[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

How long Ariel was going to last like this, she didn't know.

Her drive was going nuts after that drink Tom gave her. The music blared through the mansion all throughout the night, and Ariel had danced against, felt up, and done some pretty explicit things to quite a few celebrities. Still, she didn't feel satisfied, so she walked over to where she last remembered seeing Tom Cruise.

Mr Cruise wasn't there, but Ariel was certainly surprised when someone approached her from behind and pinned her dancing body to theirs.
Cressy said:


Solaire continued to wonder what his dream, or better, nightmare had been about. The dream had not ended at him clutching on to the icy blue ember, but a fellow undead, extended his hand and switched his place with Solaire, as if willing to accept his fate, and challenge the abyss by embracing it. Solaire attempted to call out to the poor soul as he was pulled out into the sunlight but it was too late, he had woken up.

Solaire heard Elsa's voice as well as... Ellie? He spoke out and said

"In here..."

He's pretty much in the same room as her just inside a little sub area inside it, like another mini room.​


((Keep wailing on chris brown, Vi already broke his leg))
JayJay said:
Ellie heard the knight's voice and walked toward it, into the room.
She saw him and smiled, still casually dragging Elsa behind her.


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Elsa opened her mouth to repeat her words, unsure if Ellie heard her, but was cut off when Ellie spoke.

"Help? ... Help."

Ellie smiled and moved to grab Elsa's hands. The queen's eyes widened. "Uh, wait, Ellie--"

The girl began dragging Elsa.

"Ah! Oh! Ow! Watch the legs! Thanks for the help, but be careful!" she called out, grimacing when the broken, aching appendages were dragged along with her.

Ellie continued to drag her until they were in Solaire's room. When she saw the knight again, she forgot about her legs once more.

"Sir Solaire, thank goodness you're awake. Are you all right? I thought you were going to die." Her voice had a bit of anxiety in it and she likely would have jumped up to get closer to him, but with her broken legs she was still stuck on the floor for a moment.





Solaire smiled and sighed shakily at Elsa, relieved she was safe, but sadly she was hurt, his attempt to save her of some pain didn't really work, she looked as if she broke both her legs.

"Luckily I escaped death this time."

He smiled and chuckled at his grim joke, but he still sounded miserable, looking at her legs he couldn't help but feel guilt.

"H-Here, let me... h-heal you.."

He tried grabbing his chime, this moron was in no shape to heal anyone, but still he wished to see Elsa well, and she would need to run in case things go bad, he didn't care as long as she stayed safe.

Continue down this path, and you will surely fall into the Abyss again. Stay true, son.

The voice rang in Solaire's head and he groaned, getting a horrid headache​
@Cressy @JayJay

Elsa glanced to Ellie, sighing. When a doctor came back she was going to get the girl some help. "Stay in this room, Ellie. Wait for a doctor to check you over."

She then glanced to Solaire.

"Don't say this time as if it's a one time thing. You will escape death many times to come," she said, hopeful.

Elsa smiled a little herself, relieved to see him alive and at least trying to be in good spirits. But her heart was heavy. She knew Solaire was still very injured and obviously didn't feel well.

Surprised when he wanted to try and heal her, she scooted back a little, but took his hands gently, cupped them, and kissed his knuckles.

"No, don't heal me. You're still very weak. I refuse to let you further cause harm to yourself on my account. The doctors helped my legs. They don't hurt as bad. I can always make a wheelchair of ice if I need to get around anyhow. Wait until you feel a lot better before you heal me, and then it will be all right. You should be more worried about your own injuries right now. Not mine."


Solaire sighed and looked at Elsa again, worry in his eyes...

"But... Alright... I guess I cannot go against your orders."

Solaire smiles at her and then says

"Where exactly are we Miss Elsa?"
Cressy said:


Solaire sighed and looked at Elsa again, worry in his eyes...

"But... Alright... I guess I cannot go against your orders."

Solaire smiles at her and then says

"Where exactly are we Miss Elsa?"

Elsa shrugged. "Well, they aren't orders so much as they were a suggestion out of my concern for your well being. I'll do whatever I can to help you get better. That's all I really want. Then you can finally consider your favor to me paid for," she added, smiling lightly.

"Our plane crash landed on an island of some sort. I'm not sure where we are or what kind of island it is, to be honest. All I really had the wits to do with my injuries last night was attempt to bring us to a safe place. Ellie and Vi made sure we arrived here though. Without them I would have died," she admitted, recalling the night.

She didn't want to worry the knight, but before she passed out, she couldn't even tap into her powers anymore, a sure sign that she was dying. Thank gooodness she had gotten the help she needed just in time.
Leo looked around the airplane, seeing some of the survivors still there. Leo continued walking through before eyeing Debra, unbuckling her seatbelt before carrying her. He slowly flew up and up as to do a quick view of the area before heading to the attic. There, he saw Solaire and smiled "Solaire! There you are!"



Ellie sat against the wall and pulled her knees up.

Wrapping her arms around her legs, she looked at the ground, mumbling.

"Horse... Sun... Joel, help..."
Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3134-cressy/ said:
Elsa shrugged. "Well, they aren't orders so much as they were a suggestion out of my concern for your well being. I'll do whatever I can to help you get better. That's all I really want. Then you can finally consider your favor to me paid for," she added, smiling lightly.

"Our plane crash landed on an island of some sort. I'm not sure where we are or what kind of island it is, to be honest. All I really had the wits to do with my injuries last night was attempt to bring us to a safe place. Ellie and Vi made sure we arrived here though. Without them I would have died," she admitted, recalling the night.

She didn't want to worry the knight, but before she passed out, she couldn't even tap into her powers anymore, a sure sign that she was dying. Thank gooodness she had gotten the help she needed just in time.


Solaire let out a chuckle and smiled for a second, did she say and island? That must have been there destination, he remembered landing on a shore so that did make sense, what exactly was this island inhabited with? What are these, "Celebrities?" as the pilot of our plane had said, also where were the others, Bertha especially, he didn't entirely trust that woman alone with other survivors, especially Ariel.

"What exactly did you ask for a favor Elsa?"

Leo had walked in and Solaire smiled at him

"Hello, Comrade. Do you know where the other survivors are?"

He didn't sound as jolly as usual, but he was getting there.​
@Cressy @Leo Barnes

Shifting a bit uncomfortably on the ground, Elsa sighed. She waved a hand a made a wheelchair of ice for herself that rose her up off the ground. Much better. The ground had been far too uncomfortable.

"Well, last night you looked like you were dying, so I asked you not to die," she said, blushing slightly embarrassed. "Sorry it wasn't anything more exciting than that, but I'm happy that you didn't."

When Leo walked in, she turned her head. "Good to see you're still in once piece." Any person that had survived the crash, in her book, was a plus. She let go of Solaire's hands and played with her own hands for a moment, forming a snow cone in one of them just to keep her hands busy. "Snow cone?" she offered to either Leo or Solaire.
JayJay said:
// THe plane crashed and we landed on an island full of insane partying celebrities woo hooooo
All Ellie had been doing since Elsa and Solaire got taken away is walking around.

She didn't pay any mind to the people surrounding her, she just kept wandering.

"Help... Joel... Joel, queen... ice... help..." she mumbled.

She made her way up the stairs to the second floor and stepped into a random room.

"Ice... Joel, help..."

// Oh and you have to pick between different locations, check post http://www.rpnation.com/threads/murder-the-ties-that-bind.55049/page-464#post-1748333

Inside- Ellie stepped into a room, one girl was crying on her bed, clutching a wet pillow. You may recognize her as Chloe Grace Moretz, “C'mon, Dove, it's not funny anymore!” BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Dove Cameron, locked in a bathroom stall, clawed her fingertips off as she giggled incoherently, “I'm going to get yooooou~ Chlooooooe~ and I'm going to shove a knife up your slit~ HA HA HA!


A male, his voice slurred, with minor cerebral palsy shook Chloe, “C-chloe... she's... she's gone! We gotta get rid of her!” RJ Mitte shakily held a massive Taurus Raging Bull in his grasp, the .454 caliber revolver, “D-d-dove... e-e-e-e-everything is gunna be cool, o-okay?”






(( My gif banner is back! :D ))

(( edit: Nvm ))
Dandy finds himself in the Manor, it's filled with half-crazed celebrities as he explores the area- only to find himself in some hidden corner in the huge mansion- he trips over a wire, a noose ties him upside down. Only to be met with—a Southern accent, “Well, well, well, lookie' what we got here. Space Elvis.” The man was older, mid-40s, sporting a machete in one hand, pressing it against Dandy's cheeks, “You know, Elvis, we KNOW you've snooped for far too long into The Governor's business... we're gunna have to deal with this'un.”



Dandy's world went white, waking up only to find himself hanging upside down in the basement...

@Flaming Centurion


@Bombielonia[/URL] @Akibahara 
// Well im back
Bump! Leo Barnes accidentally bumped into... himself? Frank Grillo's eyes were bloodshot red, probably from the huge dose of PCP he took 30 minutes ago, “YOU FUCKING BUMP INTO ME- ME AND YOU EXPECT TO GET AWAY WITH IT?!” He paused, squinting, “The fuck man? Are you my stunt double or something?”


@Leo Barnes
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Verite said:
"...I hate this place," Shiki sighed, leading Mikasa away from the strange man.
Mikasa gave the strange man a serious look as she walked passed him. She nodded and followed behind Shiki. Everyone else here was insane...
SuperChocoMilk said:
"Here, Clementine, I'd suggest that you go and put on this jacket and take off that shirt. It's kind of shitty. Do it in the bathroom."
Clementine walked off, and Luke was suddenly pulled into the DJ Room. "Okay, okay, I really need to stay back there!" Luke began trying to reason with a currently naked Bryan Cranston, who simply replied to him about knocking or some shit. They threw him into the DJ room, colliding into a man with a large beard and tinfoil strapped into his hands, looking like claws. "What'd you just do to me, Bub?!"

Luke walked away from him more into the dance floor, suddenly bumping into a woman who was simply propped against the wall bobbing her head to the music. "Hey! What's your problem buddy? I don't think I've seen you around her before anyways."

The woman looked strikingly familiar. "Ellie! It's me! Luke! Remember!"

"My name's Ellen, not Ellie."

"What? You look exactly like her! And plus, your names are almost identical."

Ellen Page simply raised an eyebrow, and then continued bobbing along to the music. "Well, you're not completely crazy I guess. Stick over here. Have you seen monkey Oprah Winfrey yet?"

"I saw a black lady who threw shit at a little girl I was with."

"Fucked up shit."

Luke bumped into someone else along the way: Strangely enough, undoubtedly, he was an A-List actor, but THIS role stuck to him? Weird. Leonardo DiCaprio, sporting an 1850s Wild West suit, and beige fedora bowed, “Why, it'sa pleasure ta meet ya, sir. I am Calvin J. Candie, professional slave holder and Mandingo wrestler. If you're interested, sir, we're holdin' a match righ' down in tha' basement. Got some fellow with poofy hair and a mighty nice complexion fightin' under his own will. Care to join?” He smiled, blowing a puff of white smoke from the side of his lips, his teeth were unusually dirty... possibly painted or visual effects?


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[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]Mikasa gave the strange man a serious look as she walked passed him. She nodded and followed behind Shiki. Everyone else here was insane...

Leading Mikasa to the beach on the island, he sighed tiredly, pocketing his hands. "Man, what a crazy adventure we've all been through," Shiki said, "It's all been a mess. I wonder for how much longer this'll go on..."
Spy wasn't even going to go bother follow the others, this place was crazy enough as it was. He watched, as a horde of Crossed approached the island, being gunned down by the guns, and he heard their shouting. He didn't catch much over the roar of the miniguns, but he did hear, "FUCKING CLUSTERFUCK GUNS!" from one crossed, "HOW ABOUT I STICK MY DICK IN THOSE BARRELS AND FU - *The Crossed exploded as minigun bullets ripped through him* "CALLED MINIGUN! HUGE AS FUCK!" another shouted, before he too was killed. The last of the Crossed horde dead now, Spy chuckled. These defenses were outstanding. 
Suddenly, a Crossed cosplaying as Captain America leapt out of the water, laughing. "HEHEHEHEH AGENTS OF SSSHHHHIEIIIIELD!" he shouted, throwing his shield at Captain America and Wynne, "GET IT!?!? SHIELD!??! HEHEHEEHEHEHHAHAHAHAAHAH!" The Crossed continued, laughing his head off. "But seriously, that show's a fucking disgrace," the Crossed continued, before leaping at Captain America himself.
Cressy said:

Solaire after quite some time being out, opened his eyes, he lay on a small mattress in an attic it seems, he tried to sit up but could only lift his head without getting some pain. He looked around the cellar and saw Elsa, he smiled, being glad she was safe, but she didn't look very good.

"Where am I...?"


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Dr. Ken Jeong fixed his gaze on Solaire, “Welcome back to the world of the living.” He's known for his comedic roles, but not today—he was serious, busy, and best of all, sane. He just finished wrapping both of Elsa's legs in a cast, followed by extensive suturing and bone construction, “... I just finished patching your friend up, she shouldn't move given the current condition of her legs—but you, on the other hand, need some serious rest.” He flipped his seat around, “Jenny! Get over here!”

Jenny McCarthy flipped around like a klutz in your classical 1950s nurse outfit, “Y-yes doctor?!”


“Bring our two patients something to eat, will ya?”

“Y-yes sir! J-just don't vaccina--”


@Cressy @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3134-cressy/ said:
@Cressy[/URL] @Leo Barnes
Shifting a bit uncomfortably on the ground, Elsa sighed. She waved a hand a made a wheelchair of ice for herself that rose her up off the ground. Much better. The ground had been far too uncomfortable.

"Well, last night you looked like you were dying, so I asked you not to die," she said, blushing slightly embarrassed. "Sorry it wasn't anything more exciting than that, but I'm happy that you didn't."

When Leo walked in, she turned her head. "Good to see you're still in once piece." Any person that had survived the crash, in her book, was a plus. She let go of Solaire's hands and played with her own hands for a moment, forming a snow cone in one of them just to keep her hands busy. "Snow cone?" she offered to either Leo or Solaire.


Solaire blushed slightly then laughed in his usual jolly form, he did not laugh in a mean form but in a form of appreciation really, Solaire sighed and layed back down.

"I wouldn't be so selfish Elsa."

He had to keep taking breaths in between his phrases

"I am aware you have lost a lot, so I shall stay by your side."

He yawned and said

"Besides, I would also be lost if you left me. I'm lost enough as it is..."

Solaire smiled and turned his head to look at her, blushing and giving her his usual cheesy grin. He looked up again and saw the "Snow cone" confused on what it was.

"Is snow not the white crystals that fall from the skies in the north? I can't say I have ever seen it fall, nor eaten it."

He knew that he should not eat it, because he would probably be more prone to putting it all over his body than actually consuming it. Although he was thirsty.

"Is there water? Also soon I shall be able to heal you Elsa, then heal myself."

Wait shouldn't he heal himself first? I mean he can protect her that way. But he did continue to feel guilty watching her in pain there.​


Akibahara said:

“Bring our two patients something to eat, will ya?”

“Y-yes sir! J-just don't vaccina--”


@Cressy @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
*Sniff Sniff* Hm...

I think I smell a fresh case of bullshit, maybe even Aki's schemes))
Emiya remained outside the manorhouse. He had no time for any of the antics that the people here seemed so fond of. He propped the G3A3 up against the rock he was sitting on and lit up a cigarette. Looking about at the occasional Crossed who tried to get near the island or more often, simply staring at the sky. After a while; he looked towards the manorhouse; he held his gaze there for around a minute, then shook his head and resumed staring up at the sky instead.
Akibahara said:
Dr. Ken Jeong fixed his gaze on Solaire, “Welcome back to the world of the living.” He's known for his comedic roles, but not today—he was serious, busy, and best of all, sane. He just finished wrapping both of Elsa's legs in a cast, followed by extensive suturing and bone construction, “... I just finished patching your friend up, she shouldn't move given the current condition of her legs—but you, on the other hand, need some serious rest.” He flipped his seat around, “Jenny! Get over here!”

Jenny McCarthy flipped around like a klutz in your classical 1950s nurse outfit, “Y-yes doctor?!”


“Bring our two patients something to eat, will ya?”

“Y-yes sir! J-just don't vaccina--”


@Cressy @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Cressy said:


Solaire blushed slightly then laughed in his usual jolly form, he did not laugh in a mean form but in a form of appreciation really, Solaire sighed and layed back down.

"I wouldn't be so selfish Elsa."

He had to keep taking breaths in between his phrases

"I am aware you have lost a lot, so I shall stay by your side."

He yawned and said

"Besides, I would also be lost if you left me. I'm lost enough as it is..."

Solaire smiled and turned his head to look at her, blushing and giving her his usual cheesy grin. He looked up again and saw the "Snow cone" confused on what it was.

"Is snow not the white crystals that fall from the skies in the north? I can't say I have ever seen it fall, nor eaten it."

He knew that he should not eat it, because he would probably be more prone to putting it all over his body than actually consuming it. Although he was thirsty.

"Is there water? Also soon I shall be able to heal you Elsa, then heal myself."

Wait shouldn't he heal himself first? I mean he can protect her that way. But he did continue to feel guilty watching her in pain there.​


*Sniff Sniff* Hm...

I think I smell a fresh case of bullshit, maybe even Aki's schemes))
"I think I can afford to be a bit selfish after all I lost. Besides, you told me before that you didn't want me to die, so surely it's all right for me to say the same."

She smiled as well.

"But good. Please do stay with me and I will stay with you."

His cheesy grin made Elsa chuckle before seeing him confused about her snow cone.

"Well it is edible, but if you would rather have water I could melt it for you. I would just need a cup," she stated, turning her head to look around the room. Sighing when she didn't see one, she decided to wait for a doctor to come, otherwise she would get water all over the place.

"I suppose we may have to wait for a doctor, but here..." She transformed the ice cone into a mini sculpture of Solaire, about the size of an action figure. "Or maybe you'd like this better?" She changed it into a mini model of the sun, but frowned with a laugh. "It's probably not as good as the one you like, but oh well."

The next thing she heard was the return of the doctor and nurse. She smiled and glanced to them when they said to bring Elsa and Solaire some food. The thought of food made her realize she hadn't eaten in forever and she was indeed starving. Maybe they would bring some water for Solaire as well.

@Cressy @Akibahara
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Claire after catching glimpses of what was going on in the manor through the front door or the windows, she decided it would be best if she stayed outside, heading back towards the shore, she found a nice palm tree to lay back against, keeping her hand on her M-9 by her hip. Just in case, because this island seemed to be as nuts as anywhere else she has been so far. Sighing as she looks out into the vast ocean, trying to ignore the floating crossed bodies drifting in the tides.
Xibilation said:
How long Ariel was going to last like this, she didn't know.
Her drive was going nuts after that drink Tom gave her. The music blared through the mansion all throughout the night, and Ariel had danced against, felt up, and done some pretty explicit things to quite a few celebrities. Still, she didn't feel satisfied, so she walked over to where she last remembered seeing Tom Cruise.

Mr Cruise wasn't there, but Ariel was certainly surprised when someone approached her from behind and pinned her dancing body to theirs.
Oh man, there was! Oooh, he was such a naughty boy, too. She felt his hands press against her breast, rubbing his body against hers, he was very playful. So sexy. Ariel, in her curiosity, turned around and saw--


Steve Buscemi​

“Hey baby, wanna fuck?!”

SirDerpingtonIV said:
((Guys, wtf.) Spy sat on the beach, confused.
Elondora said:
Wynne and Captain America wave at Spy, and then continue to hang out, listening to the waves.
The RED Spy and Wynne sat along the coastline, the soft ocean breeze washing over them—Captain America found someone resembling him. Too much. Hell, one could say it WAS the REAL Cap'n.


Chris Evans sat down beside Captain America, propping his legs forwards, arms rested, “Nice Captain America cosplay, pal. Took some detail. Where'd you get it?” Beside Wynne, another man, possibly a friend of Chris Evans, took a seat—unfortunately, he lost his mind a few months ago—Chris Hemsworth sat down fully geared in his Thor outfit, well, a super-ghetto version, at least. He wore a cardboard box with ab lines drawn with a sharpie.

“Ah, greetings people of Earth. It is I, Thor, the Thunder God!”​


@SirDerpingtonIV @Elondora
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