[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Spy slammed the door in the man's face, before turning, and running out of the manor, gun in hand. He proceeded to run towards the Cabin in the distance, hoping for something less creepy.
JayJay said:
Ellie was obviously pissed.
She glared at the two.

Even though they were much taller than her, she was ready to kick both their asses.

"Get out... Before I take your fucking balls... And shove all four of them into beard-guy's mouth..."

She then started wildly smacking and punching their backs, guiding them out of the room.


She then sighed and looked back at Chloe.

Fucking great... That's just fucking great...

Ellie couldn't hear her voice yet, being on the second floor.

But Molly did see the two men coming down the stairs and talking about the two young girls in room 212 // or something
“Oh shit! Oh shit! She's gunna cut off our fuckin' balls, man!” They scrambled like headless chickens outta the vent, the fatter man piling himself over the thinner one, “Ugh, your dick smells like shit! Fucking move!” They both did, running outside the room into the dance floor below...
Dallas said:
*The gauntlet jolted me back, it felt as though it could have crushed my entire collar bone. I looked at Vi, and said, "Listen, I'm going to take that damn bastard down with or without your help. Too many people have been injured, killed, and god knows what else because of me! I'm not going to let that happen anymore, either you come with me, or I go alone into that damn cabin." I point at the cabin ahead. "I saw someone go in there, and I sure as hell ain't going to let them die alone in there." I said. I didn't know what came over me, I just had an instant spark of rage when I heard the voice of the freak that was on the plane. I just can't let anyone else get hurt...especially Vi...*
*gulps* Fine. We go in the cabin to get the man, but if we see that thing we run. Ill force you to if I have to. *my face got serious as I clench my gauntlets tighter. You know I could pick you up like a pillow if I wanted*
Dallas said:
"What in the hell was that? I can't be what I think it is..." *I quickly got up, and pulled out my handgun. I had three magazines left, and I sure hope that wasn't that damn freak from the plane. All I wanted to do was get some rest, and talk with Vi. But now this? "Lets get this over with." I said, while pulling the slide of the gun back. I aimed my pistol towards where the sound came from, I began to run to the noise. If anyone is taking this bastard down, it's going to be me.*
Whatever it was, Neo-Nemesis or not, it was too far away. The Island was also phenomenally huge, so it's unlikely you'll ever discover a method of reach him or her or it.
Xibilation said:
Ariel sat curled up in the corner, her tears dried and leaving marks on her pretty little face. Her red hair was a mess- it was sticky here, knotted there, and Ariel just didn't even want to know. After Morgan Freeman left, dragging his balls and manhood- which Ariel thought HAD to be bigger than most guys' ((cough cough Aki))- Ariel looked up at the doorway, seeing Bertha still standing there. Ariel sighed, bowing her head. She was ready to accept her punishment. What else was she useful for, anyways? All Ariel had done was be a punching bag.
((I'm very sorry about the d joke, but it had to be made ))
That's right! Bertha was alone with Ariel, it's fun time...



Ariel was strapped by a noose onto a pine tree, her body beaten and bloody thanks to Bertha's mercilessness. She, of course, was naked—with “zee nipple clampz” tightly pinched onto her... milk duds, “Do you enjoy being a little whore?!” SLAP! The force of Bertha's slap twirled Ariel's pretty little cheek in a 180 degree angle, a nice bruise forming. The ex-Umbrella medic forcefully mashed her lips against Ariel's own, “Zat is vat you vant?!” Shtick! Her signature machete found a new home in her knee-cap, the blinding pain shot up the Little Mermaid, who continued endless torture by Bertha...
Akibahara said:
“Is that so? My, my, my... a gambler. And... what if I win? What do -I- get?”
The fight was nearly over, the Australian held the African American man in a headlock, with the right pull, his neck would snap in two, brittle and broken...

Bam! The door popped open, and in came... Aaron Paul! Wow! What are the chances?! “Yo bitch, where's my shit?!” Huh? He idly disregarded Clementine, as he snatched a blue bag from the table—blueberry flavored pop rocks, how nice. Aaron gave a mock military salute at Clem, shortly before shutting the door. Whelp...


Kim hugged Clem tight, “I'll be your MOMMY FOREVER. You'll be my DAUGHTER. I can't wait until you get MARRIED. You know, I... I think you're growing up so fast! Let's get you married tomorrow!! I want to be a GRANDMOTHER.”
Luke stared down the man. "I'll become your slave. How about it? I'll do whatever you want, whatever you say. If I lose." Luke smiled. He wasn't going to lose! The machete on his back would help him out! It would be quite a quick fight.


"No! Please! Help me!" Clementine fought the woman, reaching out to the man before he ran out the door. "Dammit!"

Clementine tried attempting to escape again, but it was no use. It appeared the woman's giant ass and giant breast were like fucking padding. Maybe talking would be the way to go about this. "Who would I even marry?!" What a creep.

(Oh god, I started crying laughing when Aaron Paul cameod.)
Akibahara said:
Elsa and Solaire aren't bothered by anyone else—you freely find yourself outside—a couple, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, both sane, idly walked across the Island, totting firearms. They examined the scene for Crossed, bandits, anything dangerous that potentially posed a the heat. Nothing. All you're met with is the warm ocean breeze, the loving gaze of the midnight moon, and the lights illuminating from the Manor, a Cabin, and whatever else lurked on the Island.


"Hey, assfuck. Take a fucking LOOK."

He pulled out a crumpled 'The Purge 2: Anarchy" poster, sporting a clear picture of HIMSELF. Leo Barnes couldn't help but notice he posed in a serious stance--what could this possibly mean? Was he not real? Was he... an imagination come to life? Everything dawned on him. All. At. Once.

Leo was more than angered. He chuckled nervously and then looked back up at her, before gripping the paper as he dropped a tear. "Are you playing some kind of sick joke? I had to kill that girl because she turned into a Crossed, and your here fucking around with her death!?" He shoved him back "How do you even know that I killed her!?"

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MrDubWubs said:
*gulps* Fine. We go in the cabin to get the man, but if we see that thing we run. Ill force you to if I have to. *my face got serious as I clench my gauntlets tighter. You know I could pick you up like a pillow if I wanted*
"So be it." *I said. I looked back at the cabin. I breathed in, and exhaled. I aimed my pistol at the old cabin, and walked towards it. I don't care if we can't take it on, I'll be a god damn decoy if I have to. As long as the others live, and take that damn thing down, I'd die happy. If that thing is inside that cabin...then god help us.*

Akibahara said:
Whatever it was, Neo-Nemesis or not, it was too far away. The Island was also phenomenally huge, so it's unlikely you'll ever discover a method of reach him or her or it.
(( Lets just say we were close enough to hear it... >_< Otherwise that whole scene I just made was useless. ))
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Akibahara said:
Lady GaGa's abode was... interesting to say the least: Flagged meat hung low, a gay pride flag pinned to the wall, and a girl, it's unlikely Bigby recognizes her: Ariana Grande, her lips tapped down, hung pitifully with two chains strapped to her wrists, blood seeped from the wounds. She was here for a while, “Ah- don't mind my pet. This is what happens to trespassers who enter my abode.” She paused, “I am quite fond of this place, thank you...” She smirked, trailing her index finger across Bigby's chin, “... You're a handsome fellow, Mr. Wolf, I'm glad I invited you in.”
Bigby's eyes stood still upon the girl chained. Yep, Lady GaGa was going crazy as well. Should he kill her right now? Maybe put her to sleep? It would probably be better to deal with the situation without having to use violence. If only he could put Lady GaGa to sleep. Well, how long had it been since the last time he got laid? A loong time. Maybe he could take her and then take a moment afterwards, a moment of distraction... But he remembered the rumors of Lady GaGa being a transexual. Now, more than ever, he hoped them to be true. "Nice pet you got there. Of course, it's nothing close to you". He turned to her. "I must be honest, mistress Gaga. I desire you".
Akibahara said:
That's right! Bertha was alone with Ariel, it's fun time...


Ariel was strapped by a noose onto a pine tree, her body beaten and bloody thanks to Bertha's mercilessness. She, of course, was naked—with “zee nipple clampz” tightly pinched onto her... milk duds, “Do you enjoy being a little whore?!” SLAP! The force of Bertha's slap twirled Ariel's pretty little cheek in a 180 degree angle, a nice bruise forming. The ex-Umbrella medic forcefully mashed her lips against Ariel's own, “Zat is vat you vant?!” Shtick! Her signature machete found a new home in her knee-cap, the blinding pain shot up the Little Mermaid, who continued endless torture by Bertha...
Ariel could hardly breathe with the noose around her neck. Her nipples were sore, her whole body stung, and her knee had a freaking machete in it.

Ariel howled with pain, the sound quickly echoing throughout the forest. It was silent for a little, Ariel's choked sobs the only thing heard. Her airway was tightening and Ariel knew she wouldn't be able to breathe pretty soon. Black spots started to fill her vision, and Ariel knew she was slipping away.

The last thing Ariel heard was a roar. "ELSAAAA!!!!!!"
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]
He picked up the picture and put it in his left pocket, he would not contaminate his picture of Ilya and Irisviel by pacing it in the same pocket. Emiya decided to have a more thorough look around, going over everything in an attempt to glean more information out of this place.

The Cabin was filled with memorabilia throughout history: WWII, the Vietnam War, Iraq War, and a group of men sitting around a round table—the Bilderberg Group and the CEO of Goldman Sachs—they appear to be discussing the economy. Strange. Other than that, there's an image of former President Bill Clinton looking over a biological anomaly, he appears safe, could it be the Crossed virus? Maybe. An Umbrella Corporation insignia is visible on the image.
Dallas said:
"So be it." *I said. I looked back at the cabin. I breathed in, and exhaled. I aimed my pistol at the old cabin, and walked towards it. I don't care if we can't take it on, I'll be a god damn decoy if I have to. As long as the others live, and take that damn thing down, I'd die happy. If that thing is inside that thing...then god help us.*
(( Lets just say we were close enough to hear it... >_< Otherwise that whole scene I just made was useless. ))
@Reaper Jack
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Spy slammed the door in the man's face, before turning, and running out of the manor, gun in hand. He proceeded to run towards the Cabin in the distance, hoping for something less creepy.
The RED Spy finds himself with Emiya...

Solaire laughed at her statement, he didn't get much of the smoke inhaled with his helmet, and luckily he took his helm off outside so it didn't cloud up.

"It looks... Great!"

He laughed a bit more and noticed the calmness of the beach, the warm breeze and tranquility of it was great, Solaire gave Brad Pitt and Angelina a polite wave even though he had no fucking clue who they were, he then heard a loud scream.


It seemed that it was Ariel. Solaire looked at Elsa to see if she heard the voice as well.​
Akibahara said:
The Cabin was filled with memorabilia throughout history: WWII, the Vietnam War, Iraq War, and a group of men sitting around a round table—the Bilderberg Group and the CEO of Goldman Sachs—they appear to be discussing the economy. Strange. Other than that, there's an image of former President Bill Clinton looking over a biological anomaly, he appears safe, could it be the Crossed virus? Maybe. An Umbrella Corporation insignia is visible on the image.
Emiya picked up the picture with the Umbrella insignia and placed it in the pocket which held the Illuminati picture. From what he could see; this place had been some description of Operations Base for an underground movement going on a century old. And the only cause of it could have been the rich chauvinistic individuals in the manor. He smiled, not gently, not kindly, but with a grim humour. He knew what to do.

He looked around further, checking for a basement; if he could just find some C4 or something similar...

MrDubWubs said:
He heard the shouts of a man approaching the cabin; he took a moment to check out of the window; G3 shouldered. He relaxed when he saw Dallas; and raised an arm in an 'all-clear' posture before returning to his search.

Another man had already entered by now. It was the man clad in what seemed to be a red jumpsuit. Complete with headcover. Emiya ignored him. He wasn't hostile from what he could tell.
SuperChocoMilk said:
Luke stared down the man. "I'll become your slave. How about it? I'll do whatever you want, whatever you say. If I lose." Luke smiled. He wasn't going to lose! The machete on his back would help him out! It would be quite a quick fight.
“A slave? My boy, I don't keep white slaves. Too weak at the knees. I don't reckon you have a negroid in your possession, do you?”


The Australian tore apart the African American's neck, he fell to the side, his neck grotesquely bent out of place, “Well, it appears you're up.”

SuperChocoMilk said:
"No! Please! Help me!" Clementine fought the woman, reaching out to the man before he ran out the door. "Dammit!"
Clementine tried attempting to escape again, but it was no use. It appeared the woman's giant ass and giant breast were like fucking padding. Maybe talking would be the way to go about this. "Who would I even marry?!" What a creep.

(Oh god, I started crying laughing when Aaron Paul cameod.)
“Well, there's this guy...”

Akibahara said:
The Cabin was filled with memorabilia throughout history: WWII, the Vietnam War, Iraq War, and a group of men sitting around a round table—the Bilderberg Group and the CEO of Goldman Sachs—they appear to be discussing the economy. Strange. Other than that, there's an image of former President Bill Clinton looking over a biological anomaly, he appears safe, could it be the Crossed virus? Maybe. An Umbrella Corporation insignia is visible on the image.
(Daaaaaamnn) He pulled out his Revolver, aiming it at the men. "Alright you vile little fucks, what the hell is going on here?" he asked, ignoring Emiya. "And, if you don't tell me, I splatter your brains all over this nice round table of yours," he said, a serious note in his voice, showing he meant what he said, (And said what he meant)
Cressy said:

Solaire laughed at her statement, he didn't get much of the smoke inhaled with his helmet, and luckily he took his helm off outside so it didn't cloud up.

"It looks... Great!"

He laughed a bit more and noticed the calmness of the beach, the warm breeze and tranquility of it was great, Solaire gave Brad Pitt and Angelina a polite wave even though he had no fucking clue who they were, he then heard a loud scream.


It seemed that it was Ariel. Solaire looked at Elsa to see if she heard the voice as well.​
"Good, I was worried it may have fell off," Elsa replied, meaning her nose. She liked the beautiful surroundings, and was interested in the cabin. "Maybe we should go there? It seems nice and quiet."

In reply to the scream in the distance calling out her name, however, Elsa tilted her head.

"Elsaaaaa? That's now how you say my name. It's just Elsa."

The queen groaned. "Or wait, was someone calling my name for a reason? We might need to check that out. Maybe?" she questioned, her wit struggling to stay.

@Cressy @Akibahara
SirDerpingtonIV said:
(Daaaaaamnn) He pulled out his Revolver, aiming it at the men. "Alright you vile little fucks, what the hell is going on here?" he asked, ignoring Emiya. "And, if you don't tell me, I splatter your brains all over this nice round table of yours," he said, a serious note in his voice, showing he meant what he said, (And said what he meant)
*Facepalm X-Treme. These are just pictures.* 

[QUOTE="The Gil]Bigby's eyes stood still upon the girl chained. Yep, Lady GaGa was going crazy as well. Should he kill her right now? Maybe put her to sleep? It would probably be better to deal with the situation without having to use violence. If only he could put Lady GaGa to sleep. Well, how long had it been since the last time he got laid? A loong time. Maybe he could take her and then take a moment afterwards, a moment of distraction... But he remembered the rumors of Lady GaGa being a transexual. Now, more than ever, he hoped them to be true. "Nice pet you got there. Of course, it's nothing close to you". He turned to her. "I must be honest, mistress Gaga. I desire you".

(( Last post before I head to work for 2 hours. Btw, I'm having too much fun. I'm a big fan of pop culture and politics. xD ))

“Really now? I'm pleased to hear that. I'm very free with my sexuality. It's a pity...” She examined her ruby red fingernails, “... Most are not. So, what's your sin, my love?” Lady GaGa grinned, dancing around Bigby Wolf, she didn't appear to be a threat.
Akibahara said:
*Facepalm X-Treme. These are just pictures.*
((Then how would we know they are talking about the economy? T_T)) Spy realized that was merely just a fking picture or some shit, so he continued looking around for anything that could possibly be of use.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
((Then how would we know they are talking about the economy? T_T)) Spy realized that was merely just a fking picture or some shit, so he continued looking around for anything that could possibly be of use.
(( That's why I said "they appear" to be discussing it. >_< ))
Akibahara said:
“A slave? My boy, I don't keep white slaves. Too weak at the knees. I don't reckon you have a negroid in your possession, do you?”

The Australian tore apart the African American's neck, he fell to the side, his neck grotesquely bent out of place, “Well, it appears you're up.”

“Well, there's this guy...”

Luke cocked his head at the man. "Well, there's this one girl... Clementine. She-she could be your slave." Dammit, Luke didn't want to bet Clementine. But he had to. It was the only way to save Space Dandy. Luke then turned and began walking up to the ring. "Okay, who am I fighting? You?" He looked at the Australian man, who had just finished off the poor African-American, his neck twisted grotesquely.


(No! Danny Trejo was a rapist in Con Air!)

"I don't want him! Please! Please! Noooooo! Noooooooooooo! NOOOOOOOOO!'"

(I kind of want Luke to lose/cheat so that Leonardo Da Vinci and Kim Kardashian will fight each other, :P )
*I lowered my pistol, and looked around the cabin. It was old and dusty, it looked as though the weather had taken its toll on the house. "Something's not right..." I held my pistol up again, something was definitely wrong. Especially those pictures, the one with Bill Clinton specifically. "Come out and fight me, you son of a bitch..." I whispered.*
Akibahara said:
(( Last post before I head to work for 2 hours. Btw, I'm having too much fun. I'm a big fan of pop culture and politics. xD ))

“Really now? I'm pleased to hear that. I'm very free with my sexuality. It's a pity...” She examined her ruby red fingernails, “... Most are not. So, what's your sin, my love?” Lady GaGa grinned, dancing around Bigby Wolf, she didn't appear to be a threat.
Bigby smiled. "I try to be as free with my sexuality as it is possible, but it's hard on this world...", he lied, thinking that couldn't she just have sex with him already so that they could get this over it? Even if she was a woman, he thought that he wouldn't enjoy that at all, always with his mind in another place. Maybe if he would be thinking about Snow... "My sin is to fear love and all of its derivatives, my mistress. I fear that it will take me to a place where I won't be able to have control of everything...". He followed her with his eyes while she danced around him. "And I like to be in control".

//LOL, I can't even picture Bigby saying this

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