[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]// That's the least of it... //

(Ughhh I am going to cry. ;-; I just wanna get back in I feel bad missing so much)
((@InzaneKilla I say we just skip ahead to the Citadel instead of doing all the catching up 'cause that'd take too long. Also, I'm voting for Aladeen because I've seen that movie and I have a good feeling about it.))

Tychus inhaled deeply, somewhat grateful to be somewhere that wasn't a ship again. "Alright boy, I say we go get ourselves some guns, then see about gettin' a bit to drink. There's bound to be somethin' worth doing on this station, even if it'll get me thrown in whatever excuse for a brig they've got." He laughed at this, and began slowly walking towards the armory.

He had a feeling that they wouldn't have something he'd be familiar with; he had a sneaking suspicion it'd be closer to the stuff the Protoss were working with than the standard Terran ferro-steel and concrete "it's covered in blood but at least it ain't yours" type of place, but an armory was an armory. "Never did trust them Protoss. Weird religious aliens, the lot of 'em. Got anything like that back where you're from, Krieg? Not that I'd be able to tell what it is you're telling me if you did." Tychus laughed again, his armor clanking as he made his slow way to the armory.

((So sorry I haven't been able to post much you guys! Culinary school is kinda kicking me from hell to breakfast.))
Akibahara said:
The Asari girls idly looked over at the Predator, "... And what do you want? Private business, pal."
"Private buisness?" The predator asked, watching them through his mask. "I've heard you have a problem with the.... grey ones...." he said, before clicking his mandibles under his mask. "Perhaps you would like... assistance in your hunt?" he asked, extending his retractable wrist blades.
Kit Fisto sat realigning the crystals in his lightsaber.

@anyone I guess
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Uncle ShortyB](([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9624-inzanekilla/ said:
@InzaneKilla[/URL] I say we just skip ahead to the Citadel instead of doing all the catching up 'cause that'd take too long. Also, I'm voting for Aladeen because I've seen that movie and I have a good feeling about it.))
Tychus inhaled deeply, somewhat grateful to be somewhere that wasn't a ship again. "Alright boy, I say we go get ourselves some guns, then see about gettin' a bit to drink. There's bound to be somethin' worth doing on this station, even if it'll get me thrown in whatever excuse for a brig they've got." He laughed at this, and began slowly walking towards the armory.

He had a feeling that they wouldn't have something he'd be familiar with; he had a sneaking suspicion it'd be closer to the stuff the Protoss were working with than the standard Terran ferro-steel and concrete "it's covered in blood but at least it ain't yours" type of place, but an armory was an armory. "Never did trust them Protoss. Weird religious aliens, the lot of 'em. Got anything like that back where you're from, Krieg? Not that I'd be able to tell what it is you're telling me if you did." Tychus laughed again, his armor clanking as he made his slow way to the armory.

((So sorry I haven't been able to post much you guys! Culinary school is kinda kicking me from hell to breakfast.))
// And I shall be signing off; Saber is sitting around somewhere quiet and resting until the summons with Skywalker. Right now though; I need sleep; also, sorry for the mostly short replies, I ain't feeling too good. //
xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash screamed as he realized that he had become a goat
"Ahhhhhhhhhh, come on!" he bounded to and fro a few times before he settled down, "At least my coat still fits!" he weapons had fallen to the floor tho. "I'm starving, anybody got anything to eat?" he bounded over to the table and jumped on top of it, "Seriously? i never would of thought that these things could do this! I'm a goat! Please tell me this isn't permanent." he watched as one guy turned into a girl, "What?!? Why didn't I pick that one!" he imagined it in his head for a moment
Vash noticed a deli adjacent to The Master's Chest...
Verite said:
As a righteous and upstanding citizen with a clear and strong moral compass, Shirou was not affected by the potion.

He was barely able to retain some semblance of a clear mind, bumping into the wall and breathing heavily. That rune... what the hell was that thing anyway? Why did it make him do those things and think these thoughts?

...Does it matter?

Still, against his better judgment that is now apparently taking a back seat, Shirou practically involuntarily looked around the room, as if scanning around for someone or something to do..

@Anyone who wants to be sexually assaulted by Shirou... I know you people are out there.
There's already shit-tons of people who wanna fuck this.


>ruined forever
Yuki yelped at the whipping and got his master the wine while Luka regained his composure and was now alone and blindfolded. He followed some sounds towards the nightclub.

Vash notices a deli across from The Master's Chest and his eyes widen with joy as he salivates. "BAAAAAAAA! I found the promised land. Boobs, this way!" he charges full speed toward the deli, willing and ready to headbutt all those stand in his path, "Let the feast begin! Baaaaaa!" He mowed over a few passerbys and rammed the back of a man's ankles to get to the deli.
Jeremiah said:
Pinkie jolted to a stop, her muscles frozen as she saw the line of aliens in front of her. She giggled as they asked why "Crypto" was with her. She pointed at him on her back.
"This little guy's name is Crypto? He just jumped on my back and asked for a ride! But these stupid guys in weird armour tried to stop us."

She pouted.

"What a bunch of lousy party-poopers, am I right?"
Crypto re-aligned himself, "Right. Chill it guys, she's... a 'friend.' Anywho, how many of 'em are incoming?" One of the Furons shrugged, "I anticipate, I dunno, 10-20. It's like those damned Asari want to die!"
Akibahara said:
She shook her head, merely responding, "I'd suggest bringing a few friends."
"Alright, alright... I'll try and round up a few people to come with me. Or at least I'll try..." *I replied. This is going to be one hell of a mission. How am I going to round up a group of people to come with me on this mission? I looked around, I spotted a small power box that seemed to connect to a small intercom system. I could possibly tap into its frequency, and use my headset to use the intercom. It's better than going out by myself and trying to round up people. That's just asking for the "traitor" to find me, and take me down.*

xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash notices a deli across from The Master's Chest and his eyes widen with joy as he salivates. "BAAAAAAAA! I found the promised land. Boobs, this way!" he charges full speed toward the deli, willing and ready to headbutt all those stand in his path, "Let the feast begin! Baaaaaa!" He mowed over a few passerbys and rammed the back of a man's ankles to get to the deli.
My name is Natsu... Not boobs... *She follows the goat to the deli. Her stomach growls louder than a mans. She is STARVING*
Akibahara said:
Crypto re-aligned himself, "Right. Chill it guys, she's... a 'friend.' Anywho, how many of 'em are incoming?" One of the Furons shrugged, "I anticipate, I dunno, 10-20. It's like those damned Asari want to die!"
((Predator responded. And, if they accept the Predator's offer, they won't get wrecked.))
Bombielonia said:
I vote on a pony who is rather-.. UGH. Not cute. Nope.
*Le gasp* They're foiling my plans! I mean, er...cup...cakes?


I swear it's just a coincidence they're coloured like a rainbow.
JayJay said:
"Go get me wine, bitch."

Arya Stark passed by a HOLY SHIT, IT'S DARTH VADER! Oh wait, nope. More like 'Jew Vader.' A Jewish looking individual, sporting nerdy ass glasses, an oversized helmet, and Vader's outfit... with a black tie, cocked a brow at Arya Stark, "Jeez louise, what is this place? Friggin' Star Sluts of the Galaxy 8?"


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