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Fantasy The Mythical Castle

Food.. His mind, and body betrayed him the second The Queen had mentioned such.. And then there were the guards who had went to go retrieve his exquisite dinner.. But then, then Xander had heard the two words he never thought he'd hear again.. Not for awhile anyways. "With demons"..

Xander quickly reached for his Ceremonial Mace, but it was no where to be found, he then reached into his back pocked for his Bible, but yet again he had come up empty. Curse the Heavens! He'd thought to himself. The Queen, and her guards had confiscated his weaponry.. Demons.. All around him! All Demons were evil! Yet.. The kind gestures.. He was confused.. He bellowed in frustration.

"My weapons.. And my book! Where are they?!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the room.

Dru made it into the castle after some sneaking and putting people to sleep he managed head in the right way to the library. dur was only faintly awayre of his situation because he was too busy day dreaming about the people he could help if only he could hear or sense someone in need.
Lethel would carry him into his room and lay him on the bed. Shiro would motion for her to cuddle him and she would petting his ears....

"Wake up....You have been assssssleep all thissssss Time"

"Yesssss...asssswell we are Hungry"

"Ugh.....can you two go back to sleep.....Just 5 more Minutes"

Laying down on her bed and placing a pillow over her self trying not to hear the 2 snakes trying to wake her.she laid on bed her back exposed revealing her Masive tattoo,not just that but aswell the Puppets coming from it,there Dark And red Bodies looking down at Natasha as she Face planted herself on the bed and the Pillow over her to mute voices,The 2 would look at each Other Befor Tommy grabing the pillow and Pulling it off her,amidiatly natasha Covers her ears and grones as she dint whant to hear them,Lucy lowerd herself next to natasha and just said "WAKE UP! THE SSSSSSUN ISSSSS UP AND YOU ARE SSSSTILL LAYING IN BED!"Lucy yelld in the deep currupted Voice,natasha just Grone and just said "Five more Minutes...pleas"soft voice escape her lips as Tommy would let go of the Pillow from his jaw and sigh "I will handle thisssss"The Bulky head said,as Lucy heard this,she would sudently dissapear back in to natasha,Tommy would extend himself and Snap his jaw on to the Floor beside the bed and yell out "WAKE UP!"Befor Pulling her Out of bed making her fall and hit the wooden Floor with a *Thud*,Natasha Grone in pain as she Hit the floor,Lucy would come out and Tommy would let go of the floor as Lucy ask "Are You awake now?"Lucy ask Looking at natasha with her head Tilted as she would say "Yes.....Im awake...Pleas go back and let me get up"she said as Her 2 Puppets would Go back and Hide once again inside,Natasha sigh and would stand up and strech Befor Changin in to more Confy Clothe befor Going down stairs and geting something to eat "Let see....today...I bet we can hang around the Local in if we whant...what you two think?"she ask as she heard Voices inside her head of her Puppets.

"Not a bad idea in my opinion"

"asssssslong we get a drink im fine"

"You two still have Problems with the "S" dont you?"

"Problem with that?"

"No Just Pointing it out"
The queen watched as the guards brought him the food informing her she had other things to deal with before the night came to a end. She nodded telling them they may leave and they did. "Your weapons where taken away because we did not know if you are dangerous or not and seeing as how you are reacting it is a good thing we did take them away." she set the tray of food on the ground and slowly walked out of the room shutting it behind her and locking it. "Until you can calm down and not try to kill us it is best if you stay here locked up for your safety and the safety for the people of my kingdom.She looked at him one last time through the little window in the door before walking away.

The queen went into the meeting hall and wrote a letter to Natasha asking how she was doing seeing as how she has not seen her or her puppets lately which was odd seeing as how they were always busy going places she would run into them at least once or twice a week. She whistled for her owl to come in and she handed the letter rolled up to it in its mouth. She touched its head which was her way of telling her owl who to send the letter to and off went the owl to Natasha's house.

@Xander Catastrophe
Shiro would wake up and Lethel would ask him what would he want to do now.. He'd tell her he'd like to go find his momma.... Lethel would pick him up and help him change once done She'd carry him to His Mother...

Wynter sat at the table exhausted from the day. She sat there thinking about how much more exhausting tomorrow would be because she had to deal with three new guest. She was hoping that by tomorrow he would be ok with the whole demon idea seeing as how more then half of the people in this kingdom where demons. She was also hoping to go and visit some other friends of hers. Seeing as how Shiro now had a baby sitter she would be able to leave the castle a lot more now which some what of a releaf for her because she did not have to worry about him trying to follow her and get into some kind of trouble. She also had to find someone to start rebuilding the part of the castle that was destroyed by the idiot who had to blow it up.
She smiled looking down at her boy. "Thank you Lethel I will see you tomorrow." She watched Lethel as she left and then looked back down at Shiro getting up out of her chair. She grabbed Shiro's hand and walked with him to the kitchen. "Shiro it is time for dinner." She asked the chef to make her chicken and some vegetables and the same think for Shiro and she walked of into the dinning hall. She pulled out a chair for Shiro and sat him in it while she sat in the one across from his.

"Ok so....The Inn is out of the List...what about heading to Red plains?"

"I dont whant you geting hurt by Demon Grassssss"

"Yep....Last time you mossssstly got your leg Bitten off becausssse of those things"

"Ok ok....Um....maybe we could head towards Fall Point Tower?"

"Nhaaa Im ok.....Lassssst time we went we got attack by a flaming hawk"

"Dont Forget the hell houndssss...."

"Oh....right....UGH!...Then what?"

"......Give the queen a Vissssit"


As she said that she was sitting down on the table of the Dining area,she saw a Owl fly and land on the window frame holding a Letter "...Can i eat it?" Lucy said as natasha would look at her and say "No You cant....Now pleas give me the letter"she said as the Sharp head would sigh and Grab the letter from the owl seeing it soon Fly away,Lucy would Give natasha the letter as she would Open it and read it "Huh...How did you know this Tommy?"she ask as she was curiu how her puppet Knew to give the queen a Vissit as she was even asking,the head grin and closed its eyes and look Proud as he would say "The magick of a Demonic ssssspirit my son" he said as natasha just look at him with unimprest as she woudl get up and would streach and say "well i Guess we shoold pay a visit then" she said as she did her Puppets would tie her Cloak around her as she would smile as soon they dissapear and set foot out of her Home and make her way to the castle,a soon the walk came to a end and was infront of the gates the Guards would let her pass and would walk up to the 2 large doors,she sigh and would Knock on the door as she would hear the Voices in her head


"Ssssshut up!....dont whant to hear your messsssss up Voice!"

"Look who isssss talking about messsss up Voice hehehe"

The queen heard a knock at the door and got up leaving the room, but before she did she looked at Shiro and pointed. "You better stay put or you going to be in big trouble." She walked out of the room and answered the door and to her surprise Natasha was there she did not expect her to come so soon. she bowed to her and motioned for her to come inside. She looked out of the corner of her eye and saw her owl return threw the window and go to its step where it spent most of its day. "Hello Natasha I did not expect you so soon please come in and have a seat we are just about to have dinner would you like some, we are having chicken."

Shiro would begin to bounce up and down in the chair he was sitting in.. He was resisting the urge to follow his Momma... He'd be bouncing while Saying "Momma...Momma...Momma... Food... Food..."\


"Wynter! Im Glad to see you!....well me and the Puppets were Kinda planing what to do but since we reasive your mesage early wy not pay you a visit! and yes would be splended to have dinner"

she said befor Giving her a small Hug and soon walk in,looking around she would take a Deep breath and sigh with a smile,She has not been here for some time and really was Different a Little but glad to Visit the Queen,as she would Look around she would remove her cloak and Hold it in her hand aswell making sure her eyepatch was well ajusted "well My queen has been Preaty long since we met....But im glad to be here Once again!"she said with a exited tone only to slowli sit down on one of the seats Infront of he table as she would hear the Youngh voice of shiro,she Gigle and would look at Wynter and say "well seems some one is Hungry alredy heheh!" as the Voice in her head said

It has been exacly 2 weeksssss from lassssst meeting ya know?"

"I bet ssssshe is aware of that"

"Do you Minde Tommy? Im trying to talk here"

"No you are not...You are just trying to look like a sssssmart assssss"

@Faith @Arubion Sivart


She Gigle as she saw the Little Kid start Jumping as she would respond "yes i am...Half but not Fully"she said as Tommy would come from her back and lay his head on her shulder befor adding "Im not a Demon at all......"he said as natasha sigh and would look at him befor aying "Pleas show respect....and go back"she said as Tommy would rolle his Blank eyes and dissapear,natasha would clear her Throte and say "Ignore them.....They are just trying to act smart wen they are not"she said towards shiro with a smile as in her head she would hear them say at the same time.

We heard that!"

"We heard that!"

@Arubion Sivart

"Yes Yes! Im friends with Momma....You must Be shiro...D'awwwww you are such a Cutie!"

She said with a Gigle Only Peting his head Playfully as soon she would extend her arms and slowli raise him up and she would lay the little white tail Boy on her lap and would ask him "Im Natasha shiro...You might not had heard of me...Tell me How old are you?"she ask kind way towards shiro with a warm smile,as she would look towards the queen and just Give her this exited look as he wa such a Cutie! and playfull one ontop of all that!

"Thisssss kid is energetic"

"Yep...I bet he can run fassssster than a Horssssse with all that energy

"Yep.....but atleasssssst he seems nice...Not like the Other kid who sssssstarted Pulling my theeth Thinking they were Toyssssss"

"Heheheh! I loved that...Hope that happens again"
He'd bounce on her lap playfully... "I am S-e-v-en" He'd Be Extremely Happy with his Nine Tails Moving Happily He'd stare at her with his Gold and Blue eyes...


"Seven well you are one Cute seven year old Shiro!....Now have you been Nice To Mom?"

she ask as she whanted to know if he was a Trouble maker or one Nice demon Boy just....Those eyes seem they are gona take her soul! Big and The color was just Perfect for the Boy,she smiled at him warmly as she would sofly and Kinde way pet his head and pass her hand on his soft hair....wow The queen did have one cute and playfull son! She Just loved kids especially ones like shiro!

Daaaaam Ssssseven?.....This kid isssss Dam cute"

"Yea makesss me Hungry......"

"Pleasssss ssssstop that...."

"what im Jusssst Joking!"

@Arubion Sivart
Shiro would rest his head on her chest..."I am a Good Boy.... But Momma says I am to Clingy.... Now I got a Babysitter...." He'd rub his head on her chest and his tails would be moving Happily. He'd start to make a purring sound..

Natasha smiled as she would slowli Pass her hand on his head as he laid it on her chest,she smield and would hear him...well she was right about that he is Kinda Clingy o that is that,she would leave a warm smile and say in a Happy Tone "well she is right about that heheh you are a Bit to Clingy but nothing bad so that is good...and having a Babysitter is not bad...its actually fun! You get to meet some one new and aswell have fun!...so keep that smile"he said Peting his head Caring way as she was having fun with shiro! he was such a Nice boy! well what she knew of him that is but Overall he is one Nice Little demon.

@Arubion Sivart
Wynter walked in behind her and found her way to the kitchen to tell the chef to prepare one more plate as we have guest. She walked back into the dinning hall and found her seat. "You may sit anywhere you like Natasha and as you already know, but just a reminder if Shiro is bugging you just tell him to stop he gets a little to excited. She took a drink from the sterling silver cups on the table which where filled with some kind of punch.

@Yonsisac @Arubion Sivart
"well he dint Bug me at all....He is a little Fallen angel Wynter...and i kinda Notice that he dose get exited yes heheh..."she said looking down at him as she sofly Pass her hand on his hair as he slep,she would look at the queen as she did next and would say "so Tell me how have you been Passing days?....You seem preaty Tired hehehe"she said with a slight chuckle asns eh hold shiro and Look At the Princes,Honestly shiro was a Fallen angel...adorrable and Kind energetic little demon,she just Imagenhow Wynter would be having him....he had her hair aswell,just like her Mother white.she Pass her hand like later On shiro hair as he slep caring way...just so he could have a nice rest

@Faith Eliza Cord @Arubion Sivart

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