The Mythical Land [Inactive]

'I knew it!' Kyant thought as his paws dug further into the ground in anger. "Your filth is now welcome around here!" Kyant exclaimed as he picked up his massive body off the ground and standing guard of the new vampire that had made his way into town. The thought of a vampire crossing Kyant's path unharmed was enough to distract him from the raven that seemed to be trying to get everyone's attention. "Stay close to me." Whispered the Wolf into the ear of Eseld as he wrapped his tail around her pulling her closer. "This could get messy." He sighed again as he took defense against his new foe.
Eseld's thin frame was easily pulled closer though she frowned slightly, beginning to protest, "I don't need protec--" She would be cut off by the laughter and would shrink down against the wolf's fur. The bird was strange indeed.
"Geez, wolfy, you're to uptight. I can obviously see you weren't trying to harm her so i apologize" he said to the wolf as he took down his guard. He was still very confused but he had to find a way out of this place, "Hey so whats all your names, seeing as how i'm not the only strange one here how bout we get with the introductions", Byakuya wanted to find out who he was dealing with and whether or not he had to dish out anymore violence. "So can someone tell me how to get back to Itogami Island"
"All you need to know about me filth..." Kyant began to say as he turned back into his human form. "Is that I could smell you coming from a mile away." He finished as he looked down at Eseld sitting there looking back with confusion. "Don't worry." He said smiling at the girl. "He won't hurt me." Smiling Kyant looked back now at Byakuya. "I am Kyant Shawdo. Son of Gladius Shawdo. King of the Greys!" He yelled from across the street. "I am a werewolf you vampire filth, and you will not leave here with out a fight!" Finishing his demands and feeling pleased with himself Kyant pulled a lemon head from his pocket putting it into his mouth. "And as for you bird!" Kyant said again now turning is focus to the hawk sitting and watching. "I showed the true me, whats the matter? To coward?" Kyant sat for another moment before walking back and sitting against the wall behind Eseld, offering her a lemon head as he watched to see what his opponents next move was going to be.
Chickadee jumped back from the group as everything began happening. Her eyes widened and hugged her bag of packages as she watched them all. Why did she have to deliver things at that town at that time? She should probably leave the scene. Yeah. Chickades began walking away in silence.
"I'm Eseld..." She trailed off, suddenly feeling worthless almost. These three all seemed to be kings or guardians of something, though she, was not. Just a wanderer. She gave the lemon head an uncertain look though slowly took it. "What is this? Food?" She would ask of Kyant, holding the candy in her hand carefully.
Chickadee found the address of one of the people she was supposed to deliver to and knocked on the door. An old man came out and she gave him his package and had him sign something. After she was tipped she left and headed to the next house. She sighed softly and rubbed her face a little bit.
"Damn why is this town so full of strange and fantastic people" he said after listening to everything that was said. "If you're this mighty King of the Greys, how did you not notice the barrier that went up around this town, surely you aren't just talking when it comes to your so called rank" Byakuya looked around trying to pin-point the cause of the barrier, "Damn, hey bird, can you check on your end to see what the cause of this barrier is, because until it goes down no one is leaving"
"Eat it, you'll be surprised!" Kyant said smiling down at Eseld. He stood to his feet again looking again at the bird whom claimed his land. "My tribe has layed claim to this land for 1000 of years. And I am not about to let some hawk with a bad attitude tell me what to do on my own turf." He yelled as he made his way over to the vampire lord tell he was face to face with his enemy. "As for you my friend. You are not welcome here. Not with me. You will receive no help from me and no harm will become to Eseld. Follow these demands and I will let you leave this town with you head attached." Kyant finished as he walked back towards Eseld. "And as for you!" The wolf said as he turned his focus on Chickadee. "Where do you fit in all this, and as for your barrier." Kyant said once more turning to look Byukuya in the eye. "It's a gift from my people. You didn't think I was going to let you out of my site that easy did you?" He said again smiling as he stepped closer to Eseld keeping her in a short distance.
Chickadee delivered the last of the packages and letters and sat down on a bench. She loved delivering things and traveling, but it was a very lonely business. She did 't really have any good friends because she was constantly traveling across the country and even sometimes oversea. Chickadee leaned back on the bench. She glanced at the wolf-guy and glared at him. Stupid egotistical man. She glared at him then yawned a little bit.
Eseld put the candy on her tongue with an uncertain expression, though her eyes would brighten at the taste, it was quite good actually. The huldra would back up closer to a wall then sit down with her back against it without a word. She just watched the scene in front of her after that.
Kyant sat next to Eseld. Watching as she enjoyed her sugary delite. 'Today is interesting to say the least.' He thought to himself as he decided to quite his mouth and find out what was going on a little more politically. 'You are a monk after all.' Kyant finally sighed to himself as he watched this strange day in Mythic play out in front of him.
Chickadee closed her eyes and leaned her head back towards the sun. The warmth from the sun felt nice on her face. She took off her messenger hat and ran a hand through her short hair. Chickadee opened her eyes again and began cleaning her wings again by picking dirt off them.
Kyant had had enough. Standing up he once again became a wolf and made his way to the middle of the confused group. "I feel we all got off on a bad foot here." Kyant said softly. "I only show myself as a wolf in respects of the vampire standing next to me. We are at war I can not control that." The wolf stood for a moment allowing the rest of the group accept what he had said. Kyant looked up muttering words that could not be heard to the rest of the group evaporating the barrier that he had placed around the town. "Vampire you are free to go. Hawk me and you need to talk. And as for you bird woman. You can say a word at any moment here." Kyant said as he mad his way around the street letting everyone know where he stood.

Kyant made his way back over to Eseld. "We need to talk as well." He whispered down to her. "Not here, meet me in the tavern." The wolf now feeling more comfortable with the situation seated himself once again next to Eseld and began to clean his tail while he patiently awaits his answer. 
Only lifting his head to chuckle at Roux for claiming that Native American's specially one that can manifest into a creature form like myself could be anything but spiritual. But shook it off and continued nawing at his now very bushy tail.
Eseld watched silently, until Kyant came to her and she asked quietly, "Me? Now?..." She wasn't sure if he was planning to talk to everyone invidiously and at a certain time, which was why she asked.
"My name is Chickadee, not bird woman, you idiot," she snapped. She was tired and did not like the guy's attitude, so she was becoming frustrated. She stood up and stalked off. Irritation was pretty much radiating from her. Chickadee put her hair into a short ponytail.
"I meant no disrespect!" Kyant yelled out as he fell on his face after hearing Chickadee's response. 'Oh you really know how to make friends don't you wolfy.' Kyant thought to himself as he picked himself up embarrassed of having fell in front of Eseld
Chickadee looked back at the man and rolled her eyes a little bit. She huffed and looked forward again as she walked away. She changed her mind. Most people in this town weren't decent. They were plain weird. One of the men she had delivered to had only underwear and dirty white shirt on. She guessed she shouldn't complain about that guy though. He had tipped her quite nicely.
"Are you ok?" She asked with concern. She glanced after Chickadee then back to Kyant before suggesting, "Maybe she is just tired. Or naturally grumpy."
Chickadee began wondering where she would stay for the night. She didn't want to set off back to the case just then. Her wings needed time to rest. A few days to rest in fact. She sat back down on another bench and began counting how much money she had. Messengers weren't paid that much since "the thrill of traveling" was supposed to be the majority of their pay, and usually that was enough for her, but she still had to eat and sleep somwhere still. The "thrill" couldn't pay for those things.
Kyant still embarrassed looked down at Eseld and nodded. Jumping up and stretching a bit Kyant flicking his very bushy tail disappointed with himself for the horrible cleaning job. "Roux wait." He finally said after a moment of uncertainty. "We need to talk. You know this land more than anyone else. My people have been here for years and I am searching for my father." The wolf now making his way over to Roux seated himself next to him. Choosing to ignore the vampire Kyant looked to Roux awaiting his response.
"Damn why is everyone so hostile toward each other, anyway It is very nice to meet you Chikadee and as for you shaman i need you to find out whats been causing this barrier, without it gone i can't leave and you can't get in with your actual body" he said as he greeted the bird girl and the hawk at the same time. "So Kyant if this was a barrier made by your people why did they seal you in as well?" he asked Kyant trying to figure out what to do about the barrier.

"Hey Chikadee could you do me a favour and fly just above the town and tell me if something suspicious is going on?" he needed to figure out what was going on and fast otherwise he had a feeling they weren't going to survive the next few hours.
"I'm going to walk around. I'll be outside the Inn at sundown." Eseld told Kyant, standing up and brushing herself off. If not stopped Eseld would walk down the street further into Mythic without another word
Chickadee looked at the guy who was talking to her and raised an eyebrow. "Um, who are you?" she asked, wondering why this guy who she didn't even know was talking to her like they knew eachother. Maybe she was being a bit too snippy, but she couldn't help it at that point. At least she wasn't hungry. She was way worse when she was hungry.
"Eseld wait." Kyant stopped her before she got to far down the road. "You have a strange control over me. What is this?" He said finally after catching up the girl. Kyant had wondered this after feeling the strange connection that had drew him to her previously. The wolf sat next to her, never taking his eyes off the vampire, as he patiently awaited her response.

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