[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Akibahara said:
Bradford decided to enter The Presidium- it was filled with heated chatter, talks of betrayal, you know, your typical political talking heads trying to impress their friends and whatnot. You spotted a male, mid-50s, sporting raven black hair, slicked back in a very... unique haircut, howling and screaming in pure anger and disgust, “The Centauri will not sacrifice manpower all for some petty shopping mall! Are you mad?”

The male he was screaming at chuckled, he was approximately four feet tall, had a bulb-like head, flinging his noodle-y arms in protest, “Lando buddy, c'mon, you never know how much the Alliance can benefit from a shopping mall, eh?!”



Bradford also noted a strikingly beautiful British female, idly looking over at the vast expanse of The Citadel, the sunlight crept onto her tanned skin, “Politics, politics, and more politics.” She sighed, glancing at Bradford with her one good eye, the other was bandaged, old blood caked the wound, “You look important. Hey friend, if you want, I've got a job for you.”


Who will you talk to? The two politicians or the female?

"That depends, what kind of job ma'am?" *I didn't really plan on doing any sort of jobs. I came here to talk with the politicians about helping out the Rebel Alliance. I may pass on this job she is talking about...then again, maybe if I complete it, she will help aid the Alliance. So I guess I'll hear what she has to say.*

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@Everyone wanting to go to The Master's Chest. Ya crazy bastards.


The sleek, futuristic double doors leading to The Master's Chest opened up: It smelt of incense, filled to the brink with glowing runes, magical statues, the whole nine yards. The interior was dim, lit only candles and illuminating runes, sparking with ancient Sith and Jedi energy. It was like you stepped into a witch's cove or something! Weird...


“Oh, hello there!”​

An old man, approximately 78 years old, walked in, a cane pushing his decrepit body up, groaning in pain thanks to a three year old case of arthritis. He was far too old for some Jedi shit, “My apologies, I should introduce myself: The name's Master Baelock Haryn, welcome to my humble abode! If you don't mind, I'd... like you to try out a few runes. They're free of charge, so lucky for you, and any abilities you gain- you keep. So, what do ya say?”

There was an assortment of brightly colored runes, encircled perfectly on an ominous black table:

- A blue rune dimly glew, it had no inscription, and appeared more like a rock.

- Two yellow runes, it appears to work for two people ONLY, it was shaped like a crudely made blaster.

- A pink rune, it smelled of roses. Lovely, intoxicating, will you touch it?

- A green rune, it had little branches grow and expand, as if a miniature forest grew within it.

- A purple rune, little wisps of smoke trailed from it.

- A beige rune, it smelled like a farm, but emaciated powerfully as it boomed in deep hues of brown.

- A lavender rune, there wasn't any special characteristics about it.

- An orange rune, little sparks of fire sizzled from it.

- A cyan rune, no special characteristics either.

- A gold rune, ahhhh yes, this one seemed unique! A little female symbol illuminated brightly in solid gold...

The Jedi Knight shrugged, “So, which will you use?”

As Legion walked, it attempted to reorder its memory chip. He remembered up until just after the riot, but after that? Nothing at all. Clearly he had been damaged. The geth turned a corner, and made its way towards requisitions.

We will likely be requiring weapons soon enough. Best to be prepared.

Legion entered the stores and, ignoring the quartermaster, began to scan the weapon racks. Swords, rifles, pistols, the selection was truly extensive. Legion selected an Alliance issue Predator pistol, to be complimented by a Tempest submachine gun. Legion glanced at the quartermaster, and the man nodded stiffly.

No doubt this organic is still wary of the Geth.

Departing from the stores, Legion noticed a flickering in his vision.

This unit's processors must be damaged. Perhaps a visit to the Masters Chest is required.

Legion checked its internal map, and adjusted its course. Perhaps one of its fellow escapees would be able to fill in the blanks in its memory.

(Apologies for my absence- for some reason I stopped receiving updates. My vote for this round will be for


Darkangel666 said:
He decided that he would go to the armory and see what kind of weapons they had available. He looked at the blue hologram woman called Cortana. "Cortana" He started "Are there any barracks or military bases around here? I'd like to see how the soldiers of the New Republic are being trained. Maybe I could help them."



Cortana smiled, nodding, "Of course, due to the interconnected nature of the Multiverse, we have dozens of various races, creeds, and organizations training our soldiers for the Rebel Alliance. Unfortunately, they're restricted under the orders of Commander Skywalker-- but you'll meet him within a few hours!"
[QUOTE="Uncle ShortyB]"The first thing you do when you get taken out of hypersleep is simple. You take a leak. Ain't no bathroom breaks on a prison ship, son." Tychus drawled to another random person at the bar with him. He was most of the way through his fifth bottle of beer or whatever the unknown swill it was he was drinking on this backwater desert planet. He wasn't anywhere near the Confederacy or the Terran Dominion, and for once he was pretty happy about it. "Second thing is you go see whoever it was that wants you awake for some godawful reason. Ain't much to it usually. No parole, just some family tryin' to get a glimpse at ya to put a face to a name. I give 'em a good show and we all walk away happy." Tychus chuckled and shook his head, downing the rest of the bottle. "The last time, though, that's how I got locked in this suit. Can't take it off or it'll blow like a mortar round. So I'm stuck in it, better or worse." Tychus roared drunkenly and fell backwards off of his stool, having passed out.
He awoke sometime later on the floor of a prison cell. "Aw hell, another prison ship. I knew Mengsk'd come for me at some point. Man ain't got no pride." Tychus grumbled, looking at the beds and other various things in the cell. His train of thought was quickly derailed, though, as a loud explosion rocked the ship. A pair of men in white armor entered his cell, brandishing weapons and looking at Tychus threateningly. "Prisoner, we are under orders to keep you contained. Any movement will be construed as a threat and dealt with appropriately." One of the men said curtly, nudging Tychus with his foot. "Aww, Mengsk got himself some new soldiers. Fancy armor there, boys. Damn shame it's on you." Tychus grumbled, rising to his feet while lowering his visor. To their credit, the troopers didn't immediately get killed. An impressive feat when a man in power armor picks you up and throws you at your cohort.

A voice crackled over the intercom, asking if he could hear it. "Yes ma'am. Ain't too good of a signal but you came through well enough. You the one tryin' ta kill me?" Tychus drawled, his suit's microphones transmitting his voice outside his suit. "Hardly. We're here to help you. Go out in the hallway until you meet up with a man without a shirt. You'll know who I mean when you see him." Tychus laughed and shouldered his way out of the cell, looking up and down the hallway before he decided to just lean against the wall outside his cell. It wasn't long until a large man came running in his direction, sans shirt. "Hold up there, son. I got told I was supposed ta meet up with someone matchin' yer description. You got any idea what system we're in, or where I can get some smokes? Ain't nothing like cigars and explosions." Tychus said loudly, flipping his visor back up to reveal his face and holding up one hand in front of himself.

"Tin Man not Hyperion good"

Krieg said to tychus "Smash the white heads see the blood 2 killed!" ((kriegs crazy self is talking so not exactly proper sentences)) "Where to go tin man?" "I need my meat bicycle to pound the flesh."
(Blah I kinda wanna go to the shop but I'll wait a bit haha)

Simon walked around and decided to go inside the building labeled Requisitions & Armory. 'Hmmm seems like a good place to start" he says softly as he walked inside. He looked around and saw all the different weapons and armor but blinked in confusion. "What the hell is all this stuff???" He asked
Phoenix overheard people talking about master chest and ended up following them secretly walking behind a person, He was ended in a futuristic double door. Phoenix confused and try various method, "OPEN SHAZAMM!" he ended up waiting for someone to come in and he did. He was watching carefully but the guy just went through like an automatic door, Phoenix slapped his hand on forehead and do what the guy just did.
The ancient one walks out into the citadel. This ancient body didn't take hits well... Where was the Jedi? Or the two clones? At least he saw that red droid again. He followed it , intending to make alliance with it. He reached the masters chest , overheard a Jedi speaking something about crystals. He recognized this old Jedi , but right now he sorely needed a few repairs to various functions. He really , desperately needed and updated body. But this planet... This , as one of his old friends would say , shuck planet , was not somewhere he liked. So he spoke to the Jedi , saying "the ancient one would like to take your cyan colored rune." He then didn't wait for a reply , swiftly taking it. He was too old for this. 4000 years of too old for this.

(My vote is for aladeen as well , @Akibahara )
Akibahara said:
@Everyone wanting to go to The Master's Chest. Ya crazy bastards.

The sleek, futuristic double doors leading to The Master's Chest opened up: It smelt of incense, filled to the brink with glowing runes, magical statues, the whole nine yards. The interior was dim, lit only candles and illuminating runes, sparking with ancient Sith and Jedi energy. It was like you stepped into a witch's cove or something! Weird...


“Oh, hello there!”​

An old man, approximately 78 years old, walked in, a cane pushing his decrepit body up, groaning in pain thanks to a three year old case of arthritis. He was far too old for some Jedi shit, “My apologies, I should introduce myself: The name's Master Baelock Haryn, welcome to my humble abode! If you don't mind, I'd... like you to try out a few runes. They're free of charge, so lucky for you, and any abilities you gain- you keep. So, what do ya say?”

There was an assortment of brightly colored runes, encircled perfectly on an ominous black table:

- A blue rune dimly glew, it had no inscription, and appeared more like a rock.

- Two yellow runes, it appears to work for two people ONLY, it was shaped like a crudely made blaster.

- A pink rune, it smelled of roses. Lovely, intoxicating, will you touch it?

- A green rune, it had little branches grow and expand, as if a miniature forest grew within it.

- A purple rune, little wisps of smoke trailed from it.

- A beige rune, it smelled like a farm, but emaciated powerfully as it boomed in deep hues of brown.

- A lavender rune, there wasn't any special characteristics about it.

- An orange rune, little sparks of fire sizzled from it.

- A cyan rune, no special characteristics either.

- A gold rune, ahhhh yes, this one seemed unique! A little female symbol illuminated brightly in solid gold...

The Jedi Knight shrugged, “So, which will you use?”

The Doctor arrived at the Master's chest, curiously looking around as Master Baelock Haryn spoke. He wandered up to the strange black table and observed the runes.

"I say, why not? I have nothing better to do! Let's see what these things do."

The old time lord looked at them for a moment before deciding. "Let's have a go with the blue rune," he decided.

(let me know if this rune was chosen already and I'll change it. I don't have time to read too many other posts and see what was taken already. xD )

Simon turned ad he watched people going towards a certain direction. He wondered what was up before deciding to follow them. Weapons could wait. He wanted to know what the hell was going on and maybe this would give him some damn answer. GE walked inside this little shop called the Master Chest AMD saw the little runes, which he had no idea what they were. He actually thought they were gems of some sort. "Nia would love the pink one...." He said to himself as he spoke a little clearer. "How much for the pink one? I'll take it if I can!" He smiles. He guessed he should get his fiancé something special. He did love her after all.

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The Flux Nightclub was boomin'! The song Promises by Nero rang out as party-goers danced, hooked up, making out in some random corner, strobelights filling the air in vibrant hues of the rainbow, “Hey there, can I help you?” An Asari female, early 20s, cutely pressed her upper body over a bar counter – she was a waitress – her ample double-D sized breasts hung lustfully in surprise.


It... actually didn't seem chaotic. Well, in a “war-like” sense.




A three-foot, gray alien, bearing razor sharp teeth grinned, hefting a large orange hued rifle at the Asari- now nothing more than a charred out skeleton, “The Furons send their regards, bitch!” Surpsingly enough, the little alien sounded like a pissed off Jack Nicholson, his rifle whirring angrily as he flew away in a tiny jetpack, narrowly avoiding three Asari patrons, their Predator blasters firing aimlessly at the flying creature.


One of them cursed, looking at you...

“What the hell happened?!”


Aladeen be rockin' dem hips!


Aladeen sung along in his Arabic accent. Thick and filled with Khh.

You got me so wild,

"So, so so wild. Baby, baby oooh!"

How can I ever deny,

"No one will ever deny!"

You got me so high,

"I'll catch you when you fall down!"

So high I cannot feel the fire.



@The Gil

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Akibahara said:
@Everyone wanting to go to The Master's Chest. Ya crazy bastards.

The sleek, futuristic double doors leading to The Master's Chest opened up: It smelt of incense, filled to the brink with glowing runes, magical statues, the whole nine yards. The interior was dim, lit only candles and illuminating runes, sparking with ancient Sith and Jedi energy. It was like you stepped into a witch's cove or something! Weird...


“Oh, hello there!”​

An old man, approximately 78 years old, walked in, a cane pushing his decrepit body up, groaning in pain thanks to a three year old case of arthritis. He was far too old for some Jedi shit, “My apologies, I should introduce myself: The name's Master Baelock Haryn, welcome to my humble abode! If you don't mind, I'd... like you to try out a few runes. They're free of charge, so lucky for you, and any abilities you gain- you keep. So, what do ya say?”

There was an assortment of brightly colored runes, encircled perfectly on an ominous black table:

- A blue rune dimly glew, it had no inscription, and appeared more like a rock.

- Two yellow runes, it appears to work for two people ONLY, it was shaped like a crudely made blaster.

- A pink rune, it smelled of roses. Lovely, intoxicating, will you touch it?

- A green rune, it had little branches grow and expand, as if a miniature forest grew within it.

- A purple rune, little wisps of smoke trailed from it.

- A beige rune, it smelled like a farm, but emaciated powerfully as it boomed in deep hues of brown.

- A lavender rune, there wasn't any special characteristics about it.

- An orange rune, little sparks of fire sizzled from it.

- A cyan rune, no special characteristics either.

- A gold rune, ahhhh yes, this one seemed unique! A little female symbol illuminated brightly in solid gold...

The Jedi Knight shrugged, “So, which will you use?”

This 'Master's Chest' was not quite what Saber had expected; while no stranger to unusual magicks; she felt decidedly uneasy in here; though she didn't allow this fact to show.

She wanted to ask the old man some questions; but she figured he wouldn't answer until she investigated some of the runes he had mentioned; so she had a look at them. From her knowledge of magecraft; admittedly inaccurate in this situation but her best reference nonetheless, she could deduce some basic universals; orange was fire of some description for example. In the end she chose to investigate the Green Rune as it was the only rune left that matched any of her characteristics, being not too different from the colouration of her eyes.

Kirei had discarded his armor, it was uncomfortable and seemed unnecessary. All the regular troops seemed extremely slow, just above a regular man in any case so Kirei did not feel that he needed the armor. There was also the fact that the armor seemed to have zero defensive properties against the beam based weapons which the soldiers of this era and place often used. Kirei would simply rely entirely on his superhuman speed and strength along with his mastery of Ba Ji to get through engagements.

When Juno had violently erupted, Kirei's face had not changed at all. Not a single muscle in his face moved as his stone set eyes simply looked upon the ruptured body of Juno. Internally, Kirei was smiling, it was obvious that there was a traitor amongst their midst which meant that there was far more to be considered than Kirei's survival. He could plan the suffering of those he knew by using the knowledge of a traitor's presence to his advantage. Emiya boy would be a fine sight to see broken and crushed.

Kirei decided to follow Vash and The Doctor as Vash was the one most trustworthy as of now and simply tailed them quietly. They were headed to a certain "Master's Room". Once Kirei entered, he faintly smelled incest which he recognized due to his priestly activities. A senile man that introduced himself as a "jedi" was also there, offering the group to test out runes. Kirei was instantly suspicious, as if these runes gave power then they would not be free of charge. They were either of direct malicious intent or they were untested things that could cause harm. Kirei thus withheld himself from interacting with any of the runes, as he did not sense any prana within them. Runic magefcraft was not common, but Kirei had witnessed it in his world, especially from Bazett, whom he had the pleasure of backstabbing and incapacitating. It was obvious the runic magecraft he had known was different from whatever was before him, as Kirei would have been able to discern somewhat the effects of the runes that he saw if they had been familiar, but they were not.

With interest, he noticed Saber reaching for the green rune. Kirei watched intently as he looked for signs of harm or adverse effects to happen.​
Dallas said:
"That depends, what kind of job ma'am?" *I didn't really plan on doing any sort of jobs. I came here to talk with the politicians about helping out the Rebel Alliance. I may pass on this job she is talking about...then again, maybe it will help aid the Alliance. So I guess I'll hear what she has to say.*



The female smiled, extending a hand, "A very important job for the Rebel Alliance. By the way, name's Ellie Langford, former pilot for the CEC, now lost girl looking for help." A pause, "Anyway, my vessel, the USG Ishumura has been lost in deep space- they've stopped communicating for approximately two weeks now. Naturally, this is worrisome. My crew and I have been working on this 'Molecular Disruption Device' for General Hyrum Graff, a disruption device capable of detonating the Death Star with a single blast. Think you can get it for me?"

Hellkite said:
As Legion walked, it attempted to reorder its memory chip. He remembered up until just after the riot, but after that? Nothing at all. Clearly he had been damaged. The geth turned a corner, and made its way towards requisitions.
We will likely be requiring weapons soon enough. Best to be prepared.

Legion entered the stores and, ignoring the quartermaster, began to scan the weapon racks. Swords, rifles, pistols, the selection was truly extensive. Legion selected an Alliance issue Predator pistol, to be complimented by a Tempest submachine gun. Legion glanced at the quartermaster, and the man nodded stiffly.

No doubt this organic is still wary of the Geth.

Departing from the stores, Legion noticed a flickering in his vision.

This unit's processors must be damaged. Perhaps a visit to the Masters Chest is required.

Legion checked its internal map, and adjusted its course. Perhaps one of its fellow escapees would be able to fill in the blanks in its memory.

(Apologies for my absence- for some reason I stopped receiving updates. My vote for this round will be for


Legion, along with his compatriots, found himself in a store filled with magical items...
Akibahara said:
@Everyone wanting to go to The Master's Chest. Ya crazy bastards.

The sleek, futuristic double doors leading to The Master's Chest opened up: It smelt of incense, filled to the brink with glowing runes, magical statues, the whole nine yards. The interior was dim, lit only candles and illuminating runes, sparking with ancient Sith and Jedi energy. It was like you stepped into a witch's cove or something! Weird...


“Oh, hello there!”​

An old man, approximately 78 years old, walked in, a cane pushing his decrepit body up, groaning in pain thanks to a three year old case of arthritis. He was far too old for some Jedi shit, “My apologies, I should introduce myself: The name's Master Baelock Haryn, welcome to my humble abode! If you don't mind, I'd... like you to try out a few runes. They're free of charge, so lucky for you, and any abilities you gain- you keep. So, what do ya say?”

There was an assortment of brightly colored runes, encircled perfectly on an ominous black table:

- A blue rune dimly glew, it had no inscription, and appeared more like a rock.

- Two yellow runes, it appears to work for two people ONLY, it was shaped like a crudely made blaster.

- A pink rune, it smelled of roses. Lovely, intoxicating, will you touch it?

- A green rune, it had little branches grow and expand, as if a miniature forest grew within it.

- A purple rune, little wisps of smoke trailed from it.

- A beige rune, it smelled like a farm, but emaciated powerfully as it boomed in deep hues of brown.

- A lavender rune, there wasn't any special characteristics about it.

- An orange rune, little sparks of fire sizzled from it.

- A cyan rune, no special characteristics either.

- A gold rune, ahhhh yes, this one seemed unique! A little female symbol illuminated brightly in solid gold...

The Jedi Knight shrugged, “So, which will you use?”

"May...May I try the green one please, it's color calls to me very much." She Smiled to the old man. "I am Safyia. Pleasure to meet you." She bowed slightly as was costume in her home.
[QUOTE="Willow Blackthorn]"May...May I try the green one please, it's color calls to me very much." She Smiled to the old man. "I am Safyia. Pleasure to meet you." She bowed slightly as was costume in her home.

The Jedi Knight nodded, "Pick out any you'd like."
Akibahara said:
The female smiled, extending a hand, "A very important job for the Rebel Alliance. By the way, name's Ellie Langford, former pilot for the CEC, now lost girl looking for help." A pause, "Anyway, my vessel, the USG Ishumura has been lost in deep space- they've stopped communicating for approximately two weeks now. Naturally, this is worrisome. My crew and I have been working on this 'Molecular Disruption Device' for General Hyrum Graff, a disruption device capable of detonating the Death Star with a single blast. Think you can get it for me?"
*I thought about her offer for a moment, I can either help her with her problem, or I can go ahead and talk with the council... Though he idea of having a weapon that could take out this, "Death Star", with a single blast sounds a bit more useful than dealing with politics. "I am Central Officer Eugene Bradford. I'd be happy to help." I said, then accepting her handshake.*

[QUOTE="Ryu Keiko](Blah I kinda wanna go to the shop but I'll wait a bit haha)
Simon walked around and decided to go inside the building labeled Requisitions & Armory. 'Hmmm seems like a good place to start" he says softly as he walked inside. He looked around and saw all the different weapons and armor but blinked in confusion. "What the hell is all this stuff???" He asked

Ho boy, you found a ton o' weapons alright! Blaster rifles, power armor, the whole nine yards! You looked through a window: Do you continue on or do you leave?
[QUOTE="Willow Blackthorn]"May...May I try the green one please, it's color calls to me very much." She Smiled to the old man. "I am Safyia. Pleasure to meet you." She bowed slightly as was costume in her home.

Saber took notice of another who was interested in the green rune; she stepped back a little and gestured for the woman to move forward. She had not felt any prana or a mana outlet from the rune, and did not require it; thus she could allow another to utilise it instead.

Akibahara said:

The Flux Nightclub was boomin'! The song Promises by Nero rang out as party-goers danced, hooked up, making out in some random corner, strobelights filling the air in vibrant hues of the rainbow, “Hey there, can I help you?” An Asari female, early 20s, cutely pressed her upper body over a bar counter – she was a waitress – her ample double-D sized breasts hung lustfully in surprise.


It... actually didn't seem chaotic. Well, in a “war-like” sense.




A three-foot, gray alien, bearing razor sharp teeth grinned, hefting a large orange hued rifle at the Asari- now nothing more than a charred out skeleton, “The Furons send their regards, bitch!” Surpsingly enough, the little alien sounded like a pissed off Jack Nicholson, his rifle whirring angrily as he flew away in a tiny jetpack, narrowly avoiding three Asari patrons, their Predator blasters firing aimlessly at the flying creature.


One of them cursed, looking at you...

“What the hell happened?!”
"Oh, I think I'd like a-" Was all the Master could get out before things started exploding for the second time that day. It seems like today I've been quite the explosion magnet. "Oi!" She said to the little gray alien. "Why'd you have to go and kill her? Now who's gonna get me my drink?!" She fired her blaster rifle, which she had carried into the club, missing the little bastard with every shot.

"What the hell happened?" She heard someone ask.

"What the hell do you think happened? That little bastard blew something up, then killed this lady before she could get me my drink!" The Master was quite frustrated today. Everything seemed to be going wrong for her.
Akibahara said:

Cortana smiled, nodding, "Of course, due to the interconnected nature of the Multiverse, we have dozens of various races, creeds, and organizations training our soldiers for the Rebel Alliance. Unfortunately, they're restricted under the orders of Commander Skywalker-- but you'll meet him within a few hours!"
"Of course, thank you Cortana. Do you think you could guide me to the Armory? They may have some attachments I need for my Deecee." Boss said. He hoped this General Skywalker was a understanding man. He didn't want to be executed on sight by a Jedi. Hopefully in the Armory they might have some old RC-class Katarn armor, not this cheap imperial garbage. Hopefully he'd be able to restore the name of the Republic Commando's some day and, along with his brothers, fight to defend the New Republic.


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