[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Akibahara said:
“Of course- I've killed- a shitload of Crossed- son. Yeah, like- five... or so. They were comin' in my backyard- and I shot 'em- BANG! - right in the kisser. They dropped- so fast- like Lindsey Lohan on acid- and.. y'know, speakin' of which, where'd she go?”
OOC: Everyone's voting for Claire, so as I sink under peer pressure, I suppose I'll do the same as well.

Shiki practically sweatdropped, stepping back a bit. This guy was a little weird, and he had no intention of sticking in this conversation with a weirdo like him. And then...

[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse](I vote for Claire I suppose)
Mikasa decides yes, and heads inside. As soon as she made it through the mansion's entrance, she already saw how busy the place was. She still showed no interest in seeing any of the celebrities and went off to find her allies. She decided to first find Shiki and headed towards the mansion's kitchen.

"Ah, hey! Mikasa!" Shiki called out to her, glancing briefly at the man, "E-Excuse me," the boy stammered, before making his way over to her, "There you are. Glad to see a normal person in here. I swear, this place is a madhouse. Wouldn't you agree?"
Akibahara said:
The girl, whose name you overheard as 'Kesha', tugged on Dallas' belt. Whoa. “Wait, wait, wait! Mister, I'm sooooooo~ friggin' sorry. I'll, like, you know, SUCK your dick, 'cuz, like... I'm really sorry, man.” Instantly, without shame, she started pulling Dallas' pants off—like, seriously—in front of the entire crowd of people.
"Get the hell away from me! You touch me again and you'll have a broken arm." *I said, dropping my perfectly good sandwich, in order to keep my pants up. I broke free of her grip and continued to walk to the DJ area.*

(( Lets just say this happened before I talked to Mikasa. Never mind, forget I talked to Mikasa. ))
MrDubWubs said:
*my face looks a little disappointed I didn't see this coming. It was no doubt it was a drug.* Sure. Why not. *I've probably had worse considering I once smoked a giant poison mushroom down to ashes and I am still alive*
The little man led Vi by the hand into the Men's Restroom, it was surprisingly clean, the maids and butlers were kept alive to tidy-up the place. Unfortunately, the celebs have been partying so hard it's been difficult to do so. He popped open a bag filled with white powder, lining it up on a random toilet bowl. He bends down, snorting it through his nose, “HOLY-!” Coughing, he shot up, the white powder caked across his nostrils, “THIS IS PURE, REALLY PURE. W-want some?!”



[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse](I vote for Claire I suppose)
Mikasa decides yes, and heads inside. As soon as she made it through the mansion's entrance, she already saw how busy the place was. She still showed no interest in seeing any of the celebrities and went off to find her allies. She decided to first find Shiki and headed towards the mansion's kitchen.

Mikasa went to the kitchen, she stepped on a pile of Kesha's vomit. :)
Akibahara said:
The little man led Vi by the hand into the Men's Restroom, it was surprisingly clean, the maids and butlers were kept alive to tidy-up the place. Unfortunately, the celebs have been partying so hard it's been difficult to do so. He popped open a bag filled with white powder, lining it up on a random toilet bowl. He bends down, snorting it through his nose, “HOLY-!” Coughing, he shot up, the white powder caked across his nostrils, “THIS IS PURE, REALLY PURE. W-want some?!”
*sighs* You deserve this. *quickly bends over snorting it up as if I've done it a million times*
Xibilation said:
Ariel picked up the drink and examined it thoughtfully. It smelled a little like the rum Eric's sailors would drink. "What is this?"
"Babe, just drink it, and trust me, it'll be SO much better."

Ariel shrugged, holding the cold bottle to her lips. Bertha had been stressing her out lately, plus, she'd just been revived from the dead! A little something to make her feel better would be good.....

So, with that thought in mind, Ariel chugged it, a burning sensation going down her throat and spreading throughout her body.
You drank an alcoholic beverage no doubt spiked by Mr. Cruise: It was a combination of Viagra, ecstasy or 'Molly', and half-a-dozen aphrodisiacs all fused into one drink. Ariel felt strange, very unlike herself, I suppose 'excited' in a way that uh, would increase sexual desire or attraction immensely. It seemed to work on men, women, this random dog in the corner, a cardboard box, and even Albert Wesker himself. Tom Cruise couldn't help but give a big 'thumbs up' to the whole situation!


The song "Bass Down Low" by DEV played as the drug kicked in:


Mikasa cringed a little as soon as she noticed the pool of vomit she had stepped into. She turned and found Shiki headed towards her. She nodded, "Yeah I haven't even been in here that long and I can tell." She said looking back down at Ke$ha's vomit.
[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]Mikasa cringed a little as soon as she noticed the pool of vomit she had stepped into. She turned and found Shiki headed towards her. She nodded, "Yeah I haven't even been in here that long and I can tell." She said looking back down at Ke$ha's vomit.

Noticing the pool that she had stepped in, Shiki couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the absurdity of the situation. "Wanna go outside? It's pretty noisy in here. Plus I'm sure you'll have a lower risk of stepping in another puddle of... yeah. This place is so unnaturally lively, it makes me forget that people used to have functional, happy lives before the Crossed appeared."
Dallas said:
"Get the hell away from me! You touch me again and you'll have a broken arm." *I said, dropping my perfectly good sandwich, in order to keep my pants up. I broke free of her grip and continued to walk to the DJ area.*
(( Lets just say this happened before I talked to Mikasa. Never mind, forget I talked to Mikasa. ))
Kesha collapsed into a heap of what appeared to be Coca-Cola and Patrón, all into a nasty-ass pile, "Noooooo~" She fell on the floor, face-first, crying as she didn't get her daily heap of dick. What a ho. Dallas continued walking into the DJ area, it's filled with celebs, booze, drugs, yada yada yada. 

MrDubWubs said:
*sighs* You deserve this. *quickly bends over snorting it up as if I've done it a million times*
Congratulations! Vi snorted a line of [COCAINE]. She felt exuberant, as if she wanted to run around the entire Island three times in a row, chatty, too, but her heart was pounding really, -really- fast. It may have worried her a bit, or not.
"Yes any place is better than in here. I can't stand pretty much anything here..." Mikasa agreed.

She looked around at the environment for a moment and slightly scowled. The fact that people could be so happy and ignorant when there were crossed out killing and doing God knows what else to other people sickened her. She didn't want to see them this way.
"It's disgusting to see them this way with the crossed around. Let's hurry on out." Mikasa said, leading the way outside.
Akibahara said:
Kesha collapsed into a heap of what appeared to be Coca-Cola and Patrón, all into a nasty-ass pile, "Noooooo~" She fell on the floor, face-first, crying as she didn't get her daily heap of dick. What a ho. Dallas continued walking into the DJ area, it's filled with celebs, booze, drugs, yada yada yada. 

Congratulations! Vi snorted a line of [COCAINE]. She felt exuberant, as if she wanted to run around the entire Island three times in a row, chatty, too, but her heart was pounding really, -really- fast. It may have worried her a bit, or not.
*I immediately stand up exhaling old useless air* WOOOO!! OH MAN THIS FEELS GREAT!*I quickly pick the man up and kiss him. After doing so I run out jumping up and down looking at every one and everything as fast as I can*
Akibahara said:
You drank an alcoholic beverage no doubt spiked by Mr. Cruise: It was a combination of Viagra, ecstasy or 'Molly', and half-a-dozen aphrodisiacs all fused into one drink. Ariel felt strange, very unlike herself, I suppose 'excited' in a way that uh, would increase sexual desire or attraction immensely. It seemed to work on men, women, this random dog in the corner, a cardboard box, and even Albert Wesker himself. Tom Cruise couldn't help but give a big 'thumbs up' to the whole situation!


The song "Bass Down Low" by DEV played as the drug kicked in:


Adrenaline shot through Ariel, and her vision got filled with bright lights. The bass started to pump.

"If you wanna get with me, there's some things you gotta know..."

Ariel's vision focused around Tom Cruise, and for now, on the spot, he was the sexiest thing she had ever seen. She bit her lip, the bass pounding through her body and the electronic back beat filling the mansion.

Ariel fluttered her eyelashes and smirked, her full body pressed against Tom. He was the only thing she could see. She started to dance, explicitly rubbing her body against his. She grinded against him, getting the reaction she wanted from Little Tom.

"G-G-G-Gettin' licked up on the spot...."

With that, Ariel opened her mouth and licked his jaw slowly, then started to kiss him savagely. It was time she took control at fulfilling desires, and Tom Cruise was going to give her that!
"Yes any place is better than in here. I can't stand pretty much anything here..." Mikasa agreed.
She looked around at the environment for a moment and slightly scowled. The fact that people could be so happy and ignorant when there were crossed out killing and doing God knows what else to other people sickened her. She didn't want to see them this way.
"It's disgusting to see them this way with the crossed around. Let's hurry on out." Mikasa said, leading the way outside.

Nodding silently, he followed her outside. "Well, you know what they say. Ignorance is bliss, yeah? I suppose it can't be helped," Shiki shrugged. Perhaps they were trying to live life to the fullest before they would probably die from the Crossed? But isn't just living enough?
Verite said:
Noticing the pool that she had stepped in, Shiki couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the absurdity of the situation. "Wanna go outside? It's pretty noisy in here. Plus I'm sure you'll have a lower risk of stepping in another puddle of... yeah. This place is so unnaturally lively, it makes me forget that people used to have functional, happy lives before the Crossed appeared."
Outside- Shiki and Mikasa crash into someone else who totally wasn't weird:




MrDubWubs said:
*I immediately stand up exhaling old useless air* WOOOO!! OH MAN THIS FEELS GREAT!*I quickly pick the man up and kiss him. After doing so I run out jumping up and down looking at every one and everything as fast as I can*
*As I walked into the DJ area, I noticed it was just like the kitchen...drunks everywhere. But then someone caught my eye, they were bouncing up and down like Hector when he did that line of cocaine. It was Vi...and after I saw what happened to Hector, I could tell she did some cocaine as well. She needs to calm down. Now. We need to remember there is still possibly a traitor out there. So we can't let are guard down for a minute. "Vi! You need to calm down, where in the hell did you get that cocaine anyway?" I said, while grabbing her shoulders and trying to keep her still.*
Dallas said:
*As I walked into the DJ area, I noticed it was just like the kitchen...drunks everywhere. But then someone caught my eye, they were bouncing up and down like Hector when he did that line of cocaine. It was Vi...and after I saw what happened to Hector, I could tell she did some cocaine as well. She needs to calm down. Now. We need to remember there is still possibly a traitor out there. So we can't let are guard down for a minute. "Vi! You need to calm down, where in the hell did you get that cocaine anyway?" I said, while grabbing her shoulders and trying to keep her still.*
*smiles wide and gives Dallas a quic peck on the cheek* I-I-it was this short guy! He only reached up to my breasts! So short! You think short people get offended when we calol them short?! Oh man this is fun! *it was all said as fast as my mouth could form the words*
Xibilation said:
Adrenaline shot through Ariel, and her vision got filled with bright lights. The bass started to pump.
"If you wanna get with me, there's some things you gotta know..."

Ariel's vision focused around Tom Cruise, and for now, on the spot, he was the sexiest thing she had ever seen. She bit her lip, the bass pounding through her body and the electronic back beat filling the mansion.

Ariel fluttered her eyelashes and smirked, her full body pressed against Tom. He was the only thing she could see. She started to dance, explicitly rubbing her body against his. She grinded against him, getting the reaction she wanted from Little Tom.

"G-G-G-Gettin' licked up on the spot...."

With that, Ariel opened her mouth and licked his jaw slowly, then started to kiss him savagely. It was time she took control at fulfilling desires, and Tom Cruise was going to give her that!


Yeeeeah! Tom Cruise couldn't help but thumps up this shit! The poor girl couldn't help herself, really, the drugs did a number on her psyche and sexual... needs. Totally unlike a Disney princess! She danced, gyrating her hips to the bass, Mr. Cruise's hands guiding her, as we CUT TO-

Bertha and Christoph Waltz:


“Vat do you mean Germany ist Cross-ified?!”

“It's quite true. The Crossed, in all their incredible intellect and maliciousness, clearly unseen in any plague throughout human history, conquered Germany overnight. It's a sad, horrible nightmare my fellow Germans—at least, the ones still alive, mind you—deal with daily.”

MrDubWubs said:
*smiles wide and gives Dallas a quic peck on the cheek* I-I-it was this short guy! He only reached up to my breasts! So short! You think short people get offended when we calol them short?! Oh man this is fun! *it was all said as fast as my mouth could form the words*
*My face grew a bit hot after the small peck, the hell is wrong with me? I shook my head, and stared Vi straight in the eyes, and put my hands on her shoulders once more, and said, "Calm. Down. If you keep this up, you'll end up crashing somewhere out of sight. Remember, we still possibly have a traitor on the loose." We can't afford to lose anyone else, we were too damn close on losing Elsa and Solaire. I need to be sure to try and check on everyone, and see if they are doing alright. Especially Vi. Not that I feelings for her or anything...god dammit... It's because of her condition, like I said, if she crashes somewhere out of sight, it could be the end of her.*
Dallas said:
*My face grew a bit hot after the small peck, the hell is wrong with me? I shook my head, and stared Vi straight in the eyes, and put my hands on her shoulders once more, and said, "Calm. Down. If you keep this up, you'll end up crashing somewhere out of sight. Remember, we still possibly have a traitor on the loose." We can't afford to lose anyone else, we were too damn close on loosing Elsa and Solaire. I need to be sure to try and check on everyone, and see if they are doing alright. Especially Vi. Not that I feelings for her or anything...god dammit... It's because of her condition, like I said, if she crashes somewhere out of sight, it could be the end of her.*
*stares back Into his eyes breathing a little heavy. I try to calm down as he speaks* o-ok... I'm calm...sorta *twitches a little holding back the energy as he holds my shoulders. Boy oh boy if a fight breaks out she is ready for it*
MrDubWubs said:
*stares back Into his eyes breathing a little heavy. I try to calm down as he speaks* o-ok... I'm calm...sorta *twitches a little holding back the energy as he holds my shoulders. Boy oh boy if a fight breaks out she is ready for it*
Bump! Vi accidentally collided with an African-American man, most know him as an R&B, hip hop, and rap artist. Tattoos lined his arms and neck, he was built, with a sideways cap, “YO! Step off bitch!” He raised his palm, as if he prepared to backhand Vi... you could see a noticeable Rihanna tattoo on his neck:

Akibahara said:


Yeeeeah! Tom Cruise couldn't help but thumps up this shit! The poor girl couldn't help herself, really, the drugs did a number on her psyche and sexual... needs. Totally unlike a Disney princess! She danced, gyrating her hips to the bass, Mr. Cruise's hands guiding her
Ariel broke away from the kiss, her hands on Tom's shoulders. "Hey, sexy," she began, hands slowly trailing downwards to his chest, "I'm going to request a song, okay?" She giggled huskily and turned, swaying her hips in the tight little jeans. Tom could only stare after her as she walked out of sight and towards the DJ booth.

When Ariel arrived, she looked around for someone else. She didn't even know what songs to request! The only reason Ariel had left Tom is because she had felt him when she grinded- he was a very, little Tom, and Ariel needed something bigger.... Better.

Ariel twerked to the music, the song now repeating "Party Rock", whatever that meant. She hoped to gain the attention of someone, and while many men were staring at and appreciating her explicit dancing, only a Canadian, tattooed guy with a high pitched voice, pants that sagged too low, red eyes, and rotten breath approached her.

"Hey babe, I'm Justin Beiber."

Ariel recoiled a bit, but then shrugged. Hey, whatever she got she was good with.
MrDubWubs said:
*stares back Into his eyes breathing a little heavy. I try to calm down as he speaks* o-ok... I'm calm...sorta *twitches a little holding back the energy as he holds my shoulders. Boy oh boy if a fight breaks out she is ready for it*
*I slowly remove my hands from her shoulders, just in case she starts bouncing around again. "Alright, good. I'm glad you are actually listening to me through that damn death powder. I advise you sit down somewhere, get some rest. I'm going to take care of that short fellow you were talking about." I said. I may have been in the transporting business of cocaine, and meth, but I never liked drugs. I only did it for the money, and whenever we had a extra bag of cocaine during a heist, I made sure to get rid of it. I can deal with cigarettes, since they aren't as harmful as other drugs.

Akibahara said:
Bump! Vi accidentally collided with an African-American man, most know him as an R&B, hip hop, and rap artist. Tattoos lined his arms and neck, he was built, with a sideways cap, “YO! Step off bitch!” He raised his palm, as if he prepared to backhand Vi... you could see a noticeable Rihanna tattoo on his neck:
*I grabbed the mans arm in mid air, and said, "If you lay a single finger on her, I will break both of your legs, and knock your damn teeth out. Now, apologize." I've had enough fighting for one day, and a fight is NOT going to start now.*
Akibahara said:
Outside- Shiki and Mikasa crash into someone else who totally wasn't weird:




"...I hate this place," Shiki sighed, leading Mikasa away from the strange man.
Xibilation said:
Ariel broke away from the kiss, her hands on Tom's shoulders. "Hey, sexy," she began, hands slowly trailing downwards to his chest, "I'm going to request a song, okay?" She giggled huskily and turned, swaying her hips in the tight little jeans. Tom could only stare after her as she walked out of sight and towards the DJ booth.
When Ariel arrived, she looked around for someone else. She didn't even know what songs to request! The only reason Ariel had left Tom is because she had felt him when she grinded- he was a very, little Tom, and Ariel needed something bigger.... Better.

Ariel twerked to the music, the song now repeating "Party Rock", whatever that meant. She hoped to gain the attention of someone, and while many men were staring at and appreciating her explicit dancing, only a Canadian, tattooed guy with a high pitched voice, pants that sagged too low, red eyes, and rotten breath approached her.

"Hey babe, I'm Justin Beiber."

Ariel recoiled a bit, but then shrugged. Hey, whatever she got she was good with.
(( Plz kill him. D: ))
Dallas said:
*I slowly remove my hands from her shoulders, just in case she starts bouncing around again. "Alright, good. I'm glad you are actually listening to me through that damn death powder. I advise you sit down somewhere, get some rest. I'm going to take care of that short fellow you were talking about." I said. I may have been in the transporting business of cocaine, and meth, but I never liked drugs. I only did it for the money, and whenever we had a extra bag of cocaine during a heist, I made sure to get rid of it. I can deal with cigarettes, since they aren't as harmful as other drugs.
*I grabbed the mans arm in mid air, and said, "If you lay a single finger on her, I will break both of your legs, and knock your damn teeth out. Now, apologize." I've had enough fighting for one day, and a fight is NOT going to start now.*
*giggles as he grabs themail man's arm. I give Dallas another peck and walk past the other guy as I do I use a gauntlet to snap his lower leg in half* You step off bitch~!
MrDubWubs said:
*giggles as he grabs themail man's arm. I give Dallas another peck and walk past the other guy as I do I use a gauntlet to snap his lower leg in half* You step off bitch~!
*My face grew hot again...the hell? I've haven't felt like this in years. The way she snapped that mans leg was amazing! My heart fluttered. I quickly shook my head again, and let go of the mans arm. He fell to the ground, holding his new broken leg. I crouched down next to him, and watched Vi walk away. "She's one mighty fine piece of work, wouldn't you say?" I said t0 the man on the ground. Forget the guy in the bathroom with the cocaine, he'll end up dead within a couple of days. I feel alive baby! I have never felt this good since my first heist when I was only a teenager!*

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