[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

MrDubWubs said:
*sighs wishing Caitlyn or Annie were here to enjoy the night. Thinking i'm never making it back home. I look over and see you rub your face* What are you thinking about?
"If you want to know...I was thinking about my life. What have I done with my life, how is it going to end. You know, am I going to die alone, and how exactly am I going to die. Gunshot, lung cancer...or simply just old age. But I guess none of that matters to you does it?" *I replied, looking over her.*
JayJay said:
Ellie didn't hesitate much.
She hoped to God that Robert Downey Jr. wasn't in the vent again as she pressed her lips against Chloe's and closed her eyes.

It was a moment of pure delight, she rubbed the girl's back and had her other hand on her side.

Her heart was racing.

She kept the kiss warm and gentle, not forcing anything.

Molly knocked at the front door of the mansion, not actually the door of the room where Ellie was in.

So fuck you Aki, and fuck you Molly.

Let Ellie have her moment.

Chloe embraced the kiss, wrapping her arms around Ellie, as we hear two voices from the ventilation shaft...

Dude, isn't this like, pedo shit?

The first voice was gruff, he may have been a bit heavy given that he -was- the loudest.

Nah man, this is, like, art. We're watching first-hand the blossoming love between two undera-- blooming teenagers at the height of their youth. This, my friend, is what life is about!

The second voice was younger, smart, but seemed a bit tipsy.

... This is pedo shit.”​


Frank Grillo winced, "Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay, okay, I give up bro! Chill the fuck out, man!~"
SirDerpingtonIV said:
((God damnit) Spy closed the door behind him, as he went to go try the room opposite this one. He was pretty sure he'd never manage to erase that pretty picture from his now scarred mind. He opened the next door with a creak, hoping this one would be better.
The RED Spy opens another door: He finds himself face-to-face with a man sporting a one-piece bikini... thing... popping two thumbs up. He hip thrusts back and forth, “My'a names'a Borat!”

Akibahara said:
Chloe embraced the kiss, wrapping her arms around Ellie, as we hear two voices from the ventilation shaft...

Dude, isn't this like, pedo shit?

The first voice was gruff, he may have been a bit heavy given that he -was- the loudest.

Nah man, this is, like, art. We're watching first-hand the blossoming love between two undera-- blooming teenagers at the height of their youth. This, my friend, is what life is about!

The second voice was younger, smart, but seemed a bit tipsy.

... This is pedo shit.”​

Ellie heard the voices, but the last thing she wanted to do was break the perfection of this moment.

Instead, she just slightly opened one eye and looked into the ventilation shaft to see who was there.

// @RainbowWave you still need to get to this room bby ;)
Akibahara said:
Chloe embraced the kiss, wrapping her arms around Ellie, as we hear two voices from the ventilation shaft...

Dude, isn't this like, pedo shit?

The first voice was gruff, he may have been a bit heavy given that he -was- the loudest.

Nah man, this is, like, art. We're watching first-hand the blossoming love between two undera-- blooming teenagers at the height of their youth. This, my friend, is what life is about!

The second voice was younger, smart, but seemed a bit tipsy.

... This is pedo shit.”​


Frank Grillo winced, "Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay, okay, I give up bro! Chill the fuck out, man!~"
Leo smiled happily and patted his cheek "Good. Now dipshit, tell me where we are and who you are."

[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Emiya notices Dallas and Vi walk out to the beach. Seems they'd had enough of whatever was going on inside, nothing good by what Emiya could hear. He shouldered the G3A3 and decided to explore the remainder of the island, or at least, as much as he could of it. He sets off towards a line of trees just beyond the mansion.

The trees are dense, the midnight moon shown through the thick leaves—you could hear something walk into the distance--'thud' 'thud' 'thud', it didn't sound pleasant, “Elsa...” It was far, too far for you to examine it, but you could try and catch up to -whatever- that was. Or, alternatively, you can explore a nearby Cabin.
Akibahara said:
The trees are dense, the midnight moon shown through the thick leaves—you could hear something walk into the distance--'thud' 'thud' 'thud', it didn't sound pleasant, “Elsa...” It was far, too far for you to examine it, but you could try and catch up to -whatever- that was. Or, alternatively, you can explore a nearby Cabin.
(Oh shit, is fucking Anna-Nemesis back?)
Akibahara said:
The trees are dense, the midnight moon shown through the thick leaves—you could hear something walk into the distance--'thud' 'thud' 'thud', it didn't sound pleasant, “Elsa...” It was far, too far for you to examine it, but you could try and catch up to -whatever- that was. Or, alternatively, you can explore a nearby Cabin.
(( Why now... WHY IN THE HELL NOW? ))

Solaire looked at Miley Cyrus and it brought terrible memories, he roughly pushed her aside and continued on his way to the door, not batting an eye at the crazy bitch.

"Damn bitch, she reminds me of that singer in the cell... Wait, that song was by her."

Solaire got a bit more annoyed, he continued wheeling Elsa to the door and looked at her face, leaning down so he is at eye level with her.

"That crazy singer broke your nose... I'll fix it later don't worry. I won't let another one of these crazy sons of bitches touch you."

Solaire now really had his grip on his sword, if someone even looked at Elsa he would chop their fucking noses off.​
[QUOTE="The Gil]With not much of a choice to do, Bigby held her hand and kissed it. He looked around the room once more, searching for something interesting. It would be best if the woman would just let him come inside, he had to play her game, at least for a while. "Mistress Gaga. It is my pleasure to meet you in person. What do you think about this place? I guess you didn't liked their decoration. Personally, I love what you did in this place. Seems so... Incediary".

Lady GaGa's abode was... interesting to say the least: Flagged meat hung low, a gay pride flag pinned to the wall, and a girl, it's unlikely Bigby recognizes her: Ariana Grande, her lips tapped down, hung pitifully with two chains strapped to her wrists, blood seeped from the wounds. She was here for a while, “Ah- don't mind my pet. This is what happens to trespassers who enter my abode.” She paused, “I am quite fond of this place, thank you...” She smirked, trailing her index finger across Bigby's chin, “... You're a handsome fellow, Mr. Wolf, I'm glad I invited you in.”
Akibahara said:
The trees are dense, the midnight moon shown through the thick leaves—you could hear something walk into the distance--'thud' 'thud' 'thud', it didn't sound pleasant, “Elsa...” It was far, too far for you to examine it, but you could try and catch up to -whatever- that was. Or, alternatively, you can explore a nearby Cabin.
From what Emiya had seen of late, it would not be wise to tackle anything...unusual...alone. (( Aki will fuck me over anyway though. )) Hoisting the G3 to shoulder-height and keeping it raised and pointed towards the...unidentified object. He pulled back and headed instead for a small cabin further towards the forest fringes.

Emiya made it there without incident. He quietly set himself into position beside the entrance; an ear pressed against the building to detect any noise that might be originating from inside.
SuperChocoMilk said:
Luke looked at Calvin, then towards Space Dandy, still hung from a rope. "I want him." Luke pointed at Space Dandy, and then crossed his arms.
“Is that so? My, my, my... a gambler. And... what if I win? What do -I- get?”

The fight was nearly over, the Australian held the African American man in a headlock, with the right pull, his neck would snap in two, brittle and broken...

SuperChocoMilk said:
"No! Let me go! Let me go!" Clementine fought and fought with the woman, kicking her, but the fucking hag didn't seem to be fazed by it. "I don't what that! I don't want that! Luke! Someone! Help!"
(Betty White, save me! Aaron Paul can come too! I don't want my mommy...)
Bam! The door popped open, and in came... Aaron Paul! Wow! What are the chances?! “Yo bitch, where's my shit?!” Huh? He idly disregarded Clementine, as he snatched a blue bag from the table—blueberry flavored pop rocks, how nice. Aaron gave a mock military salute at Clem, shortly before shutting the door. Whelp...


Kim hugged Clem tight, “I'll be your MOMMY FOREVER. You'll be my DAUGHTER. I can't wait until you get MARRIED. You know, I... I think you're growing up so fast! Let's get you married tomorrow!! I want to be a GRANDMOTHER.”
Akibahara said:
The trees are dense, the midnight moon shown through the thick leaves—you could hear something walk into the distance--'thud' 'thud' 'thud', it didn't sound pleasant, “Elsa...” It was far, too far for you to examine it, but you could try and catch up to -whatever- that was. Or, alternatively, you can explore a nearby Cabin.
*I jump up preparing my gauntlets into fists* What was that?! *I note the cabin*
Cressy said:

Solaire looked at Miley Cyrus and it brought terrible memories, he roughly pushed her aside and continued on his way to the door, not batting an eye at the crazy bitch.

"Damn bitch, she reminds me of that singer in the cell... Wait, that song was by her."

Solaire got a bit more annoyed, he continued wheeling Elsa to the door and looked at her face, leaning down so he is at eye level with her.

"That crazy singer broke your nose... I'll fix it later don't worry. I won't let another one of these crazy sons of bitches touch you."

Solaire now really had his grip on his sword, if someone even looked at Elsa he would chop their fucking noses off.​
Elsa tried to wiggle her nose and breath in through it, but the task was much more difficult with it broken. She touched it with her hand, but winced in pain so she quickly pulled her hand away.

"You're right. I think I heard that song coming from your cell. She is disgusting. If she comes near us again, feel free to break her nose like she did mine." Elsa normally didn't say things like that, but she was already injured enough without more things plaguing her like a broken nose.

"Anyhow, let's move away before she gets back. Out of all the people on this island, it would have been nice to run into some more decent inhabitants than her. How does my nose look?" She asked Solaire, frowning. "Still pretty I hope!" she exclaimed, head still light from the smoke she breathed in causing a few strange statements to escape her lips.

(haha I seriously will laugh if Solaire chops someone's nose off. xD )

JayJay said:
Ellie heard the voices, but the last thing she wanted to do was break the perfection of this moment.

Instead, she just slightly opened one eye and looked into the ventilation shaft to see who was there.

// @RainbowWave you still need to get to this room bby ;)
You open the vent shaft: Two men lay above each other, cramped to shit, “Oh shit, uhhhh, we're sorry. This guy's a fuckin' pedo, I swear!” said the fat one.

“The fuck? Fucking narc, man! It was his idea!”


Chloe sat there quietly, she... didn't appear in the mood anymore. 

"I'm fuckin' Frank Grillo, man. You know me, right? I was on The Purge 2! I... I was Leo Barnes! You look just like him, man!"
Molly grinned, her knock went unanswered, and in truth, that's what she wanted. Grabbing the door handle, Molly was surprised when it turned, opening the door. Walking in Molly could see the mansion was far bigger on the outside then it apread on the outside, even though the outside was pretty big. Taking another step. Molly called out, hoping Ellie could hear.

"Ellie? I need to speak with you!" shouted Molly.

Akibahara said:
You open the vent shaft: Two men lay above each other, cramped to shit, “Oh shit, uhhhh, we're sorry. This guy's a fuckin' pedo, I swear!” said the fat one.
“The fuck? Fucking narc, man! It was his idea!”


Chloe sat there quietly, she... didn't appear in the mood anymore. 

"I'm fuckin' Frank Grillo, man. You know me, right? I was on The Purge 2! I... I was Leo Barnes! You look just like him, man!"
// You deserve to go to hell x3

"Leo Ba-... I'm Leo Barnes?" He was confused as he extended his hand "Seargent Leo Barnes, LAPD... But how are

you here?..."

Akibahara said:
The trees are dense, the midnight moon shown through the thick leaves—you could hear something walk into the distance--'thud' 'thud' 'thud', it didn't sound pleasant, “Elsa...” It was far, too far for you to examine it, but you could try and catch up to -whatever- that was. Or, alternatively, you can explore a nearby Cabin.
"What in the hell was that? I can't be what I think it is..." *I quickly got up, and pulled out my handgun. I had three magazines left, and I sure hope that wasn't that damn freak from the plane. All I wanted to do was get some rest, and talk with Vi. But now this? "Lets get this over with." I said, while pulling the slide of the gun back. I aimed my pistol towards where the sound came from, I began to run to the noise. If anyone is taking this bastard down, it's going to be me.*
Akibahara said:
You open the vent shaft: Two men lay above each other, cramped to shit, “Oh shit, uhhhh, we're sorry. This guy's a fuckin' pedo, I swear!” said the fat one.
“The fuck? Fucking narc, man! It was his idea!”


Chloe sat there quietly, she... didn't appear in the mood anymore.
Ellie was obviously pissed.

She glared at the two.

Even though they were much taller than her, she was ready to kick both their asses.

"Get out... Before I take your fucking balls... And shove all four of them into beard-guy's mouth..."

She then started wildly smacking and punching their backs, guiding them out of the room.


She then sighed and looked back at Chloe.

Fucking great... That's just fucking great...

RainbowWave said:
Molly grinned, her knock went unanswered, and in truth, that's what she wanted. Grabbing the door handle, Molly was surprised when it turned, opening the door. Walking in Molly could see the mansion was far bigger on the outside then it apread on the outside, even though the outside was pretty big. Taking another step. Molly called out, hoping Ellie could hear.
"Ellie? I need to speak with you!" shouted Molly.

Ellie couldn't hear her voice yet, being on the second floor.

But Molly did see the two men coming down the stairs and talking about the two young girls in room 212 // or something
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]From what Emiya had seen of late, it would not be wise to tackle anything...unusual...alone. (( Aki will fuck me over anyway though. )) Hoisting the G3 to shoulder-height and keeping it raised and pointed towards the...unidentified object. He pulled back and headed instead for a small cabin further towards the forest fringes.
Emiya made it there without incident. He quietly set himself into position beside the entrance; an ear pressed against the building to detect any noise that might be originating from inside.

Emiya entered The Cabin. It was decorated with an American Flag, a 9/11 picture with the subtitle 'Never Forget' emblazoned on the bottom, and... an All-Seeing-Eye? The Illuminati? You heard about them—apparently, they ran the world banks, wars, everything that occurred to this very day. They couldn't exist, right? Hah! Of course not, they're just a figment of some Right Wingers imagination! Obviously, this was a set-up.

Dallas said:
"What in the hell was that? I can't be what I think it is..." *I quickly got up, and pulled out my handgun. I had three magazines left, and I sure hope that wasn't that damn freak from the plane. All I wanted to do was get some rest, and talk with Vi. But now this? "Lets get this over with." I said, while pulling the slide of the gun back. I aimed my pistol towards where the sound came from, I began to run to the noise. If anyone is taking this bastard down, it's going to be me.*
DALLAS WAIT! *catches up to him and grabs his shoulder with my gauntlet making him stop instantly* We can't take him on! My fists barely damage him!
Ariel sat curled up in the corner, her tears dried and leaving marks on her pretty little face. Her red hair was a mess- it was sticky here, knotted there, and Ariel just didn't even want to know. After Morgan Freeman left, dragging his balls and manhood- which Ariel thought HAD to be bigger than most guys' ((cough cough Aki))- Ariel looked up at the doorway, seeing Bertha still standing there. Ariel sighed, bowing her head. She was ready to accept her punishment. What else was she useful for, anyways? All Ariel had done was be a punching bag.

((I'm very sorry about the d joke, but it had to be made ))
Elsa and Solaire aren't bothered by anyone else—you freely find yourself outside—a couple, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, both sane, idly walked across the Island, totting firearms. They examined the scene for Crossed, bandits, anything dangerous that potentially posed a threat. Nothing. All you're met with is the warm ocean breeze, the loving gaze of the midnight moon, and the lights illuminating from the Manor, a Cabin, and whatever else lurked on the Island.



"Hey, assfuck. Take a fucking LOOK."

He pulled out a crumpled 'The Purge 2: Anarchy" poster, sporting a clear picture of HIMSELF. Leo Barnes couldn't help but notice he posed in a serious stance--what could this possibly mean? Was he not real? Was he... an imagination come to life? Everything dawned on him. All. At. Once.

Akibahara said:
Emiya entered The Cabin. It was decorated with an American Flag, a 9/11 picture with the subtitle 'Never Forget' emblazoned on the bottom, and... an All-Seeing-Eye? The Illuminati? You heard about them—apparently, they ran the world banks, wars, everything that occurred to this very day. They couldn't exist, right? Hah! Of course not, they're just a figment of some Right Wingers imagination! Obviously, this was a set-up.

There was nothing useful in here. However, Emiya found the Illuminati symbol troubling; secret societies were dangerous and most certainly did exist; he'd been fighting two of them for much of his life. He also knew that the two he had fought were involved in either creating or actually being the Illuminati legend. Both maintained it, whether it was illusion or reality.

If he had to make an educated guess. They were involved in propagating the Crossed virus. It was in fact, not dissimilar to the events which led Emiya to kill his father. A zombie-type virus had been under research and got loose. All Hell breaks loose. Except this time; the secret societies involved (Emiya did not of course know whether the Church or Mage's Association he knew of were involved...yet ) had been unable to contain it. Like letting a not-quite-burnt-out cigarette start a fire. He was...amused by the irony of how, no matter what he did; all the world's shit came back to haunt him. Every time. Guaranteed.

He picked up the picture and put it in his left pocket, he would not contaminate his picture of Ilya and Irisviel by pacing it in the same pocket. Emiya decided to have a more thorough look around, going over everything in an attempt to glean more information out of this place.
MrDubWubs said:
DALLAS WAIT! *catches up to him and grabs his shoulder with my gauntlet making him stop instantly* We can't take him on! My fists barely damage him!
*The gauntlet jolted me back, it felt as though it could have crushed my entire collar bone. I looked at Vi, and said, "Listen, I'm going to take that damn bastard down with or without your help. Too many people have been injured, killed, and god knows what else because of me! I'm not going to let that happen anymore, either you come with me, or I go alone into that damn cabin." I point at the cabin ahead. "I saw someone go in there, and I sure as hell ain't going to let them die alone in there." I said. I didn't know what came over me, I just had an instant spark of rage when I heard the voice of the freak that was on the plane. I just can't let anyone else get hurt...especially Vi...*

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