[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

*Natsu growls standing up as he holds his head from the crash. He had a killer headache. Natsu looked around in case any else needed help*

JayJay said:
Arya smiled widely as the Doctor approached.
She saw him stopping himself, but embraced him anyway.

"I'm alright Doctor, thank you... I'm not surprised you didn't find your TARDIS. I'm sure it's alright."

Arya paid no more mind to Vash because, well, she never knew when she was being rude or not.

"I only hope this ship doesn't belong to those... 'knights' in their white armor."
The Doctor nodded. "Oh, I know it's all right. The other day I turned on a setting inside the TARDIS to experiment with it. The setting makes it automatically relocate whenever there is danger. To where it relocated, exactly, I'm not sure. Once we get close enough to it I'll be able to pinpoint its location with my sonic screwdriver, but for now I suppose we'll remain here on the slow path with the rest of the former prisoners..."

He glanced around, curious about the new ship they were on. "No, I don't believe it belongs to those people in white armor. I believe we're with the good guys now, the ones who won't shoot at us. That would be a lovely and welcome change of pace. Should we find ourselves safe, I plan to look for a new hat. My head is all boring now without that fez."

Verite said:
"Ilya?! Y-You mean Ilyasviel von Einzbern?!" Shirou suddenly blinked in surprise at hearing Ilya's name. Though he wasn't too familiar with the little girl, he could certainly say that Saber was referring to Ilyasviel von Einzbern. That'd make sense, assuming her mother was indeed named Irisviel as well. But still... Kiritsugu was Ilya's father?! Granted, he knew little of the faction that Kiritsugu had fought for, so perhaps this had shed some more light on it, and besides, Saber had no reason to lie to him. Then again, the fact that it was true only made it sadder in Shirou's eyes, considering the fate that the little girl had suffered in the Fifth Holy Grail War.
"I see," Shirou nodded once he had calmed down a little, trying his best to block the memory he recovered. The memory of the girl and her last moments. That was the past, and this is now. "I'm glad to hear that you don't hate him."

She had mentioned Kiritsugu's disagreeable methods, which seemed to match Kotomine's description of him early in the War. But even so, the War was a cruel game. A battle royale to see who was truly the fittest to survive. And yet despite all that, if Saber in the end had said that his goals were indeed aligned with hers, then...

"...In that case, I can no longer have any doubt in my mind that he was a righteous man, even to the end," he said in relief, accidentally letting the last part slip out.
So he was dead then. She chose to ask one last question; after that she would not dig for information any further.

"Tell me; exactly when did Kiritsugu pass on? Are Irisviel and Ilya still with you?"
MrDubWubs said:
*Natsu growls standing up as he holds his head from the crash. He had a killer headache. Natsu looked around in case any else needed help*
"Help," Gohan groaned. He needed a sensu bean. He groaned again, then struggled to get out from under the wing.

Gohan was starting to get light headed.


Sent from... Eh, why bother?
Arya chuckled.

"It does look rather empty. What's the Doctor without his hat? I'd like to change out of this dress as well. It makes me feel... too pretty."

She again reminded herself of how she never wanted to be a proper lady like her sister.

Sewing, singing, all of that stuff was never her thing.

Arya preferred to fight and run in the woods, getting dirty with mud and laughing in the grass.

Now that she had found the doctor, all she would need was new clothes and a weapon.

"Do you suppose we should stay here or look around?"
Darkens said:
"Help," Gohan groaned. He needed a sensu bean. He groaned again, then struggled to get out from under the wing.
Gohan was starting to get light headed.


Sent from... Eh, why bother?
*Natsu's head snapped to the man that called out. He quickly ran over and tried to tug the man out with his strength. He growls as he does so* Come on. Come on!
JayJay said:
Arya chuckled.
"It does look rather empty. What's the Doctor without his hat? I'd like to change out of this dress as well. It makes me feel... too pretty."

She again reminded herself of how she never wanted to be a proper lady like her sister.

Sewing, singing, all of that stuff was never her thing.

Arya preferred to fight and run in the woods, getting dirty with mud and laughing in the grass.

Now that she had found the doctor, all she would need was new clothes and a weapon.

"Do you suppose we should stay here or look around?"
"Well now, being too pretty isn't a bad thing. But being uncomfortable in your style can be. If you feel that isn't your style, well, we certainly can look for something else. I say we look around. We have nothing better to do. Can't have that, can we? I crave for something to happen, even if we must make it happen ourselves!" He replied to Arya with a grin.


MattieLee said:
(Im just jumping in @Klutzy Ninja Kitty)
Yuki looked at the doctor curiously. "TARDIS?, you mean a time machine?"
The Doctor turned his head quickly, hearing someone mention his TARDIS. He was surprised someone knew of it. "Yes, I do mean a time machine. How do you know about my TARDIS? Have we met before?" he asked Yuki, looking at her curiously. He couldn't recall having met her, but he met many people all the time so perhaps one had slipped his mind.

MrDubWubs said:
*Natsu's head snapped to the man that called out. He quickly ran over and tried to tug the man out with his strength. He growls as he does so* Come on. Come on!
Gohan saw the man. His pupils then shrank, and lifted the wing. He threw it at the wall. He took out a sensu bean and ate it. Although the dragon balls and the saiba-man egg fell out of his robes.

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]So he was dead then. She chose to ask one last question; after that she would not dig for information any further.
"Tell me; exactly when did Kiritsugu pass on? Are Irisviel and Ilya still with you?"

Shirou looked away painfully. He didn't want to recall these painful memories, and on top of that, he was still worried about the ramifications of tampering with time like this. But still, he felt that Saber had a right to know, considering what she had been through, and what she will go through in the future.

"Sorry, I never knew any Irisviel, so I can't say. As for Ilya..." He began to say. However, it was just too much for him to talk about. Even if he didn't know the little girl that well, her surprised, unsuspecting expression haunted him even to this day. Shaking his head briefly, Shirou decided to move on.

"Kiritsugu... It must have been five years ago. I must have been around twelve at the time. His death was rather sudden, but I still should have seen it coming. After all, even though he claimed to be in his early thirties, he moved and acted like someone in their sixties or seventies. His body seemed so weak that he probably couldn't kill a fly, even if he wanted to," Shirou explained, remembering it all, "But I had always thought that was just how he was. I remember it clearly after all this time though. It was a night like any other. He and I were sitting outside on the back porch, and I woke him up when I realized he was dozing off. He had a sad expression on his face, but tried to cover it up with a smile. He talked about how when he was younger, he wanted to be a champion of justice. A hero. He had done so much for me that I wanted to repay him for all the kindness he had shown me. So I promised him I would make his wish come true. And then he closed his eyes and simply said "I'm glad." And before I knew it, he had passed away..."

Recalling the event in such detail, Shirou had to hold himself back from crying. Even after all these years, he was still naturally hurt that the only father he had ever known had died. Closing his eyes, he clenched his fists and desperately fought against the tears that seemed like they would come any time soon.

"It... really was a beautiful moon that night..."
Darkens said:
Gohan saw the man. His pupils then shrank, and lifted the wing. He threw it at the wall. He took out a sensu bean and ate it. Although the dragon balls and the saiba-man egg fell out of his robes.
Sent from... Eh, why bother?
Well alright then... *Natsu picked up one of the dragon balls with a confused look* Is this some sort of lacrima? *He hits it a few times with his hand*
MrDubWubs said:
Well alright then... *Natsu picked up one of the dragon balls with a confused look* Is this some sort of lacrima? *He hits it a few times with his hand*
"Don't touch those!" Gohan yelled. He picked up the dragon balls and the saiba man egg. "Come on," he told the man.

Gohan was running to the Doctor. "Doctor, hi. I have dragon balls from Namek. Know how to use them properly?"


@Klutzy Kitty Ninja

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Yuki shook his head. "Uh, I don't believe so no, I just overheard you talking about it and if you can escape anywhere it's either a time machine or some teleporter" Luka watched Yuki speak to the Doctor but then heard Gohan's call for help and saw Natsu with the dragon balls... looked like some ancient thing to him. "Let me see one..."
Darkens said:
"Don't touch those!" Gohan yelled. He picked up the dragon balls and the saiba man egg. "Come on," he told the man.
Gohan was running to the Doctor. "Doctor, hi. I have dragon balls from Namek. Know how to use them properly?"


@Klutzy Kitty Ninja

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
*Natsu was completely lost so he followed slowly trying to gather his bearings. This is so weird... He thought. He followed him to the doctor* Huh. It's the sales man.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Suddenly there were two other people, all talking to eachother about different things.

Arya only got more confused, so decided to just stand and be quiet until someone spoke to her.

[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]"I'm a Doctor-- oh forget it. Let's have a look at those balls."

// I guess now we know what kind of doctor you are
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @JayJay

Luka saw that he was being ignored... forget those balls anyways. He didn't need any balls. Yuki was used to being called a female since out of habit people still called him things like Milady and Yuki-Chan at the mansion, he was a little annoyed by it but whatever... but how did this doctor know he used to be a female? that's just creepy. "Uhh... I guess so but how did you know?"
MattieLee said:
Luka looked at Arya "What about you, you got any clue what's going on?"
Arya looked a little surprised, why would anyone ask her?

She had no clue where they even were.

"I... I don't know. I suppose we were rescued by this Juno woman, but... that's all I know."
@MrDubWubs[/URL] @JayJay
"Yes I do," Gohan told him. "Now, please turn away, if you want to." He then took off his chest piece, and put on his normal shirt. "So Doc, how do you work this?"

(Gohans normal attire)


Sent from... Eh, why bother?
Luka sighed, apparently nobody knew any more than he did. "Alright then, just be sure to keep your enemies close and friends closer" He looked to Yuki and the doctor and also wondered how he could have known anything about Yuki's history.... He stood there protectively.

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