[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Bombielonia said:

A.) Follow the Asari and listen in to their conversation.

"I know you are hot..- But you do not have to show off and be THAT hot. Sheesh, blue woman." Aladeen stood up rubbing whatever blue he got on himself off. Whatever that meant. He walked over to the Asari, following her and of course, his eyes weren't on her but on her backside.

Aladeen went all..

He leaned and placed his elbows on the table, fixing his hair and stroking his beard.

The Asari were not amused, "Piss off, freak!" One of them yelled, clearly irritated, "Look, if you can't help us, then you've got no business here. Got it?" They mumbled something incoherently as a group, their cute little tentacle thingies on the back of their head wiggled a bit, "Uuuugh!" One of them stepped forward, crossing her arms, "The Asari have a problem, if you can help us, we'll... do things for you." She winked, but was that a lie?


He scowled and turned around, even if there was no one he did this out of habit. He brought his index finger to his neck as if he wanted someone killed.


"I get what I want wether you offer it or not, little blue woman. It is your duty to do what I want. Now, what is it that you need my help with?"​
Akibahara said:
@Everyone wanting to go to The Master's Chest. Ya crazy bastards.

The sleek, futuristic double doors leading to The Master's Chest opened up: It smelt of incense, filled to the brink with glowing runes, magical statues, the whole nine yards. The interior was dim, lit only candles and illuminating runes, sparking with ancient Sith and Jedi energy. It was like you stepped into a witch's cove or something! Weird...


“Oh, hello there!”​

An old man, approximately 78 years old, walked in, a cane pushing his decrepit body up, groaning in pain thanks to a three year old case of arthritis. He was far too old for some Jedi shit, “My apologies, I should introduce myself: The name's Master Baelock Haryn, welcome to my humble abode! If you don't mind, I'd... like you to try out a few runes. They're free of charge, so lucky for you, and any abilities you gain- you keep. So, what do ya say?”

There was an assortment of brightly colored runes, encircled perfectly on an ominous black table:

- A blue rune dimly glew, it had no inscription, and appeared more like a rock.

- Two yellow runes, it appears to work for two people ONLY, it was shaped like a crudely made blaster.

- A pink rune, it smelled of roses. Lovely, intoxicating, will you touch it?

- A green rune, it had little branches grow and expand, as if a miniature forest grew within it.

- A purple rune, little wisps of smoke trailed from it.

- A beige rune, it smelled like a farm, but emaciated powerfully as it boomed in deep hues of brown.

- A lavender rune, there wasn't any special characteristics about it.

- An orange rune, little sparks of fire sizzled from it.

- A cyan rune, no special characteristics either.

- A gold rune, ahhhh yes, this one seemed unique! A little female symbol illuminated brightly in solid gold...

The Jedi Knight shrugged, “So, which will you use?”

Arya was badass.

She made her way to the Master's chest like a badass.

She looked over the options with a badass look.

Eventually, she chose to take one of the yellow runes because yellow is a badass color.

Damn Arya was badass.
Akibahara said:
Oh shit, there he is!


The little furon leapt onto Pinkie Pie's back, his cute little boots firmly pressed against her sides, “C'mon, my valiant stallion, let's get the eff outta here!” He bucked foreword, hoping his self-aware horse girl... thing... got the hint. The Asari, fortunately, were totally unaware of his presence, as were a few partygoers, most high or drunk off their ass to even care- heh, “I swear to Arkvoodle, if you don't move I'll--

“You're under arrest!”

Two Rebel Alliance guards approached him, a sense of purpose in their eyes...

She turned her head back to see the little alien man on her back, asking her to move. She laughed and obliged happily, beginning to bounce off with him on her back. She didn't stop for a few moments after the guards shouted, her reaction coming a good five seconds late. Her eyes shot open, and her jaw dropped just a tad; curious. She bounced in place instead.

[QUOTE="Willow Blackthorn]Safyia glanced around and noticed the old man looking at her. "Any chance I can get reverted to my normal size? I don't like being so small." She flew around nervously.

The pervy 'ol Jedi Knight grinned like a fool, his index finger wiggled TOO-CLOSE-FOR-FRIGGIN'-COMFORT at Safyia's centimeter sized muff, "Tickle tickle tickle!" He cooed out, his beard hung low. Honestly, if you saw Big Trouble in Little China, he kinda looked like Lo Pan, "What? HA HA HA HA! There is no cure, girl! Well, at least you can peep into the girl's locker room, right?"

"Do be careful with those. Who knows what could happen to you. I was 5'4 before I touched the green one." Safyia flitted down to Arya's eye level. Safyia sighed to her self. "I am Safyia. Pleasure to meet you."
Akibahara said:
The pervy 'ol Jedi Knight grinned like a fool, his index finger wiggled TOO-CLOSE-FOR-FRIGGIN'-COMFORT at Safyia's centimeter sized muff, "Tickle tickle tickle!" He cooed out, his beard hung low. Honestly, if you saw Big Trouble in Little China, he kinda looked like Lo Pan, "What? HA HA HA HA! There is no cure, girl! Well, at least you can peep into the girl's locker room, right?"
Safiya glared at the pervy old man. "So I'm stuck like this forever?"
[QUOTE="Willow Blackthorn]"Do be careful with those. Who knows what could happen to you. I was 5'4 before I touched the green one." Safyia flitted down to Arya's eye level. Safyia sighed to her self. "I am Safyia. Pleasure to meet you."

Arya's mouth fell open when she saw Safyia flowing in front of her.

"Oh my..." she gasped.

"Did... Did these turn you into... that?"

She stared at Safyia, surprised and confused.

But she was still really badass.


xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash was in aww as they entered and watched as others picked as he inspected the runes.
"Can't turn down the offer, I suppose." He said as he looked them over. They were all different color and different characteristics, and Vash found himself standing before the beige on. "Can I have this one?" He asked the old man as he picked it up.

@Akibahara ((let me know if it was already chosen))
(( Last post before I get lunch! Feel free to talk with everyone in the meantime! Oh God, this one is good. ))

Vash the Stampede touched the BIEGE RUNE. Ooh, he felt unnaturally hungry! Like, he wanted a steak, no no no, not steak. More like hay and nuts. Mmm, nuts. Know the weirder part? He felt his body grow thick, stringy fur, his body torqued and twisted violently, “Ow! Ow! Ow!” A pair of angled horns grew on his head- his irises turned into beady slits



Aw dammit! Vash turned into... a goat! He still wore his signature red coat, however. And was capable of talking.​


JayJay said:
Arya's mouth fell open when she saw Safyia flowing in front of her.
"Oh my..." she gasped.

"Did... Did these turn you into... that?"

She stared at Safyia, surprised and confused.

But she was still really badass.


"Yes, they did." she sighed. "I touched the green one."
[QUOTE="Willow Blackthorn]"Yes, they did." she sighed. "I touched the green one."

Arya kept staring at the little creature in front of her.

It was unbelievable, but it was right there, so it had to be true.

She had to reconsider doing anything with this yellow rune.

"I... Well, at least you can fly now...?"

She tried to be as positive as possible.
JayJay said:
Arya kept staring at the little creature in front of her.
It was unbelievable, but it was right there, so it had to be true.

She had to reconsider doing anything with this yellow rune.

"I... Well, at least you can fly now...?"

She tried to be as positive as possible.
Safyia sighed and thrilled about. "I suppose that is a plus, but at the same time, I'm 3 inches tall!" She settled down on Arya's shoulder. "I hope you don't mind, Flying is rather tiring."
Simon looked at the other stones wondering if he should get another one, just I'm case he couldn't fix the pink one. He saw a gold on, wondering what that one was all about. HW noticed others were being changed and what not but for some reason that didn't phase him. "Team Gurren's leader doesn't chicken out...." He mumbled to himself. He saw a female symbol on it and thought it meant it would be great for one of that gender! "Hey....if I pay for the gold one, since I broke the pink one, can I take them both?" He asked thinking of possible ways to use them. The pink one seemed to be a did anyway.

[QUOTE="Willow Blackthorn]Safyia sighed and thrilled about. "I suppose that is a plus, but at the same time, I'm 3 inches tall!" She settled down on Arya's shoulder. "I hope you don't mind, Flying is rather tiring."

Arya chewed her lip and tried to think of anything else.

"No, I don't mind, you can sit... Are you sure it's permanent? I mean, maybe it will just... let you grow back in a day or something."
"He said there was no cure or reversal... Thank you. Oh well, at least I'm not a goat or an octopus.." She laughed and looked around. "Would you mind accompanying me? It's been rather lonesome."

Dallas said:
*Now that I'm going to be helping Ellie, it seems I have a bit of time to talk with the politicians. I looked over at Ellie, and said, "I'll be right back, I'm going to try and convince the politicians to help support the Alliance." I can at least try and get them to help support us... I then approached a large doorway that would lead to the politicians.*

The doorway slid open, revealing more arguing politicians- it appears court isn't in session yet: You found hundreds of political figures, each scattered aboard, interested in their OWN race and homeworld rather than any petty alliance. This wasn't good. Not by a long shot. It appears you won't succeed in getting -everyone- to rally for your cause- but, perhaps you can convince a few races to help?
[QUOTE="R4 C9]He picked one of them up , deciding instantly that he needed all 6. After all , he had 8 legs. That still left two to walk with. He wanted to test it but didn't. He then picked out two Arkanian blaster pistols for his arms. He spoke to the teller "how much will all this be? The ancient one requires these. Also , any chance you have droid parts? I require a few repairs." The crash really got to his (or what was left of his) metal form. Once again he thought about being too old for these kinds of things. He wanted to look for that red colored droid and the Jedi that he crashed with , but first he needed the repairs and weapons.

The Armory seller simply shrugged, "I got a message from the Rebel Alliance- they're payin' for all this stuff. It's free."
Akibahara said:
The doorway slid open, revealing more arguing politicians- it appears court isn't in session yet: You found hundreds of political figures, each scattered aboard, interested in their OWN race and homeworld rather than any petty alliance. This wasn't good. Not by a long shot. It appears you won't succeed in getting -everyone- to rally for your cause- but, perhaps you can convince a few races to help?
*Great...this is not what I was expecting. How in the hell am I going to get these peoples attention? I folded my arms, and thought for a moment. Let's see, it seems everyone is busy talking about their own problems with their home world, while we have a major problem with the Empire. Maybe if I spread word of them to these people, they will direct their attention to the problem at hand right now, the Empire. I approached the nearest person, I cleared my throat, and said, "Excuse me sir, do you have a minute to talk?"*

[QUOTE="Ryu Keiko]Simon sighed and looked at the stone. "M-Maybe.....I can fix it? Yeah! And Leron and Yoko can help!" He said trying to stay hopeful as reached down and picked up the stone again.

Simon touched the PINK RUNE. He mewled out in ecstasy, whoa, his chest bulged out in excess, forming into Double D sized breasts, nearly ripping out of his uniform, "Ooooh." He felt his, uh, male genilitia vanish into thin air, replaced with a hairy, untrimmed slit in it's stead. Whelp, this wasn't expected! His- no, -her- voice changed dramatically, becoming far more high-pitched than usual!



JayJay said:
Arya smiled.
"Sure, I'm usually around this man called the Doctor, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind having some extra company. I'm Arya of House Stark."
"Thank you. I'm glad for the company." She smiled and asked. "Where to now they Arya Of House Stark?"
Darkangel666 said:
Boss was confused, but he muttered a thanks as the blue hologram dissipated. He opened the HUD map in his helmet display. Following the waypoint he just set. A few minutes later he arrived at the Armory. He entered and looked for someone to ask. There was a man in a Rebel uniform. He walked up to him in his Imperial Katarn armor. "Excuse me. Cortana told me to give you measurements for a surprise or something." He said, hoping not to frighten the man.
A Rebel Soldier was with you, along with that tentacled Ancient Droid, he smiled, nodding, “Correct. Cortana informed me you'd be coming. Come with me.” You walked behind him, thus revealing something more... bulky, but nevertheless, friggin' awesome:


MJOLNIR Assault Armor.

Cortana WAS familiar with this.​

It was bulky, sparked in deep hues of blue, possibly a forcefield, and whirred silently as it stood in it's stead. A bright orange visor glared at you, despite no one present inside the power armor. Do you accept Cortana's gift? Yes or no?
Akibahara said:
Simon touched the PINK RUNE. He mewled out in ecstasy, whoa, his chest bulged out in excess, forming into Double D sized breasts, nearly ripping out of his uniform, "Ooooh." He felt his, uh, male genilitia vanish into thin air, replaced with a hairy, untrimmed slit in it's stead. Whelp, this wasn't expected! His- no, -her- voice changed dramatically, becoming far more high-pitched than usual!


Simon blushed profusely as he looked around, covering his..er her, chest. "W-What?!" She said, her new voice ringing out in a high octave. "What the hell is this?! I'm not supposed to be a woman!" He exclaimed blushing at his curves. "My name is Simona! The leader of team-" she blinked stopping mid sentence. "W-wait...my name isn't Simona...i-its Simona! No!!!" She shouted as she blushed even more, if possible. What was he...she supposed to do now!

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