[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Bombielonia said:
He scowled and turned around, even if there was no one he did this out of habit. He brought his index finger to his neck as if he wanted someone killed.


"I get what I want wether you offer it or not, little blue woman. It is your duty to do what I want. Now, what is it that you need my help with?"​

The Asari smirked, crossing her legs, "The Furon and Asari have been in a 'secret war' for approximately a month now-- it sparked up due to, shall I say, cultural differences. The Furon are war-like, the Asari are not. Naturally, those gray little shits attacked first-- and we're defending ourselves. Now, deep within The Citadel, we're not sure where, a colony of Furon have made shop-- cloning, setting up highly-advanced weaponry, and preparing for... something-- we don't know. If you can, snoop around and find something."

Do you accept the Asari's offer? Or do you decide to help the Furon instead?
JayJay said:
Arya was badass.
She made her way to the Master's chest like a badass.

She looked over the options with a badass look.

Eventually, she chose to take one of the yellow runes because yellow is a badass color.

Damn Arya was badass.
There was one yellow stone left, it desired to by touched by someone else....
Akibahara said:

The Asari smirked, crossing her legs, "The Furon and Asari have been in a 'secret war' for approximately a month now-- it sparked up due to, shall I say, cultural differences. The Furon are war-like, the Asari are not. Naturally, those gray little shits attacked first-- and we're defending ourselves. Now, deep within The Citadel, we're not sure where, a colony of Furon have made shop-- cloning, setting up highly-advanced weaponry, and prepare for... something-- we don't know. If you can, snoop around and find something."

Do you accept the Asari's offer? Or do you decide to help the Furon instead?
"If they have the bigger hand, Thing. I will shake my buttcheeks in your general direction and take no part in some slave's job of spying around. Your charms do not work on me, Elmo...- Goerge Clooney's..- Blue.. twin.. double fubble mubble!..- Nnh...- Nyaha!"

Walking away, he commented.. "Egg head.. Someone needs to separate your head."

Aladeen decides to head over to Furon unless anything happens otherwise.
Akibahara said:
A Rebel Soldier was with you, along with that tentacled Ancient Droid, he smiled, nodding, “Correct. Cortana informed me you'd be coming. Come with me.” You walked behind him, thus revealing something more... bulky, but nevertheless, friggin' awesome:


MJOLNIR Assault Armor.

Cortana WAS familiar with this.​

It was bulky, sparked in deep hues of blue, possibly a forcefield, and whirred silently as it stood in it's stead. A bright orange visor glared at you, despite no one present inside the power armor. Do you accept Cortana's gift? Yes or no?
Boss stepped up to the grand piece of technology. "Amazing..." He muttered to himself as he studied every single piece of the suit. "I'll... I'll take it, but I still would like to keep this armor around, for if I ever see my clone brothers again."
Jeremiah said:
She turned her head back to see the little alien man on her back, asking her to move. She laughed and obliged happily, beginning to bounce off with him on her back. She didn't stop for a few moments after the guards shouted, her reaction coming a good five seconds late. Her eyes shot open, and her jaw dropped just a tad; curious. She bounced in place instead.

"Arkvoodle-dammit! Start galloping, you fool!" The cute little Furon screamed out, the Rebel guards less than six feet away, glaring daggers at the two, "Step off the horse now, sir, you're coming with us. Refusal to comply will result in lethal force." The Furon paused, biting his lower lip. It was now or never: Either Pinkie Pie decides to gallop like a good little horsey around The Citadel or the Furon flies off his in jetpack...

Akibahara said:
@Everyone wanting to go to The Master's Chest. Ya crazy bastards.

The sleek, futuristic double doors leading to The Master's Chest opened up: It smelt of incense, filled to the brink with glowing runes, magical statues, the whole nine yards. The interior was dim, lit only candles and illuminating runes, sparking with ancient Sith and Jedi energy. It was like you stepped into a witch's cove or something! Weird...


“Oh, hello there!”​

An old man, approximately 78 years old, walked in, a cane pushing his decrepit body up, groaning in pain thanks to a three year old case of arthritis. He was far too old for some Jedi shit, “My apologies, I should introduce myself: The name's Master Baelock Haryn, welcome to my humble abode! If you don't mind, I'd... like you to try out a few runes. They're free of charge, so lucky for you, and any abilities you gain- you keep. So, what do ya say?”

There was an assortment of brightly colored runes, encircled perfectly on an ominous black table:

- A blue rune dimly glew, it had no inscription, and appeared more like a rock.

- Two yellow runes, it appears to work for two people ONLY, it was shaped like a crudely made blaster.

- A pink rune, it smelled of roses. Lovely, intoxicating, will you touch it?

- A green rune, it had little branches grow and expand, as if a miniature forest grew within it.

- A purple rune, little wisps of smoke trailed from it.

- A beige rune, it smelled like a farm, but emaciated powerfully as it boomed in deep hues of brown.

- A lavender rune, there wasn't any special characteristics about it.

- An orange rune, little sparks of fire sizzled from it.

- A cyan rune, no special characteristics either.

- A gold rune, ahhhh yes, this one seemed unique! A little female symbol illuminated brightly in solid gold...

The Jedi Knight shrugged, “So, which will you use?”

Gohan bitched about the Master's Chest, and then picked up the beige rune. "Hopefully this gives me something awesome, maybe, my tail back or something," Gohan muttered. The power on the rune was like his.

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
[QUOTE="Willow Blackthorn]Safiya glared at the pervy old man. "So I'm stuck like this forever?"

"Oooh, most likely, but I have an idea!" The old Jedi Knight leaned in, whispering into-- aha, who am I kidding, a whisper to her sounded loud as shit, "... Sit on my lap and we'll talk about this first thing that comes up! Heee heeee heeeeeee~"

[QUOTE="Willow Blackthorn]"Thank you. I'm glad for the company." She smiled and asked. "Where to now they Arya Of House Stark?"

"Well, I'd still like to find out what this yellow stone does... Perhaps it is something good, unlike... yours. I suppose there needs to be someone else to take the other stone as well."

Arya gave her an awkward smile.
Akibahara said:
"Oooh, most likely, but I have an idea!" The old Jedi Knight leaned in, whispering into-- aha, who am I kidding, a whisper to her sounded loud as shit, "... Sit on my lap and we'll talk about this first thing that comes up! Heee heeee heeeeeee~"
"In that case, I'll stay 3 inchs tall, thank you." She gave him a revolting look.
Akibahara said:
"Arkvoodle-dammit! Start galloping, you fool!" The cute little Furon screamed out, the Rebel guards less than six feet away, glaring daggers at the two, "Step off the horse now, sir, you're coming with us. Refusal to comply will result in lethal force." The Furon paused, biting his lower lip. It was now or never: Either Pinkie Pie decides to gallop like a good little horsey around The Citadel or the Furon flies off his in jetpack...

Pinkie performed a mental shrug before blissfully shutting her eyes and hopping away again.

"Pfft, who needs to gallop when you can skip? Galloping is so boring!"

She hummed as she hopped out of the club, bouncing away from the sleek building and on her way, the little alien man still riding on her back like he was a bull rider.
Dallas said:
*Great...this is not what I was expecting. How in the hell am I going to get these peoples attention? I folded my arms, and thought for a moment. Let's see, it seems everyone is busy talking about their own problems with their home world, while we have a major problem with the Empire. Maybe if I spread word of them to these people, they will direct their attention to the problem at hand right now, the Empire. I approached the nearest person, I cleared my throat, and said, "Excuse me sir, do you have a minute to talk?"*


A furry blue imp glanced up at Bradsford, “Aloha!” Oh, he'd be political alright, “BLARGHASDHASDHA!” It growled incoherently, shortly before tearing a nasty hole into your pant leg, chewing the material messily within it's jaws, “Yum! Yum! Me want more!” Lovely. I'm certain you could talk about the dangers of the Empire, philosophy, and the importance of an intergalactic alliance with this little fellow.
Akibahara said:
The Armory seller simply shrugged, "I got a message from the Rebel Alliance- they're payin' for all this stuff. It's free."
He pondered. What did these rebel idealists want with him? They just want his knowledge. He just decides to go with it "thank you. The ancient one wishes you a prosperous , good and long life." He then left. The repairs.. Aren't needed. The red droid could fix him. It's only his memory core , which the rebels can fix if they want his knowledge and mind do bad. He starts looking for the droid...
where is hell kites character? Also , sorry for the late reply , playing KOTORII
(Can I be filled in to what happened?)

Luka and Yuki had been following the others to the master's chest and luka looked at the stone "Well it seems to have some significance"
[QUOTE="Ryu Keiko]Simon blushed profusely as he looked around, covering his..er her, chest. "W-What?!" She said, her new voice ringing out in a high octave. "What the hell is this?! I'm not supposed to be a woman!" He exclaimed blushing at his curves. "My name is Simona! The leader of team-" she blinked stopping mid sentence. "W-wait...my name isn't Simona...i-its Simona! No!!!" She shouted as she blushed even more, if possible. What was he...she supposed to do now!

"Oooh yeah!" The dirty old Jedi dry-humped Simona, his nasty ass tongue hung out lewdly, "I've gotta get more of these runes! Let's party baby!" He was so, so gross. I don't know what's gotten into this man, but it's bad. Really bad! Horrificly bad!

Darkens said:
(What hasn't been?)
Sent from... Eh, why bother?
RUNES AVAILABLE: One yellow, purple, lavender, orange, gold, and I may decide to toss one more in there the Jedi Knight discovers.
Akibahara said:

A furry blue imp glanced up at Bradsford, “Aloha!” Oh, he'd be political alright, “BLARGHASDHASDHA!” It growled incoherently, shortly before tearing a nasty hole into your pant leg, chewing the material messily within it's jaws, “Yum! Yum! Me want more!” Lovely. I'm certain you could talk about the dangers of the Empire, philosophy, and the importance of an intergalactic alliance with this little fellow.
*I didn't have time for this, also, what in the hell is this thing? I grabbed the little bugger by its arms, and held it up to eye level. I looked into its eyes, and said, "Listen here, I won't put a bullet in your head if you stop eating my pants, alright?" I thought about what I was saying, I think I was a bit harsh on the fellow, I also noticed he wasn't very familiar with the English language, so I spoke to him in a way he could understand. "Hey, there is this big space station, and it can make your home go boom. Get it? No more home, no more family. We need to stop them. They are called, the Empire. Got it? Now, can you help me get these peoples attention so I can try and save both me, and your home from exploding?" What in the hell am I doing...this little guy probably didn't even understand what I was saying.*

Akibahara said:
@Everyone wanting to go to The Master's Chest. Ya crazy bastards.

The sleek, futuristic double doors leading to The Master's Chest opened up: It smelt of incense, filled to the brink with glowing runes, magical statues, the whole nine yards. The interior was dim, lit only candles and illuminating runes, sparking with ancient Sith and Jedi energy. It was like you stepped into a witch's cove or something! Weird...


“Oh, hello there!”​

An old man, approximately 78 years old, walked in, a cane pushing his decrepit body up, groaning in pain thanks to a three year old case of arthritis. He was far too old for some Jedi shit, “My apologies, I should introduce myself: The name's Master Baelock Haryn, welcome to my humble abode! If you don't mind, I'd... like you to try out a few runes. They're free of charge, so lucky for you, and any abilities you gain- you keep. So, what do ya say?”

There was an assortment of brightly colored runes, encircled perfectly on an ominous black table:

- A blue rune dimly glew, it had no inscription, and appeared more like a rock.

- Two yellow runes, it appears to work for two people ONLY, it was shaped like a crudely made blaster.

- A pink rune, it smelled of roses. Lovely, intoxicating, will you touch it?

- A green rune, it had little branches grow and expand, as if a miniature forest grew within it.

- A purple rune, little wisps of smoke trailed from it.

- A beige rune, it smelled like a farm, but emaciated powerfully as it boomed in deep hues of brown.

- A lavender rune, there wasn't any special characteristics about it.

- An orange rune, little sparks of fire sizzled from it.

- A cyan rune, no special characteristics either.

- A gold rune, ahhhh yes, this one seemed unique! A little female symbol illuminated brightly in solid gold...

The Jedi Knight shrugged, “So, which will you use?”

Gohan bitched about the Master's Chest, and then picked up the gold rune. "Hopefully this gives me something awesome, maybe, my tail back or something," Gohan muttered. The power on the rune was unique.

Sent from... Eh, why bother?

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
After Alice gathered her things which consisted of a decorated knife, and family locket with what we would presume is a picture of her mother and father, both with their eyes scratched out. After which Alice was quickly pushed onto a ship that was supposedly heading to the 'Citadel'..

As they where cruising through the depths of space Alice's sits idly, whispering to 'Mr Rabbit'

"This is all very odd, don't you think?"

She would hold it's head close to her ear, and giggle.

"I know, let's have a look around.."

Alice would skip along the corridors holding the the paw of the 'White Rabbit'. She presses her face against the large window which over looked a vast ocean of bewildering blackness with stars dancing together in harmony, flashing lights all around grasp and block her view of the unknown, her imagination the limit.

Suddenly a loud BOOM erupts from down the corridor, a door slides open and a meat salad of body parts spills through, she rushes over keen to see the carnage..

Alice would squat over the body parts dipping her finger in the mess, she puts it in her mouth sucking on it..

"Mm, try it, it's delicious!"

With that she dips the head of the 'White Rabbit' into the mess, dying the white fur red.. She frowns at her companion..

"Look at you! You're all messy, lets go clean you up!"

Alice would skip down towards the hallway, into the gloom.


Akibahara said:
"Oooh yeah!" The dirty old Jedi dry-humped Simona, his nasty ass tongue hung out lewdly, "I've gotta get more of these runes! Let's party baby!" He was so, so gross. I don't know what's gotten into this man, but it's bad. Really bad! Horrificly bad!
Simona squealed as the old man touched her and dry-humped her, one...because...well the obvious. And two, because she wasn't accustom to any of the feelings, or sensitivity of this body. She balled her fist and throw a hard punch towards his face. "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" she shouted in rage.

(I'm...I'm scared.....lol)
Akibahara said:


“The Citadel”

You nearly fell asleep.

The soft hum of the Republic Star Cruiser soaring past eons of stars, their celestial forms winking out in trails of vibrant white, was tranquil. Far better than the Death Star-- which honestly, resembled more of a busy work zone than an ultra-freakish-sphere-of-death and all that jazz. It kept your mind at rest.

“ETA 5 minutes until we reach the Citadel.”

EDI, stoic as ever, was busy supervising multiple Alliance programs in the Command Deck. She was smart, even for an AI, her slender humanoid fingers configured maps, encrypted codes, and passwords leading toward The Citadel. The interior of the Command Deck was dark, lit only by the banks of servers and holograms running essential Flagship controls. Key personnel were scattered abroad, interconnected between the Alliance Fleet under the watchful eye of General Jack O'Neill.

“Thank you, EDI.” The General said, standing at attention.

Juno Eclipse smiled, finally, she thought, peace at last. Well,not so much.

She lifted a finger, about to speak, “General O'Neill, may I--” Boom. Juno's body spontaneously combusted into so much meat confetti. Her stomach blew out, spraying visceral gore onto a stray onlooker, his eyes wide in fright. Her head flew into the air, half-blown apart, wet chunks of flesh flopped aimlessly, shortly before plopping in a sickish splatter of brain, sinew, and bone into Officer Bradford's arms- her eyes were milky white, rolled into the back of her head.

The once proud, valued member of the intergalactic community was rendered into liquified paste within the span of a second.

… But who would do such a thing? Who could wield such power?! Only now you realize, deep in your subconscious, there's a traitor amongst you. An Imperial spy perhaps? Who knows.


What the hell just happened?

An envoy of Rebel soldiers, yes the one you're familiar with, fitted in white-and-red jumpsuits and blaster rifles, searched the Alliance Flagship head-to-toe, checking the recently deceased Juno Eclipse. Damn, it appears she died by a micro-bomb- planted within her pocket- the spy was a crafty little bastard. No less, you were free to go.

… To your new home:


The Citadel.​

An artificial sun, coupled with a blue, blue sky graced your skin. The air was soft, breezy, temperature perfectly set in the mid-70s. Various alien races walked to and fro, idly chatting about politics, their social life, the fate of the galaxy-- ah, it was wonderful, wasn't it? You walked upon polished marble flooring, stepping out of the Alliance Flagship only to be met by this:


Evening, or should I say, good afternoon. My name is Cortana, an advanced USNC AI system scheduled to guide you throughout The Citadel. However, I must note, Commander Skywalker has requested a meeting with you at 1500 sharp. Please comply.” She smiled gracefully, “Now let's examine some key areas of interest.

- “First, we have The Master's Chest: Interested in force magic and ancient runes? This is the place for you! Ran by an old Jedi Knight, The Master's Chest is a delight for any and all individuals interested in the mysterious and unknown. I warn you though: Most of the relics haven't been touched yet by mortal hands, so if you're adventurous enough, work with the Jedi Knight and you can experiment!”

- “Our governmental branch in The Presidium: Politics hurts our galaxy, and inarguably, hurts our war against the Galactic Empire. Think you can convince a few old politicians to dispatch some manpower for the Rebel Alliance? Or perhaps, you could work your way to the top- and pick up a few jobs in exchange for manpower.”

- “I'm certain you'd benefit from our Requisitions & Armory. Interested in picking up power armor or a blaster rifle or two? Get one today! Due to your unique status in The Citadel, all purchases are covered by the Rebel Alliance!”

- “Careful about this one, but rumor has it, the Asari and the Furons have been causing trouble in the Flux Nightclub. It's very popular. However, I detect a 86.2% chance a race war will occur if strife between the Furons and Asari does not cease. I'd steer clear if I were you.”

Cortana smiles, vanishing into thin air...

Welcome to The Citadel.

You can now start posting in-game! This is an "RPG Town" type map, so explore, stock up, have fun! During the mid-round update, you will vote for your Captain and be given a ship! So have a Sci-Fi character in mind! Oh, and the first NPC kill has been posted, vote who you think the traitor is! This round will end @ Wednesday or Thursday.

Empire's Most Wanted:

JayJay as Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)

Bombielonia as "Supreme Commander" Aladeen (The Dictator)

MattieLee as Yuki and Luka (Betrayal Knows my Name)

GreenSea as Phoenix (Ace Attorney)

The Gil as James Cole (12 Monkeys)

SekiryuuteiDxD as Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)

Klutzy Ninja Kitty as The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Verite as Shirou Emiya (Fate/Stay Night)

Reaper Jack as Saber (Fate/Stay Night)

MrWubDubs as Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

Jeremiah as Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)

R4-C9 as HK-50 (Star Wars)

xxDragonEater95xx as Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

Cressy as Billy the Kid (Nonfictional person)

La Muerte as Kit Fisto (custom) (Star Wars)

Flaming Centurion as General Grievous (Star Wars)

Delayinder as Sev or Mael Radec (Killzone)

Hellkite as Legion (Mass Effect)

ChanpuruDragon as Commander Wolfe (Star Wars)

Lunar Eclipse as Nui Harime (Kill la Kill)

Atarf as Alice Liddel (American McGee's Alice)

JustanotherRPer as The Master (Doctor Who)

Dear Inspector as Khan (Star Trek)

Cyan as Elizabeth (BioShock: Infinite)

Darkens as Gohan (DMZ)

InzaneKilla as Krieg (Borderlands 2)

Beowulf as... Beowulf! (Norse Mythology)

Raggamuffinz as Arthas Menethil (WoW)

Darkangel666 as IC-1138 or "Boss" (Star Wars)

Dallas as Central Officer Bradford (XCOM)

Willow Blackthorn as Safyia (Neverwinter Nights 2)

Gilmoregirl12 as Elena Michaels (Bitten)

gogojojo331 as Cade Skywalker (Star Wars)

Apollogy8 as Loki (The Avengers)

oOKanraOo as Sebastian Michaelis (Kuroshitsuj)

Uncle ShortyB as Tychus Findlay (Starcraft)

Elergy as Kotomine Kirei (Fate/Stay Night)

TheColourlessRainbow as Kasumi Goto (Mass Effect)

Battleworn as Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (Final Fantasy VII)

Xibilation as Benny (Lego Movie)

Ryu Keiko as Simon (Gurren Laggan)

Beautifulheart3x as Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The Predator (self-titles series)


Juno Eclipse- BLOWN UP! - INNOCENT.

War Assets:

The Predator stepped back, stunned, as the female human exploded. This was unexpected. And entirely dishonorable. He would avenge the human's death, by hunting down the dishonorable scum that killed her, and killing them, before skinning them alive, and taking their skull as a trophy. He decided to head to the FLUX NIGHT CLUB. (Plan of action: Kill the Asari and the furons. boom. No race war.)
Bombielonia said:
"If they have the bigger hand, Thing. I will shake my buttcheeks in your general direction and take no part in some slave's job of spying around. Your charms do not work on me, Elmo...- Goerge Clooney's..- Blue.. twin.. double fubble mubble!..- Nnh...- Nyaha!"
Walking away, he commented.. "Egg head.. Someone needs to separate your head."

Aladeen decides to head over to Furon unless anything happens otherwise.
Jeremiah said:
Pinkie performed a mental shrug before blissfully shutting her eyes and hopping away again.
"Pfft, who needs to gallop when you can skip? Galloping is so boring!"

She hummed as she hopped out of the club, bouncing away from the sleek building and on her way, the little alien man still riding on her back like he was a bull rider.
Aladeen saw him: A little gray spaceman, screaming for dear life, a pink horsey bouncing away into a set of metallic buildings- the Rebel guardsman were nearby- chasing him down with electric batons and tasers, “Come back here!” Fwoom! The darted into an alleyway, the scenery vanishing in a blur, “I THINK I'M GOING TO BARF!” BLAAAAAA!!! Ew. Pinkie Pie felt vomit coat her back, the Furon whimpered softly, “Uuuuuugh!”

There was a sewer entrance nearby. Do you decide to enter it? It appears the Furon has an interest in such a place...


Darkangel666 said:
Boss stepped up to the grand piece of technology. "Amazing..." He muttered to himself as he studied every single piece of the suit. "I'll... I'll take it, but I still would like to keep this armor around, for if I ever see my clone brothers again."
The Rebel Shopkeeper nodded, “Good idea!” You stepped into the MJNOIR armor: It was a snug fit, you saw HUD displays pop up in your visor. Perfect. You thought. The temperature, various heat signatures, etc fixed against you. This was sublime. Every aspect of the battlefield was now at your fingertips. Wanted to know the size of an enemy force? Done deal. Want to know what type of heat they're packing? Also done.
Dallas said:
*I didn't have time for this, also, what in the hell is this thing? I grabbed the little bugger by its arms, and held it up to eye level. I looked into its eyes, and said, "Listen here, I won't put a bullet in your head if you stop eating my pants, alright?" I thought about what I was saying, I think I was a bit harsh on the fellow, I also noticed he wasn't very familiar with the English language, so I spoke to him in a way he could understand. "Hey, there is this big space station, and it can make your home go boom. Get it? No more home, no more family. We need to stop them. They are called, the Empire. Got it? Now, can you help me get these peoples attention so I can try and save both me, and your home from exploding?" What in the hell am I doing...this little guy probably didn't even understand what I was saying.*
The blue furry thing nodded, totally understanding every word you said, “Stitch listen.” A giant-ass tongue licked your face, slobber dribbling down your chin. Ew. It giggled wildly. Man, it reminded you of a dog or a baby, but at least it understood you! Huh, what do you know? You gained your first War Asset points!

The two went to help Arya with the yellow runes, Yuki walked over and touched it "Ooo what does this do?" ( xD )
Akibahara said:
Aladeen saw him: A little gray spaceman, screaming for dear life, a pink horsey bouncing away into a set of metallic buildings- the Rebel guardsman were nearby- chasing him down with electric batons and tasers, “Come back here!” Fwoom! The darted into an alleyway, the scenery vanishing in a blur, “I THINK I'M GOING TO BARF!” BLAAAAAA!!! Ew. Pinkie Pie felt vomit coat her back, the Furon whimpered softly, “Uuuuuugh!”
There was a sewer entrance nearby. Do you decide to enter it? It appears the Furon has an interest in such a place...


The Rebel Shopkeeper nodded, “Good idea!” You stepped into the MJNOIR armor: It was a snug fit, you saw HUD displays pop up in your visor. Perfect. You thought. The temperature, various heat signatures, etc fixed against you. This was sublime. Every aspect of the battlefield was now at your fingertips. Wanted to know the size of an enemy force? Done deal. Want to know what type of heat they're packing? Also done.
The pony giggled as she heard the little alien man puke on her back, and she didn't stop bouncing. This little high-pitched cartoonish sound even played every time she did. She still had her eyes shut ignorantly, so she continued hopping towards the sewer entrance without a care.

"Weeeee! I'm a roller coaster!"

The mess that was now her back didn't phase her, as she had gotten worse messes in the past.





I ain't implying anything. >.>

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