[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Dallas said:
*I lowered my pistol, and looked around the cabin. It was old and dusty, it looked as though the weather had taken its toll on the house. "Something's not right..." I held my pistol up again, something was definitely wrong. Especially those pictures, the one with Bill Clinton specifically. "Come out and fight me, you son of a bitch..." I whispered.*
Dallas I don't think any one is here besides that man.
MrDubWubs said:
Dallas I don't think any one is here besides that man.
*I exhaled...maybe she's right. I must be going crazy or something... "Maybe you're right. I just...had this feeling. It must be my age catching up to me. First I start hearing things, then seeing things." I holstered my pistol, but I still have that feeling. The feeling that someone, somewhere, is watching us. And waiting to strike... I need a cigarette. I pulled out my second to last cigarette, and lit it. I breathed in slowly, then exhaled. I sat down in a nearby chair, and removed the cigarette from my mouth, and rubbed my eyes. I feel like a fool, I got all riled up after hearing that damn voice, and I freaked out. Jesus...maybe something is wrong with me.*
SirDerpingtonIV said:
((Hey SuperChocoMilk, you want a Power Chair? xD )
(I welcome my new awesome power chair. I'll just run over the Crossed with it.)

"Oh shit." Luke looked up at the hulking man, who pounded his fist into his palm. "Hey, buddy. Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?"

"No! Fuck you!" Luke yelled, and before the gate was closed Calving walked up and took Luke's machete from his back. "Sorry buddy, we can't have none of that!" Oh fuck oh fuck.

Welp, Luke was dead, and Clementine was going to become a slave. The giant sweaty man on the muscle shirt threw a fist at Luke, and like ducked at the last moment, running away from the man. "Hey! Can I leave now!"

"Kill him! Fucking rip his throat out!" A disgruntled Adam Harrington yelled, and Luke looked over to Calvin, who smiled and tipped his hat. "Okay, okay. Please don't kill me."

The Rock smiled, and began walking towards Luke. Okay, only one way out of this...

"Darling you send me! I know you send me! Darling you send me! Honest you do! Honest you do!"

The Rock raised an eyebrow at the singing and dancing man. "Hold on. I sang that song. Before the apocalypse."

Luke continued on. This was working! "You thrill me! I know you, you thrill me! Darling you, you, you thrill me!"

Tears fell down The Rock's face, as he fell on his knees weeping. Okay, this was pretty fucking weird. The Rock soon began singing with Luke.

"At first I though it was infatuation, but wooh it lasted so long. Now I find myself wanting, to marry you and take you home!"

The Rock spoke after he was done singing. "Thank you my friend. I believe that you have won this battle."


(Well, what else was I supposed to do? :P @Akibahara )
Dallas said:
*I exhaled...maybe she's right. I must be going crazy or something... "Maybe you're right. I just...had this feeling. It must be my age catching up to me. First I start hearing things, then seeing things." I holstered my pistol, but I still have that feeling. The feeling that someone, somewhere, is watching us. And waiting to strike... I need a cigarette. I pulled out my second to last cigarette, and lit it. I breathed in slowly, then exhaled. I sat down in a nearby chair, and removed the cigarette from my mouth, and rubbed my eyes. I feel like a fool, I got all riled up after hearing that damn voice, and I freaked out. Jesus...maybe something is wrong with me.*
Don't worry about age. I know older people that can still do handstands! *smiles as I say it* Also. I think we should go back to the beach for now. I like it there. Nice and cool.
MrDubWubs said:
Don't worry about age. I know older people that can still do handstands! *smiles as I say it* Also. I think we should go back to the beach for now. I like it there. Nice and cool.
"I suppose..." I chuckled a bit, I suppose I shouldn't worry about my age. Maybe I'm just tired... "Alright then, lets go back to the beach. It's better then being here." I said, while getting up from the chair. I brushed away some dust that got onto my pants, and started to walk towards the door.*
Dallas said:
"I suppose..." I chuckled a bit, I suppose I shouldn't worry about my age. Maybe I'm just tired... "Alright then, lets go back to the beach. It's better then being here." I said, while getting up from the chair. I brushed away some dust that got onto my pants, and started to walk towards the door.*
*lays back down onto my sand mound looking up with a sigh*
Cressy said:

Solaire noticed that the fumes seemed to have gotten to her easily, he remained in control on the other hand, he sighed and started running towards the source of the scream.

"We'll go there, and then we'll go to the cabin afterwards." he said calmly to Elsa

"That sounds like a plan, dear knight! Onward to the woods then!"

Elsa replied, pointing ahead with a slightly goofy grin. Thank goodness Solaire--the one more competent at the moment--was in charge. She hadn't a clue what awaited them at the forest. She clung to her wheelchair and waited out the ride.

@Cressy @Xibilation

(Sorry short reply. Next one will be better when I'm focused and this show goes off. xD Family is distracting me watching TV. lol.)
MrDubWubs said:
*lays back down onto my sand mound looking up with a sigh*
*I flicked away the cigarette butt, and laid down in my spot. I stared up at the night sky, thinking about how I could have avoided my life of crime...and still continued to think about how my life is going to end. Most likely I'll end up dieing alone, by gun shot, or lung cancer. I guess I should just accept that... I rubbed my face with my hands once more.*
Dallas said:
*I flicked away the cigarette butt, and laid down in my spot. I stared up at the night sky, thinking about how I could have avoided my life of crime...and still continued to think about how my life is going to end. Most likely I'll end up dieing alone, by gun shot, or lung cancer. I guess I should just accept that... I rubbed my face with my hands once more.*
*peeks over and notices this* Somethin's up... What is it?
MrDubWubs said:
*peeks over and notices this* Somethin's up... What is it?
"Well, I've been thinking about how I could have avoided my life of crime...and how my life is going to end... You know, if I'll die alone and have no one at my side when that happens. I was thinking about this before we went to the cabin back there. But I guess this doesn't really mean anything to you..." *I replied, while still staring up at the night sky, at the stars above.*
Ellie didn't wait for a response from Chloe, but just left the room and walked down the stairs.

She sighed deeply.

It had been some time since she last kissed someone, and now she feels like that one might have been her last.

She was going to die soon, she knew that, and she'd never even had a girlfriend.

And then again, it had been ages since she'd last seen Joel.

She felt like no one really loved her in this world.

The Ellie that Joel loved was dead too, she was just a clone.

Of course there was Katniss, but... she betrayed her trust.

And it was likely Katniss was already dead, again.

Suddenly she felt very alone.

Surrounded by crazy celebrities and people who wanted her dead.

She went for the mansion's exit, sighing again.

There was way too much shit going on, and not nearly enough people to help her get through it.
Dallas said:
"Well, I've been thinking about how I could have avoided my life of crime...and how my life is going to end... You know, if I'll die alone and have no one at my side when that happens. I was thinking about this before we went to the cabin back there. But I guess this doesn't really mean anything to you..." *I replied, while still staring up at the night sky, at the stars above.*
No it means somethin'... *doesn't know what else to say. That is about all she has*
MrDubWubs said:
No it means somethin'... *doesn't know what else to say. That is about all she has*
*I raised an eyebrow, no one has ever said that to me, not even my own brother. I wasn't expecting a response...after all, who would care about me? My whole crew, including my brother are probably long gone...so I have no one left. "You don't know how much that means to me to hear you say that." I said, looking over at her. The fact that she even said that was a surprise.*
Dallas said:
*I raised an eyebrow, no one has ever said that to me, not even my own brother. I wasn't expecting a response...after all, who would care about me? My whole crew, including my brother are probably long gone...so I have no one left. "You don't know how much that means to me to hear you say that." I said, looking over at her. The fact that she even said that was a surprise.*
*is a little surprised that you're surprised* Um... R-really?

Verite said:
Leading Mikasa to the beach on the island, he sighed tiredly, pocketing his hands. "Man, what a crazy adventure we've all been through," Shiki said, "It's all been a mess. I wonder for how much longer this'll go on..."
Mikasa looked out to the ocean where they were on the beach. She had never seen anything like it before. She knew it was Armin's dream to see this, she never thought she would be the one to fulfill it though. "Who knows...where I'm from we've had a disaster like this for a long time..." She said remembering her life inside the walls.
Ariel lies passed out. Bertha is doing.... Things to her unconscious body. Then, Bertha hears a thumping. Almost like footsteps. She looked up from what she had been occupying herself with. The footsteps seemed to be sending shock waves through the ground, and she grabbed her gun. Ariel's limp body shifted every time there was a thump, and Bertha grabbed her and tossed her over her shoulder. Then, whatever was making the footsteps let out a roar, and a deep, guttural, "ELSAAAAAAAA!" came from the same direction. Bertha started to run towards the mansion, forgetting all about the torturing she was giving Ariel.

Nope, nope, nope.
@Cressy[/URL] @Xibilation

(Sorry short reply. Next one will be better when I'm focused and this show goes off. xD Family is distracting me watching TV. lol.)

Solaire reaches the area where poor Ariel lay in her miserable form as usual and being punished by Bertha.


He grabbed Bertha's hair and put his sword to the back of her neck, one move and he could slice her head clean off.

"Do I really need to cut the rest of your tongue off?"

Solaire looked at Ariel and sighed Bertha was a real fucking freak, he knew that much.

"You're no better than a child."

He tossed her aside but Bertha recovered and snatched Ariel, running away quickly


*hears the growling noises*

He then grabs Elsa's wheel chair and starts running to Bertha and Ariel, following them as fast as he can with his injured self, breathing heavily.

Also he completely forgot Bertha's normal name, reminder is needed pls.

@Akibahara @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Xibilation


[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]Mikasa looked out to the ocean where they were on the beach. She had never seen anything like it before. She knew it was Armin's dream to see this, she never thought she would be the one to fulfill it though. "Who knows...where I'm from we've had a disaster like this for a long time..." She said remembering her life inside the walls.

"Oh yeah? I figured you were from a... different place," Shiki said, making himself comfortable as he sat down on the sand with a sigh, "What kind of place was it like? Where you came from?"
MrDubWubs said:
*is a little surprised that you're surprised* Um... R-really?
"Yes! Of course! After I lost both my family, and my brother, I've had no one. And you're the first person to say that to me... So, thank you." I said, with a smile on my face. I finally feel like I belong, that someone actually (somewhat) cares about me! Ever since I lost my parents, I was devastated, but for some reason, I felt like I didn't care much for my brother...maybe because we would always fight during heists? Or was it something else? I pushed that thought to the back of my mind, I need to stay positive.*
Dallas said:
"Yes! Of course! After I lost both my family, and my brother, I've had no one. And you're the first person to say that to me... So, thank you." I said, with a smile on my face. I finally feel like I belong, that someone actually (somewhat) cares about me! Ever since I lost my parents, I was devastated, but for some reason, I felt like I didn't care much for my brother...maybe because we would always fight during heists? Or was it something else? I pushed that thought to the back of my mind, I need to stay positive.*
*smiles* H-hehe. No problem *Shifts my gaze back to the sky with a sigh* ...
MrDubWubs said:
*smiles* H-hehe. No problem *Shifts my gaze back to the sky with a sigh* ...
"Is something wrong?" I asked, my smile now completely gone. I hope I didn't say anything to offend her. Did I do something wrong? Was it something I said? I hope not... The one moment I feel happy again, it gets taken away from me.*
Dallas said:
"Is something wrong?" I asked, my smile now completely gone. I hope I didn't say anything to offend her. Did I do something wrong? Was it something I said? I hope not... The one moment I feel happy again, it gets taken away from me.*
Just missing my home is all. *sits up and plays with the sand. Letting it run through my fingers*
Cressy said:

Solaire reaches the area where poor Ariel lay in her miserable form as usual and being punished by Bertha.


He grabbed Bertha's hair and put his sword to the back of her neck, one move and he could slice her head clean off.

"Do I really need to cut the rest of your tongue off?"

Solaire looked at Ariel and sighed Bertha was a real fucking freak, he knew that much.

"You're no better than a child."

He tossed her aside but Bertha recovered and snatched Ariel, running away quickly


*hears the growling noises*

He then grabs Elsa's wheel chair and starts running to Bertha and Ariel, following them as fast as he can with his injured self, breathing heavily.

Also he completely forgot Bertha's normal name, reminder is needed pls.

@Akibahara @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Xibilation


@Xibilation @Akibahara @Cressy

When they arrived in the forest, Elsa was horrified to see what Bertha was doing to Ariel. "You can put Ariel in the wheelchair with me if you want, Sir Solaire," she said. In her slightly loopy state, she forgot that Ariel sharing the seat with her might cause her legs pain, but she was too worried about the woman to realize that.

"What's coming after us? Maybe it just wants to play? Is it Olaf? I could use a warm hug," Elsa said, looking back over her shoulder, unsure why Solaire and Bertha were running away from the forest.

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