[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!


"There are indeed times when one does not have a choice," The Doctor replied to Saber with a frown. "I've killed my own people. And did I want to? Of course not. I did it for the good of all. I regret it every day, but I know it's what had to be done." He glanced down with sad eyes for a moment, hearts heavy with the past, before he glanced back to Saber.

"You're a wise king to know that so young. Your name is Saber, correct? Where do you come from?"

@Reaper Jack
// My apologies for the late reply; something came up. //

"My age should not be a concern; due to Avalon I still have the appearance of a 17-year old woman; I was far older when I died. I exist now as a spirit of sorts; so my age would no longer be discernible. As for my name; you may call me Saber if you so wish; however that is not my true name; I am Arturia Penndragon; once-King of Britannia; most seem to know me as the King Arthur of legend."

Saber spoke with a certain pride and dignity as she explained a little of her past; though her voice softened a little towards the end; her past was evidently a source of regret for her as well as a source of pride.
JayJay said:
Arya looked over at the man, and immediately one thought jumped into her mind.
What is up with all these people's hair?

"You ask me my name, yet I don't know yours." she responded.
Vash scratched his head and smiled, a bit embarssed. "My name is Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III," he kept a straight face although he struck a dumb pose, "but you can call me Vash...it's much easier."
Darkangel666 said:
Boss turned to face a young woman (Im guessing) "I- Yeah, I served in many of these before order 66, and even afterwards I got to visit a few. It brings many a memory, especially of those who are my foster family. They aren't here though, they are on another planet." He observed the woman through the helmets blue glowing visor. He found himself still holding his Deecee as if it were a life-preserver. "Sorry" he said, placing in on his back until he heard a click and the laser blaster magnetized to the side of his backpack "I've held onto it for so long that I dont even notice when I have it out."
(She looks like Scarlett Johansson, so yes, she is a young woman)

"It's fine. There's nothing wrong with being ready to fight." The Master was holding her own blaster as well. "You can never be too careful." She looked over the man. He could be useful. It all depended on who's side he was on though. She still didn't have enough information to decide who's side she was going to be on. This "Empire" or these rebels. Hmm... Perhaps she could "convince" them to elect her as their leader when they successful overthrew it. "So, what Empire is this? And who did you fight for?"
Verite said:
OOC: Sorry, I was doin' stuff but I'm back now.
After going through the ordeals that everyone else had, he took off his helmet once it became unnecessary, breathing again. "Phew... That was close. I hope we're out of the woods," he murmured to himself, before facing Saber, "Sorry I couldn't answer you since we were in that hazy situation, but now that we're in the clear, I think, we should be fine," he said. Though he was glad to see Saber again, the fact that she didn't know who he was saddened him. Since Kotomine's deduction about the time conundrum had a high chance of being correct, he had to deal with the fact that it wasn't that she didn't remember him; it was more that she just hadn't met him yet.

Shirou carefully thought over what he could and couldn't say. From what he could guess, Kiritsugu had yet to force her to destroy the Grail, since her very existence in this world proved that the War, from where she came from, was still on-going. Even so, he decided to tread carefully. When he had started the Fifth Holy Grail War, both she and Kotomine had described Kiritsugu as a heartless killing machine, which was in direct contrast to the image of a peaceful father that Shirou imagined him as.

"I... Well, it's complicated," Shirou began to say to Saber, "Kiritsugu is... my father. Well, err... as you can see, we don't really resemble each other. He saved me from a big fire when I was little, and adopted me. He raised me like his own son..." Shirou explained. As revealed to him early into the Fifth Holy Grail War, the fire was caused by the destruction of the Holy Grail in the previous War. But if Saber didn't know about that... how would she react to knowing how the fire came to be? He mused on how Saber and Kotomine had knowledge on the past and all the background info that allowed Shirou to know what he currently knew, but now that he was meeting them before they knew these things, the roles had been reversed. Shirou did not like having this burden of knowing, but not being able to act. Time paradoxes were likely a nasty matter, but he didn't want Saber to grow to hate Kiritsugu...
Saber took a moment to respond; she disliked holding multiple conversations at once; preferring these things to be ordered as they were at her Round Table.

"Your...adoptive father? I would suppose that isn't impossible. But if you recognise me; I must have failed to acquire the Holy Grail in the 4th War; and gone on to become a servant in the 5th War instead..."

For a fleeting moment; Saber looked utterly saddened; if this was true, she was doomed to fail; so none of it had any meaning; and she would be unable to acquire any meaning from any of it. She felt, once again, that her entire existence had not had any meaning; her desire to find a way to redo things burned more fiercely than before; she had to find a way...
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xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash scratched his head and smiled, a bit embarssed. "My name is Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III," he kept a straight face although he struck a dumb pose, "but you can call me Vash...it's much easier."
Arya raised her eyebrows.

"... I'm Arya of house Stark. That's a very long name. Are you a knight of sorts?"

JayJay said:
Arya raised her eyebrows.
"... I'm Arya of house Stark. That's a very long name. Are you a knight of sorts?"

Vash laughed at her comment, "Arya, huh? Nice to meet you. I don't think Milly or Meryl would consider me a knight, but I do fight for justice and what's right...so I guess in a sense I'm a Knight of Justice." He looked at the little girl before him, "So little Ms. House of Stark, do you have a title like knight or something?" he was a bit intrigued that there were children in such a place like this.
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Saber took s moment to respond; she disliked holding multiple conversations at once; preferring these things to be ordered as they were at her Round Table.
"Your...adoptive father? I would suppose that isn't impossible. But if you recognise me; I must have failed to acquire the Holy Grail in the 4th War; and gone on to become a servant in the 5th War instead..."

For a fleeting moment; Saber looked utterly saddened; if this was true, she was doomed to fail; so none of it had any meaning; and she would be unable to acquire any meaning from any of it. She felt, once again, that her entire existence had not had any meaning; her desire to find a way to redo things burned more fiercely than before; she had to find a way...

Maybe so, but maybe it was better this way... Shirou thought to himself. He hated seeing anyone, especially those close to him like Saber once was, dejected. But what could he do? He felt powerless. He wanted so desperately to tell the truth, and yet what if telling the truth made her more devastated than before? Opening his mouth certainly had more cons than pros; not only would Saber likely fall deeper into despair, he didn't want to risk some sort of nasty time paradox. What if before he knew it, he'd find out he didn't remember Saber once he returned to his own home? What if in telling the truth, he had ended up causing himself to never have met her?

But even so, if he was allowed to change one thing... and one thing only...

"Y-Yeah, that's right," he said shakily, "I'm so sorry. But please, no matter what happens, please don't hate Kiritsugu, no matter what. I know that he's a good man," Shirou pleaded, though he found himself unable to look at the knight in the eye, "He wanted to save the world, you know? He wanted to be a champion of justice," he mentioned, remembering the fateful night he had shared with his father five years ago. The night that had changed him, and possibly his fate, forever.

Shirou had absolutely no right to say this, and he knew it. Saber and Kotomine had already told him of how Kiritsugu had acted during the Fourth Holy Grail War. He wasn't there to witness whatever his father might have done, and for all he knew, whatever he might have done could change Shirou's opinion on him. And on top of that, who was he to say that the gentle, caring and fatherly side of Kiritsugu was his true side? What if it was all just a charade?

But even so, despite all that, he wanted to believe in his father. He wanted to believe in the man who had given him the ideals he held today.
(Back! I'm counting The Doctor's reply to Saber as having happened before the crash so yeah. xD )

[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]// My apologies for the late reply; something came up. //
"My age should not be a concern; due to Avalon I still have the appearance of a 17-year old woman; I was far older when I died. I exist now as a spirit of sorts; so my age would no longer be discernible. As for my name; you may call me Saber if you so wish; however that is not my true name; I am Arturia Penndragon; once-King of Britannia; most seem to know me as the King Arthur of legend."

Saber spoke with a certain pride and dignity as she explained a little of her past; though her voice softened a little towards the end; her past was evidently a source of regret for her as well as a source of pride.

"A spirit, eh? How interesting! I'm a time traveler of sorts and I've been to King Author's time period. I didn't know you were him-- Er--her. Didn't know King Author was a woman. You learn something new every day. Good to meet you Saber. It seems you know who I am already since you overheard my name."

The Doctor paused, feeling a strange shift in the ship traveling. "I suggest you hang on, something seems as if it's about to happen."

Akibahara said:
The Rogue Shadow's hull was secured thanks to rolls upon rolls of duct tape and the bravery of the 11th Doctor! However, the vehicle was still spinning- as Juno Eclipse breathed in steadily, idly controlling the ship, "We're coming in!" The Rebel Assault vessel came into full-view: It was massive, lined in red and white, your classical Republic-era Cruiser. The 100 ton, possibly more, reinforced bay gates slid open, a blue force-field protecting it's inhabitants within...


The Rogue Shadow fireballed...

"... Steady ..."

Almost there...

" ... Steady! ..."

The Rogue Shadow tore through the flimsy forcefield barrier protecting the Republic Command Ship, it rolled over in a flurry of molten steel and fire, end-over-end, your body smashed against the Shadow's interior like a ragdoll. You groaned, closing your eyes shut, the transport vessel smoked and hissed- yet, you couldn't help but offer the brightest of smiles. Safe at last.

EDI's sleek, metallic foot smashed through the passenger seat canopy, idly stepping out from the burning ruin formerly known as The Rogue Shadow. Oooh, it'd be in tow for a long, long time...

At least you were safe?

The Doctor felt himself rolled and tossed around when the ship crashed. He hit his head and felt a bit dizzy, but didn't go unconscious. He groaned and stood up, rubbing the back of his head. Thankfully no rubble had trapped him, so he made his way out of the ship, looking for others--Arya in particular.

"Hello is anyone there?" he called out, looking around.

[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]Nui shrugged off the destruction of the ship she got herself on. Wasn't her's was it? She skipped around and headed towards the exit of the ship. She wondered if it was alright to get off so she could continue her search.
(I'm desperate for interactions so...yeah)

(Just, forget this post.)
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Boss looked down on the floor. "I fight for the republic now. I fight for myself and my brothers. I fight for the Jedi and now I fight against the Empire. I will see to it that I cave in Vader's rotten skull with my own boots. He will die." He smiled under the helmet and looked up. "I used to serve for the GAR, next I was forced to serve the Empire and now I serve the Republic again."

xxDragonEater95xx said:

Vash laughed at her comment, "Arya, huh? Nice to meet you. I don't think Milly or Meryl would consider me a knight, but I do fight for justice and what's right...so I guess in a sense I'm a Knight of Justice." He looked at the little girl before him, "So little Ms. House of Stark, do you have a title like knight or something?" he was a bit intrigued that there were children in such a place like this.
Arya chuckled a little at the thought.

"No, I'm no knight. Girls can't become knights. If you ask me it's stupid, I'm a better swordfighter than anyone my age. And don't call me a little, I hate it when people call me little."

She never cared much about being polite to people, she only wanted not to be treated like a small child.

[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]The Doctor felt himself rolled and tossed around when the ship crashed. He hit his head and felt a bit dizzy, but didn't go unconscious. He groaned and stood up, rubbing the back of his head. Thankfully no rubble had trapped him, so he made his way out of the ship, looking for others--Arya in particular.
"Hello is anyone there?" he called out, looking around.

Arya turned her head to where she heard the voice come from and smiled.

"Doctor! I'm here!" she responded.
"Vader? Who's Vader? Is he one of the Empire's generals? And what republic are you talking about? I only heard about the Empire and these rebels fighting them. Do these rebels claim to call themselves a republic? Or are they remnants of a republic?" This galaxy, whatever it was, certainly have some interesting politics. She was going to have to learn more about it, if she was going to help overthrow this Empire, and insert herself as leader. "And who is the leader of these rebels?"

JayJay said:
Arya chuckled a little at the thought.
"No, I'm no knight. Girls can't become knights. If you ask me it's stupid, I'm a better swordfighter than anyone my age. And don't call me a little, I hate it when people call me little."

She never cared much about being polite to people, she only wanted not to be treated like a small child.

Arya turned her head to where she heard the voice come from and smiled.

"Doctor! I'm here!" she responded.
Vash thought on what the girl said, "Girls can't be knights? I guess I kind of see that as the gentleman's duty to protect the young lady," he pondered about it, "Then again, I haven't met a real knight before. Rem told me stories about knights along time ago, and in all those tales there were no female knights."

He grinned nervously as the young girl mention not wanting to be called little, "Sorry...Arya it is." He was surprised about how calm her demeanor was and was beginning to think that perhaps she was some kind of professional or something that was use to these kind of situations.

"I guess it's good that there's a doctor in this mess." he said as Arya called out.
Akibahara said:
The Rogue Shadow's hull was secured thanks to rolls upon rolls of duct tape and the bravery of the 11th Doctor! However, the vehicle was still spinning- as Juno Eclipse breathed in steadily, idly controlling the ship, "We're coming in!" The Rebel Assault vessel came into full-view: It was massive, lined in red and white, your classical Republic-era Cruiser. The 100 ton, possibly more, reinforced bay gates slid open, a blue force-field protecting it's inhabitants within...


The Rogue Shadow fireballed...

"... Steady ..."

Almost there...

" ... Steady! ..."

The Rogue Shadow tore through the flimsy forcefield barrier protecting the Republic Command Ship, it rolled over in a flurry of molten steel and fire, end-over-end, your body smashed against the Shadow's interior like a ragdoll. You groaned, closing your eyes shut, the transport vessel smoked and hissed- yet, you couldn't help but offer the brightest of smiles. Safe at last.

EDI's sleek, metallic foot smashed through the passenger seat canopy, idly stepping out from the burning ruin formerly known as The Rogue Shadow. Oooh, it'd be in tow for a long, long time...

At least you were safe?

Gohan groaned, flat on the ground. Somehow, he got under a broken wing. "Urghhh," Gohan muttered. Perhaps...

"Anybody?" Gohan groaned. His strength was not with him. Again, he felt like he was 4 and his dad was being killed. Gohan could masenko, but it would hurt others.

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
Boss smirked. He popped the seal on his helmet, making a hissing sound and took it off, revealing a handsome but battleworn face with short cut black hair and brown eyes. "Vader is the ultimate general of the Empire, the emperor being emperor palpatine himself, who I've seen twice. The republic was long ago, and its army was grand, working to free the universe of the separatists and their legions of battle droids. I was one of many commando's that fought for the republic, but now barely none are left." He paused to take a short breath and resumed talking. "The Darth Vader of the rebellion would be General Luke Skywalker, one of the few remaining Jedi."

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JayJay said:
Arya chuckled a little at the thought.
"No, I'm no knight. Girls can't become knights. If you ask me it's stupid, I'm a better swordfighter than anyone my age. And don't call me a little, I hate it when people call me little."

She never cared much about being polite to people, she only wanted not to be treated like a small child.

Arya turned her head to where she heard the voice come from and smiled.

"Doctor! I'm here!" she responded.
Hearing Arya's voice in the distance, The Doctor rushed over to her almost hugging her, but awkwardly stopping himself. He was a bit awkward with hugs sometimes, but that didn't mean he wasn't happy to see her.

"You made it! Thank goodness. It looks as if we're on another ship now." He glanced back at the rubble of the old ship, frowning. "But I have some bad news. Don't hit me when I tell you, but I believe my TARDIS is gone. We're sort of stuck here for the time being." He rubbed the back of his head.

Verite said:
Maybe so, but maybe it was better this way... Shirou thought to himself. He hated seeing anyone, especially those close to him like Saber once was, dejected. But what could he do? He felt powerless. He wanted so desperately to tell the truth, and yet what if telling the truth made her more devastated than before? Opening his mouth certainly had more cons than pros; not only would Saber likely fall deeper into despair, he didn't want to risk some sort of nasty time paradox. What if before he knew it, he'd find out he didn't remember Saber once he returned to his own home? What if in telling the truth, he had ended up causing himself to never have met her?
But even so, if he was allowed to change one thing... and one thing only...

"Y-Yeah, that's right," he said shakily, "I'm so sorry. But please, no matter what happens, please don't hate Kiritsugu, no matter what. I know that he's a good man," Shirou pleaded, though he found himself unable to look at the knight in the eye, "He wanted to save the world, you know? He wanted to be a champion of justice," he mentioned, remembering the fateful night he had shared with his father five years ago. The night that had changed him, and possibly his fate, forever.

Shirou had absolutely no right to say this, and he knew it. Saber and Kotomine had already told him of how Kiritsugu had acted during the Fourth Holy Grail War. He wasn't there to witness whatever his father might have done, and for all he knew, whatever he might have done could change Shirou's opinion on him. And on top of that, who was he to say that the gentle, caring and fatherly side of Kiritsugu was his true side? What if it was all just a charade?

But even so, despite all that, he wanted to believe in his father. He wanted to believe in the man who had given him the ideals he held today.
Saber listened intently; what Shirou had to say about Kiritsugu wasn't entirely surprising; she opted to explain.

"Yes...there was one time; I was having tea with Irisviel at the Einzbern castle in Germany, just before the Grail War began; Kiritsugu wasn't present; he was outside in the snow, playing a game with his daughter Ilya; they were looking for the first chestnut buds on the trees; whoever found the most won. He looked...so happy like that, but at the same time; his being happy for himself caused him pain; he knew it wouldn't be allowed to last."

She paused before continuing; collecting her thoughts.

"As for his objective; it was right, and just; even if I disagreed with his methods; his goals were always aligned with mine; he was not an evil man."

She projected a small smile at Shirou; the Kiritsugu he described must have become more like he was with Ilya that day after the Grail War ended; but if he survived it; did that mean he'd won it? And if so; why had she 'lost' it? It was a paradox she simply could not make sense of at the moment.
MrDubWubs said:
(Would some one like Natsu to join them? No? *whimper* ok)
(Join me, we were partnered. I'm stuck under a wing of the crashed Rogue Shadow)

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
Arya smiled widely as the Doctor approached.

She saw him stopping himself, but embraced him anyway.

"I'm alright Doctor, thank you... I'm not surprised you didn't find your TARDIS. I'm sure it's alright."

Arya paid no more mind to Vash because, well, she never knew when she was being rude or not.

"I only hope this ship doesn't belong to those... 'knights' in their white armor."

The definition:


1. literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people.

2. invention or fabrication as opposed to fact.

3. a belief or statement that is false, but that is often held to be true because it is expedient to do so.

Three definitions. All three incorrect.

Khan closed his eyes against the bright, artificial light that doused the room in which he currently resided. The soft buzz of voices filled his mind, but he did his best to ignore them, instead focusing on the matter with-holding the most importance.

Expedient. Immoral. The end.

Wrong. The distinction between fiction and fact was non-existent, a blurred line that no longer held its place. For who decides what is true and what is false? And in what way does fiction always have to be a lie? It was all a matter of opinions, which, ultimately, added to the instability of the word. Fiction, in itself, was an undefinable paradox.

Literature. Prose. Imaginary.

John Harrison, a man who, in simple terms, did exist; documented papers remained evidence of that fact. But, in the end, he was only a fantasy. People often believed that in order to truly be certain of a specific claim, there must be physical proof indicating the reliability of the statement... They never bothered to examine the situation from the other side, and that, Khan determined, was where humanity fell short. Always in possession of a biased method in which the results had already been decided, and never allowing the world to draw out the full picture for them.

Invention. Fabrication. Lies.

Lies, yes. How definitely the Galactic Empire accepted their triumph... How readily they thought him to be they're prisoner, captured as easily as a rogue jedi. They were mistaken; Khan was no one's prisoner. Never again.

A sudden, shattering creak broke through the air, and Khan soon found himself trapped under copious amounts of wreckage and human flesh. He twisted under the weight, sliding to his feet as easily as one may step out of bed. Before he had time to express his annoyance, however, as the clean, taunting drawl of an Ensign officer cut through the abruptly founded silence. “Well- well- well, what do we have here? Ha ha! We've got royalty, boys! How about--”

BOOOOOOOM! The clamoring thunder of a distant explosion. The Ensign officer was promptly cut off as a shard of metal ripped through his eye, rendering the man dead.

BOOOOOOOOOOOM! Another explosion tore through the air, more vigorous than the first.

The intercom crackled as it buzzed to life, and a sharp, feminine voice announced simply, "It is time to escape."

Khan strode down the unnaturally clean corridors of his "prison", his gait quick but well-paced. Knocking an approaching Imperial guard to the floor with one sharp jab of his elbow, he continued to make his way through the ship, mentally mapping the interior of the structure as he did so. Upon arriving at the ship's armory, Khan's eyes landed upon the room's other inhabitants lazily, unconcerned with the others' presence. After selecting his weapon, he turned his attention to the prisoners, pinning them under his gaze.

"Which of you knows the most efficient exit from this ship?"

[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Saber listened intently; what Shirou had to say about Kiritsugu wasn't entirely surprising; she opted to explain.
"Yes...there was one time; I was having tea with Irisviel at the Einzbern castle in Germany, just before the Grail War began; Kiritsugu wasn't present; he was outside in the snow, playing a game with his daughter Ilya; they were looking for the first chestnut buds on the trees; whoever found the most won. He looked...so happy like that, but at the same time; his being happy for himself caused him pain; he knew it wouldn't be allowed to last."

She paused before continuing; collecting her thoughts.

"As for his objective; it was right, and just; even if I disagreed with his methods; his goals were always aligned with mine; he was not an evil man."

She projected a small smile at Shirou; the Kiritsugu he described must have become more like he was with Ilya that day after the Grail War ended; but if he survived it; did that mean he'd won it? And if so; why had she 'lost' it? It was a paradox she simply could not make sense of at the moment.

"Ilya?! Y-You mean Ilyasviel von Einzbern?!" Shirou suddenly blinked in surprise at hearing Ilya's name. Though he wasn't too familiar with the little girl, he could certainly say that Saber was referring to Ilyasviel von Einzbern. That'd make sense, assuming her mother was indeed named Irisviel as well. But still... Kiritsugu was Ilya's father?! Granted, he knew little of the faction that Kiritsugu had fought for, so perhaps this had shed some more light on it, and besides, Saber had no reason to lie to him. Then again, the fact that it was true only made it sadder in Shirou's eyes, considering the fate that the little girl had suffered in the Fifth Holy Grail War.

"I see," Shirou nodded once he had calmed down a little, trying his best to block the memory he recovered. The memory of the girl and her last moments. That was the past, and this is now. "I'm glad to hear that you don't hate him."

She had mentioned Kiritsugu's disagreeable methods, which seemed to match Kotomine's description of him early in the War. But even so, the War was a cruel game. A battle royale to see who was truly the fittest to survive. And yet despite all that, if Saber in the end had said that his goals were indeed aligned with hers, then...

"...In that case, I can no longer have any doubt in my mind that he was a righteous man, even to the end," he said in relief, accidentally letting the last part slip out.

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