The Mythical Land [Inactive]

Byakuya looked at Chikadee a little confused "Uhm did you not hear mt introduction? I'm the 4th primogenitor Byakuya Togami" he said trying to get the winged girl to cooperate. "Please if you could just check for any suspicious activity i'd appreciate it quite a bit" Byakuya was baffled by how bad this girls selective hearing was.

Byakuya was looking at Kyant trying to figure out what was wrong with his senses, "Hey you still haven't answered my question Fido" he says to Kyant trying to get a response from him. Byakuya wanted to get out of this town but with the barrier in place he had no way of leaving "Hey shaman can you help out or not? I would like it if i could get some kind of cooperation from anyone of you so that we don't all die horrible painful deaths!"
"You mean when you were a wolf?" Eseld asked simply as she stopped walking to answer the question. If he answered 'yes' she would then continue calmly as if it were simple or very obvious, "I'm a Huldra. Most of us are able to..." She tried to think of a good word to describe what she was explaining. "Tame wild animals without trying. They are still wild of course, though in the presence of a Huldra they act like tamed animals to that Huldra." Her explanation was probably just rambling, though it was true.
"I wasn't around for that. I was doing my job," Chickadee told him. "Even if I was, I still don't know you, and the last time I checked, then only thing wrong with this place is the annoying people who fight in the streets like animals," she said then stood up. "Now, if you excuse me, I am going to go find someplace to sleep," she said and walked away, putting her hat on her head. Usually innkeepers were nice to messengers, knowing how little they got paid.
Kyant looked down at Eseld with a look of confusion. 'Wild animal? How dare her.' He thought as he stuck up his tail and turn away from her as to be mad in a friendly way. He was going to continue the game with Eseld until he heard the vampire speak his name. "Don't ever speak my name again vampire. You know me only as Shawdo. Call me nothing else. And like I said the barrier is a gift of my people. I do with what I please." Kyant spoke finally after sizing up his opponent and then comparing the vampire to the size of the wolfs own stomach.
"Oi, You're a giant wolf, there aren't many of those that are tame anyway." Eseld said, a small smile playing along her facials. Then she would say, "Well I'm off, bye." Then with a wave would continue down the street, unless again interrupted.
"Chickadee!" Kyant yelled out after another moment of deep thought. "I live in an inn here on the main street. We have rooms open and the keep is sure to give you a deal if you tell him I sent you. I maintain his grounds for him in exchange for a room." The wolf now making his way back down the street standing in front of a skinny two story building. White paint was trimmed with brown shutters and a dinky sign hung out front with 'Good Sleep Inn' crudely carved in the wood. "It's not the best. But it's cheap!" Kyant said again holding his head up pleased with having helped instead of made someone mad. 
Kyant made his wave over to Eseld. "Remember tonight. Tavern." Before making his own way back over to the Inn. Turning on last time to remind Chickadee with a quick glance up at the sign before disappearing into the dark behind the door.
Chickadee looked back at Kyant and sighed. "Might as well I suppose," she said and quickled heading into the inn. She didn't feel like getting stuck in the dark and cold if all the other inns were too expensive. She had to sleep outside one time. It had been terrible. Though, that might have just been because it had rained. Probably. But still, she wasn't taking the risk again. Chickadee went to a man and politely asked for a room, taking out her coin purse as she did.
"Mhm." Eseld waved, turning the corner and disappearing from view down another street to peer in windows and such.
"Wow you have to be the first dog I've met that thinks he can just call me vampire so easily, well for your information my name is Byakuya Togami" he says to Kyant just before jumping away to the nearest roof. "Okay now where is the disturbance" Byakuya was determined to find the cause of the barrier, "Man of all the times, now is the time I have to deal with magic users, I hate fighting mages, witches, other vampires and also werwolves. Well what ever i just have to find the source and....." he had spotted the source of the barrier but couldn't believe what he was seeing, it was a group of little boys and girls all holding hands in the center of town, "Seriously, why does it have to be children? I hate dealing with witches, but dealing with witches this young is much more difficult".

"Ah well it can't be helped i guess, Come forth Regulus Aurum!"
Nathaniel swayed gently in the breeze, feeling the air move his leaves gently. Feeling the wind, while listening to the birds singing, was one of Nathaniel's favorite ways to pass the time... it was just so peaceful.. (sorry if to short)
Eseld grew bored of the town's shops and she began to near the outskirts of town where this so-called 'barrier' was. She didn't really believe it however and when she tried to walk through it, she was thrown back with a small shriek of surprise. What in the world? Eseld scrambled back to her feet and began to pace along the wall, suddenly annoyed by this.
Kyant felt the shift in energy change around his source. 'This damn vampire doesn't listen does he.' Kyant dipped his down low becoming somewhat half wolf as he began to chant a mystical language to himself. The barrier had began to disappear. 'If he is going as far as to hurt children he has to be dealt with' The wolf said to himself as he stood up and grab his cloak. Putting out his candle once again he set off out the door and down the narrow stair case to the outside. He stepped out on to the cobble street spotting Nathaniel and smiling as he thought to himself 'Another new comer. I'll let Roux deal with this one.' Before shifting into the wolf and setting off after the vampire.
Once the barrier was gone Eseld would dart out into the outskirts of the forest, enjoying everything about her new surroundings. The huldra would then begin to hum to herself, just walking along in the forest and going a bit deeper to avoid being seen by any town folk.
Byakuya tried to keep his distance from the witch children but they were overwhelming him "Damn it, why are children pushing me back like this?" he didn't want to fight them, but they had this aura like they were being controlled by someone. "Hey kids how bout you tell me where your master is and we can call it a day" He says to the children while still dodging their attacks, "Damn why can't I just get a straight answer from these people? Well if i can figure out who's behind this i can stop him and get out of here".

Byakuya was about to strike back but was interupted by the pressure he felt coming from the other direction "What the hell is this feeling?" he said just before he was hit by one of the children's flame attack. "Damn that burns"
Kyant jumped across the court yard on the back of Byakuya sinking his teeth deep in his neck. Taking with him a small piece of his flesh that hung from his tooth like trophy. "You have the nerve to bring you kind around here. I was going to let you walk away. Lifted the barrier for you. But now you attack children! Prepare to die vampire!" Kyant screamed again before lunging forward for another attack against his vampire foe.
"Will you open your eyes, these kids are under someones control!" he says as he jumps out of the way of Kyants attack, "You will all burn in the endless blaze of midnights reign" said the children in almost a unified voice. "Why does it have to be him and why the hell is he even here" he says as he continues to avoid Kyants attacks. "Hey Fido, you hear that? These kids are under hypnosis by an expert alchemist, they aren't the normal witch children of this town" he says to Kyant while waiting for his wound to regenerate, "We have to find the source of the hypnosis and stop him before these kids start hurting the villagers!". Byakuya was hoping it wasn't who he was thinking but he knew as clear as day that it was "Where are you Balor?! I will find you!"
Chickadee got the key to the room then heard some commotion outside. Curious, she went back outside and blinked when she saw that one guy fight a bunch of creepy children. This city just got stranger and stranger. She stood by the inn door, watching in complete fasination. She began backing up into the inn again.
'I don't know why but this vampire makes sense.' Kyant thought to himself as he stepped back looking around at the situation again. "You have my ear vampire. Don't waste my time." Kyant spoke after coming out of his day dream.
"Wow aren't you ever so humble 'king of the greys'....anyway these kids are being controlled by a man i know from Itogami, his nickname is Balor but he is actually the 2nd pimogentors lacky. He didn't want to have to explain but he had no choice, "This guy is after my powers and my familiars but can't get them because of all the supernatural beings near by" he says as he dodges another attack from the children, 'Damn they just don't give up' he thought. "We have to find him and stop him from using his powers, if he continues like this, your precious town won't be nothing more than ruins" Byaluya had trouble dealing with him before and that was with help but now if he has to fight him solo he wouldn't stand a chance if he had to hold back.

"I say we make this a truce and we go after Balor, if we do that he won't have the means to take us both on and we can take him down without a problem" Byakuya wasn't for working with this particular werewolf but he had no choice it was that or death.
Kyant sniffed around as he notice a shift in the air. 'There is something different around here.' The idea echoed threw his mind a few more times before he noticed what was really going on. "You make a good point vampire! But why should I believe you? You all show up and and all hell breaks loose!" Kyant said again as he turned his focus on the now kids who where chanting out loud. 'The hell is this now. Roux needs to see this. Where the hell is he!' The wolf thought to himself again. "You have my trust for now. But break and it and I will have no problem killing you. I have fought vampires before. You are no different." Kyant spoke again as he waited for the vampires next move. 
'Eseld... She has to be warned...' The voice spoke softly in Kyant's mind.
Chickadee got back inside, hugging her now-empty-bag as she did. She closed the door and watched from a window. She sort of wished she could help. But, what could she do? She was just a messenger. She had never fought anything physically before unless bugs counted, in which it really wasn't a fair fight for them. Chickadee continued watching with wide eyes.
By now Eseld was deep in the forest, humming to herself and occasionally even skipping. Even a few birds had landed on her shoulders or arms and tweeted and chirped as well. Eventually however the huldra would gently shoo the birds away then sit down with her back against a tree's trunk. She probably still had an hour until she was due at the cavern.
"You don't have to worry about your little girlfriend" Byakuya said to Kyant noticing the expression on his face, "She left for the forest in the other direction a little while ago". Byakuya was having a tough time dodging the attacks due to the lack of stamina he had to use to regenerate, "Crap, I hate fighting kids, I hate fighting witches more" he says as he goes to kick one of the children chanting. His kick bounced off a force field like barrier around that kid he was attacking, "What the hell, how am i supposed to help these kids get back to their senses if i can't touch them?!" he said as he jumped away avoiding more of their attacks.
'You have to help her. You're the one that put your print on her. Your her guardian now.' The voice rang out in Kyant's head again. "You can handle this!" The wolf yelled out again before turning around and heading back into town. "Chickadee!" Kyant yelled out as came to a stop out side the small inn. "You need to get down to Byakuya. Help him in any way he needs it." The young wolf then turned and ran into the woods in search of Eseld.
"Oh! U-umm...alright..!" Chickadee said then then got out her dagger and flew outside. She was shaking. Obviously she had never been in that sort of situation. She flew a little bit above the scene and looked at Byakuya, waiting for some kind of directions.

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