[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind


The queen was out for a good long time. She awoke to the feeling of pain shooting up her leg, and her head throbbing again. What had happened? For a moment or two, Elsa couldn't recall.

She glanced down at her legs and saw the poor shape they were in, wincing. Oh yeah. The plane had crashed. Today was just not her lucky day, was it?

Eyes wide and mouth agape, Elsa lied there for a moment in shock. Her body shook uncontrollably and she felt like she was dying all over again. And the urge to give up, to continue lying there in agony, was strong inside her. At least, until she caught a glimpse of Solaire nearby her.

He looked awful. He was a bloody mess, looked as if a couple bones were broken on him, and many of his wounds re-opened. Suddenly, her motivation returned.


Elsa hissed in pain, forcing herself to sit up. Her eyes teared up from pain and worry, the tears flowing down her cheeks. She formed a slab of ice with wheels and forced it to roll over to him. She made sure he was on his back and plopped her head down on his chest, her own heart racing as she anxiously listened for the beating of his.

Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead.

Elsa heard a beat. He was alive. But maybe not for long if he didn't get more help. She was unaware he had some kind of cloud around healing himself.

The queen sat up and began to drop ice on his legs. It would keep any swelling down and help with any pain if he woke up. She then built the sled up around him as well and waved a hand, making a mini snow golem to pull the sled for them since they couldn't.

But it was more like a slush golem. Elsa was far too weak to create a strong, reliable golem to pull them. It was not even half her height and looked melty. She would be lucky if it got them to the edge of town without draining all of her power and possibly killing her. But if she could save Solaire's life, she would gladly give up her own.

"Pull the sled. T-Take us to the town. Take us to someone who can help us," she ordered the slushy ball with arms and legs before lying down by Solaire on the sled. Her body shook and she breathed heavy from the pain, but was determined to get them--or at least Solaire--to safety.
Ellie's eyes shot wide open.


She lifted her head and looked around her.

There were many people, some new and some familiar faces.


They want me dead.

She wiggled herself out of Vi's hands, got on her feet and backed way slowly, then started running away as fast as she could.

"Y-You won't get me! Joel! Joeeeel!"



// sorry I just had to do this so Ellie could do at least something good

She kept running along the shore with the bandage over her head, it was bloody near the back.

After a minute, she saw a familiar ice queen in a sled with an also familiar knight.

She blinked, her head twitched a little.

Her vision was blurry, that she knew, but she didn't think she was imagining things...

A little snowman pulling the sled? No, that's just impossible.

She ran up to the sled.

"Queen! Ice..." were the only words she said.

After that, she went back to mumbling 'help'.

"Help... Help..."

Gotta help. I'll help.

She got behind the sled and pushed it.

Though she didn't clearly see where exactly she was pushing it, she had enough strength to do so.

At least for a while.

"Help... Help... Help..."

She didn't say anything to Elsa or Solaire, she just kept mumbling and pushing.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3134-cressy/ said:
The queen was out for a good long time. She awoke to the feeling of pain shooting up her leg, and her head throbbing again. What had happened? For a moment or two, Elsa couldn't recall.

She glanced down at her legs and saw the poor shape they were in, wincing. Oh yeah. The plane had crashed. Today was just not her lucky day, was it?

Eyes wide and mouth agape, Elsa lied there for a moment in shock. Her body shook uncontrollably and she felt like she was dying all over again. And the urge to give up, to continue lying there in agony, was strong inside her. At least, until she caught a glimpse of Solaire nearby her.

He looked awful. He was a bloody mess, looked as if a couple bones were broken on him, and many of his wounds re-opened. Suddenly, her motivation returned.


Elsa hissed in pain, forcing herself to sit up. Her eyes teared up from pain and worry, the tears flowing down her cheeks. She formed a slab of ice with wheels and forced it to roll over to him. She made sure he was on his back and plopped her head down on his chest, her own heart racing as she anxiously listened for the beating of his.

Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead.

Elsa heard a beat. He was alive. But maybe not for long if he didn't get more help. She was unaware he had some kind of cloud around healing himself.

The queen sat up and began to drop ice on his legs. It would keep any swelling down and help with any pain if he woke up. She then built the sled up around him as well and waved a hand, making a mini snow golem to pull the sled for them since they couldn't.

But it was more like a slush golem. Elsa was far too weak to create a strong, reliable golem to pull them. It was not even half her height and looked melty. She would be lucky if it got them to the edge of town without draining all of her power and possibly killing her. But if she could save Solaire's life, she would gladly give up her own.

"Pull the sled. T-Take us to the town. Take us to someone who can help us," she ordered the slushy ball with arms and legs before lying down by Solaire on the sled. Her body shook and she breathed heavy from the pain, but was determined to get them--or at least Solaire--to safety.


Solaire's wounds were fatal, near critical, the only thing keeping him alive was the passive cloud formations that would very slowly heal him and keep him from bleeding out or dying.

The cloud had reacted to Elsa lying down next to Solaire and it started covering her gently too, as if she were covered with soft pillows, they nullified some pain and VERY slowly healed her. They were in no means a way of healing. They were made to try and keep someone alive.​
Elsa was wearing down faster than she had hoped. The energy for her powers ran out before she knew it, and would soon begin to suck from her life energy if she continued to use them with no help from anyone or anything. Thankfully, the help came in two forms:

1. Ellie made her way over to the two of them, pushing the sled. Elsa lifted her head just a bit to notice Ellie helping them and immediately stopped using her powers. This caused the slushy little snowman who was pulling the sled to disappear, and thankfully saved the life energy she had almost risked in order to get them to town.

2. The cloud of healing Solaire had made--which the queen was unaware of--very slowly began to patch her wounds. The healing was so slow that Elsa couldn't tell it was happening. She was still in great pain, but not dying thanks to its help.

The queen rested her head back down on the sled, feeling miserable. Her voice was weak and tired as she spoke to Ellie. "The first time you tried to kill me it worked, but the first time you try to save me it might... not work. That would be ironic," she said with a shaky laugh. She still felt as if she might die.

@JayJay @Cressy
JayJay said:
Ellie's eyes shot wide open.

She lifted her head and looked around her.

There were many people, some new and some familiar faces.


They want me dead.

She wiggled herself out of Vi's hands, got on her feet and backed way slowly, then started running away as fast as she could.

"Y-You won't get me! Joel! Joeeeel!"



// sorry I just had to do this so Ellie could do at least something good

She kept running along the shore with the bandage over her head, it was bloody near the back.

After a minute, she saw a familiar ice queen in a sled with an also familiar knight.

She blinked, her head twitched a little.

Her vision was blurry, that she knew, but she didn't think she was imagining things...

A little snowman pulling the sled? No, that's just impossible.

She ran up to the sled.

"Queen! Ice..." were the only words she said.

After that, she went back to mumbling 'help'.

"Help... Help..."

Gotta help. I'll help.

She got behind the sled and pushed it.

Though she didn't clearly see where exactly she was pushing it, she had enough strength to do so.

At least for a while.

"Help... Help... Help..."

She didn't say anything to Elsa or Solaire, she just kept mumbling and pushing.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Ellie wait! *I quickly follow her only to see that she quickly helps Solaire (@Cressy ) and Elsa (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty ). Hell if a little girl can do it. Why can't I? I quickly push the weak golem off and grab the rope and begins to pull the sled with all my might*
@JayJay[/URL] @Cressy
Ellie didn't seem to hear the queen's words.

Her messed up mind seemed to only be fixed on one thing.

"Help... Help... Help..." she mumbled over and over.

MrDubWubs said:
Ellie wait! *I quickly follow her only to see that she quickly helps Solaire (@Cressy ) and Elsa (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty ). Hell if a little girl can do it. Why can't I? I quickly push the weak golem off and grab the rope and begins to pull the sled with all my might*
When she saw the woman coming over and pulling the sled, she smiled and pointed at her.


Ellie looked at Elsa with a smile on her face.

The smile might make her seem happier, but her eyes and mind were still far out of this world.

"Help." she said to Elsa, pointing at Vi.

Then she continued pushing for as long as she could...



// luckily this ellie doesn't need much of my RPing now, all she'll do is sit and mumble "help" once the sled is pushed

// unless she gets taken in for actual help of course but oh well, nighty everyone~
(( back again from 3 hours of sfm ))

Dandy shook himself awake again and stood up. Did he seriously pass out again? He was hungry, he was thirsty. His attention was drawn to the huge mansion that Claire was entering. There has got to be a fridge in there! And if there is nothing ready-to-eat or 'put in my cakehole' then I'm sure I can 'persuade' Claire to make me a sandwich, and maybe do something more…

A smug look creeps onto his face.

Dandy, away!

He ran towards the mansion at top speed, staggering and sliding the whole time. He looked back at the wonderful beach he was leaving for food. Those would be some dandy waves to shred later…



Claire heard someone approaching the mansion behind her, quite rapidly at that, she stopped to turn around, only to be trucked into by a staggering Space Dandy, falling down with a little shout of surprise as she finds herself on the ground, rubbing at her forehead which had seemed to have collided with Dandy's. " Jeez.... slow your roll Space Cadet, any faster and you may have knocked me out.. "
MrDubWubs said:
Now I don't want to hear any of this dieing bull shit. You will live you hear me? I need you to say that you and that man will live!! *I get inspired by my own words causing me to run faster to wherever the medical area is*
Elsa coughed. Her lungs hurt a bit. Apparently, her legs weren't the only thing she injured during the fall. She heard Ellie mumbling in the background, unsure what she was talking about so she didn't speak to her again.

"We died once... it could happen again..." She coughed again. Solaire and Elsa were clones after all. "But if you can save one of us at least save him," she said, emphasizing her last two words. "I refuse to live through watching someone else I care for die. Especially someone warm... with a lot of potential..."

A knot formed in her stomach. She hoped Molly had survived the plane crash as well.
Akibahara said:
Bertha paused, you swore her eyes watered as she gazed at Ariel, "Mein liebe?!" She grinned, a sinister expression coming upon the ex-Umbrella operative, "Vat happened?! Oh vait..." Oh yeah, clones. Ariel felt an arm wrap around her waist, an all-too-familiar sensation from the lady who tormented her for MONTHS on in, "Velcome back, are you ready vor zee nipple clampz?!"
Ariel shrieked and pushed Bertha off of her. The medic was scaring her. She stared at her, eyes wide, and had to swallow her vomit as her old master's hand brushed her ass. "G-Get away from me!" Ariel exclaimed, and shoved past Bertha. Tears stung her eyes- couldn't the medic just leave her alone?? Ariel was so blinded by her frustration and anger and pain that the memories Bertha brought up brung that she didn't notice the man in front of her until she ran into him....

...and spilled his drink over the front of his shirt.
[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]Elsa coughed. Her lungs hurt a bit. Apparently, her legs weren't the only thing she injured during the fall. She heard Ellie mumbling in the background, unsure what she was talking about so she didn't speak to her again.
"We died once... it could happen again..." She coughed again. Solaire and Elsa were clones after all. "But if you can save one of us at least save him," she said, emphasizing her last two words. "I refuse to live through watching someone else I care for die. Especially someone warm... with a lot of potential..."

A knot formed in her stomach. She hoped Molly had survived the plane crash as well.

*growls at her looking back. The growl resembled an animal.* You shut up! Im sick of seeing people die and if I can help it im going to save every one I can from now on! I won't just save him! I'll save you too! *is getting close to exhaustion as we're still quite far from the mansion/medical place. The exhaustion is showing as Elsa looks at, but my speed is not affected*
LunarDiscord said:
Claire heard someone approaching the mansion behind her, quite rapidly at that, she stopped to turn around, only to be trucked into by a staggering Space Dandy, falling down with a little shout of surprise as she finds herself on the ground, rubbing at her forehead which had seemed to have collided with Dandy's. " Jeez.... slow your roll Space Cadet, any faster and you may have knocked me out.. "
"Ouch, my face."

Dandy notices he's pretty much straddling Claire.


Dandy quickly climbs to his feet and holds his hand out to help up Claire before brushing himself down.

"I am just, soo sorry Claire!"

He blushed a little at the situation he just caused and then turned to the Brit.

"Tour me too? I'd like to see the Kitchen please."
[QUOTE="Flaming Centurion]
"Ouch, my face."
Dandy notices he's pretty much straddling Claire.


Dandy quickly climbs to his feet and holds his hand out to help up Claire before brushing himself down.

"I am just, soo sorry Claire!"

He blushed a little at the situation he just caused and then turned to the Brit.

"Tour me too? I'd like to see the Kitchen please."

" WAIT! D-dandy.. didn't you die? It didn't occur to me until now, but you didn't escape the facility with the rest of us... " Claire asks, worriedly, getting up without taking his hand, already panicking enough that she may be seeing and now, talking, to things that aren't there.
MrDubWubs said:
*growls at her looking back. The growl resembled an animal.* You shut up! Im sick of seeing people die and if I can help it im going to save every one I can from now on! I won't just save him! I'll save you too! *is getting close to exhaustion as we're still quite far from the mansion/medical place. The exhaustion is showing as Elsa looks at, but my speed is not affected*
Elsa shut her eyes again, listening to the fast pace at which the man pulled the sled. She could hear Ellie muttering in the background as well, but paid no mind to it. "Forgive me for being so negative. It's just been a long eight months. I'm tired... very tired..." Her heart was broken knowing her sister was no more. She also felt like she hadn't had a single day of piece since all of this had begun. She wished she could have one day... just a single day of peace...
LunarDiscord said:
" WAIT! D-dandy.. didn't you die? It didn't occur to me until now, but you didn't escape the facility with the rest of us... " Claire asks, worriedly, getting up without taking his hand, already panicking enough that she may be seeing and now, talking, to things that aren't there.
Dandy smiles and puts out his arms then starts to look around and calls out:

"Here's a nice person! They actually noticed that I died! Yeah, Woo!"

Dandy stopped then winked at Claire.

"I think nobody noticed because I came ba-"

Why would he say that?! Idiot…He really is an idiot…

"I'm really sorry…"
[QUOTE="Flaming Centurion]Dandy smiles and puts out his arms then starts to look around and calls out:
"Here's a nice person! They actually noticed that I died! Yeah, Woo!"

Dandy stopped then winked at Claire.

"I think nobody noticed because I came ba-"

Why would he say that?! Idiot…He really is an idiot…

"I'm really sorry…"

She sighed, rubbing a gloved hand at her face, she wasn't in the mood for jokes, but she couldn't find the energy to get angry at him. " Yeah.. yeah it's alright. Don't sweat it. " She found herself to be quite tired, waving a hand dismissively at him. " Unless you want to actually tell me, just don't say anything, glad to have you back though.. I'm sick of people dying. "
MrDubWubs said:
Then go to sleep! No more negativity. *I slowly reach the mansion before Dandy (@Flaming Centurion ) and Claire (@LunarDiscord ) With heavy breaths* They*inhale* Need *exhale* Doctor *I then pass out falling face first at their feet*
" Uh who needs a doc-- " She is cut off as the Woman passes at her and possibly ghost Dandy's feet. First she's seeing dead people and now people are passing out for no rhyme or reason. Claire thought she had finally lost it.
LunarDiscord said:
" Uh who needs a doc-- " She is cut off as the Woman passes at her and possibly ghost Dandy's feet. First she's seeing dead people and now people are passing out for no rhyme or reason. Claire thought she had finally lost it.
*mumbles while I lay still with the gauntlets. by the look of them i'm not moving anywhere unless you have a forklift*
*I approached the manision, only to see Vi face first on the ground. I also saw that Dandy was...alive? I could have sworn he died... Claire was also standing next to him. "What's going on over here?" I said, looking down at Vi, then to Dandy and Claire. "Better question, how are you alive Dandy?" I said.*

@Flaming Centurion



Elsa's brow furrowed. She didn't really like that the man was yelling at her. Could she really be blamed for feeling such upset emotions? Most of the time, solemn words coincided with her normal personality anyhow. If he wanted someone more cheerful and hopeful to speak with, he would need to wait for Solaire to wake up. His bright and cheerful disposition could perk anyone up, even the introverted icy queen.

She calmed her nerves at the man though. He had helped her and Solaire arrive to a more safe environment, after all.

When she heard him pass out and fall over, Elsa lifted up slightly, wincing from her pain. She slid back down though, unable to support her weight. "Claire? Ngh... he's right... we do need help." Elsa and Solaire were in the tiny sled Vi had drug in. Solaire was unconscious at the moment. Elsa was barely keeping awake.
It took awhile for Molly to finally land, and in truth, it was a hard one at that. Flying through tress, and a large branch smacking Molly in her side, the parachute got caught, and caused the two women to free fall, and Molly to get knocked out.


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