The Mythical Land [Inactive]

"Wha- where are you going? Are you seriously leaving me behind for a girl?!" Nyakuya yelled as Kyant ran toward the forest. Byakuya was outnumbered and on top of that he couldn't even touch them without them blocking it, "Damn and to top all of this off, I have to take care of these kids because he is worried about a girl that was in the other direction" he said still dodging their attacks. "Come forth, Al-Meissa-Mercury, eat away their barriers existance!" he sent his dragon at the children but only to cancel out their barriers but noticed that after his familiar attacked, something above the kids was severed, "Ah i see, get the cables attached to the kids Al-Meissa-Mercury! he ordered his familiar to attack the threads above the children and the kids just collapsed. "Wow i didn't think that would work."
Eseld continued to sit at the trunk of a tree. Every now and then she would whistle, and a bird of some sort would answer. (I have no idea what to post right now.. ouo')
Chickadee whimpered a little bit as she watched. She wasn't going to act like she wasm't scared, because she was. Chickaded landed as she continued watching and saw the childrem collapse. "Will they be okay?" she asked worriedly. It was sad to see little children laying on the ground like that, even if they were dangerous.
Kyant ran threw the forest faster and faster searching for Eseld only following a faint sent left behind from when she left before. "Eseld!" Kyant yelled out and he continued threw the forest in search of her. 'Find her before they do' Kept running threw the mind of Kyant as he made his way deeper into the forest. 'The birds. That song. She was singing it earlier in town when you first met her.' Kyant thought as he came over a small ridge looking over a small valley that cut through the trees allowing a small amount of light to hit the floor of the forest. 'There she is!' He thought as he spotted her blonde hair making her way along the valley. With out saying a word Kyant ran down scooping up the young girl in his mouth. Tossed her on his back. And began to make his way back towards town. "I'll explain later." Kyant finally said aloud as he jumped over a log that had fallen to the ground. "For now. We have to get back to town."
"Yea they will be fine" he said to Chikadee after recalling his familiar, "I need you to get them to some kind of shelter, I have some unfinished business to deal with!" Byakuya wasn't going to let whoever this guys was get away 'That wasn't Balor's power, nor does he have a familiar that can do that' he thought to himself as he started jumping into the forest "Damn it, where are you, why don't you show yourself already!". He was getting really annoyed but whoever this was he was no push over.

"Why do i always get the short end of the stick in these types of situations? Well what ever it's getting dark and I would be no good right now anyway" he said as he s tarted jumping and running back into town.
"But..." Chickadee started then watched him run off, leaving her on the dark streets with a bunch of unconscious children. "How am I supposed to get them all inside...?" She whispered. She wasn't strong at all, and couldn't be carrying children up stairs then go back down and repeat the process. She was already very tired. So, Chickadee just sat down on the street with the children.
Eseld shrieked as suddenly grabbed from behind, though realizing it was Kyant her question of " Wha--" was cut off and she instead shut up, clinging to the wolf to avoid falling off.
Kyant made his way back to the main street of the town to see Chickadee sitting with a group of kids that seemed to be unconscious. "Jump off and get in the inn. Don't come out tell I say it's ok." Kyant said looking back at Eseld. After she had jumped off he turned took look at the bird woman sitting down the road from them. "Chickadee. Did you see which way the vampire went?" The wolf had started to make his way down the street towards the woman hunched over. "Are you scared? No need. I am a guardian by birth. Which way did the vampire go?" Kyant asked again looking down at Chickadee shaking from fear.
Chickadee shook her head. "No..." she said sodtly then got out a few blankets from her travel-bag. She gentky moved the children into a group so she could cover them all with the blankets and laid down and wrapoed her wings around herself, planning to camp outside with them. She sighed softly. Of all the days to come to the city, it had to be that day.
As Byakuya was half way back into town he felt a strange presence "Oh, so this is the game we are going top play huh?" he said as he prepared to guard from any attacks. "You're finished 4th primogenitor, you are outnumbered 2 to 1 when it comes to fighting myself and all of my unique friends" said a voice that didn't seem to come from anywhere and yet could be heard everywhere, "Why don't you stop hiding so that i can kick your ass and put an end to this!" Byaluya was almost at his limit but he had to do something about this guy before anything he does has an adverse effect on the village.

Byakuya started running back to the village at full speed, "S***, why didn't i see it before, he wants all of us separated so that he can take us out 1 by 1" he had to get back and fast, otherwise Chickadee and the others would be done for.
Eseld quickly dismounted and hesitantly stepped towards the door, and eventually would go inside.
Kyant made his way up and down the streets of the village looking for Byakuya but being careful not stray to far from the others in the group. 'Where is Byukuya and Roux. They need to be here!' Thought the young wolf as he kept looking through the streets of Mythic. A strange cloud formation had begun to developed over the city and the change in energy was heavy on the mind of Kyant. He knew something was coming. He also knew it was strong. 'They need to hurry.' Kyant thought to himself as he made his way over to Chickadee. "Get em inside the inn. Now!" Kyant said with a stern voice standing just above Chickadee. "You don't want to be outside when this happens." Kyant said again as he walked down the road watching as the thick black cloud inched ever closer to the small village.
"Well can you help me pick them up!?" Chickadee asked him, frustrated with everything. She was only 5 feet tall and weighed like 103 pounds. Not to mention her boes were hollow like actual birds's bones were. She wasn't going to be able to get all the children inside fast enough.
Byakuya jumped out of the forest and into the city without a second thought. "Why did he have to get help? I hate when the bad guy does this" he said to himself as he ran through the streets.

Byakuya noticed Kyant walking down the street so he stopped by the werewolf, "Hey do you have any idea what that black fog is I have been running from it but I don't actually know what its doing here" he said trying to get a grasp of the situation. "Well whatever, if that b****** is looking for a fight he's gonna get one!" Said Byakuya as he readied another familiar to be summoned.

"Come forth- Ah damn i'm out of energy" he said as he collapsed from exhaustion, "Its up to you until I get some blood back in me."
Finally after searching every street in the village Kyant found Byakuya. "Not sure. But it is getting close. Help Chickadee get the kids inside. We all need to get inside the inn." Kyant said to the vampire after few moments. 'What ever this is it already claimed two of the new adventures that had come to town on that strange day. What does it want with the rest.' The thought passed threw Kyant's mind as he scooped up two kids and headed into the inn. Turning back into human Kyant walked set the kids down in a room just at the top of the stairs and settled himself in the dark, mildew smelling bar. After setting down a kettle on the stove for tea Shawdo made his way over to a small table in the corner waiting to speak to the vampire. "Sit. Explain. Who and what is this."
Chickadee picked up a little girl that was small enough for her to carry and brought her inside. She took her to the rest of the kids and set her down ghen went back outside and picked up another one, a boy that time. Once the children were insidd she sat with them, watching them closely and silently.
After helping get the last of the kids inside, Byakuya walked over to the table and sat down, "Hell if I know, this guys isn't who I thought it was, this guy's different" Byakuya explained as he thought about all the recent events. "This guy is different from anyone I've fought in the past, especially since he used a power or familiar that I'm not familiar with." Byakuya said still trying to figure out who could be behind this.

"Well what ever it is, I will need blood if I'm to fight it thats for sure" he was going to have to fight whether he liked it or not and to do so he needed blood and quite a bit at that considering his condition.

"Heres the plan I'll go outside and try to reason with it while you wait for my signal, sound good?"
Eseld was inside the public room of the Inn, uncertainly watching the three until they finished hauling random kids -by the looks of it- inside, then she walked over to the boys' table and asked flatly, "What's going on?"
Chickadee curled up on the floor. She just wanted the day to end. But, she didn't go to sleep. How could she? She stayed up, looking around at the children and listening to the others talk. Chickadee kind of felt useless, but tried not to think about it too much.
'We are about to die.' Was the only thing that could go threw the mind of Kyant as he stood up. Looking over at Eseld he simple smiled and said "Nothing." As he made his way over to the window to get a look at the cloud as it approached the town. "You need new blood. Go get it then. Be quick. I'll research this. Vampires can sense others of thier kind. He is to focused on his power to notice me slip in." Kyant turned back and walked upstairs to the room where the kids where sleeping. "Chickadee." Kyant said as he walked in and closed the door behind him. "You need to watch over things around here. You have a good head. Take this." The wolf held out his hand in it was a small whistle that was fashioned on the end of a leather necklace. "If anything happens while we are gone blow the whistle. I will hear it no matter where I am at. You're in charge here." Kyant stood up looking at Chickadee with certainty. Stepping off the last step and turning to look into the bar to look at the vampire, who now made his way over to the assortment of wine that was kept behind the bar. "Lets go. We have to be quick. We need a plan." The wolf said before stretching out into a massive dog once again and jumping out the door and running towards the cloud.
"That isn't a good answer." Eseld would reply stubbornly, though would just sit down in a chair with her long tail sweeping the floor with growing irritation. She had no idea what was going on and she didn't like that.
Maya was enjoying a nice nap at the Inn when sounds from downstairs woke her. She listened for a bit while trying to go back to sleep, then mumbled something from under her breath. She wobbled to her feet and fumbled around under the blankets for a moment before her hand found her sword. Without bothering to put anything on over her naked torso now that she looked male, she kicked open the door to her room and clomped her way towards the stairs with louder footsteps than necessary. "Innkeeper! What's all this ra-" Maya paused as she nearly ran into a giant wolf jumping out the door. She blinked. "Okay, what is going on here?" Her deep voice took a flat, irritated tone as she looked around the room for anyone with an answer.
Chickadee looked up at Kyant when he came inside. She nodded and took the whistle. "Alright...will do..." she said as she studied the whistle. Now she felt better about her part in it all. She didn't exactly want to be sucked into the events, but if she had no choice, she wanted to be able to do things, no matter what it was. Looking after children was good enough for her. Chickadee watched him go then looked back at the sleeping kids.
Eseld would turn her head to look at Maya then answer in the same tone Kyant had used to her, "Nothing, apparently." She only did that because of the growing irritation she had, not at Kyant, but instead at the fact she didn't know what was going on...Just like this new person.

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