Anyway, this cloud was or rather is a guy called Rudolf Eustach, he was just a magic knight but I heard not to long ago that he was getting stronger and that he was probably planning to come after me" Byakuya felt like he had to tell them the rest of the story so he did, "Rudolf wanted my head so I lead him away from the dragon stream underneath Itogami but it looks like that didn't even stop him from absorbing some of its energy"

"I have a few more familiars I could use on him but I need blood, and someone who can use a computer really really well" He said with confidence, Byakuya had a plan and he was sure to make it work.
Kyant awoke with the sound of Byakuya talking. 'Who is talking to?' Kyant though as he raised his head blinking the sleep from his eyes. 'Better take a look at things.' The wolf thought again after figuring he was awake anyways. Careful not to awake Eseld the wolf managed to slip himself free of her. Making his way across the bar Kyant once again took the form of a human to get a better look out the window. "The cloud is real close." He said to himself before turning around to look again at Byakuya who had now found himself content on reading books in the guest room of the inn. Kyant stretching out into the form of a dog, made his way back over to the fire place once again picking up Eseld being careful as not to wake her. After a few back and forths and once the wolf felt satisfied with his spot the massive dog lay his mass down once again. Placing the girl on his back, she then instantly clinging to his fur just like before. It comforted Kyant a little to know that at least someone was awake to keep guard. Even if that someone was a vampire. But the wolf thought nothing of it as he wrapped tighter around the girl, slipping back into his peaceful slumber.
"So my story put you all to sleep huh" he said thinking out load, "I guess that it was a pretty long and boring explanation". Byakuya felt guilty for bringing Rudolf here, "Why did you have to be so stubborn you a**" he said aloud as he sat there looking at the fire, "I guess its only fair I watch over everyone tonight".

"You surprise me, 4th primogenitor, I thought you would have come after me by now" said one of the children with a sort of warped voice. "What have these people done to deserve this? If you want me just say so and I'll meet you somewhere, I'm not going to let you hurt anymore innocent people!" he said to the child speaking for Rudolf, "Oh but these aren't people they are all monsters like your filth, honestly why do you get so worked up about somethingthat doesn't even effect you? I'm only here to retrieve something I need to restore myself back to my former human glory, and after that I'm going to pay a visit to your precious Natsuki and take back Astarte!" Said Rudolf through the childs body, "Don't worry, I want to kill you myself so I will spare your life, but theirs is another story!" he said gesturing to the other children and all of the other supernaturals.

"Damn you, Rudolf, I'll kill you when I next see you, you here me! We will take you down here, and that will be the end of Magic Knight Rudolf Eustach, you got that punk?!" byakuya said that without hesitation, he wasn't going to give into someone he had already beaten.
Chickadee stopped singing as she fell asleep sitting up with the child. Her head rested against one of her shoulders. But, she wasn't allowed to sleep for very long. The little girl started shaking her and crying again. "I'm up!" Chickadee said quickly as she was awoken, jerking her head back uo then yawning. She sighed and resumed comforting the kid.
Ester gave a low murmur as she was picked up, though clung on again, though this hold was weaker because of her unconscious state. she'd likely manage not to fall off however. Once Kyant chose his spot again she nestled into the soft fur and would go still in silent slumber once again. Her body was slightly curled up, her long slender tail wrapping around herself.
Nathan entered his corporeal form and began to walk around his clearing, singing a old forest song with his deep voice of the forest. he petted his raven while he walked and thought of how long the forest had been there..
Maya had been leaning against the far wall of the room with a sulky look on her face ever since she'd heard they wouldn't be fighting as of yet. She fiddled with the hilt of her sword, sliding it in and out of the scabbard to toy with Bobby as he tried to 'sleep'. Finally, just as Maya herself was about to dose off, the sword awoke with a start and jumped out of his scabbard. Stop it, Maya. I'm trying to sleep here! Maya only shoved the sword back into his scabbard. "Yeah, Bobby. Fine, fine." She stifled a yawn with the palm of her hand and left the wall in favor of approaching the one named Kyant Shadwo and the Vampire. Yes, he was definitely a Vampire. With his looks and the talk of needing blood, any Human could tell that much. She gaited over to the sleeping wolf and let out a puff of air through her nostrils. "Oy," She said to the Vampire as she scratched the back of her head. "You have a plan, do ya? You gonna tell us more about it?" She crossed her arms loosely over her chest and stared at him. "And I dunno too much about exactly what kind of blood you need, but I'm pretty sure I can get you close to human. Long as there's metal around." She added the last part while sizing up the room for anything of the sort. There were plenty of tankards, at least, as well as other utensils. Yes, this would do fine.
"Hey, if its alright with you I'd prefer from the vein, it works better when calling for a familiar" he said to the strange girl with the talking sword. Byakuya was still wondering about why everyone just happened to be here at the perfect time for Rudolf to attack "What is going on, This can't just be some kind of coincidence" he said almost mumbling to himself, "I need female blood, but not half bird or huldra, but not just any human girl either, I need someone with a substantial amount of spiritual power...." he says as he weighs his options.

"Damn, if only Yuri were here, I'd be fine" Byakuya was in a corner without Yuri and he knew it but he didn't want anyone else to know.

"Hey that would be great if you could, I'd appreciate it greatly" Byakuya said to the girl with the magic weapon, with a big smile to give her the sense that he wasn't panicked.

"Why did I have to drop down on this chunk of land, and why without any blood bags" Byakuya said still trying to be silent.

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