[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Luka nodded at Yki in agreement and then looked at the commander "So then when is an opportunity to strike back?" the Duras asked him curuiously. Yuki listened to the two about the TARDIS and the stars, how poetic. He smiled at them. "But look at the stars, there are so many of them in the sky how could they be alone?" he used to think that he was alone, that nobody wanted him but that was before he met Toko chan and Luka and everyone, now he had a family, he had others he could lean on. "Even in empty space where there seems to be nothing there is always something wherever you look in any direction" @Akibahara @JayJay
MattieLee said:
Luka nodded at Yki in agreement and then looked at the commander "So then when is an opportunity to strike back?" the Duras asked him curuiously. Yuki listened to the two about the TARDIS and the stars, how poetic. He smiled at them. "But look at the stars, there are so many of them in the sky how could they be alone?" he used to think that he was alone, that nobody wanted him but that was before he met Toko chan and Luka and everyone, now he had a family, he had others he could lean on. "Even in empty space where there seems to be nothing there is always something wherever you look in any direction" @Akibahara @JayJay
Arya listened and knew that he was right.

Space was just such a depressing sight, it didn't give her the happy feeling she thought it would.

"I suppose so..." she mumbled.

But she couldn't stop the feeling of loneliness taking over again.

It had been a very long time since she had last missed her family.

She hoped that her brothers and sister and mother and father were among those stars, watching her and being proud.

Arya sighed and looked at the ground, away from the stars.

"You're right..." she said again.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
JayJay said:
Arya chewed her lip and looked at the others.
They were talking about nothing interesting to her, so her eyes drifted off somewhere else.

She looked outside the ship at the stars.

It reminded her of the time the Doctor opened the TARDIS' door, and she saw the night sky from up close for the first time.

"I didn't believe you when you told me you'd take me to see the stars" she spoke softly to the Doctor.

"And I've always dreamed of seeing them from this close. But now that I'm here, among them...

It feels cold... and lonely. Do you think that's how stars feel all the time?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
The Doctor turned to Arya, nodding silently. "Stars are near eternal. They burn for billions of years, remaining far apart from many others. A single star is always alone in the universe. It can't reach any of the others. It can be cold and lonely... I-I mean for the star of course. Not that they can feel really. Are you meaning to speak of a star? Or yourself, perhaps?" he asked, curious.

((Dragon balls *Activate ultimate eyebrow waggle))

"Hello General O'neil. I am RC-1138, you probably wont recognize the serial number, but maybe your men have informed you of the Imperial commandos? Vader's special forces? I was one of them." He saluted "I want to cooperate in the rise of the New Republic in any way possible."

(prepare for another hastily made leaving, I'm sorry but I just don't have the time to participate in this due to college. I can promise I'll be in the next one due to me GMing it however. Promise.)

"What the?!" Sly suddenly felt someone touching his shoulder, and he flipped around and saw it. Am older looking man, with a kind look on his face. "Come with me!" The old man grabbed him and warped away, gone, and perhaps never seen again... Perhaps...
Arya frowned when listening to the Doctor.

She was thinking of herself when talking about the stars, but didn't like to admit it.

"No... I'm nothing like a star. I don't... shine, nor do I fly." she said.

But inside, she felt as lonely as one of them.

A tiny little star with no family left, alone in this world.

She hated the tiny tear in the corner of her eye trying to break free and roll down her cheek.

Biting her lip to prevent more from coming out, she took a deep breath and looked away.
Vash was a little taken aback by all that was taking place and he wondered through the groups of people and now they were about to be heading off heading elsewhere. He went to find that guy who seemed to know a lot about his partner. When he found he he flagged him down and draped his arm around his shoulder. "Hey, do you mind giving me the 4-1-1 on our blonde friend...and how you know her and all info regarding you guys? I'm kind of out of the loop here.

Yuki looked at how she felt, it was the same pain he felt for so many years, only she wasn't getting death threats. He smiled remembering when he was a kid with Kanata. "Pain, pain go away" he chanted quietly after wiping away a tear. Luka smiled at this, Yuki always thought of others before him/herself. He also healed emotional pain so he started to glow "Sit still, I can't help everything but" God's light healed others by taking on that pain on themselves, but yuki already knew the pain of feeling alone. It didn't bother him to take this stranger's burdens.
JayJay said:
Arya frowned when listening to the Doctor.
She was thinking of herself when talking about the stars, but didn't like to admit it.

"No... I'm nothing like a star. I don't... shine, nor do I fly." she said.

But inside, she felt as lonely as one of them.

A tiny little star with no family left, alone in this world.

She hated the tiny tear in the corner of her eye trying to break free and roll down her cheek.

Biting her lip to prevent more from coming out, she took a deep breath and looked away.
"Oh no! No, no," The Doctor said, kneeling down in front of her. He clasped her hands gently. "Oh my Arya Stark, you are a star. You're a bright shining light who is very unique and very important. Only one Arya Stark was born, and another one will never be born again. If that doesn't make you a bright light in this world, I don't know what would. You bring something special to life that no other ever will. If nobody realizes that, even yourself, I do. You will always be in my hearts," he said with a smile.

Yuki smiled at the doctor's comment. He only wished he had someone in his life like that sooner. "See? You heard him too, so don't think of yourself as a lonely star, your part of a constellation, a family of stars in which you are unique and where you belong, I used to think Nobody wanted me and I was alone, but then I met people who cared for me and they showed me otherwise. Nice to meet you Arya" he noted that name from the doctor. "And I apologize for Luka earlier, he's just protective is all"

A tall being clad from head to toe in a futuristic combat suit spoke out when he heard this query.

"It seems that we are from the same world, with each of us in different timelines in our worlds. Quite a coincidence three of us ended up here. Do you have any of your own kin from your world?" commented Kirei with a hint of interest in his voice as he made the situation clear to Vash. He had escaped everyone's attention by cladding himself in this surprisingly lightweight armor, although it was somewhat uncomfortable to be wearing his bulletproof frock under the armor.
MattieLee said:
Yuki smiled at the doctor's comment. He only wished he had someone in his life like that sooner. "See? You heard him too, so don't think of yourself as a lonely star, your part of a constellation, a family of stars in which you are unique and where you belong, I used to think Nobody wanted me and I was alone, but then I met people who cared for me and they showed me otherwise. Nice to meet you Arya" he noted that name from the doctor. "And I apologize for Luka earlier, he's just protective is all"
Two people were actually trying to make her feel better.

It felt so good to her, she had to bite her lip harder to keep tears of happiness from coming out.

She looked at both of them, then back to the Doctor, another smile on her lips.

There was no way she would cry, even from happiness, she promised herself no tears would leave her eyes.

Arya wrapped her arms around the Doctor again, embracing him tightly with her chin on his shoulder.

She felt no need to say 'thank you' again, she was sure the Doctor knew she was grateful.

Sometimes it seemed like he knew more about her than even she did.

Taking deep breaths to calm herself down and fight off the tears, she continued hugging the Doctor for as long as he would allow.

Vash walked over to the tall man, inspected his suit all around and then stood before him again thinking. "So you guys are time travelers from the same world, but different times? That's got to be confusing." He scratched his head as he tried to contemplate it. "No kin of mine are here, and thank god for that...he doesn't like humans or another people very much so he would've attempted to kill us all," he looks down at his guns, "I was forced to stop him." He paused for a moment thinking and then smiled and went back to the guy who he was talking to. "So what planet and time period are each of you from?
xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash was a little taken aback by all that was taking place and he wondered through the groups of people and now they were about to be heading off heading elsewhere. He went to find that guy who seemed to know a lot about his partner. When he found he he flagged him down and draped his arm around his shoulder. "Hey, do you mind giving me the 4-1-1 on our blonde friend...and how you know her and all info regarding you guys? I'm kind of out of the loop here.
Elegy said:
A tall being clad from head to toe in a futuristic combat suit spoke out when he heard this query.
"It seems that we are from the same world, with each of us in different timelines in our worlds. Quite a coincidence three of us ended up here. Do you have any of your own kin from your world?" commented Kirei with a hint of interest in his voice as he made the situation clear to Vash. He had escaped everyone's attention by cladding himself in this surprisingly lightweight armor, although it was somewhat uncomfortable to be wearing his bulletproof frock under the armor.
xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash walked over to the tall man, inspected his suit all around and then stood before him again thinking. "So you guys are time travelers from the same world, but different times? That's got to be confusing." He scratched his head as he tried to contemplate it. "No kin of mine are here, and thank god for that...he doesn't like humans or another people very much so he would've attempted to kill us all," he looks down at his guns, "I was forced to stop him." He paused for a moment thinking and then smiled and went back to the guy who he was talking to. "So what planet and time period are each of you from?
Shirou briefly glared at Kotomine in his new get-up, but didn't say anything to him, merely diverting his attention back to Vash. "Yeah, it's... something like what he said," he nodded, before letting Vash ask his next question, though it proceeded to puzzle him briefly, causing the young man to raise his eyebrow. "Eh? Planet? Uh... Earth, of course. Where else?" He asked, mystified by the odd question, "And... time period? Well, the year 2004, though I don't know why you'd want to know when I'm from. If you're asking these kinds of things, then where are you from yourself?" Shirou asked curiously, wanting to know about the eccentric tall blonde.
Yuki smiled once again happy to have helped. Seeing her and the Doctor made him think of a father for some reason, Nobody but his mother actually knew who Yuki's father was so he never had one, it made him both happy to see them happy but also saddened knowing he would never know what that was like.
Vash was intrigued by their information. "I'm from planet Gunsmoke. It's kinda like the Wild West out there. Cowboys, Gangs, Bounty Hunters, and all of that. I was FRAMED...I'd like to point that out, I get blamed for all the destruction of towns and everything else..." he began to ramble though in one case I did destroy a town, accidentally and also blew a chunk out of our moon...by accident, I saved the town from destruction." He sighs depressingly. "Nobody understood that it wasn't really my fault so there was a 60 billion double dollar reward put on my head. Hard to help people in need when everyone wants a payday from your wanted poster...so that's my story." He looks to the other two guys, " So who were all of you, including Saber from your planet?" he asked juggling his guns between his hands.

@Verite @Elegy

"Interesting" said Kirei quietly as he heard this story. This man was from an entirely different planet from them, basically an alien. Kirei had been transported to something truly bizarre, and yet the potential for all of this to be entertaining was there. Emiya Shirou was there. Pitiful Saber was also here. There were string to pull on Emiya based on what Kirei knew of Kiritsugu, and Saber was even more easily used. Kirei then spoke again, barely leaving a second between his first words and his reply though he thought of a multitude of events, "I am, as Shirou has stated, from the planet Earth. I am currently a priest of the church, a worldwide organization that groups its members under the banner of a religion. Saber is a spirit that has been brought to life through a vessel called the grail which can harness energies to pull and materialize spirits from a concept known as the "Throne of Heroes" - An extra dimensional space where the spirits that have been deemed has heroes of humanity are transported."

Kirei left out Shirou from his explanations as he did not know who Shirou was at all, except for the fact that he was Kiritsugu's son and a resident of Fuyuki City. Based on Shirou's previous spoken statements, Kirei could also deduce that he was a participant of the fifth holy grail war which had taken place surprisingly early. So early, in fact, that Kirei deduced that he must have been the church representative and arbiter in the fifth war, which explained why Shirou had recognized him and felt so antagonized by him.​
@MattieLee @JayJay

"Well said, Yuki, well said," The Doctor replied with a smile.

Arya said nothing to either Yuki or The Doctor, but she embraced the old time lord, and that was enough. He hugged her in return, patting her back gently.

"There you go," he whispered, "there's the warm, bright girl I know. Don't go doubting yourself now. You're wonderful, you understand?"
xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash was intrigued by their information. "I'm from planet Gunsmoke. It's kinda like the Wild West out there. Cowboys, Gangs, Bounty Hunters, and all of that. I was FRAMED...I'd like to point that out, I get blamed for all the destruction of towns and everything else..." he began to ramble though in one case I did destroy a town, accidentally and also blew a chunk out of our moon...by accident, I saved the town from destruction." He sighs depressingly. "Nobody understood that it wasn't really my fault so there was a 60 billion double dollar reward put on my head. Hard to help people in need when everyone wants a payday from your wanted poster...so that's my story." He looks to the other two guys, " So who were all of you, including Saber from your planet?" he asked juggling his guns between his hands.

"..." Shirou listened intently to Vash rambling on about unfamiliar terms. Planet Gunsmoke? What, was this man an alien or something? Wild West? Well, he did certainly look like an American. But how many Americans claimed to be from different planets anyway? Destruction of towns? Aside from his fancy guns, Vash's attitude told Shirou that this man seemed to be a more fun-loving and carefree guy. How could he possibly destroy towns? Let alone blow a chunk out of the moon? And... what are double dollars? He had heard of dollars as in American currency, but this was ridiculous.

"Err...you've lost me."

This man might be insane. Then again, Shirou wasn't really any better. Eyeing Kotomine carefully, he began to speak.

"Anyway, I'm just... a normal guy. A normal guy with some talents here and there..." He said vaguely.

Shirou wasn't exactly prone to lying, but he didn't want to give too many things away in front of Kotomine. Letting out too much might give him ideas ten years from his time. Describing himself as a normal guy couldn't be one of the furthest things from the truth, but then again, maybe he was relatively normal compared to all the oddballs around him. "Some talents" was a bit of an understatement, but again, these people here...
Vash thought about it. "That's very intersting. My friend Wolfwood might've like you. He was a priest too, but I doubt the kind of priest he was would've been allowed inside a church." he then looked over to Shirou, "You've got talent too kid, don't get down on yourself or think you're not as cool. I bet whatever it is you can do is very useful and could benefit you in trying to save whoever is important you." he smiled at the kid

@Verite @Elegy

"So Saber then...is like a sexy ghost with powers? I think I get it! That's awesome! Kinda spooky but awesome!"
Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/2831-mattielee/ said:
@MattieLee[/URL] @JayJay
"Well said, Yuki, well said," The Doctor replied with a smile.

Arya said nothing to either Yuki or The Doctor, but she embraced the old time lord, and that was enough. He hugged her in return, patting her back gently.

"There you go," he whispered, "there's the warm, bright girl I know. Don't go doubting yourself now. You're wonderful, you understand?"
Arya smiled widely again while being comforted by the Doctor.

Having him was enough for her, she didn't need her family anymore.

This moment, she felt great.

She nodded, smiling while squeezing her eyes shut.

After a minute, she let go of the Doctor and spoke softly.

"I'm sorry, I.. don't know what happened there."
JayJay said:
Arya smiled widely again while being comforted by the Doctor.
Having him was enough for her, she didn't need her family anymore.

This moment, she felt great.

She nodded, smiling while squeezing her eyes shut.

After a minute, she let go of the Doctor and spoke softly.

"I'm sorry, I.. don't know what happened there."
"What happened there? I can tell you what did. It's the centuries old plague that strikes everyone now and again, even me: loneliness. That old devil can hit you sometimes even in a room full of crowded people. It's tricky and it hurts, but it will only win if you let it. And for you, Arya, I will not let it."

The Doctor stood back up, straightening his bow tie. He could protect Arya from being lonely. He would stay with her for a while, and even intended to help her make other friends when they found a safer place than this one. But eventually the time would come when he would have to leave her. He hated endings, and knew someday the time would come when she would age and die before he did. He wouldn't stick around for that part of her life, he never did with anyone.

xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash thought about it. "That's very intersting. My friend Wolfwood might've like you. He was a priest too, but I doubt the kind of priest he was would've been allowed inside a church." he then looked over to Shirou, "You've got talent too kid, don't get down on yourself or think you're not as cool. I bet whatever it is you can do is very useful and could benefit you in trying to save whoever is important you." he smiled at the kid
"Well, I suppose so. Thank--"

"So Saber then...is like a sexy ghost with powers? I think I get it! That's awesome! Kinda spooky but awesome!"
"... Yeah, something like that."

Though this Vash certainly seemed like a well-meaning person, he was also certainly eccentric and... well, weird.
Cressy said:
Billy groaned as he got out of his seat
"Damn watermelon hoggin' monkeys! Making this deathtrap! Ey aladeen if we get any of em neegs try and rape us, I'll go all zoo keeper and whip out my trusty banker job application and a whip! I'll bait em out with some chicken!"

Billy looked around and saw Nui

"Fine Caucasian Miss! You uh, shouldn' be walkin' arouun' wit all dem wild neegs roaming dah premosis! Come over so we can form a anti nig field! I suggest you grab yo self a piece of watermelon have em trade their libeurrty for it!"
Nui turned around and looked at Billy and simply smiled at him. "What a silly voice you have! I don't really know if I understand what you mean by that." She held up her scissor blade, "But I think I'll be just wonderful with this to keep me company!"
Arya nodded again, sniffing once.

She gave the doctor a bright smile, thankful he was with her.

"I suppose I only need some... rest. You can wake me when we arrive."

After another quick hug, she turned and walked to a nearby... place where she could sit or lie down, then closed her eyes.

// There's not much to do until we arrive at the place I guess xD Plus I'm feeling sick so I'm just gonna finish watching what I'm watching and then go to bed

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