[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Dallas said:
*I guess his name is Stitch, odd name, but at least he listened to me. I set him down on the ground, and then wiped off the slobber that was on my face. It smelled horrible...almost as worse than a sectoid smells like when they start to decompose, and that smells horrible! I ran a hand through my hair, and thought about what to do next. Maybe I should just tell Ellie that I'm ready to help her out, I'm not groin to be able to get any of these peoples attention. They are so concentrated on their own world that they don't even know about the impending doom that is coming if we don't stop the Empire. I decided to head back to Ellie, I'll come back here later and see if things will calm down a bit. I approached Ellie, and said, "We'll, that was a waste of time... When are we heading out to this, 'Ishimora?'*

Ellie shook her head, "I'm sorry, but I can't come with you-- the USG Ishumura could be crawling with Imperials. I'm needed here. I've been assigned by General Hyrum Graff to man this post and try to discover external aid to retrieve the weapon. Think you can do that?"
Yuki squeaked "Y-yes Master!" Seriously!? what the hell? now his master was this chick's plaything or something? He wouldn't stand for that. "Yuki!? Seriously snap the fuck out of it!" He shook him "You b*tch! what the hell did you do to her?!"
Bombielonia said:



"Time lord!" A thick, Arabian accent called out.

"Let's dance."



The Dictator began dancing along with the others.

Seriously nice booty for someone like him.

The Doctor spotted the dictator he had met earlier. For some reason, he really felt like dancing, and he didn't care who the heck it was with.

"Get over here and I'll show you my moves!"

MattieLee said:
Yuki squeaked "Y-yes Master!" Seriously!? what the hell? now his master was this chick's plaything or something? He wouldn't stand for that. "Yuki!? Seriously snap the fuck out of it!" He shook him "You b*tch! what the hell did you do to her?!"
// oshit Yuki is female, whoops, I just read part of a wiki page and it described his most recent life apparently

Arya laughed and roughly squeezed Yuki's ear.

"SLAVE! Your friend called me a bitch! Punch him and then immediately run to the nightclub! Your Mistress would like to dance!"

She tugged on Yuki's ear painfully, whip at the ready.

[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]The Doctor spotted the dictator he had met earlier. For some reason, he really felt like dancing, and he didn't care who the heck it was with.
"Get over here and I'll show you my moves!"


"OoooOOoooh. /Doctor/."


"I can show you moves my fifth wife taught me."

Just before the Doctor could react, the Dictator was belly dancing against him.

SirDerpingtonIV said:
The Predator stumbled back, startled, as the Doctor ran into him. He turned, making a rather offensive human gesture he had learned in captivity from the Imperial Officer, whom he had spared during his escape, as his large wrist blades extended. He retracted them, as he turned, approaching the counter. He still had his mask on, and he would keep it on. He was unaware of how this place worked, as he sat on a stool, and clicked his mandibles curiously under his mask, as he looked around.

The Predator discovered the Asari our Supreme Commander Aladeen spoke to were still there- but the Furon was long gone.
Akibahara said:
Ellie shook her head, "I'm sorry, but I can't come with you-- the USG Ishumura could be crawling with Imperials. I'm needed here. I've been assigned by General Hyrum Graff to man this post and try to discover external aid to retrieve the weapon. Think you can do that?"
*I sighed, and rubbed my forehead. Great, so I'm probably going in alone. That's just fantastic. Then again, if I help her out, we could have a major upper hand against the Empire. "Yeah, I think I can do that... Will I have any assistance at all when I'm inside?" I asked. I really hope I get some sort of assistance. If not, I'm practically going on a suicide mission. The others owe me big time if I pull through this. Or at least give me a promotion...*

Yuki obeyed his master and started attacking Luka and he dodged them easily, what the fuck? was he brainwashed or something? she was never like this (Still technically he) well he was still bound by contract to be by Yuki's side... and any Duras that disobeys orders... anyways he had to save Yuki. Although deep down he wished Yuki would have acted like this in his past life... damn get your mind to the fight. He took Yuki and then swung hi sword at Arya.
Akibahara said:
The Furon groaned, bouncing up and down on My Little Sadist Pony, “OH GOD STOP.” Nope. Weeeee~ aaaaaand, all the way down you slid, Pinkie Pie and the Furon slid down a curved sewer entrance, their forms vanishing deep within the black abyss which smelled of old gym socks, farts, and piss, “Ugh, I can't get used to the smell.” You finally hit rock bottom. It was pitch black, smelly, and that stupid little Furon clung onto Pinkie Pie for sweet life.

Her eyes shot open as she slid down the sewers, raising her front hooves up as she cheered. She landed at the bottom with a splash, soon popping her head out of the murky water and shaking her head, sending drops of it flying everywhere. She looked down the dark corridor with a large smile, and went straight back to skipping forward.

"Haha! Isn't this fun little guy?"
Gohan put his clothes back on, and went and ordered a drink. "I need some Gin, cranberry, and Tonic, girlfriend," he said to the bar tender.

Gohan walked to the dance floor and started twerking. He then stuck his tongue out. It seemed his balls left him.

((Is anybody laughing?))


Sent from... Eh, why bother?
Verite said:
Shirou stayed.
Shirou discovered a purple, lavender, and orange rune was left. Will you interact with one of them?
@JustanotherRPer @Bombielonia

The Doctor gripped onto The Master's hand and suddenly pulled her close again, whispering with hot breath against her neck, "This is so wrong, yet so right. Show me your moves you naughty time lord."

He was dancing closely with his enemy who he had just voted with as a traitor. Apparently, the old Doctor had really lost his mind for the moment.

He twirled his partner like a top again, spinning her into the crowd and losing her. He frowned, but quickly perked up when the dancing dictator came over to him. He let out a girlish yelp when the man began belly dancing close to him.

"Down boy," The Doctor teased waving a finger at the man.

It sounded as if he disliked the idea of that dance at first until he said:

"Not ready. I haven't gotten warmed up yet!" he cried with a grin.
MattieLee said:
Yuki obeyed his master and started attacking Luka and he dodged them easily, what the fuck? was he brainwashed or something? she was never like this (Still technically he) well he was still bound by contract to be by Yuki's side... and any Duras that disobeys orders... anyways he had to save Yuki. Although deep down he wished Yuki would have acted like this in his past life... damn get your mind to the fight. He took Yuki and then swung hi sword at Arya.
Arya jumped back when her slave was taken from her and Luka swung his sword.

"Hey! Give him back, he's mine!"

She tried to reach for her sword, but remembered she lost it.

"What is your problem? He's my slave, all mine, MINE! You can't take him! SLAVE, GET BACK HERE!"

// I am going to die if this doesn't stop. And so is Arya.
Akibahara said:
Shirou discovered a purple, lavender, and orange rune was left. Will you interact with one of them?
He knew he was going to regret this.

Shirou chose the lavender rune.
Akibahara said:
The Predator discovered the Asari our Supreme Commander Aladeen spoke to were still there- but the Furon was long gone.
The Predator was curious about the group of blue-skins with the tentacles sitting around the table. They looked rather disgruntled. He approached them, making sure his wrist blades were retracted. ((He has no plasma cannon, cuz that's OP, but he can cloak, and mimick noises)) "Greetings," he said using his voice mimicker. Strangely, he sounded like a british-accented Imperial Officer.
Dallas said:
*I sighed, and rubbed my forehead. Great, so I'm probably going in alone. That's just fantastic. Then again, if I help her out, we could have a major upper hand against the Empire. "Yeah, I think I can do that... Will I have any assistance at all when I'm inside?" I asked. I really hope I get some sort of assistance. If not, I'm practically going on a suicide mission. The others owe me big time if I pull through this. Or at least give me a promotion...*

She nodded, "I understand you came in with a group of friends, correct?" A pause, "Oh, and I forgot to mention, but the USG Ishumura has implemented a 'force imbued' generator within it's confines-- if you bring any magic or force users with you, they'll be rendered 100% human. I'd also suggest NOT bringing in explosives. Due to the hydraulics, intricate engine detail, it'll work far too effective. Unless, of course, you wanted to become human jelly."


Music aloud.

Hips shaking.

Doctors getting perverted.

Beard rubbing.

It was getting rather HOT down at the Flux Nightclub!

(lol, I'm still laughing my arse off)

Yuki crawled over "Coming Master!" Luka didn't want to hit Yuki so backed off "What kind of magic is this?!" he was still pretty disturbed. He shook Yuki again "Snap out of it! Don't you want to end the war?!, come on wake up!" he looked at the yellow rune and thought, there was just no way that this was the cause.
Saber was sitting off to one side of the Master's Chest; observing Shirou inspect another of the runes; thus far not one had any desirable effect, and as such she had left them all alone; in any case, she did not require any kind of power in addition to what she already had; she already knew that she was easily one of the most powerful individuals here; but did not let the fact go to her head; she had been a King, to be powerful was expected.
MrDubWubs said:
*Natsu walks over and sees the pink shard. He thinks it's a lock of his hair so he picks it up* Is this mine? *He examines it*
Natsu touched the PINK RUNE. He mewled out in ecstasy, whoa, his chest bulged out in excess, forming into tiny A sized breasts, nearly ripping out of his uniform, "Ooooh." He felt his, uh, male genilitia vanish into thin air, replaced with a hairy, untrimmed slit in it's stead. Whelp, this wasn't expected! His- no, -her- voice changed dramatically, becoming far more high-pitched than usual!


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