The Mythical Land [Inactive]

Eseld was on her knees next to Kyant, basically ignoring the others as she stared at the werewolf's face, waiting for movement. Occasionally she had gripped his shoulder and shook him in attempts to wake him. "Kyant, Wake up, Please." She requested urgently. Her tail swayed across her bare heels nervously.
Lyrica was sitting on a tree above the two people, she smiled and laughed a bit, her hood was covering her eyes but she could still see, the ends of her cloak fell down beside the tree branch as she leaned back while sitting and watching the two people(maya and byakuya , if there isn't any trees near by tell me and I'll edit!)
"Why don't you come out and show yourself instead of hiding in the trees like a wild animal!" Baykuya said out loud, he could feel an odd presence and tried to figure out where it was coming from, "We are all friends here, so why don't you come out and meet the group, or at least most of the group" he said so that the unknown person would come out of hiding, that and he also knew that Kyant wasn't waking up anytime soon.
"...." Lyrica stiffened

'This keeps happening way to often' she laughed a bit to her thought, most found her laugh,well real laugh, creepy but she didn't care

"Ok I'll come down....but no shooting" she said jumping down her electric blue hair falling back to place with her hood barely covering her eyes now and the chain was jingling around her waist.

(I checked and jingling is the word for the sound of chains in present tense I believe)
Maya looked at the new arrival. "'Llo" She said while waving one hand in the air with a single slow, rhythmic motion before dropping it to her side. Maya's body seemed to be slowly shifting back to that of a male. A bit of steam rose from her body, but Maya took no notice. She turned to Byakuya. "So, enemies?" She raised an eyebrow, her foot tapping impatiently on the ground. She had completely forgotten her delirium of mistaking Byakuya for someone else, or so it seemed.
Byakuya looked down at Kyant and Eseld, "We have to keep moving, I can carry him but you need to walk with them" he said to Eseld before he picked up the giant wolf and started walking down the hill "We can't just stay here, you know unless you want the 1st primogenitor to find us and kill us". Byakuya was sure he had to find the dragon stone here and strengthen it's seals but first he had to find it, "So do any of you know where I can find this islands dragon crystal, normally holds some part of the popes body like and arm or a leg?"

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"Where are we going?" Eseld questioned, a nervous waver in her tone. Slowly she stood up as well, eyes still on Kyant as if expecting him to suddenly wake up. Then she would trail after as well, a few feet behind Byakuya yet a little to the side as well. Her tail flicked behind her heels nervously. She hadn't ever had death threats, and the fact she was practically helpless didn't ease her worry.
Maya frowned and followed silently. It seemed he wasn't going to answer her question. Her cheek stuck out a bit in frustration as she clomped her boots through the muddy ground. After a few moments of this, she turned her face again to the one known as Byakuya "Oy, tell us what we're doin' at least!" Her voice was a half-yell, but she seemed more impatient than actually angry. "You keepin' all this to yaself dunnt help us any." Her tone became less proper as she splurted out the words darkly. She had become fed up with this. Who up and died and made him leader? She didn't really have a problem, but if he wasn't going to tell them anything... it was becoming annoying. "Just speak it plainly." She pressed her lips together and reached a hand back behind her head to scratch at her hair.
Titan and lyrica were both hiding from people now, Titan was in a tree near the top and lyrica was sitting at the bottom of the tree looking for some people even though she said before she wouldn't go looking for trouble...

"Anyone down there,lyrica" Titan asked his sister

"Yes" she said bored

"Who?" He asked

"A squirrel " lyrica smiled at her joke and pet the squirrel near the tree.
As they walked back to town, with an almost completely changed back Kyant he looked back to Maya "Ah right I forgot, well the thing I'm looking for is the Dragon crystal so that i can restore the balance to this artificial island, but to do that I need to know where it is located first." he said giving his explanation for his current reason for being on the island, "Oh and also, we should be careful of witches dragons and other vampires with similar powers to mine" he explained giving his best evaluation on the situation. "So who knows where I can find a crystallized piece of the first popes body, usually an arm or a leg but in some cases it can be an organ to" he asked as he continued to walk toward the town.
Maya sighed. The explanation didn't really quell her frustration, in fact only making it worse since she had no idea where to find such a thing. She spoke up anyway, figuring no one else had a good chance of knowing that sort of factoid either. "If it's magic or metal, I can help ya, but otherwise I'm not so sure." She frowned at this. "Ya got any clue 'ta what it'll look like or sumthin?" Her irritation pricking at her, Maya tried pointlessly to clean the mud off of her boots on the grass as they headed back to town. She didn't bother with proper speak at the time.
Eseld followed along silently, not understanding most of what they were saying. Which was another reason she probably shouldn't be around... She'd probably help everyone if she went back into the forest.
Byakuya sighed "It's a source of pure holy magic used to supply energy to the base supporting this islands structure" he wanted to tell her more but he had no clue what else to tell her "As to what it looks like, it should be a crystallized version on what would have been left from the first popes body"

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Maya considered this response. "Hmmm.... well, I can try ta find it, at least." She squinted ahead at the town they were approaching. "Better wait till we arrive, though." She wanted some time to reset her mana before trying to use large amounts of magic again.
"Maybe I should go..." Eseld said all of a sudden. She really didn't want to be in the way or told to fight, or just sit around in a building all alone. She did care about Kyant's health, but she was sure he'd pull through. Eseld's pace slowly came to a halt and she just looked ahead at Maya and Byakuya, waiting for an answer.

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"You can go but Kyant will need someone to look after him while we wait for him to recover" Byakuya said to Eseld as he carried Kyants unconscious body to the inn they were staying at, "I'm sure that he will want to see your face first when he wakes up from this" Byakuya wanted to have Kyant ready and what Better way than to have his love tell him the situation.

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(Lol... And I probably should message him that the rp is still up and going)

Eseld paused, thinking it over. "I suppose..." She sounded uncertain though, but kept following them anyway.

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(( Just so everyone knows, i'm thinking about making a reboot of this roleplay. I'm pretty sure it's inactive.))
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